My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2426: Unexpected Encounter (two chapters in one)


There were lightning and thunder in the sky, and the frequency of thunder and lightning was very high, which was very scary.

Even the old residents who had lived in this city for many years had never encountered such thunderstorm weather.

There is a rainy season every year, and when the rainy season comes, it will rain frequently for a period of time.

Although there are frequent thunder and lightning weather during the rainy season, it is the first time that the thunder and lightning have almost never stopped for an hour like today.

The residents in the city were confused and didn't know why there were so many thunders in this rain today.

Fortunately, some high-rise buildings in the city have taken measures to prevent lightning strikes, otherwise the residents in the city can now see some high-rise buildings being struck by lightning.

"Hua La, Hua La, Hua La..."

There was a downpour of rain at the same time as the thunder.

The free rain fell from the sky, causing some low-lying areas in the city to accumulate water.

The government sent some staff to dredge the sewers to drain the accumulated rainwater in the city out of the city.

This kind of weather had been considered before, so the relevant staff had always been ready to go out at any time.

The two investigators stood in front of the window, looking at the busy pig-headed soldiers, thinking.

"I didn't expect the relevant departments in the city to be so well prepared." The short investigator said.

"Yeah, I didn't expect them to dispatch so well." The tall investigator said.

The inn is located in a high place. Looking out the window, you can see what is happening in the low-lying area in the distance.

Many soldiers are helping to dredge the sewers. The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and these soldiers are all wet.


There was constant thunder outside the window, and the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead opened his eyes.

He wanted to rest for a while, but it was so noisy outside that he couldn't rest well.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead got up and came to the table, picked up the kettle to drink water, and the sound of rain outside kept coming into the room through the gap in the window.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead picked up a piece of cake from the table and stuffed it into his mouth, and then took a sip of tea.

Suddenly there was a noisy sound outside. The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stood up after hearing it, went to the window, opened the window and looked outside.

Under his gaze, some soldiers ran quickly in the rain.

These soldiers also dragged several cars, which were modified drainage trucks.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead knew that there was too much rainwater in some low-lying areas, and it was urgent to drain the water quickly.

The soldiers disappeared at the end of the street with the drainage truck, and some shops on the street closed their doors.

Now it is raining so hard that few shops on both sides of the street are open.

As for passers-by, there were some when the rain just started, but now it is raining so hard that no one is running on the road anymore.

There were hurried footsteps in the corridor, and the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead retracted his gaze to the distance and came to the door to open it.

He saw the waiter running hurriedly at once, and out of curiosity, he stopped him and asked what happened.

The waiter quickly replied, "The warehouse where the food is stored is leaking. I have to rush over to help now."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead frowned, looking at the back of the departing waiter, muttering to himself.

"The innkeeper is a bit careless! It's really not right that a warehouse where food is stored can have such a problem."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead heard the noise downstairs, but did not go downstairs to check. Through the waiter's retelling, he already knew that it should be the store employees who were busy with the warehouse.

Close the door, go back to the window, and continue to look outside.

More and more soldiers appeared, and these soldiers dragged drainage trucks around to save the scene.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead watched from the window for more than half an hour, until no more soldiers appeared on the street in front of the inn, he retracted his gaze, then closed the window, and went back to bed.

The heavy rain outside was still falling, with no intention of stopping at all.

However, the thunder was much quieter than before, and the frequency was also reduced.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead lay down on the bed to rest at this time, and it was easier to fall asleep than before.

Not long after, the noise from the outside world was so small that it was barely noticeable. At this time, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead fell asleep on the bed.


Time passed quickly, and a few hours passed quickly.

The rain stopped in the evening, and the dark clouds covering the sky began to disperse.

The sun appeared in the sky, and at this time the sun had become bright red, dyeing the sky after the rain with a bright red.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead woke up, he opened the window and looked outside, and the originally quiet street began to become lively again.

For example, the several shops in front of the inn reopened after the rain stopped, and the employees in the shop were greeting guests to enter the shop.

Some carriages that had disappeared also began to run on the street, and passers-by walked in groups of three or two.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead observed for a while, then left from the window and went downstairs.

After an afternoon of rest, I can go out for a walk and stretch my hands and feet.

The waiter came to greet him and asked the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead if he wanted to have dinner.

He had planned to go out for a walk, so the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead said no and left the inn.


"Fruits that have just been picked are free if they are not delicious."

"Don't miss it if you pass by, come and see the freshly baked biscuits."

"Fresh exotic meat is now 20% off, if you like it, you can buy some and take it home."

The street vendors kept hawking, and they didn't look tired at all.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was shopping, and looking at the atmosphere of the market in front of him, he couldn't help but smile.

"Why are there so many people in front?"

Walking on the street, he suddenly found that there were many people gathered in front.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead came to the periphery of the crowd and tiptoed to look inside.

After a while, the crowd parted, and two soldiers grabbed a struggling vendor.

"It has nothing to do with me."

"I am innocent."

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead watched the vendor being taken away, and a similar scene he had seen before came to his mind.

"Is this vendor related to the rebels?"

"It seems that rebels have bought things from his stall before."

"This man seems to have nothing to do with those rebels. Now he is taken away, and I don't know if he can get out of jail."

"It's so unlucky. Fortunately, I didn't come out to set up a stall."

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead listened to the discussions of passers-by around him and verified his guess in his mind.

Because the rebels were making trouble in the city, the government cracked down on them very hard.

With the idea of ​​​​preferring to catch the wrong person rather than letting him go, many people were arrested during this period.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead did not stay in the same place for too long and continued to move forward.

He walked around a few streets and found a very lively restaurant to eat.

He ate in the lobby and listened to some people around him talking about what happened recently.


Blue Star.

Tianhai City.

An ocean-going cargo ship carrying hundreds of thousands of containers docked at the dock. The sun in the sky will soon set, and the afterglow of the sunset falls on the ocean-going cargo ship.


Flocks of seagulls circled in the sky, flying low from time to time, and ships flew past.

In the quiet office, a figure with clear curves was busy. Suddenly, Zhou Yue stopped what she was doing.

After a busy day, she finally got the job done.

She raised her hand, stretched her body, and then took a sip of tea from the cup on the table.

"Ding Dong."

The phone on the table rang, and Zhou Yue picked up the phone to check.

The person who sent the message was Lin Fei, who said he was going out soon.

Zhou Yue quickly replied, then she put away her phone, turned off the computer, and left the office with her bag.


The street was busy and very lively.

Because the sun was about to set, the street lights were all lit up.

Zhou Yue walked out of the company in a graceful manner. She looked around the roadside and did not see Lin Fei.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on Zhou Yue, making her skin look even whiter.

Passers-by would involuntarily focus their eyes on Zhou Yue, and some people even had the idea of ​​chatting her up.

At this moment, Lin Fei appeared on the corner of the street. He immediately saw the eye-catching Zhou Yue and walked over quickly.

"Zhou Yue."

A voice sounded behind her, sounding particularly familiar.

Zhou Yue turned her head and looked at Lin Fei. The moment she saw him, her pretty face immediately bloomed with a bright and moving smile.

The passers-by who were looking at Zhou Yue were moved, but when they saw Lin Fei coming to Zhou Yue and the two of them were close, the idea of ​​chatting them up disappeared immediately.

"You're here!"

"Let's go!" Lin Fei said, and then the two crossed the road and walked towards the overpass.

On the way, Zhou Yue casually asked, "Did you play games at home in the afternoon?"

"Yes." Lin Fei began to talk about a game he had just played, especially emphasizing that this game was not easy.

Zhou Yue was very interested, and then said with a smile, "When my business trip is over, I will download it and play it when I get home to see if it is as fun as you said..."

The two crossed the overpass and took a taxi on the roadside. Not long after, a taxi came to them.


"Welcome." The waitress in cheongsam saw the two guests walk into the store and greeted them warmly.

"Is there a private room?" Zhou Yue asked.

"Yes, how many of you?" The waitress said with a smile.

"Just two people." Zhou Yue replied.

"Then let's have a small private room!"


"Please follow me." The waitress said, leading the two people to the second floor of the restaurant.

The private room near the street can see the street view. Lin Fei and Zhou Yue sat down, ordered the dishes, and then the waitress left the private room.

"You told me before that you had something to tell me. What is it?" Zhou Yue picked up the teapot on the table, poured a glass of water into Lin Fei's cup, and asked.

"It's like this. Next, I have to help the Supernatural Administration deal with something. It will take a few days. During this period, I can't contact the outside world." Lin Fei said, then picked up the water cup and took a sip of water.

"Can you tell me what it is?" Zhou Yue asked curiously.

"Not very convenient." Lin Fei smiled and shook his head.

"Oh." Zhou Yue nodded. She just said it casually. She knew that some tasks of the Supernatural Administration were not easy to tell outsiders, so she didn't feel disappointed.

"You have been here for a while. Can you go back next week?" Lin Fei asked.

"I think so!" Zhou Yue thought for a while and told Lin Fei about today's meeting.

At the meeting, the person in charge of the company said that there would be another event next week, and Zhou Yue, who came here to help, might have to postpone her return home.

The two chatted, and the door of the private room was pushed open, and several waiters walked into the private room with steaming dishes.

After a while, six dishes and a soup were placed on the table.

"This restaurant was recommended by my colleague. How does it taste?" Zhou Yue said with a smile, and then picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and put it in Lin Fei's bowl.

Lin Fei tasted the sweet and sour pork ribs and thought it tasted good, and nodded with satisfaction.

This time Zhou Yue put some more dishes in his bowl, and Lin Fei said quickly.

"Just do it yourself."

The two of them ate and talked, and before they knew it, a table of dishes was finished.


After coming out of the restaurant, Lin Fei and Zhou Yue did not choose to go shopping in the mall.

They walked to a nearby park and prepared to find a place to sit in the park and rest for a while.

Many people came out for a walk at night, and many old people could be seen dancing square dances in the park.

There were many young people playing basketball on the basketball court, and cheers were heard from time to time.

Lin Fei and Zhou Yue walked into the park and found that the park was very lively, which surprised them a little.

"It's quieter over there, let's find a bench over there to sit on." Lin Fei looked around and raised his hand to the left front.

Zhou Yue smiled, nodded gently, and then followed Lin Fei to a secluded place.

The cobblestone path was winding, with green grass on both sides of the road.

These grasses should have been trimmed in the past few days, and they were very neat.

A bamboo forest appeared in front of them, and the path passed through the bamboo forest and stretched to a more secluded place.

When Lin Fei and Zhou Yue walked through the bamboo forest, they suddenly saw a clear view in front of them.

A large artificial lake appeared in front of them. There were many benches by the lake. Now many people were sitting on the benches enjoying the breeze from the lake.

"There is an empty bench over there, let's go over quickly..." Zhou Yue said with a smile.

After the two sat down, they looked at the moon reflected on the lake, and their mood relaxed involuntarily.

…………(End of this chapter)

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