Chapter 102 So Much

 Nearly half a month has passed by in a flash.

During this period, apart from waiting for the Golden Yuan Fruit to mature, Chu Ning did not stop making the talisman.

 He is improving his success rate of making high-grade elementary talismans through continuous practice.

 That evening, after finishing the day's talisman making, Chu Ning looked at the pile of talismans in front of him and felt a little dizzy.

“I am accumulating more and more talismans!”

With Chu Ning’s current consciousness, he can make 150 talismans in a row at the same time. The success rate of making talismans can reach 100%.

 There is no problem in selling these talismans.

His reputation has already been established, and he can sell more than 100 elementary and low-grade talismans every day.

 With Chu Ning's current spiritual consciousness, he can make 100 talismans continuously at one time, with a success rate of nearly 90%.

  However, after the previous beast disaster, for a period of time, the demand for elementary and mid-level talismans was not very great.

 Chu Ning can only sell a dozen of these 90 pieces every day.

 Fortunately, after the beast disaster, many monsters stayed around.

 Perhaps everyone has used up all the talismans in their hands recently, and the sales of talismans have increased again.

 But even so, plus what I accumulated in the early stage, I already have nearly 800 elementary and middle-grade talismans in my hand.

 With Chu Ning's current spiritual consciousness, he can make 70 talismans in a row at one time.

 After half a month, the success rate of making talismans has increased from 40% at the beginning to 50%.

 And these talismans are basically all in your hands.

This month, Chu Ning has only sold less than 10 elementary and high-grade talismans.

 So now, Chu Ning has accumulated more than 400 high-grade elementary talismans.

"If I continue to draw like this, I will accumulate more than 2,000 talismans alone."

Chun Ning smiled and shook his head. It seemed that after collecting the Jinyuan Fruit tomorrow, he would indeed go to Fengxiafang.

With so many talismans, except for big stores like Yunhai Pavilion, it would be difficult for other places to collect them all at once.

Chun Ning had not thought of giving these talismans to the sect for recycling.

 But in this way, his seventh-level cultivation of Qi Refining will be exposed, otherwise this elementary high-grade talisman cannot be explained.

After thinking about it, I had no choice but to give up. It would be better to handle it myself.

After sorting these talismans and putting them back into the storage bag, Chu Ning immediately began to take out the Black Night Iron Soul Wooden Sword, and practiced the divine refining technique while sitting in a seat.

During this period of continuous talisman making and practice, he has made considerable progress in refining the magic.

 【Aoki Changchun Gong (lower yellow grade), third level (62/2100)】

 【Nine Yan Body Refining Techniques, Volume 1, Continuous Tendons 31/1500】

 【Alchemy, first level 440/1000】

 In half a month, after Chu Ning increased his time on making talismans and refining gods, he was able to increase his proficiency by nearly 3 points every day.

 This refining skill proficiency finally broke through the 400 mark.

 In comparison, the cultivation of Qingmu Changchun Gong and Jiuyan Body Refining Technique is quite satisfactory.

As for the Qingmu Changchun Technique, Chu Ning, who has just broken through to the seventh level of Qi refining, still relies on the Qingmu Chunhua Technique to practice.

He was not in a hurry to use a lot of spiritual stones and elixirs. After all, he still had to stabilize his realm a little first.

 Of course, there is no such thing as a high-level elixir.

In this Yan Jifang, almost no one cares about the elixirs used in the later stage of Qi refining, just like the elementary high-grade talismans.

Chun Ning also specifically used the phantom spell to change his appearance to ask Gu Xiaoqing.

 The other party’s answer was no.

 It seems that even if Gu Xiaoqing has it on her body, it is only a small part of her own cultivation and will not be sold.

With the help of Qingmu Chunhua Technique, Chu Ning can now increase his proficiency by 2 points every day.

 This has to be said about the role of the iron stem orchid in absorbing spiritual energy.

 Especially after the Tillandsia fruit grows, the effect of absorbing spiritual energy is very obvious.

Given Chu Ning’s current level of cultivation at the seventh level of Qi refining and the amount of spiritual energy he has absorbed, as long as he practices for a longer time, it can still support him to increase his proficiency by 2 points.

If Chu Ning had used the Green Spirit Fruit and Purple Crystal Bamboo to practice before, he would have only been able to achieve a little more than 1 point a day.

 The progress of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique has completely slowed down.

Although it is a method of cultivating muscles without drying up muscles, the effect of body training is better than that without using up bones.

 But correspondingly, its proficiency level will be more difficult to improve.

Chuning now practices a lot of time every day, and can barely improve his proficiency by 1 point.

 It seems that if you want to increase your speed, you still need to use some body-tempering objects.

 After practicing the divine refining technique, Chu Ning took a rest immediately.

 Early the next morning, he came to Lingtian.

 Jin Yuan fruit is ripe and it’s time to pick.

It's easy to put these things away. Chu Ning took the jade boxes and put them away in rows.

Soon ten large jade boxes were filled, containing more than a thousand pieces.

 In total, the income is about the same as that of the amethyst bamboo on the side.

 He had asked Gu Xiaoqing before that these Golden Yuan Fruits were probably only one spiritual stone each.

 After harvesting the Jinyuan Fruit, Chu Ning looked at the twenty acres of spiritual land and thought a little.

 What should I plant next?

This Jin Yuan Fruit doesn't matter. After picking it, use the Hair Boosting Technique and Qingmu Chunhua Technique.

 It will take about a month for it to bloom again and then bear fruit.

 As for the ten acres of land where the amethyst bamboo was originally planted, Chu Ning did not have a suitable spiritual plant for a while.

He already has enough talisman paper, so naturally he will not plant this amethyst bamboo anymore.

 In fact, according to Chu Ning’s idea, it would be best if you can plant Tiesteum orchids.

After all, although Tillandsia takes longer to grow than Amethyst Bamboo, Tillandsia fruit can temper its body.

 Chun Ning can use it himself.

Furthermore, whether the tillandsia grown by others will bear fruit depends on luck.

But you don’t have to, as long as you let Ling Xiaobai urinate on each plant, and then use his Qingmu Chunhua Technique, the Tillandsia fruit will definitely bear fruit.

 But the seeds of Tillandsia fruit are a problem, Chu Ning doesn’t have them yet.

“It seems that we can only go to Yunhai Pavilion in Fengxiafang to see if we can buy some Tillandsia seeds.

 If it really doesn't work, you can only wait two months for your tillandsia fruit to mature and get the seeds. "

Chun Ning muttered secretly in his heart.

 Just in the past two months or so, this spiritual field has been abandoned here, which makes Chu Ning feel a little regretful.

After returning to Fangshi from Lingtian, Chu Ning did not go back to his shop and went directly to find Gu Xiaoqing.

“Oh, is Junior Brother Chu’s Golden Yuan Fruit ripe?”

Hearing Chu Ning’s intention, Gu Xiaoqing’s face was immediately filled with joy.

“Everyone in the sect seems to be busier recently, and Deacon Lin doesn’t help us carry things very often.

  The Jin Yuan Guo here is about to be used up. Junior Brother Chu, this is really timely. "

Chun Ning took out the ten large jade boxes from the storage bag and said to Gu Xiaoqing:

“Senior sister, let’s take a look at the quality of this Golden Yuan Fruit first.”


Gu Xiaoqing reached out to open the box and took out a piece of gold yuan fruit, and then looked at Chu Ning with a pair of wonderful eyes.

 He nodded with great satisfaction and said:

“It seems that Junior Brother Chu is not only talented in making talismans, but he is also extremely proficient in planting spiritual plants.

Golden Yuan Fruit of such quality is extremely rare in the sect. "

“It just happened that the wood-based skills and spells were more suitable.” Chu Ning used the excuse he had always used.

 Immediately, ten large jade boxes were taken out from the storage bag.

“Sister Gu, there are a thousand pills here, please count them.”

When Gu Xiaoqing heard this, she smiled gently and said:

“Since junior brother ordered it, I naturally don’t need to order it.

It is really rare to have thousands of Jin Yuan fruits of this quality in twenty acres of spiritual land. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning smiled and did not respond.

 This is not the output of twenty acres of land, but ten acres of land.

Of course, he would not say this to Gu Xiaoqing.

Gu Xiaoqing put all ten boxes of Gold Yuan Fruit back into the storage bag, then took out a bag of spirit stones and placed them in front of Chu Ning.

“Junior Brother Chu, these are a thousand spiritual stones, please keep them.”

Chun Ning took it and took out 50 spirit stones and placed it on the table.

“Senior Sister Gu, 950 spirit stones is enough.”

Chun Ning did not deliberately emphasize that the seeds of the Jin Yuan Guo were given by Gu Xiaoqing, nor did he mention that Gu Xiaoqing gave him the pill when he sold it.

However, Gu Xiaoqing is also an extremely smart person and understood it immediately.

Without any pretense, he directly collected the 50 spirit stones and said with a smile:

“In that case, thank you very much, Junior Brother Chu.”

Chun Ning said politely and prepared to leave.

At this time, Gu Xiaoqing suddenly said:

“Junior Brother Chu, I am going to invite everyone to go to Fengxiafang in the next few days. I wonder if Junior Brother Chu is willing to go?”

"Going to Fengxiafang?" Chu Ning was immediately surprised when he heard Gu Xiaoqing's words. Isn't this a coincidence?

I have been talking about going to Fengxiafang for the past half month, but now Gu Xiaoqing has invited me.

However, Chu Ning didn't have much expression on his face, but asked Gu Xiaoqing:

“Why did Senior Sister Gu suddenly think of going to Fengxiafang?”

Gu Xiaoqing said with a gentle smile on her face:

“There have been more and more people in the market recently. I heard that there is another high-level monster appearing. There may be a greater demand for elixirs in the future.

 In addition, the supply of various medicinal materials in the sect is not very complete. I heard that Fengxiafang nearby is Dafang City.

 Tomorrow is the market opening day, so I want to buy some medicinal materials to make elixirs.

It just so happens that Junior Brother Shen, Junior Brother Luo, and Junior Sister Lu also have the idea of ​​​​going to have a look, so I want to invite you to come with me. "

Chuning originally wanted to go, but now that he had company, he immediately agreed.

That night, Chu Ning drew another batch of elementary and high-grade talismans overnight.

 Early the next morning, Chu Ning and his party of five people left Yanjifang.

“Everyone can fly with a sword, right? Flying with the wind is too slow.”

Luo Yiping turned his head and spoke to the crowd, his eyes falling on Chu Ning.

Immediately, Luo Yiping took the lead in taking out a flying sword from his storage bag.

This outer disciple of the Spiritual Beast Room seems to have never had a good impression of Chu Ning.

Chun Ning also doesn't have any affection for the other party, but he doesn't show it.

 At this moment, I just choose to remain silent.

 According to the sect’s regulations, one can learn the art of sword control at the later stage of Qi refining.

Although Chu Ning has now broken through to the late stage of Qi Refining, his superficial cultivation is only at the fifth level of Qi Refining.

In addition, he did not return to the sect, so naturally he did not learn the art of sword control.

 Following that, Shen Zhengquan took out a small spiritual boat from his storage bag. Although it was not big, it could barely fit two people.

As a disciple of the Weapon Refining Hall, he is no exception if he has some good magic weapons.

 Then, Chu Ning saw Lu Miaoying standing next to him.

Obviously, this female disciple of the fifth level of Qi Refining in the Spirit Beast Room is preparing to use Shen Zhengquan’s magical weapon.

Gu Xiaoqing only realized at this moment that she didn't take anything from the storage bag and looked at Chu Ning apologetically.

“I forgot that Junior Brother Chu can’t fly with a sword, so Junior Brother Chu and I will use the Wind Control Technique together and arrive later.”

Hearing what Gu Xiaoqing said, Shen Zhengquan and Luo Yiping looked at each other, both a little surprised.

After the two of them heard Gu Xiaoqing say that Chu Ning was also invited yesterday, they discussed how to save Chu Ning's face today.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xiaoqing said this.

Just when Luo Yiping was about to speak, he told Chu Ning not to go at all.

 The next moment, Chu Ning had already spoken.

“Senior Sister Gu, that’s no need, I have a magic weapon.”

 Then, everyone saw Chu Ning take out a fusiform magic weapon from his storage bag.

“Flying magic weapon?” Shen Zhengquan, as a disciple of the weapon refining hall, naturally recognized it at a glance.

“I didn’t expect Junior Brother Chu to have such a magic weapon. It seems to be of high quality. The price is quite high.”

Chun Ning’s face was calm, and there was no sign of complacency. He just said in a normal tone:

“I earned some spiritual stones from selling talismans before, so I asked Deacon Lin to help me buy one.”

As soon as he said this, Luo Yiping's face, who just wanted to see Chu Ning make a fool of himself, suddenly turned a little ugly.

 A flying magic weapon costs more than a thousand spirit stones, which even he, who had just arrived in Fangshi from the outer gate, did not have.

When Gu Xiaoqing saw this, a smile appeared on her face.

 “That’s good, everyone can go together.”

As he spoke, Gu Xiaoqing also took out a flying sword from her storage bag.

Immediately afterwards, several people controlled their own magic weapons and soared into the sky, heading towards Fengxiafang.

Along the way, Luo Yiping, who was careful with his sword, looked at Chu Ning, who was driving the wind-chasing shuttle easily, and felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Flying swords can indeed allow monks to fly with swords, but after all, they are different from specialized flying instruments.

  The mana required and the difficulty of control are both high.

It is precisely because of this that the sect requires disciples in the late stages of Qi refining to learn.

As for Chu Ning's Wind Chasing Shuttle, as a high-level magical weapon, just a little mana is enough, so it is naturally more relaxed.

This means that he is concerned about the speed of others, otherwise he would have already accelerated to Fengxiafang.

 More than an hour later, the group flew to Fengxiafang.

Although Chu Ning had come with Lin Changqing once before, he was still following behind, as if he had never seen the world.

After a few people entered Fangshi, Luo Yiping turned his head and looked at Gu Xiaoqing and said:

“Sister Gu, what do you want to buy? Should we go with you first?”

At this moment, Gu Xiaoqing shook her head slightly and said:

“Everyone has different things to buy, so in order to save time, it’s better to do it separately.

 Let’s gather under the archway of Fangshi and go back in an hour. What do you think? "

 “This is good, it will save you staying too long.” Shen Zhengquan also agreed.

 Hearing what Gu Xiaoqing and Shen Zheng both said, Luo Yiping could only feel a little regretful.

 Chuning, on the other hand, had no objection at all.

Even if Gu Xiaoqing didn't speak, he would actually find a reason to act separately.

After the few people separated, Chu Ning came to a deserted place in Fang City.

  First he cast the transformation spell, then put on a different piece of clothing from his storage bag, and suddenly turned into an ordinary-looking middle-aged monk.

At the same time, the restrained aura of Yinmu Spirit Body on Chu Ning was released directly, and the cultivation of the seventh level of Qi Refining was also revealed.

 Until this moment, Chu Ning walked towards Yunhai Pavilion in the middle of the city.

Today is not the day for the Yunhai Pavilion auction. After Chu Ning entered, he felt that there were obviously many fewer monks than when he came before.

 After seeing Chu Ning, a waiter from the fourth level of Qi Refining immediately came to greet him.

“Senior, I don’t know whether you want to buy something or sell something?”

Chuning glanced at the waiter in front of him who was a level lower than when he came before, and he was not surprised.

 After all, he came with Lin Changqing who was in the foundation building stage last time. Of course, the treatment of the two was not the same.

“I want to sell some elementary high-grade talismans and some monster materials. The quantity is relatively large, so I can buy some things on the way.”

Chun Ning explained his purpose, and the waiter immediately said:

“Okay, senior, please come with me.”

The waiter took Chu Ning to a room, where a female monk who was about thirty-six or seventeen years old was sitting.

This female cultivator is also at the seventh level of Qi Refining. Although her appearance is not stunning, her eyes are quite charming.

As soon as the waiter told Chu Ning the purpose of his visit, the female cultivator immediately greeted her warmly.

“My surname is Zhang. I don’t know your surname. Should I sell the items first or buy them first?”

 “My surname is Li.” Chu Ning said the surname casually.

Rather than answering the other party’s question directly, he asked instead:

“I’m buying and selling things in Yunhai Pavilion, so my identity and information should be kept confidential, right?”

When the female cultivator surnamed Zhang heard this, she smiled and said:

“Fellow Taoist, please rest assured, the reputation of our Yunhai Pavilion is well-known in the cities thousands of miles away.

 Whether Taoist friends are buying or selling things here, no one will know about it outside the Yunhai Pavilion. "

Chuning heard this and nodded slightly.

 “Let’s see if you can recycle these things from me first?”

Chuning said and started to take out things.

 The first thing he took out was the thing he got from the cave of the blood-spotted unicorn.

  “5 pairs of armored ox horns, 3 pairs of wild boar tusks…”

As Chu Ning took out things one by one, the female monk surnamed Zhang also kept taking inventory.

The tone was not too surprising, after all, Chu Ning was at the seventh level of Qi refining at the moment.

If you are determined to hunt monster beasts, you can naturally hunt a lot of monster beasts below the first-level intermediate level.

At the same time, I felt a little strange. Chu Ning was just selling some low-level monster materials, so he was still worried about the leakage of information.

With this thought in her mind, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang did not say much.

 Instead, he watched Chu Ning continue to take things out of the storage bag.

When Chu Ning took out the skins and horns of two blood-spotted unicorn apes, the female cultivator's watery eyes finally shone brightly.

“Hey, there is such a complete skin and horn of a blood-spotted one-horned ape.”

At this moment, Chu Ning stopped taking things out and asked the beautiful female cultivator:

“Excuse me, Brother Daoist Zhang, how much spiritual stones are these things of mine worth?”

 The female cultivator surnamed Zhang just pondered for a moment, and then said:

“The ones that fellow Taoist took before were all materials from first-level intermediate monsters and below. They are not very valuable. They are worth 300 spirit stones together.

 The skin and horn of the blood-spotted one-horned ape are very well preserved.

 The animal skin is worth 50 low-grade spiritual stones. For this animal horn, I will give 300 spiritual stones to fellow Taoist, for a total of 700 spiritual stones.

 I wonder if you are still satisfied? "

Chuning nodded without saying anything. The price was quite fair.

 Then, he took out a bunch of talismans from the storage bag again and placed them on the table.

“Look at these elementary-medium-grade talismans and elementary-high-grade talismans. What are the prices?”

 The female cultivator surnamed Zhang was stunned for a moment.

“These are all elementary high-grade talismans and elementary-middle-grade talismans. So many?”

 (End of this chapter)

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