My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 103: Tens of thousands of spiritual stones and spiritual stone jade talismans

Chapter 103 Tens of Thousands of Spiritual Stones and Spiritual Stones and Jade Talismans

 It’s no wonder that the female cultivator was so surprised. In fact, Chu Ning took out too many talismans.

Chun Ning divided them into two piles, elementary high-grade talismans and elementary-medium grade talismans.

 Each stack of talismans looks like there are hundreds of them.

 These were naturally accumulated by Chu Ning during this period, with more than 800 elementary and middle-grade talismans.

 As for the elementary high-grade talismans, after a wave of them were released yesterday, the number also reached 450.

At this moment, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang knew why Chu Ning had asked whether Chu Ning's identity was kept confidential.

 After all, the value of these talismans together is not low.

She casually picked up a low-grade, high-quality flowing ice shield talisman, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

 “What a high-quality defensive talisman.”

The defensive talismans that were more difficult to draw all had such qualities. She knew that the other talismans should be of the same quality without even thinking about it.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang looked up at Chu Ning, her eyes full of smiles, and said:

“I didn’t expect that Fellow Daoist Li is actually a junior high-grade Talisman Master.”

Being able to take out so many talismans at once, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang knew without thinking that these talismans must have been drawn by the monk in front of her.

 And those who can make such high-quality junior and upper-level talismans are undoubtedly junior and upper-level talisman masters.

Hearing what the female cultivator surnamed Zhang said, Chu Ning frowned slightly, with a hint of displeasure on her face.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang also quickly came to her senses and said apologetically:

 “It’s because I’m abrupt.”

 After saying that, she immediately calmed down her expression and began to light the talismans that Chu Ning had placed on the table.

“One hundred and forty each of the Yin Thunder Talisman, the Diamond Talisman, the Qi Gathering Talisman, the Earth Escape Talisman, the Trapped Beast Talisman, and the Qingfeng Talisman.

  One hundred and fifty each of the red flame fire talisman, the soaring cloud talisman, and the flowing ice shield talisman. "

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang quickly reported the number of talismans, and then looked at Chu Ning.

“Fellow Taoist, is there any problem with confirming the quantity?”

 “Well, no problem.” Chu Ning responded.

 The smile reappeared on the face of the female cultivator surnamed Zhang.

“These talismans from Daoyou Li are of high quality and in large quantities. I can raise the price appropriately.

The Yin Thunder Talisman, the Qi Condensing Talisman, and the Qingfeng Talisman are each counted as 490 low-grade spiritual stones, and the Earth Escape Talisman and the Entrapment Beast Talisman are each counted as 588 low-grade spiritual stones.

 The Vajra Talisman is worth six hundred and eighty-six low-grade spiritual stones. "

After the female cultivator surnamed Zhang reported the price, Chu Ning quickly calculated in her mind and found that the price given by the other party was about 70% of what she sold.

Chu Ning didn't feel too bad at all. After all, if these talismans were placed in his Lingfu Workshop, he didn't know how long it would take to sell them.

He continued to listen calmly, and the female cultivator surnamed Zhang pointed at the elementary high-grade talisman brought by Chu Ning.

“I can give you a higher price for these elementary high-grade talismans.

The Red Flame Talisman and the Soaring Cloud Talisman each contain sixteen spiritual stones, which are respectively 2,400 spiritual stones.

  The Flowing Ice Shield Talisman contains twenty spiritual stones, and a total of three thousand spiritual stones. "

Chun Ning did the math again and found out that these elementary and high-grade talismans were 80% correct.

 It is true that the proportion is higher.

 However, the loss of five spiritual stones from one talisman still caused him some pain.

With a slight movement in his heart, Chu Ning took back the 450 elementary and high-grade talismans.

“Then sell these elementary and middle-grade talismans.”

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang immediately said: "Wait a minute, what does Fellow Daoist Li mean?"

Chuning glanced at the other party, and then slowly said:

“You earn me five spiritual stones for one talisman. The price is too high.”

 The female cultivator surnamed Zhang continued to have a smile on her face.

“Fellow Daoist Li, the spiritual stone alone is less, but based on its value, I gave it 10% more than that of the elementary to mid-grade talisman.”

“But these elementary and high-grade talismans are sold better in your Yunhai Pavilion than the elementary and middle-grade talismans.

  And the quality of my talisman, even if it is placed among you, I believe it is top-notch.

Seventeen spiritual stones and twenty-two spiritual stones respectively. If I can collect them, I will sell them. "

As soon as Chu Ning said this, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang showed a wry smile on her face.

 “Li Daoyou is really good at getting a good deal, this...

Well, originally this matter had to be decided by the seniors in the cabinet, but I made the decision without permission and agreed. "

After the female cultivator surnamed Zhang finished speaking, she immediately started to calculate.

“The demon beast materials cost 1,000 pieces of low-grade spiritual stones, the medium-grade talismans cost 1,764 pieces of low-grade spiritual stones, and the high-grade talismans cost 8,400 pieces of low-grade spiritual stones.

 There are a total of 11,164 low-grade spiritual stones. "

“That’s more than 10,000 spirit stones!” Chu Ning sighed secretly, feeling a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

He does have some other things on his body that can be sold, such as a few magic weapons he got from Boss Liu and the others.

He also got the Earth Spirit Crystal from the blood-spotted Unicorn Cave, as well as the three Seven-Star Spirit Fruits he had left after taking them.

However, these things are either too sensitive to handle, or they are like earth spirit crystals. He wants to keep them for later to see if they have any use.

 So at this moment, Chu Ning could only give up.

 Otherwise, if you add these together, you can get more.

Just as Chu Ning was thinking this, the smiling voice of the female cultivator surnamed Zhang sounded again.

“Fellow Daoist Li, these spiritual stones, I wonder if you will give them directly now, or do you need to buy something first?”

“Let’s buy something first.” Chu Ning immediately answered.

The reason why he came to Fengxiafang was not only to sell these talismans, but also to buy some urgently needed items.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang smiled sweetly and said:

“Okay, fellow Taoist, if you have any needs, just ask me, I will arrange for you to get it right away.”

Chun Ning had already planned to come to Yunhai Pavilion, so he immediately asked about the first thing he wanted to buy.

“You guys, Yunhai Pavilion should have elixirs similar to Juyuan Dan, but suitable for taking in the later stages of Qi refining.”

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang quickly replied:

“Yes, Ling Yuan Dan is suitable for monks in the late stage of Qi refining. There are 10 pills in a bottle and 200 spirit stones per bottle.”

After hearing this, Chu Ning said calmly: "Take 15 bottles of Lingyuan Pill."

"Okay." The female cultivator surnamed Zhang responded and wrote on a piece of paper.

 Put it in a round hole on the table, then press a button, and the piece of paper will be transferred immediately.

 Then he continued to look at Chu Ning, "Do you need anything else, Fellow Daoist Li?"

Chuning glanced at the table in front of the other party, and there was nothing too strange about it.

 After all, he had seen it before during the auction at Yunhai Pavilion.

 If nothing else happens, the 15 bottles of Lingyuan Pill should be delivered from this place later.

“I don’t know if your pavilion has Tillandsia fruit or other body-tempering elixirs recently.”

As Chu Ning finished speaking, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang said with a smile:

“It seems that Taoist friends are quite aware of this. We don’t have Tillandsia fruit in our pavilion recently, but we do have some other body-tempering drugs.

Fellow Taoists may wish to choose.

Oh, by the way, there seems to be some seeds of Tillandsia stems in the sect recently. If you need it, fellow Taoist..."

Chun Ning was moved in her heart, but she still shook her head at this moment.

“Forget about seeds, I’m not good at spiritual plants either. Let’s look at your body-tempering medicine.”

Hearing what Chu Ning said, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang handed Chu Ning a jade slip.

Chuning took a look and was slightly surprised.

This jade slip actually contains seven kinds of elixirs for body tempering.

 Different prices are marked inside, and there are also corresponding introductions to the effects.

Chuning browsed for a while, and then his eyes fell on two things among them.

Pure Yang Stone Powder and Tongmai Tempering Body Pill.

 The former is powder ground from pure yang stone, while the latter is an elixir specially refined for body repair and tempering.

 However, both are not for taking, but for soaking.

 According to this jade slip, both of these things are effective for physical cultivation equivalent to the perfection of qi refining.

Chu Ning roughly estimated his current level of body refining. After completing the bone-free cultivation, he already has the ability to physically carry the ninth-level monk's magic ability of refining qi.

According to this calculation, he is now in the early stage of breaking the muscles, and his state should be equivalent to the state of perfecting Qi.

 These two things are therefore more appropriate.

 Among them, this pure sun stone powder is 1000 pieces of low-grade spiritual stone. You can use the amount according to your needs.

As for the Vein-Tongming Body Tempering Pill, there are 10 pills in a bottle, and a bottle costs 500 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones.

 Seeing the prices of these two things, Chu Ning was also secretly dumbfounded.

This body cultivation thing is so expensive, but I think these two things are equivalent to being used by people who are in the Dzogchen realm of Qi refining. This price seems to be normal.

Chun Ning thought for a while and asked for two portions of Pure Yang Stone Powder and 6 bottles of Vein-Tongping Body Tempering Pill.

 After a while, his Tillandsia fruit will mature and become something that can be tempered.

This thing is still too expensive. It costs 5,000 spirit stones in total. If you want to use it, it will probably only take more than three months.

It consumes so much spirit stone that even Chu Ning doesn’t dare to buy more.

 This would cost 8,000 spirit stones. Chu Ning couldn't help but secretly sigh that the spirit stones could not be spent.

 Although the female cultivator surnamed Zhang was a little surprised that Chu Ning's seventh level of Qi Refining actually required such a high-level body tempering object.

But he didn’t ask any more questions. Instead, he wrote another note and handed it over from the disc.

At the same time, 15 jade bottles labeled with Lingyuan Dan were also passed around.

Chuning made his last request at this moment.

“I want to buy a high-end magic weapon with greater offensive power. I don’t know what my options are?”

 Getting a higher-level magic weapon, Chu Ning has always had this idea after killing Boss Liu and others.

 He was too dependent on talismans before, and there was no problem under normal circumstances.

 But Chu Ning also had to prevent the talisman from being inconvenient to use under extreme circumstances.

 On the defensive end, he already has an intermediate defensive weapon, plus he has a body refining skill.

And Chu Ning is going to find an opportunity to buy some mid-level talismans later.

So Chu Ning feels that the problem is not big for the time being.

However, Chu Ning was still worried about the lack of a powerful offensive weapon in his hand.

 After all, his Cangmu Sword Technique is sufficient in terms of sustained attack damage, but it is still insufficient in terms of explosiveness.

When the female cultivator surnamed Zhang heard what Chu Ning said, she didn’t say much and directly handed a jade slip to Chu Ning’s hand.

“This is a high-level magic weapon currently available in our pavilion. Fellow Taoist, you may wish to take a look at it first.”

Chuning took the jade slip and looked at it, and suddenly felt a little dazzled.

Different from the seven things that were just tempered, this jade slip contains nearly a hundred kinds of magical weapons.

 Chun Ning could only watch and choose slowly.

During this process, the Pure Yang Stone Powder and the Vein-Tongping Body Tempering Pill have also been passed on.

“This flywheel looks very lethal, but unfortunately it is a metal weapon. If you use it yourself, you may not be able to exert its power.”

“The red fire staff seems to be pretty good too, and the demon-suppressing scissors...”

While Chu Ning scanned, he also roughly wrote down the information about various items.

 When his browsing came to the seventy-second item, he finally looked at it carefully.

“The sacred wood longbow is actually an offensive weapon with wood attributes.”

After taking a closer look at the introduction of this sacred wood longbow, Chu Ning immediately decided to choose this one!

This sacred wood longbow can actually emit the spells it emits as spell arrows, and can double the damage of the spells.

 Coupled with my Cangmu Sword Technique, it can not only provide continuous damage, but also increase instant damage, which is just right.

When Chu Ning looked at the price behind him, he suddenly felt a burst of pain.

This offensive magic weapon actually costs 1,200 spirit stones, which is comparable to a defensive magic weapon of the same level.

When Chu Ning raised this question, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang immediately smiled and explained:

“What Li Daoyou doesn’t know is that this bow is originally a top-level magic weapon. Spells can be emitted with arrows, and the power can be doubled.

 It’s just that this arrow was lost due to various reasons. After research, we found the current method of use.

  However, the quality of this bow is definitely at the level of a top-notch magical weapon, so it is natural that the price is higher. "

Hearing what this woman said, Chu Ning showed a slightly surprised look.

 Then he handed the jade slip back to the female cultivator named Zhang.

 “That’s it.”

 The female cultivator surnamed Zhang took the jade slip and spread the word again.

 Soon, a long bow that was all green and covered with runes was brought in.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang handed the long bow, Lingyuan Pill, Pure Yang Stone Powder and Tongmai Body Tempering Pill to Chu Ning.

“Total nine thousand two hundred spiritual stones, there are still one thousand nine hundred and sixty four spiritual stones left.

I don’t know if fellow Taoists should give the spirit stones directly, or if they should be stored in the spirit stones and jade talismans? "

 “Spiritual stone and jade talisman?”

 Hearing what the female cultivator surnamed Zhang said, Chu Ning was slightly stunned.

Mu Ran thought of the jade talisman he had gotten from Old Man Sun's storage bag.

Before coming out today, Chu Ning deliberately left it in Yanjifang because he was afraid that the relationship between this jade talisman and Yunhai Pavilion would be discovered.

 Could it be that the female cultivator in this chapter is talking about that thing.

“This spirit stone jade talisman is specially made by our Yunhai Pavilion. It is mainly used to store spirit stones.

 Some guests keep them in our Yunhai Pavilion because they have many spiritual stones and it is inconvenient to carry them. "

 The female cultivator surnamed Zhang started to explain at this moment.

“And we will give the guest a jade talisman as a token, which will record how many spiritual stones there are.

With this token, you can get spiritual stones from any Yunhai Pavilion, or directly use it to offset the purchased items. "

Speaking of this, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang smiled and said:

“This jade talisman is also one of the status symbols of our Yuhai Pavilion. Generally, we will only distribute it if there are more than 5,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

With this jade talisman in the pavilion, someone will be arranged to receive you, and you will get certain discounts in sales.

Fellow Taoists should have heard of the auction in the pavilion. With this jade talisman, you can participate directly regardless of whether it is recommended by a high-level monk. "

From the words of the female cultivator surnamed Zhang, Chu Ning roughly understood the function of this jade talisman.

Chun Ning did not respond directly to Fang’s words, but addressed the female nun named Zhang:

“I wonder if Brother Zhang can give Li a jade talisman to look at. I haven’t seen anything like this before.”

"Of course!" the female cultivator surnamed Zhang said, took out a jade talisman and handed it to Chu Ning.

 It is indeed this thing!

Chun Ning held it in his hand and recognized it at a glance. This jade talisman was exactly the same as the jade talisman in Old Man Sun's storage bag.

However, his face remained calm.

Just holding it, he said to the female nun named Zhang with some curiosity:

 “Can other people use this jade talisman?”

"Okay." The female cultivator surnamed Zhang nodded, "This talisman is anonymous. We recognize the talisman but not the person."

Chun Ning probably understood what was going on, and then handed the jade talisman back to the female cultivator surnamed Zhang.

“I don’t have five thousand spiritual stones in my hand now.”

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang did not reach out to take it, but smiled and said:

“Fellow Taoist, although we don’t have so many spiritual stones left now, we have traded so many items in our pavilion this time, so we are eligible for the jade talisman.”

Chun Ning pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"That's okay. I'll save a thousand spiritual stones for this jade talisman first. As for the rest of the spiritual stones, I won't save them for the time being. I still have some use for them."

While saying this, Chu Ning was also thinking in her heart.

 Next time you have a chance, you can take Old Man Sun’s jade talisman to Yunhai Pavilion to see how many spiritual stones are in it.

According to Chu Ning's guess, Old Man Sun's jade talisman was probably obtained by handing over the Seven-Star Spiritual Fruit to Yunhai Pavilion for auction.

However, Old Man Sun seemed to have used a lot of things in the fierce fight before, and he didn't know how many spiritual stones were left in this jade talisman.

Just when Chu Ning was thinking this, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang placed the jade talisman and the spirit stone in front of Chu Ning.

“Fellow Daoist Li, I’m fine now.

However, Taoist friends, remember to keep this jade talisman well. If it is lost, our Yunhai Pavilion will only recognize this jade talisman. "

Chuning nodded to make it clear, and without saying another word, he stood up and prepared to leave.

 “Fellow Taoist, wait a moment!” The female cultivator surnamed Zhang also stood up at this time.

Then he looked at Chu Ning with a smile and asked:

“I don’t know if fellow Taoist is interested in being our guest talisman master in Yunhai. He has no other intention. He just sells the talismans drawn by fellow Taoist to us on a regular basis.

  No matter how much it is, in terms of price we can keep it at today’s price.

 And if fellow Taoists buy anything from our pavilion, there will be a certain discount on spiritual stones. "

As soon as the woman finished speaking, Chu Ning shook her head.

 “Not interested, I’m used to being undisciplined.”

He naturally has no interest in directly using the title of guest minister with Yunhai Pavilion.

When the female cultivator surnamed Zhang heard this, her expression did not change much, and she continued to say with a smile on her face:

“That’s really a pity, but if fellow Taoists still have talismans of the same quality in the future, I hope they can come to our Yunhai Pavilion.”

Chun Ning nodded noncommittally, but what he was thinking was that he couldn't come to Yunhai Pavilion to sell talismans in a short time, it was too eye-catching.

Chasing it, Chu Ning left the room amidst the kind words from the female cultivator surnamed Zhang.

  The female cultivator surnamed Zhang did not leave the room, but the waiter outside sent Chu Ning out of Yunhai Pavilion.

 After leaving Yunhai Pavilion, Chu Ning found a deserted place, lifted the transformation spell, and returned to his original appearance.

At the same time, Yinmu's spiritual body covered his aura and turned into the fifth level of Qi refining.

After walking around for a while, we walked into Yunhai Pavilion again.

 (End of this chapter)

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