My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 109: Accidentally entering the restricted area

Chapter 109 Breaking through the restriction by mistake

Although Chu Ning didn't like it very much, she didn't show it at all.

 He took them all smoothly, then cupped his hands and said:

 “Thank you very much, deacon…”

"Ah, you're welcome! If there's nothing else, I'll go somewhere else first." As Liao Yunming spoke, he stood up to leave.

Chuning sighed and muttered at this moment:

"Is the deacon so busy? Forget it, I originally wanted to ask the deacon to help me.

This talisman is an elementary and middle-grade talisman, and my success rate in making the talisman has reached 60%.

And they all said that this talisman is of extremely high quality, better than the talisman in Wind Canyon. I wonder if the pavilion wants it. "

When Liao Yunming, who was about to take a step forward, heard this, he immediately took his steps back. Then he looked at Chu Ning and asked in a daze:

“What did you just say? Among the elementary and mid-level spiritual talismans, your success rate in making talismans has reached 60%?

 And they are all of high quality? "

Chuning didn’t answer, and took out a few talismans from his storage bag and handed them over.

He has shown good talent for making talismans from the first day he came into contact with talismans. Coupled with his performance in Yanjifang, everyone knows it.

 So he is not afraid to show off.

 Besides, he didn’t tell the other party that he could already make the elementary high-grade talisman.

Liao Yunming took the talismans from Chu Ning's hand. Even though they were elementary and middle-grade talismans, and he had known that Chu Ning could make them before, he was still a little surprised at this moment.

The quality of this talisman is indeed top-notch, even if he made it himself, it would be nothing more than that.

More importantly, Chu Ning actually said that he could make a talisman with a success rate of 60%.


"Now draw some talismans for me to see." Liao Yunming said seriously to Chu Ning.

Chu Ning naturally did not refuse, and directly took out the talisman pen and began to draw the talismans in the magic talisman in front of Liao Yunming.

Yin Lei Talisman, Diamond Talisman, Earth Shield Talisman, Qi Condensing Talisman, Qingfeng Talisman, and even the trapped beast talisman that Liao Yunming passed on to him before were also drawn together.

 These talismans are very familiar to Chu Ning, who draws them every day.

If he wanted to, he could achieve a success rate of more than 80%.

But at this time, in order not to shock the world, he still kept it at about 60%.

 But even so, it was enough to surprise Liao Yunming.

“Your talent for making talismans, tsk tsk, I still underestimated it.”

Liao Yunming's face was full of surprise, even though he had already thought that Chu Ning's talent was extremely outstanding.

Chun Ning's performance at this moment still exceeded his expectations.

 “Chun Ning, come on!”

Liao Yunming never said anything about leaving at this time.

“From now on, you will be the key disciple of my Lingfu Pavilion. You will stay in Yanjifang for a while to practice and accumulate more resources to improve yourself.

As long as you enter the later stage of Qi refining, I will definitely pass on to you the more profound talisman-making technique in the Lingfu Pavilion.

 In it, there are not only records of the basic and high-grade talismans, but also the methods of making talisman for the intermediate talismans and even the advanced talismans. "

Hearing Liao Yunming's words, Chu Ning's heart skipped a beat. He almost immediately asked the other party if he could pass on this mysterious talisman to him now.

However, after thinking about it, he still did not speak, he just sighed and said:

“Deacon Liao, having said that, this sect is still too dangerous. If I hadn’t bought an intermediate talisman outside this time.

In addition, the silver crystal frost bamboo shield given by Deacon He was probably killed by the Yin Mo Sect members. "

Upon hearing this, Liao Yunming immediately waved his hands and said:

“Intermediate talismans, we don’t have many other talismans in Lingfu Pavilion. It’s not that there are many talismans. Just wait.”

 After saying that, Liao Yunming turned around and went up to the second floor, and then quickly went downstairs.

“Here are five intermediate and low-grade attack talismans, each of which is extremely powerful.”

As Liao Yunming spoke, he handed ten talismans to Chu Ning.

“There are five intermediate and low-grade defensive talismans here, take them.

With these talismans, even if a monk with perfect qi training takes action, it will be difficult to directly break through your defense for a while.

The monks in the foundation-building stage might also be able to block it. "

 Then, he took out another jade slip.

“There is an elementary and advanced escape technique here, with a more common name, it’s called Escape Technique.

However, the speed of this escape technique is not slow. It should be twice as fast as your daily wind control. If you use it to practice, you will also gain more life-saving skills. "

When Chu Ning heard this, he immediately took it with joy on his face.

 “Thank you, Deacon Liao.”

Liao Yunming nodded, and then took out a few small cloth bags from the storage bag.

“Oh, by the way, Junior Brother He is out on business, and he asked me to deliver these bags of spiritual plant seeds to you.”

Chuning was slightly stunned, but still reached out and took it.

Originally, he wanted to tell He Changyou that there seemed to be no yard at his outer door, so there was no need to go to him now.

 Simply brought it up with Liao Yunming

Upon hearing this, Liao Yunming immediately waved his hand and said:

“What is this? We at Lingfu Pavilion also have a courtyard here.”

As he said that, he directly called Tan Zhang.

“Tan Zhang, bring a prohibition sign indicating that there is an empty courtyard inside the pavilion and outside the outer gate.”

 Fifteen of an hour later.

When Chu Ning walked out of Lingfu Pavilion with the forbidden card, Liao Yunming had a smile on his face.

“Old He, Old He, I have to sell this favor. If this kid really returns to the sect at the later stage of Qi refining, he will be a member of my Lingfu Pavilion.”

 After coming out of Lingfu Pavilion, Chu Ning still headed towards Lingzhifang Dojo.

He was originally going to find He Changyou, but since the other party was not there, Chu Ning naturally had no need to look for him specifically.

However, Chu Ning also brought back a lot of spiritual plants this time, which he also wanted to hand over to the sect to offset the monthly payment.

 Fortunately, there are dedicated people in the Lingzhi Room to handle this matter. Even if He Changyou is not here, there will be no impact.

 After finishing this matter, Chu Ning returned to the outer gate again and found the courtyard marked on the forbidden sign.

He was somewhat surprised to find that it was not far from Mu Ling's residence.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it. After all, Mu Ling is also from Lingfu Pavilion.

 It is normal for the courtyards in the same pavilion to be closer together.

 He originally wanted to say hello to Mu Ling, but found that she was not there.

Just give up.

Go directly to your own yard and take a look. The layout is similar to the one in Mu Ling's house before.

Since Chu Ning will go back in the next two days, Chu Ning has no intention of messing with the yard at the moment.

 Find a room, used a few spells to clean it up briefly, and then Chu Ning came to the yard.

 Get ready to start studying a few things you got today.

While picking up the Earth Spirit Bracelet, Chu Ning also took out a large Earth Spirit Crystal from his storage bag.

 Then, he casually took out a small jade knife from the storage bag.

This thing was prepared before he went to Yanjifang, mainly because some special spiritual plants were actually used when cutting.

He picked up the jade knife, looked at the size of the earth spirit bracelet to be inlaid, and then started cutting on the earth spirit crystal.

 After a while, he cut off a small piece of earth spirit crystal.

Chuning embedded it into the earth spirit bracelet, and when he was about to cut the second one, he stopped again.

He still wanted to try the power of the Earth Spirit Bracelet, but the Earth Spirit Crystal was indeed very precious, and getting too much would be too wasteful.

 Just put one piece first.

Chun Ning put down the jade knife in his hand and released Ling Xiaobai from the spirit beast bag.

 Be prepared to let this little guy fire an attack spell to come out and have a look.

This little guy has actually advanced to the first level of advanced level. In terms of level, it is already equivalent to the late stage of Qi refining.

Considering that spiritual beasts and monsters are generally of the same level, their strength is higher than that of ordinary monks.

  Let this little guy try out its power.

“Xiaobai, wait a moment while I activate my defense, and you can try casting a spell on me.”

Chun Ning said to Ling Xiaobai, while injecting mana, he directly activated the earth spirit bracelet in his hand.

A khaki light shield was immediately activated, protecting Chu Ning's whole body.

When Ling Xiaobai saw this, he opened his mouth and fired a white ice spell towards Chu Ning.


  The spell hit the yellow light shield. The light shield only fluctuated slightly, and then returned to normal.

When Chu Ning saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

 The power of Ling Xiaobai's spell attack has reached the attack level of an ordinary eighth-level Qi practitioner.

 Chuning felt that this defensive shield could withstand at least five such attacks.

You should know that now I only use an earth spirit crystal.

  If nine more earth spirit crystals are added, the defensive power will be doubled.

I am afraid that even a monk who has perfected his Qi refining will not be able to easily break through the defense.

As for the foundation-building monks, Chu Ning was not sure.

 Thinking of this, Chu Ning immediately withdrew his mana.

However, the magic shield is still maintained, obviously because the aura of the earth spirit crystal is still there.

 After this continued for half a quarter of an hour, the mana shield dissipated.

Taking this time, Chu Ning has cut off ten small pieces of earth spirit crystal again.

As soon as the mana shield dissipated, Chu Ning immediately embedded the ten earth spirit crystals into them.

 Ling Xiaobai looked very curious about coming to a strange environment, and his little eyes rolled around.

While Chu Ning was doing all this, he walked around in the yard, looking in different directions from time to time.

 After Chu Ning got all ten earth spirit crystals, Ling Xiaobai ran to Chu Ning's side. There was a "嘤" sound and he shouted in a certain direction.

“Xiao Bai, that place is where the inner gate is, so the spiritual energy is naturally abundant.”

Chuning smiled at Ling Xiaobai.

At this time, Ling Xiaobai suddenly shouted "嘤" in the other direction.

Chuning heard the cry, glanced in that direction, and suddenly looked at Ling Xiaobai strangely.

 “You mean, that place also has a lot of spiritual energy?”

Chun Ning raised his brows slightly.

“Isn’t that right? According to the direction, that place should be relatively outside the outer gate, even almost out of the mountain range.

How is it possible that there is a stronger aura in that place? "

Thinking like this, Chu Ning looked at Ling Xiaobai with doubt.

 “Xiaobai, you can’t sense it wrong, right?”

“Hey!” Ling Xiaobai shouted at Chu Ning with some dissatisfaction.

After hearing this, Chu Ning smiled and said:

“Okay, okay, you didn’t feel wrong, I made a mistake.”

 “Hey!” Ling Xiaobai shouted at this moment, and actually wanted to walk out directly.

"With me!"

 Hearing Ling Xiaobai's voice, Chu Ning shook his head.

“Forget it, Xiaobai, this is within the sect. You can’t wander around. It would be bad if you go to the cave of a senior in the sect.”

Hearing Chu Ning’s words, Ling Xiaobai screamed again.

However, after seeing that Chu Ning was really unwilling to follow it, Ling Xiaobai lay down lazily.

At this time, Chu Ning continued to look at what he had gained today.

Take out the Blazing Bracelet. There is no other way to use this magic weapon. You can use it by injecting mana.

As the elder Tong said, there are two ways to attack.

Chuning put the earth spirit bracelet just now on his left hand and the offensive flaming bracelet on his right hand.

 At this time, he already had a set of ideas to match his original attack methods.

 Long distance is naturally easy to say. When there is no chance to take out the sacred wood longbow to attack, you can use this magical weapon to send out a flaming blade.

 And if the enemy is close to you, or you are close to the opponent through thunder steps.

You can try activating the blazing bracelet first and use the flames here to break through the opponent's defense.

 Then add the Tiangang Fist, and the power of this attack will undoubtedly be greater.

At the same time, Chu Ning also took out several intermediate and low-grade talismans given by Liao Yunming.

It is true as the other party said, there are talismans with various attributes.

Chun Ning was very satisfied after looking at it, and carefully put them away one by one.

However, when he picked up the so-called spiritual planting seeds given by He Changyou, Chu Ning couldn't help but curled his lips.

 This time, Deacon He was really not impressive at all.

The seeds of spiritual plants like Jin Yuan Guo were quite good to him before going to Yanji Fang.

 But now for Chu Ning, it is no longer attractive.

 Obviously, the deacon of Lingzhifang had underestimated Chu Ning’s current net worth and ability.

Chun Ning put these things into his storage bag, and without going anywhere for a while, he simply returned to the room and started practicing.

There is no spiritual plant in this place to practice with the help of Qingmu Chunhua Technique. Fortunately, Chu Ning still has Lingyuan Pill, which does not have much influence.

After taking a Lingyuan Pill, Chu Ning practiced for half a day until all the effects of the Lingyuan Pill were absorbed, and then he stopped.

Chun Ning was too lazy to cook at the moment, so she took a Bigu Pill, some spiritual fruit, and continued practicing.

Aoki Changchun Gong, Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, and Divine Refining Technique, it is not boring to take turns.

This practice takes place at night, when the last refining of the divine art is completed.

Chun Ning tried to release his spiritual consciousness, and found that his spiritual consciousness could vaguely reach a range of 8 feet, and he was immediately very satisfied.

 The next moment, Chu Ning's expression changed slightly.

 The little guy Ling Xiaobai ran off to nowhere.

Having been practicing today, Chu Ning habitually threw Ling Xiaobai directly in the yard.

 But at this moment, he was nowhere to be seen.

Chuning quickly left the room and went to the yard. He looked around carefully, but still couldn't find the figure.

 Looking out of the yard, his eyes suddenly became worried.

 “This little guy won’t cause any trouble wherever he goes.”

Just when Chu Ning was thinking this, Ling Xiaobai sneaked in directly from the restricted area of ​​the yard.

Chuning breathed a sigh of relief.

 But the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

I saw Ling Xiaobai holding a red spirit fruit half the size of a fist in his mouth, and he came to Chu Ning in a hurry.

 “You...where did you get it?”

Chuning looked at this little guy and suddenly felt a little big-headed.

This is within the sect. If there is a spiritual fruit, it must have been planted by an elder. Now Ling Xiaobai just stole one back like this...

Chun Ning quickly stepped forward and took the spirit fruit in his hand.

 Then he nervously asked Ling Xiaobai, "Have you eaten?"

 “Hey!” Ling Xiaobai shook his head.

“It’s okay if you don’t eat.” Chu Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

 “You send it back quickly now.”

At this moment, Ling Xiaobai called out to Chu Ning.

 “Let’s go together, there’s no one.”

no one? Chu Ning raised her eyebrows. Which elder was out?


Ling Xiaobai called out several times again at this moment.

Combining the little guy's spiritual sound transmission, Chu Ning spent a little time and asked a few more questions, and finally understood what the other party meant.

Ling Xiaobai said that it was obtained from the mountain in the direction where the spiritual energy was relatively abundant as mentioned yesterday, and that place was not a human cave, nor was there any spiritual field.

 But the entire mountain range.

However, when I heard Ling Xiaobai actually asked me to go.

Chuning still shook his head and said:

“Forget it, since this is a place within the sect, we’d better not break in.

Since you have found this spiritual fruit, I give it to you to eat. "

With that said, Chu Ning threw the spirit fruit back to Ling Xiaobai.


Ling Xiaobai called out and took the spirit fruit in his mouth, but did not eat it directly.

 Instead, he rushed out quickly.

“Xiao Bai.” Chu Ning shouted immediately when he saw this.

 But Ling Xiaobai didn't pay attention, and instead rushed out faster and faster.

Chun Ning saw this and hurriedly chased him out.

 Ling Xiaobai had already run out a long way away at this time.

This little guy has become even faster since he broke through to the first-level advanced monster.

Chun Ning's cultivation at the seventh level of Qi Refining at this moment was completely unable to catch up with Yufeng's.

Even if Chu Ning wanted to use the Beast Trap Talisman to stop him, the distance was not enough.

  The use of flying magic weapons is prohibited within the outer gate area.

At this moment, Chu Ning could only curse in his heart, while Yu Feng chased after him.

 Fortunately it was already night and there was no one outside.

Moreover, even the deacons from each church would return to the inner gate, and neither one person nor one beast was discovered.

 Ling Xiaobai only stopped after chasing him to the edge of the outer door.


At this moment, the spiritual fruit has been eaten by it.

Ling Xiaobai called out to Chu Ning, and at the same time his spiritual consciousness transmitted the message.

 “Is there a restriction?”

Chuning was not surprised when he heard this. This was probably the edge of the sect's protection and restriction.

 After all, going out is already beyond the scope of the mountain gate.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning immediately sent a message to Ling Xiaobai’s spiritual consciousness:

"Okay, this is a sect prohibition. We can't touch it casually. Let's go back."

As he spoke, Chu Ning knelt down and reached out to grab the other person.

At this moment, a white light suddenly emitted from Ling Xiaobai's head, and it actually enveloped Chu Ning.

 The next moment, Ling Xiaobai's body rushed forward.

  With Chu Ning in the white light, he rushed directly into the forbidden area.

 (End of this chapter)

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