My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2427 Echo (two chapters in one)

The next morning.

The golden sun rose in the sky, breaking through the darkness and covering the earth.

The shops along the street began to open their doors after the sun rose, and the yawning staff took tools to clean the shops.

Early in the morning, you can see some small vendors selling breakfast on the street.

People who got up early to work bought breakfast and ate while rushing to work.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead opened his eyes and listened to the sounds coming into the room from the outside world.

There were many sounds of hawking along the street, and this morning was much more lively than yesterday morning.

After sleeping until dawn, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead woke up and got up quickly. After washing up, he went out.

The sun was very bright. Because it had rained, the weather this morning was very blue.

The endless blue sky seemed to have been wiped with a rag, without a single white cloud.

If you think it won't rain today when you see this kind of weather, you are wrong.

It is the rainy season now, and the weather can change at any time, so you can't think it won't rain today just because the weather is good now.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead came out of the inn, bought a simple breakfast on the street, and after eating, he called a carriage to go to the city gate.

The task he took yesterday couldn't be completed outside the city because of the rain.

The weather is very good now, so he has to hurry up to complete the task. The sooner he completes the task and saves money, he can buy the defense spiritual weapon he likes, and then go back earlier.

There are birds flying in the sky. These birds are ordinary animals. If they are strange beasts, there will be special people to get rid of them.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead sat in the carriage, looking through the window at the street scene on the street.

It is still early, so although the street is lively, the liveliness has not reached its peak.

Near the city gate, many carriages are people who get up early to go out.

"There are quite a lot of people queuing up to leave the city today." The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead got off the carriage and was surprised to see that there were at least hundreds of people queuing up to leave the city.

When he left the city yesterday, the number of people was about half of what it is now. Today, there are so many more people, and I don't know what's going on.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead lined up at the end of the line and observed that the people leaving the city this morning were all ordinary people.

A moment later, when he came out of the city, the captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead found that many people ran to the lakeshore.

For this situation, a little observation will soon give you the answer.

It turns out that so many ordinary people left the city this morning to pick up dead fish on the lakeshore.

The dead fish yesterday smelled very bad, and dead fish appeared in the lake again today, but they were all relatively fresh.

When the news spread to the city, residents living near the city gate immediately came to the outside of the city with various baskets on their backs to pick up dead fish.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stood under the tree and observed for a while, and found that these people had a good harvest, and they easily harvested baskets of fresh dead fish.

And as time went on, the news spread more and more widely, and more and more people knew that they could come out to pick up fish.

"Ordinary people are like this, very easy to satisfy." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the people who harvested a basket of fish with a smile on his face, and said to himself.

Then he left the lakeshore and continued to the location of the task.

Not long after the sun rose in the early morning, many places were shrouded in white fog.

Dewdrops hung on the leaves of some plants, and under the shining of the morning sun, these dewdrops reflected very beautiful colors.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stepped on the grass and walked forward, and the dewdrops trembled and fell.

There were frogs hiding in some places, all ordinary creatures.

When the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead passed by, the frogs were scared and scrambled to escape to the small puddle in the distance.

The heavy rain yesterday covered a very wide area. Although it was calm for several hours, there was water accumulation in many places outside the city.

The water accumulation formed in some low-lying areas has turned into small ponds, and many aquatic creatures are swimming happily in the ponds, making various sounds.

The hot weather makes people feel that there is no vitality outside the city. After a heavy rain, some small animals can be seen everywhere, and the lively appearance is surprising.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead traveled a long distance after leaving the city and climbed over a hill. He is now standing on the top of the mountain and looking forward.

According to the information of the task, the place he is looking for is in the mountain of a mountain in front.

After the rain, the mountain road is more difficult to walk. If you walk too fast, it is easy to fall.

Even if the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead is extraordinary, he must be extra careful when walking on the muddy mountain road.


There was a roar of beasts in the mountain. These strange beasts are very lively after the rain.

The cool weather made these strange beasts not hide in the dark, but come out to roam.

Some places surrounded by white fog are often prone to strange beasts, because the thick white fog can cover the body of strange beasts, so they can hide well and then hunt.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead walked on the muddy mountain road and almost fell several times.

Later, he cut down a small tree and cut the branches into a walking stick, which saved him a lot of trouble in the process of walking.

If you want a better road condition, you can only hope that the sun will be stronger.

When the sun becomes hot at noon, a lot of water vapor will evaporate and the ground will become dry. At that time, the road will not be as smooth as it is now.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead came to the foot of a mountain. According to the prompt of the task, the strange beast he was looking for was in this mountain.

There are many lush trees and wild grasses are more than one person tall.

This place is very suitable for strange beasts to hide their bodies. Ordinary practitioners who come to this place to do tasks have a high probability of getting into trouble.

This is because the task is very dangerous, so after the task was released, no one took over for a long time.

It was only because the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was skilled and bold, and he was in urgent need of a large sum of money, so he took this more dangerous task.


The roars of beasts came from all directions.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead had already reached the halfway point of the mountain. He had searched for more than an hour and found no strange beasts.

Although he heard the roars of beasts, he did not see any traces of strange beasts.


"Why can't I find a strange beast in this place where the roars of beasts are so frequent?"

"Could it be that those strange beasts sensed that I was dangerous, so they dared not show up?"

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead had always been confused, and the longer he searched in this mountain, the more doubts he had in his heart.

More than an hour later, the captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead still did not find any traces of strange beasts.

However, the roars of beasts he heard were more frequent than before.

"Or I will look in the direction where the sound of strange beasts appeared, maybe I can find strange beasts."

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead thought about it and decided to take a little risk. In the past, he would choose to avoid the roars of beasts.

Now, in order to complete the task, if we can't find the strange beast, then this task can't be completed, so we have to be more proactive.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead made a decision in his mind and started to implement it immediately.

Above the mountainside, the mountain road is not as smooth as the foot of the mountain.

In some places, there are a lot of gravel, which are relatively small and easier to walk on.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead waved his weapon and cut off the thorny vines blocking the way in front of him.

Then, he walked quickly on the gravel paved path.

The sun in the sky rose higher and higher, and the temperature rose with it.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead followed the sound of the strange beast, and he moved forward all the way, and suddenly the view in front of him became open.

He walked out of the bushes and looked at the environment in front of him with a serious face.

The area in front of him was very open, with no particularly tall trees, mainly low bushes and bushes.

Several hares were eating grass, and suddenly saw the uninvited guests and were frightened, then they hid in the grass.

They were said to be timid, hiding in the grass but not running away, and were quietly observing the strangers who came from afar.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead pricked up his ears and listened, and found that the sound was coming from the canyon in the distance.

There was a huge crack in the mountain in front, and bursts of beast roars came from the crack.

This was the first time I encountered beast roars coming from the crack.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead did not approach the crack rashly, but stood in the distance and observed for a while.

After confirming that there was no danger, he dared to approach slowly.

The crack area was very large, and there was not only one crack.

There were many small cracks next to it, spreading around like a spider web. If you count carefully, there are at least hundreds of them.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stood in front of the crack, thought for a moment, and then continued to move forward.

When he got closer, he looked through the crack.

Strange, there is no strange beast in the crack.

Since the strange beast is not in the crack, how did the sound come out?

"Could it be an echo stone?"

There is a kind of stone that can store sound and release it under certain conditions.

Everyone calls this stone an echo stone. In some places, this stone is quite common.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead now suspects that there is an echo stone in the crack. In order to make sure that his guess is correct, he reached in and dug it out.

In less than two minutes, a gray stone was taken out by the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.


The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead carefully sensed and found that the stone had spiritual energy fluctuations.

Listening carefully, getting closer, you can faintly hear the sound coming from the stone.

"This is the echo stone."

"That's where the beast roar comes from."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead got the answer. Looking at the crack in front of him that was emitting the beast roar, he showed a helpless expression on his face.

He just came here to find the beast after hearing the roar of the beast.

Now that he is sure that the roar of the beast is not from a living beast, it means that his time has been wasted.

Next, he must leave this place quickly and seize the time to find the beast.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead threw the echo stone in his hand on the ground and turned to leave.

Next, he is ready to cross the mountain in front of him and look for the target in other places.



A yawn sounded in the quiet bedroom, and Lin Fei got up and got out of bed after waking up.

He came out of the bedroom, washed up in the bathroom, and then went to the living room to have breakfast.

Last night, he and Zhou Yue stayed in the park for a while, and did not return to his home immediately after digesting the food.

Instead, he followed Zhou Yue back to the hotel where she lived, played games in the room for a long time, and returned to his home quite late.

Originally, Lin Fei wanted to go home after playing a few games, but Zhou Yue kept dragging him and not letting him go.


Lin Fei yawned again while eating breakfast and watching TV news.

Recalling what happened last night, he couldn't help but complain.

"It's all Zhou Yue's fault that she dragged me to play games so late yesterday, which made me sleepy this morning because of lack of sleep."

After breakfast, Lin Fei thought about going to the spirit world to practice. At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

He took out his mobile phone to check and found that it was a message from Han Xue. After seeing the message, Lin Fei called the other party.

"Good morning!"


"Are all things settled?"


"You can leave at noon today. The plane has been arranged for you. You can go directly to the airport when the time comes."

"Can't I fly there directly?"

"Some people are traveling with you this time. You need your help to protect them on the way."

"Is that so! That's fine!" Lin Fei nodded when he heard it.

Anyway, it's on the way, so it doesn't matter if I spend more time protecting others.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Fei looked at the time. There were still several hours before departure, so he went to practice first.

The space teleportation ability was activated, and Lin Fei's figure disappeared instantly.

On the quiet balcony, Seven Color Flower did not go out early today.

I stayed up too late last night, so I slept in today.

When the Seven-Colored Flower woke up, it jumped out of the flowerpot. The living room was quiet. It sensed but did not find any trace of Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei went out very early today!"

"No, I got up too late."

The Seven-Colored Flower stood on the balcony doing radio gymnastics. After a while, three little sparrows flew over.

The four little guys got together and went out to play after not staying at home for long.

………… (End of this chapter)

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