Chapter 110 The place of secret mission

 From being enveloped in white light to directly entering the forbidden zone, it only takes a blink of an eye.

Chun Ning had no time to react before he was brought into the restricted area by Ling Xiaobai.

Chun Ning, who was caught off guard, immediately changed his face when he realized that he was standing in a different place.

“The spiritual energy is so strong. I couldn’t have broken into the inner door by mistake.”

Chun Ning thought like this and looked down at Ling Xiaobai, her teeth itching with hatred.

 “You are going to kill me.”

However, after looking up, Chu Ning immediately overturned his judgment.

I am indeed in a certain mountain range at the moment, but the trees in this place are lush and green, and it doesn't look like a monk living and activities at all.

 “Is it some forbidden area of ​​the sect?”

This thought flashed through his mind, and Chu Ning's face looked equally ugly.

 “You little bastard, take me out quickly.”

Chun Ning gave instructions to Ling Xiaobai. He didn't want to get into any trouble by accidentally breaking into any of the sect's forbidden areas.

 “Hey, my magical power has not been restored.”

At this time, Chu Ning sensed Ling Xiaobai’s spiritual voice, and could only smile bitterly on his face.

 Obviously, Ling Xiaobai's white light package that brought him into the forbidden area should be some kind of magical power that Ling Xiaobai gained after becoming a first-order high-level monster.

  However, using this magical power may also require some costs, and there is no way to recover it for the time being.

 “Approximately how long will it take?”

Chun Ning asked Ling Xiaobai.

 “One day.” Ling Xiaobai replied.

Chuning was slightly relieved when he heard this.

What I said before was that we set off from Zongmen and returned to Yanjifang early on the day when the market opened, so it was still not too late.

It would be hard to explain if I disappeared from the sect without any reason.


Ling Xiaobai called out to Chu Ning at this moment, indicating to follow him.

Chu Ning asked. After getting the information that there were no other monks and no monsters, he hesitated and followed Ling Xiaobai forward.

If he could go out, Chu Ning would definitely turn around and leave without saying a word.

 But since I can't get out and I entered this place again, I can at least figure out where this is.

Chun Ning followed Ling Xiaobai forward while releasing his spiritual sense.

 But there is really nothing around except trees and mountains.

 Other than the strong aura, there is no obvious difference from most mountains in the Qingxia Mountains.

What makes Chu Ning feel strange is that there seems to be some rule restrictions in this forbidden area, although mana can be used.

But when Chu Ning tried to fly with the wind, he couldn't do it, and the wind-chasing shuttle couldn't fly either.

Chun Ning also tried to take out the escape technique talisman, but it was also unable to be used.

 All escape techniques seemed to be prohibited here, which forced Chu Ning to walk directly on the ground.

 Fortunately, he has undergone mana purification and physical training, so his pace is naturally not slow.

Chun Ning tried it again and found that the wind control technique was not completely unusable. As long as he didn't fly into the air, it would still be fine.

 It's just that the speed of being close to the ground and riding the wind is about half slower.

After walking like this for about half an hour, Chu Ning came to a mountain col.

Chuning found that the aura here was a bit richer than on the road just now.

I guessed in my heart that Ling Xiaobai should have picked the spiritual fruit here.

Sure enough, after walking a few steps, Chu Ning saw a bush with spikes.

There were four or five red spiritual fruits on it, which looked exactly like what Ling Xiaobai had eaten just now.

 “Pick it for me.”

 Ling Xiaobai's voice transmission sounded in Chu Ning's mind.

Only then did Chu Ning know that this little guy had brought him here to help him pick the spiritual fruit.

Having vaguely guessed a possibility, Chu Ning asked Ling Xiaobai.

 “You can only eat one at a time? Do you need to pick these and keep them?”

 “Hey!” Ling Xiaobai shouted, nodding his head.

Chuning immediately took out a jade box from the storage bag, then carefully picked the spirit fruit and put it into the jade box.

“Okay, we’ve picked the things, where are we going now?”

Chuning put the jade box into his storage bag and asked Ling Xiaobai.


Ling Xiaobai called out, as if he knew what he was doing, and continued walking forward with Chu Ning.

Chuning felt it as he walked, and found that the spiritual energy was indeed stronger in this direction.

 After walking for more than half an hour, we came to a flat land.

Chuning stopped and was about to talk back to Ling Xiaobai.

 After all, you can't fly with the wind here. If you go too far, it will be troublesome to go back.

 He wanted to leave this place as soon as possible after Ling Xiaobai's magical powers were restored.

Just when Chu Ning was thinking this, his expression suddenly changed.

 There are people.

Ling Xiaobai also noticed something at this moment, and quickly called out to Chu Ning.

Chun Ning reached out and patted the spirit beast bag and put Ling Xiaobai into the spirit beast bag.

 When the transformation spell is used, the person has changed his appearance.

At the same time, the aura of Yinmu's spiritual body changed and became the sixth level of Qi refining.

At the same time, several figures appeared in Chu Ning's sight.

The four of them were also wearing blue robes. What surprised Chu Ning was that among them, there were both outer disciples and handyman disciples.

The four of them also saw Chu Ning at this moment. One of them, wearing an outer sect robe and a hook-nosed disciple, said to Chu Ning:

 “Hey, you came quite early.”

While talking, several people came to Chu Ning and sat on the ground.

 “Let’s wait for the others, it should be soon.”

Chu Ning was extremely surprised at this time. It was obvious that the aura was so rich, how could there be so many outer sects and miscellaneous disciples.

Moreover, he looked at the cultivation levels of several people, and the highest one was just the person who just spoke, who was at the ninth level of Qi refining.

Those miscellaneous disciples are all at the sixth level of Qi Refining.

Chun Ning’s face was calm, but something suddenly occurred to his mind.

At this moment, he simply sat on the ground.

 Soon, several more people came one after another.

 After about twenty people gathered together, the hook-nosed disciple at the ninth level of Qi Refining who first spoke to Chu Ning slowly spoke.

“Those who can come should have almost arrived. Now let’s show our identity tokens first.”

As he spoke, the man reached out and took out a bamboo sign in Chu Ning's shocked eyes.

 Yin Mo Sect!

Chuning was extremely horrified when he saw this bamboo sign.

This bamboo sign is exactly the same as the one he got from Qi Chongmao.

 It is the token of the Yin Demon Sect.

 After this person, the others also took out bamboo cards one after another.

When it was finally Chu Ning's turn, Chu Ning gritted his teeth and took out the bamboo sign that had been left untouched from the storage bag.

“Okay, everyone has read it and there is no problem.”

The hook-nosed young man finished speaking, and his face became a little more serious.

“However, we cannot be careless.

The Qingxi Sect had known about our sect's infiltration for a long time, and the previous brothers and sisters were all trying to identify themselves.

 But it was later discovered by the people of Qingxi Sect, so now it is replaced with this ordinary bamboo sign. If there is any movement, it can be destroyed easily.

Only then did we people successfully arrive at the place where the formation was set up. "

 Speaking of this, he paused and then said:

“There may have been some accidents along the way, otherwise we wouldn’t be the only ones in the same sect.

 My idea is to be more careful. Everyone met today and destroyed the identity token immediately after getting to know each other.

lest someone from the Qingxi Sect discover him accidentally and cause trouble. "

 As soon as this person said something, everyone else agreed.

So everyone crushed the bamboo cards in their hands and immediately looked at each other.

Chun Ning was naturally pretending to look at it with everyone at this moment.

At the same time, the hook-nosed young man spoke again:

“Now let’s exchange information. If anyone can get out smoothly, he must pass this information back to the sect.

Let me come first. My name is Duan Yuewu. I came in from the Qingxi Sect's outer sect's weapon refining hall.

The Qingxi Sect has set up the Five Elements Universe Formation in this forbidden area. There is a high probability that just as the sect inferred, they have really discovered a spiritual seed here.

 It’s just that I don’t know what attributes of the spirit seed it is, and I don’t know how far the spirit seed has been taken. "

"Yes, Qingxi Sect has caused so many Qi Refining Stage disciples to leave over the years, and they all gathered here just for this Five Elements Universe Formation. But, until now, I haven't figured out where the entrance to this forbidden area is. "

“We seemed to have been flying on the sect’s spiritual boat for a long time, so the entrance to the sect should have been far away.

By the way, the location I was transferred to after entering the forbidden area was a cave, and there was a first-level high-level monster inside. If it hadn’t been for other people’s attention, I probably wouldn’t have been able to reach this place. "


Everyone was talking to each other. Chu Ning listened carefully and at the same time, gathered all the information.

 The context of the whole thing gradually took shape in his mind.

After meeting a few people before, Chu Ning vaguely guessed that he might have arrived at the place where the Qingxi Sect's secret mission was located.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

And this Qingxi Sect’s so-called secret mission should be what these Yinmo Sect disciples call spirit seed harvesting.

These disciples came in to drive the great formation called the Five Elements Universe Formation.

 Because only disciples in the Qi Refining Stage can enter this forbidden area, and it is not easy to drive the Five Elements Universe Formation, that is why so many disciples in the Qi Refining Stage are needed to enter.

Moreover, after entering, you will encounter various monsters and dangers, and you will lose a lot.

 Qingxi Sect will regularly organize disciples to come in.

At the same time, driving the Five Elements Universe Formation seems to be beneficial, and the strength of some disciples can be greatly increased.

 These people, Qingxi Sect, will all be rearranged and become inner disciples.

Although he still doesn’t know more details, Chu Ning finally has some understanding of the secret mission within the sect at this moment.

As for the people from the Yin Demon Sect appearing here, that is probably where they got the news, so they arranged for so many Qi Refining Stage disciples to lurk.

Chu Ning even guessed at this moment that the Yin Mo Sect's previous actions against them and other Fangshi disciples outside were most likely related to this matter.

 Kill some disciples of the Qingxi Sect so that their hidden disciples of the Yin Mo Sect have a greater chance of entering?

The senior officials of the Qingxi Sect should have seen through this conspiracy long ago and checked everyone's identity before entering the forbidden area.

  Some Yinmo Sect disciples should have been discovered and eliminated directly.

 These people, however, used this simplest method to avoid verification.

From the words of these Yin Mo Sect disciples, Chu Ning heard that it took them a long time to reach the so-called formation place after entering the forbidden area.

 After waiting for a while, it was officially arranged to drive the Five Elements Universe Formation.

“Who is that, and you? What information do you have? Why haven’t you spoken?”

At this time, Duan Yuewu looked at Chu Ning, with a look of suspicion on his face.

"My name is..." Chu Ning opened his mouth, preparing to make up some random words based on the previous people.

At this moment, his heart trembled, and with his keen sense, he sensed that many people were approaching quickly.

The next moment, Duan Yuewu, who was at the ninth level of Qi Refining, seemed to notice something.

 “No, we were discovered!”

As he spoke, he jumped up from the ground.

The rest of the people also stood up in shock.

At this moment, a group of figures appeared, and at the same time, various spells were activated towards everyone.

“Kill all these Yin Demon Sect brats!”

Duan Yuewu's expression changed drastically at this moment and he roared.

 “Damn it, run away!”

As he spoke, Duan Yuewu quickly rushed out in one direction.

But when he raised his head, he found a figure faster than him.

It was Chu Ning who he had always felt was talkative just now.

“There must be something wrong with this person!” Almost instantly, Duan Yuewu made a decision in his heart.

At this time, he felt more and more that Chu Ning's behavior just now was abnormal.

It didn’t matter if I arrived before him, I basically didn’t speak during the whole process.

Obviously he is at the sixth level of Qi refining, but his reaction and escape speed are faster than those at the ninth level.

  When Duan Yuewu thought of this, he immediately gritted his teeth and chased after Chu Ning.

Chun Ning was indeed the first to react, and when the group of people appeared later, he had already rushed out.

 The scene that happened next gave Chu Ning a rough idea of ​​what was going on.

 Obviously, even the actions of Duan Yuewu and others today have actually been noticed by the people of Qingxi Sect.

 The reason why they were brought together was probably because they wanted to catch them all in one fell swoop.

If he saw this scene normally, Chu Ning would naturally applaud.

But at this moment, Chu Ning shuddered at the thought of being mistaken for a disciple of the Yin Demon Sect and being besieged.

 He did not think that those fellow apprentices would listen to his explanation.

 So, Chu Ning only had one thought in her mind, escape!

Although the escape technique can no longer be used, fortunately, Chu Ning has another secret magical power, Thunder Step!

In the two ups and downs, before the spell fell, Chu Ning had already rushed away in the direction he came from.

As expected, he quickly distanced himself from everyone, and he didn't even notice anyone from the Qingxi Sect following him.

Thinking that because of his extremely fast speed, those people would most likely not notice his departure, Chu Ning felt relieved a little.

 However, when he released his spiritual consciousness, he felt a chill in his heart.

He was vaguely aware that not far behind him, there was also a figure following him very quickly.

It’s just that this figure did not enter the range of his spiritual consciousness, so Chu Ning did not sense who it was.

However, when Chu Ning turned his head slightly, he could see a black light following him not far behind him.

“How can anyone keep up with my thunder steps?”

Chun Ning had a look of surprise on his face.

Although after breaking out of the encirclement, in order to save mana, he used the ordinary Thunder Step.

 But even so, it is much faster than ordinary escape techniques.

 But here, it was clear that he could not use the escape technique, but there were still people who could keep up with him. How could this not shock him.

At this moment, Chu Ning no longer cared about saving mana. He took out a bottle of Yuanhui Dan from his storage bag and dropped one into his mouth.

 The next moment, mana is injected into the feet.

The person rushed out with a "swish".

 Coupled with Mana's Thunder Step, his speed suddenly increased, and he quickly distanced himself from the person behind him.

 However, what surprised Chu Ning slightly.

Just a short while later, the black shadow behind him faintly glowed with red light, and he actually caught up with him again.

“Is it that part of Yuewu?”

Chun Ning had a vague suspicion in her mind at this moment.

The other party is at the ninth level of Qi Refining, and he should have been a member of the Yin Demon Sect for a long time.

It is very likely that he used some kind of magic secret method, so he followed him.

However, this made it more difficult for Chu Ning.

 In a sense, Duan Yuewu thought that he was a member of the Yin Mo Sect, and it was better to be chased by him than to be chased by the Qingxi Sect.

 However, I have to go out of the ban tomorrow.

How to deal with it if Duan Yuewu is following you.

Thinking like this, the two of them ran out a short distance one after the other.

 During this process, Chu Ning swallowed another Yuan Yuan Pill to keep his mana relatively abundant.

Seeing that he was not too far away from where he entered the restricted area, the figure behind him was still chasing after him.

Chun Ning frowned and simply hid in a bush.

 At the same time, the Qi gathering function of the Yinmu spirit body is activated.

His figure had just hid, and the next moment, a black shadow mixed with a faint blood appeared.

Chuning raised his eyes and looked, it was that section of Yue Wu.

However, he did not rush over directly as Chu Ning thought.

Instead, he only rushed out a few steps and stopped, then turned his head, slowly looked at Chu Ning's hiding place, and shouted coldly:

"come out!"

Chuning sighed slightly when he saw this.

 In fact, he had just realized that it was not easy to hide it from the other party.

 After all, being unable to fly, he could only run on the ground, and the vegetation here was so lush that it was too easy to leave traces.

 This is also the reason why Chu Ning does not dare to move forward.

 He didn’t want to expose Ling Xiaobai leading him in and out of the restricted area.

Chuning stood up slowly from the bushes, deliberately showing a slightly relaxed expression on his face.

“Senior Brother Duan, it’s you. I thought someone from the Qingxi Sect was catching up with me, but I was shocked.”

At this moment, Duan Yuewu looked at Chu Ning coldly, his eyes flashing with cold light.

“Who are you? From the Qingxi Sect, you pretended to be among us, but you are quite capable. If I hadn’t happened to know the secret technique, you would have escaped today.

However, since Zongli’s strategy has failed and we can’t go back, leave your life to me! "

With these words, Duan Yue raised his martial arts hand fiercely, and a black light flashed towards Chu Ning.

 (End of this chapter)

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