My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1900 Pharmaceutical Materials (two chapters in one)

"Okay." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was a little curious about what his friend wanted to discuss with him.

But now is the time to have breakfast, so don't be in a hurry to ask the other party about the situation. As he said, wait until breakfast is finished and then explain it in detail.

Then, the two pig-headed captains came to the queue for breakfast. After waiting for a while, they all received their own share of breakfast.

Because we would have to go outside to collect food after breakfast, and it was freezing cold. If we didn’t add enough calories, we would easily get frostbite, so even though it was early in the morning, the chef still cooked a lot of meat.

After a delicious breakfast, the pig-headed warriors began to leave the camp in twos and threes, smiling and chatting as they headed to the location where they had collected food.

In the room of the handsome pig-headed logistics captain, after breakfast, the two pig-headed captains were drinking tea in the room.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead took a few sips of tea, put down the tea cup in his hand, and then looked at his friend in front of him.

At this time, the handsome pig-headed logistics captain also put down the tea cup in his hand, and then spoke to his friend who was waiting for him to explain what he just said.

“The thing is, after the cold wave arrived, the temperature continued to drop these days.

Judging from the current situation, the weather will only get colder in the next few months. If the temperature drops below a certain level, frostbite will definitely occur..."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead nodded when he heard this. He had actually thought about the situation his friend mentioned before.

“In the case of frostbite, although we can treat it, this frostbite will always occur as the weather gets colder.

It is not good to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, so if we want to treat the root cause, we should prepare some anti-frostbite ointment..." the handsome pig-headed logistics captain continued to add.

"You mean, you want me to get some materials for making anti-frostbite ointment?" The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead suddenly thought of what his friend meant and asked.

"That's right." said the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain.

"The food in our warehouse has not been filled yet. How about I wait until the warehouse is filled with physical goods before I get the materials you need to make the anti-frostbite ointment?" said the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain shook his head and said to his friend, "The weather is very good today, and we should be able to find a lot of food.

Counting the food that has been filled in the warehouse before, they can just leave it to them to find food. "

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead nodded. At this time, he no longer insisted on looking for food.

Then, he asked his friend, "Where exactly is the material you need to make anti-frostbite ointment?"

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain stood up, walked to the corner of the room, opened a cabinet, took out a scroll and sat down at the table.

The scroll was opened, and it was a rough map. After reading it, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead knew that a certain location on the map should contain the ingredients for making anti-frostbite ointment without his friends telling him. location.

“The materials I need to make anti-frostbite ointment are in this place.

Since this map is not detailed enough, you need to spend some time looking for it after you arrive at the place I designated..." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain stretched out his finger and tapped a place on the map and said.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the map carefully and judged the location of the current camp as the starting point. He said in surprise, "This place is not very far from our current camp! "

"Yes, it's only dozens of kilometers away. If you leave now, you should be able to come back in the evening." said the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain.

"Leave now and come back in the evening. Time is a bit rushed! How about I leave later and come back the next day!

Collect more materials for making anti-frostbite ointment to avoid having to make another trip if you don't have enough. " said the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

"You have to spend the night outside. It's so cold now. It's not comfortable to spend the night outside!" The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain was a little worried about his friend.

It's freezing cold now, and unexpected things may happen if you spend the night outside.

"I said you underestimated me! Although the weather has become very cold now, it is not difficult for me to spend the night in the wild."

Regarding his friend's worries, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead laughed and said that he didn't care.

"Okay! Then you have to be careful." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain nodded and said.

After that, he explained in detail to the pig-headed captain who had a brown birthmark on his forehead some of the characteristics of the materials that needed to be collected to make anti-frostbite ointment.

The pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, listened carefully to his friend's story and kept some of the content in mind.

A moment later, at the gate of the pig-headed camp, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was carrying a large basket and said goodbye to his friend, "Okay, don't send me away anymore, go back!"

"Pay attention to safety. If you encounter those Blue Star people, you must stay away from them quickly and avoid conflicts, lest you put yourself in a desperate situation."

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain gave instructions to his friends who were about to leave the camp and collect materials dozens of kilometers away.

"I got it." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead smiled and nodded, then left the pig-headed camp and walked out of the valley.

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain standing outside the camp watched his friend's figure in the snow drift away until he disappeared.

He frowned, then took a deep breath to relax a little, then turned around and returned to the camp to inspect the camp.


In a cloudless sky, a huge sun hangs high in the sky.

The bright sunshine shines on the body, only a little warmth, and the cold air brought by the occasional gust of wind makes people feel very cold.

Looking around, there is snow everywhere. A few days ago, the surroundings were green and lush. Now, a few days later, it has turned into this deserted snow-white environment, which really makes people feel a huge contrast.

Heavy snow fell on the ground, covering the ground with a thick layer of snow, and a forest carrying a large basket was walking in the snow.

Every time he took a step, his feet would sink into snow pits, so he walked very slowly.

"This road must be too difficult! It seems that I made the right choice to stay out overnight and come back the next day." After leaving the camp and heading to the place indicated by his friend, the pig-headed captain had a brown birthmark on his forehead while collecting materials. , muttered to himself.

At first, the pig-headed man captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, was talking in detail with his friend in the room.

Both of them felt that the destination was not far from the camp and it would not take much time to get there.

But when it came to the actual operation, the pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead as the executor, found that things were not as simple as they thought.

Because of the thick snow on the ground, walking on such road conditions was more than half as slow as usual.

The pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, walked methodically in the snow. The surroundings were quiet and there was no sound.

No, it's not that there wasn't any sound, at least the sound of the cold wind never stopped, ringing in his ears, making people feel irritated unconsciously.

After spending several hours climbing over two mountains, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead consumed a lot of energy.

He came to a large rock covered with snow, stretched out his hands to push the snow away from the rock, and then sat on the rock. Then he took out his water bag, pulled out the stopper and took a few sips of water.


After walking continuously in the snow for several hours and climbing over two mountains, even the pig-headed captain with a mid-level third-level cultivation level and a brown birthmark on his forehead couldn't bear it.

Breathing heavily, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead rested on a stone. After drinking a few water, he looked at the frozen river in the distance.

The cold wave arrived, the temperature dropped rapidly, and the rivers in the forest were basically frozen.

The frozen river in the distance was actually not interesting to look at, mainly because there was a creature on the river that caught the eye of the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

It was a half-meter-tall rabbit. This kind of rabbit was edible. In the past, when I encountered this kind of rabbit, it was relatively fat. Now, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead saw this rabbit with a skinny body. Like firewood.

Perhaps because of the arrival of the cold wave, the green plants were covered with heavy snow, and due to lack of food, the rabbit was starved to this size.

If it were yesterday, the pig-headed man captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead would have immediately rushed to kill such an edible rabbit even though it didn't have much meat on it.

But now his mission was not to collect food, but to rush to the destination to collect materials for making anti-frostbite ointment, so he did not set out to kill the rabbit jumping on the frozen river.

The skinny rabbit wanted to get to the other side of the river. Normally, he would have to go a long way to get to the other side of the river because of the river's obstruction. But now it's much easier. He can just cross the ice directly. .

After jumping around for a while, the skinny rabbit jumped to the shore, just as it was about to leave far away.

A large pile of snow not far from it suddenly exploded, and a small wild boar with sharp fangs in its mouth rushed out.

The rabbit was frightened by the sudden appearance of the small wild boar. He didn't have much strength because he was hungry, and it was too late to escape. His fate could be imagined.

The small wild boar that had been lying in wait for a long time knocked the prey away in one fell swoop, then rushed forward and opened its mouth to finish off the victim.

"Click, click, click..."

The skinny rabbit was completely eaten by the small wild boar in just a few bites. Unfortunately, just as the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead thought, there was not much meat on the rabbit. A wild boar eats an entire rabbit and feels only slightly full.

Sitting on a stone in the distance was a creature that was more fleshy than a skinny rabbit. The small wild boar looked at the edible prey not far away with bright eyes. Under hunger, it exuded an undisguised expression. Malice.

The pig-headed man captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was sitting on a stone and resting. Looking at the alien beast in the distance that exuded mid-level psychic energy fluctuations, he muttered to himself helplessly, "This guy is really brave. , actually wanted to kill me."


The hungry little wild boar snorted softly, then stepped onto the frozen river and ran quickly to the other side of the river bank.

It didn't think about taking a detour and sneaking up on the prey from behind, because its hunting process of rabbits had already been seen by the other party, so there was no point in taking a detour.

I have thought that when I cross the river and run toward the opponent, the prey will choose to escape, and I will need to spend a lot of time chasing it.

Unexpectedly, the prey sitting on the stone did not move during the entire process of crossing the river, which made the hungry small wild boar very confused.

After resting for a while, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, who had recovered a lot of strength, stood up. He looked at the small wild boar more than 20 meters away from him, with an expression of disdain on his face.

The small wild boar dug its right foot into the ground, digging a small hole in the thick snow on the ground.

Because the ground was covered with heavy snow and there was thick snow everywhere, the small wild boars charged much slower than usual.

The small wild boar, preparing to attack, stared at the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

Although it's strange that the other party doesn't escape, it can no longer think about anything else, because hunger can make any creature lose its sanity.


With a piercing roar, the hungry small wild boar began to charge at the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead. The thick snow really slowed down its charging speed.

However, even without the obstruction of snow, the small wild boar can exert its full charge speed, and it cannot be an opponent of the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

From the moment the miniature wild boar charges, its fate is sealed.


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