Chapter 111 Killing Duan Yuewu

From Duan Yuewu's uncomfortable expression, Chu Ning could faintly feel that something was wrong.

 So he was well prepared for Duan Yuewu's attack.

Almost at the same time that Duan Yuewu launched his spell attack, several rays of light quickly lit up around him.

 Two intermediate defense spells are activated at the same time.

Two shields, one yellow and one white, directly covered Chu Ning's body.

The opponent is at the ninth level of Qi Refining and a disciple of the Weapon Refining Hall, and may also possess the secret skills of the Yin Demon Sect. Chu Ning does not dare to be careless at all.

 Duan Yuewu obviously did not expect that Chu Ning would activate so many magic shields at once.

 The corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

 However, the movement of the hand is not slow.

A fork-shaped object appeared in his hand. With the injection of mana, the light shone brightly and shot toward Chu Ning.

Looking at the power, it is actually a high-level magic weapon.

At this moment, after activating several layers of defense, Chu Ning was finally free to launch an attack.

The talisman ring in hand was not used, and the true talisman spells in it only had primary and high-grade power.

 It is still too weak to deal with the ninth level of Qi Refining.

With a raised hand, Chu Ning directly sent out two intermediate talismans.

I got a few intermediate talismans from He Yunming today, and they come in handy at this moment.

At the same time, the mana from his right hand was injected, and the ten flaming blades shot towards Duan Yuewu.

 “You are indeed no ordinary person.”

Duan Yuewu saw that his attack spell was actually blocked by several layers of shields outside.

It was impossible to hurt Chu Ning at all, but Chu Ning was still able to launch a powerful attack. At this moment, he was also frightened and angry.

He activated the high-level defensive magic weapon on his body, which also blocked the spell attack from Chu Ning.

Just like this, the defensive shield outside Duan Yuewu's body was completely annihilated.

However, Duan Yuewu also raised his head at this time, with a sneer on his face.

“Intermediate low-grade defensive talismans, mid-grade low-grade offensive talismans, high-grade offensive magic weapons, I want to see what you still have…”

 Duan Yuewu just said this, his expression suddenly changed. He saw that Chu Ning at this moment took out a few more intermediate talismans.

 “Damn it!”

With these two words in his mouth, Duan Yuewu's expression changed, and his body suddenly lit up with the same **** light as before.

The person disappeared in a flash and disappeared directly from the spot.

This speed is actually a few minutes faster than when I was chasing Chu Ning just now.

Chun Ning was shocked when he saw this.

  Without activating the intermediate talisman in his hand, he disappeared in a flash and left the place.

At the same time, a blood-red figure appeared at his original position, and followed closely to his side.

 “You brat, I’m going to kill you today even if I try my best to lose my cultivation!”

As soon as the voice fell, Duan Yuewu's blood-red figure also appeared.

I don’t know what secret method was used, but one of his arms was now completely black and glowing red.

The nails on it were almost an inch long and turned into sharp claws.

 He dug straight into Chu Ning's heart.

 The defensive cover of the low-level intermediate talisman was shattered directly by the grasp of this arm.

Even though Chu Ning had practiced to the point where her muscles were gone, she did not dare to use her body to force the attack at this moment.

 The mana of his left hand was injected into the earth spirit bracelet, and a yellow light flashed, and a protective light shield exuding rich earth spirit energy appeared in Duan Yuewu's shocked eyes.


Black and red claws grasped the yellow light mask.

The yellow mask only trembled slightly, but there was no change at all.


Seeing that the full blow of his secret technique was blocked by Chu Ning.

 Duan Yuewu’s expression immediately changed.

"not good!"

With a cry of surprise in his heart, the black light on his right hand quickly faded away.

  A black body-protecting magic light actually formed outside his body.

At the same time, a flaming fist struck like lightning.

It was Chu Ning who used the Tiangang Fist with the power of the thunderous step just now to attack Duan Yuewu at this moment.

 Before that, there was another attack from a high-level magic weapon.

Flame Bracelet!

The flames hit Duan Yuewu's black light, and the body-protecting magic light disappeared instantly.

 The next moment, Chu Ning’s fist packed with mana and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth had also arrived!


 A dull blow came out.

 The next moment, Duan Yuewu flew out upside down, and then fell limply to the ground.

Even at the ninth level of Qi Refining, Chu Ning's multi-stage attack was completely unable to withstand it.

Chun Ning immediately used his magic skills, and several fireballs followed closely, directly burning Yue Wu's body clean.

  Until all of this was done, Chu Ning put away the jet-black knife that he had just taken out of the storage bag and was ready to be used at any time.

 It is no longer useful.

 Then, he walked over slowly.

 At this moment, Duan Yuewu had turned into ashes.

On the ground, there is only one storage bag and two magic weapons.

 This level of fireball spell obviously cannot burn storage bags and magic weapons.

 Picking up the storage bag and magic weapon, Chu Ning's figure flashed and disappeared.

 About half an hour later, Chu Ning, who had circled twice, appeared near the place where he had entered the restricted area.

 Carefully finding a place that could block his view, Chu Ning sat down.

“Having a lot of good things in one’s body is still an advantage. It’s not too strenuous to kill a ninth-level Qi Refiner who obviously has a lot of tricks.”

 He did have an easy time against Duan Yuewu today.

 Duan Yuewu, who is on the eighth level of Qi Refining, possesses two high-level magic weapons, as well as a secret technique that is obviously a demonic one.

 But Chu Ning was not injured at all, and his clothes were not even stained.

This has to be attributed to the magical weapons and talismans obtained from the elders named Tong and Liao Yunming during the day.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning took out Duan Yuewu's storage bag and two magical weapons.

These two magic weapons, this fork-shaped magic weapon has good attack power. With just one blow, it directly broke Chu Ning's defense of an intermediate and low-grade talisman.

The other magic weapon that looks like a black round shield is also directly connected to Chu Ning's intermediate and low-grade offensive talisman.

Chuning used two low-level intermediate attack talismans in succession before breaking through it.

Chu Ning picked it up and looked at it at this moment, and found that these two magical weapons were obviously Qingxi Sect's magical weapons.

However, considering the opponent's identity as a disciple of the weapon refining hall, Chu Ning was not surprised.

 Open the other party's storage bag. There are also a lot of things in it.

There are many materials from monster beasts. It is not known whether Duan Yuewu accumulated them long ago or obtained them after entering this forbidden area.

There are several jade boxes containing elixirs, six of them.

Chuning just took a cursory glance and recognized several materials that were used to refine elementary and high-grade elixirs.

 One of the Agni grasses can still be used to refine low-level and intermediate-level elixirs.

 In addition, there are hundreds of spirit stones and several bottles of elixirs.

This pill surprisingly includes the Lingyuan Pill that Chu Ning took during this period, and there are nearly 30 pills.

 There are also elixirs such as Huiyuan Dan.

To Chu Ning's surprise, there was actually a bottle of elixir containing the strong blood evil aura that he had obtained a few days ago.

 In addition, there are also some training materials.

 Some of them Chu Ning knew, others were not unfamiliar.

It was the last piece of black metal material the size of a thumb and a white bead that caught Chu Ning's attention.

It is only as big as a thumb, but such a small piece of material would make someone put it in a storage bag. It is obviously not an ordinary thing.

 He ​​didn’t know much about the material, but he could vaguely tell that the quality of this thing was pretty good.

Chun Ning always felt that this black material had a breathtaking feeling after looking at it for a little longer.

With this thought in his mind, Chu Ning released his consciousness.

What surprised him was that this black metal material was not within Chu Ning's range of perception.

 “Can’t spiritual consciousness sense it?”

Chun Ning encountered this kind of thing for the first time and couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

 He picked up the small black material in his hand, and immediately, Chu Ning closed his eyes again and used his spiritual consciousness to sense it.

 That strange thing happened to him again.

Chun Ning was clearly holding this thing in his hand, but according to his spiritual consciousness, there was nothing in his hand.

 He carefully directed his consciousness toward the black material.

What surprised Chu Ning was that the spiritual consciousness was swallowed directly after entering.

Chun Ning immediately stopped his spiritual exploration.

 “This thing should be somewhat famous.”

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning put the black stone into a storage bag.

Chuning picked up the white bead again and found that it turned out to be a magic weapon.

Chuning tried to inject mana, and the white beads suddenly emitted a white light, illuminating the entire area.

 But there was no other reaction.

“Could it be that this is just a lighting instrument?”

Chun Ning muttered to himself.

 Then he also collected the bead.

 The rest of the monster materials and weapon refining materials were released separately.

“Although I lost a few intermediate and low-grade talismans, which are probably worth several hundred spirit stones, the total of these things is more than enough to make up for it.”

 Putting all these things into the storage bag, Chu Ning didn't go anywhere else, just stayed here.

He didn't even release Ling Xiaobai, because he was worried that the little guy would wander around and cause trouble.

Although Chu Ning was indeed curious about the spirit seeds and the Five Elements Universe Formation, his cautious nature still made him suppress these curiosity in his heart.

  After all, he did not come in normally. Once he is discovered again, the consequences will definitely be serious.

Hiding in a secret place, Chu Ning took out the earth spirit crystal and jade knife and started cutting again.

 Then he reinstalled the earth spirit crystal on his earth spirit bracelet.

 After all, Chu Ning is not sure if there will be other dangers here.

In addition, Chu Ning also cut ten more pieces for later use. Fortunately, there will be no danger in the following time.

After staying there for almost a whole day, from dawn to dusk, Chu Ning released Ling Xiaobai from the spirit beast bag.

“Xiao Bai, are you recovering your magical powers soon?”

Chun Ning looked at the other party expectantly.


 Ling Xiaobai called out "嘤", and Chu Ning nodded.

After waiting for another hour, Ling Xiaobai called out to Chu Ning again.

Chuning knew that this was Ling Xiaobai telling him that his magical power had been restored.

He immediately stood up and walked with Ling Xiaobai to the place where they broke into yesterday.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ning turned to Ling Xiaobai and said:

"Don't take me out yet. Go out quietly and see if there is anyone outside. If there is anyone, come in quickly."

Ling Xiaobai understood Chu Ning's words and rushed out, directly out of the restriction.

Chuning couldn't help but feel a little worried when he saw this scene.

 I hope there are no good talents out there right now.

 Otherwise, even if Ling Xiaobai comes back, it will be troublesome if he can't get out.

Soon, the little guy's figure reappeared in front of Chu Ning.

"no one!"

Hearing Ling Xiaobai’s voice transmission, Chu Ning felt a little relieved.

 “Let’s go out!”

Chun Ning said hello, and Ling Xiaobai immediately jumped on Chu Ning's shoulder.

At the same time, a ray of white light shone down from Ling Xiaobai's head, covering Chu Ning.

The next moment, Ling Xiaobai rushed forward, taking Chu Ning out of the restricted area along with Chu Ning in the white light.

After landing, Chu Ning looked up and saw the spot near the edge of the mountain gate last night.

Until this moment, Chu Ning's heart, which had been hanging, truly relaxed.

He did not dare to let Ling Xiaobai stay outside longer, so he put him directly into the spirit animal bag, and then quickly walked towards his yard.

At this moment, Chu Ning, who had calmed down, had endless doubts in his mind.

For example, this is obviously a forbidden area for protecting the sect of the mountain gate. How did you get through and then reach the forbidden area?

Is this the same prohibition, or is there another way of saying it?

What is the spiritual seed that everyone in the Yin Mo Sect is talking about in the forbidden area?

 Why is it that only disciples in the Qi Refining Period can enter the forbidden area, and why do they have to change people to enter again after a period of time?

Isn’t it okay to let the original disciples stay inside to maintain the formation?

 It’s a pity that no one can answer all these doubts for him, and he can’t even find anyone to ask.

Of course, Chu Ning was not completely confused at this moment.

 At least two things made Chu Ning feel slightly at ease.

 First, the disciples of the Yin Mo Sect are lurking in the sect. In fact, the people of the Qingxi Sect have known about it for a long time.

They also knew that their purpose of coming was to enter the forbidden area, so they were cleared before and after entering the forbidden area.

 This made Chu Ning, who had always known about this matter but didn't know how to inform the sect, feel relieved.

 Another thing that gave him some peace of mind was that the secret mission of this sect was better than he had imagined.

 Although there are some dangers, what people from the Yin Mo Sect said before.

 The dangers in this forbidden area mainly come from monsters in different places.

 As for these monsters, the highest level is actually the first-level advanced level.

In other words, it is still in the Qi refining stage, even if some monsters are really strong.

 But as long as the strength is not too outrageous and more methods are prepared, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Thinking about this, Chu Ning's previous worry that he would still be selected to participate in the mission one day faded a little.

 In person, for Chu Ning, it is best not to participate as much as possible.

These thoughts intertwined, Chu Ning finally returned to the yard.

 At this time, Chu Ning released Ling Xiaobai again.

"Xiao Bai, you can't just run in there without my permission from now on, do you understand?"

“Hey!” Ling Xiaobai called out softly.

At this moment, Chu Ning thought of Ling Xiaobai’s magical power that broke the restrictions.

Then he asked:

“Xiao Bai, did the magical power you just brought me into the forbidden realm be awakened after being promoted to a first-level high-level monster?

 Are there any other magical powers? "

 “No.” Ling Xiaobai called out aggrievedly.

Hearing what Ling Xiaobai said, Chu Ning gave up.

 Worried that the little thing would run around again, he put it back into the spirit animal bag again.

Ling Xiaobai was naturally reluctant, but at Chu Ning's request, he still got into the spirit beast bag.

Chuning watched Ling Xiaobai's figure disappear and shook his head.

He remembered that Zhuang Yunde had mentioned before that the outer cabinet of this library mainly stored some miscellaneous books, and outer disciples could read them at any time.

I originally wanted to go to the library during the day to see if there was any information about spirit beasts and find out information about Ling Xiaobai, but I could only come back next time when I had a chance.

After a little practice in the divine refining technique, Chu Ning fell asleep after not sleeping for two days.

 Early the next morning, Chu Ning got up and arrived at the outer entrance on time.

 After a while, Gu Xiaoqing, Shen Zhengquan and Lu Miaoying also arrived one after another.

What surprised Chu Ning slightly was that Lu Miaoying, who was originally at the fifth level of Qi Refining, had now broken through to the sixth level of Qi Refining.

Chun Ning was not the only one who discovered this, Gu Xiaoqing also asked in surprise.

“Junior sister Lu, have you made a breakthrough?”

“Well, I was stuck on the fifth level of Qi Refining for a while. After returning to the sect yesterday or two days ago, when my body and mind were relaxed, I didn’t know what happened, so I broke through.”

Lu Miaoying had a smile on her face at this moment.

Her smile is relatively natural, and it is obviously different from the forced smile in Fangshi before.

 It can be seen that Lu Miaoying is quite happy to be able to break through.

“That’s good, that’s how cultivation is. Sometimes when things fall into place, you will naturally achieve a breakthrough.” Gu Xiaoqing said with a smile.

 The two women started chatting there.

Shen Zhengquan also said congratulations twice, and then chatted with each other.

Chun Ning just said congratulations and then said nothing more.

 After a while, Chu Ning saw that several people who had been waiting on the first floor of Baibao Pavilion that day also appeared.

 Then a man who looked like a deacon drove a spiritual boat and took them directly through the sky.

Perhaps seeing Chu Ning looking at a few people, Gu Xiaoqing said from the side:

“A few of them were on a mission in another place, and I heard that they also encountered people from the Yin Mo Sect on the same day as us.

One of them carried a treasure, and everyone survived, and they came back this time to receive the reward. "

 After Gu Xiaoqing finished speaking, Chu Ning knew why several people also appeared in Baibao Pavilion that day.

Shen Zhengquan said from the side:

“I heard from the elders in the hall yesterday that a total of five groups of people were attacked by the Yin Demon Sect that day.

 Except for our two groups, the other three groups all seem to have perished. "

“Junior Brother Shen, this news is correct, I also heard it from people in the hall.”

Gu Xiaoqing also nodded slightly, confirming the news.

Immediately, she sighed slightly and said:

“Let’s be more careful in the future, go out to the market as little as possible, and if we go anywhere, we should go together.”

When everyone heard this, they all fell silent for a while.

The relaxed atmosphere just now suddenly became a lot heavier.

Although a few days have passed, several people have obviously not forgotten the scene of the previous attack.

Chuning listened to Gu Xiaoqing's words and shook his head secretly.

He agreed with everything else Gu Xiaoqing said just now. If you can't stay too far away from Fangshi, of course it's better not to stay too far away.

 But the so-called traveling together seems to be unnecessary.

According to Chu Ning's thinking, the attack that day was probably because the target of several people together was too obvious.

  If he goes out alone and uses the transformation spell, the possibility of people from the Yin Mo Sect discovering him is very slim.

Of course, Chu Ning didn’t say what Xianggui thought.

  What will happen when we return to Yanjifang? Let’s wait and see for a while.

A few people chatted for a while, and Lin Changqing appeared.

 The flying boat was released, carrying a few people and flew away through the sky.

 An hour later, everyone appeared in Yanjifang.

 At this moment, there has been some flow of people in Fangshi.

Lin Changqing ignored the people already on the street and drove the flying boat directly to land in front of several shops in Fangshi.

 Seeing Chu Ning and others appear, some immortal cultivating families and casual cultivators cast envious glances.

 “It’s better to go to a large sect!”

“Of course, the outer disciples of the Qingxi Sect can’t do anything they want.”

“I heard that the Qingxi Sect has been expanding its enrollment in the past two years. I wonder if any of the younger generation in my family will have this opportunity..."

 Amidst such discussion, Chu Ning and others got off the flying boat.

 When he was preparing to return to his hometown.

Lin Changqing's voice rang in everyone's ears.

“You don’t have to worry too much. The area around Fangshi is still safe. I will stay in Fangshi these days.

Furthermore, our sect is uniting with the other six sects to carry out a large-scale purge of Yin Mo Sect disciples.

 It is estimated that in about a month, the disciples of the Yin Demon Sect will be able to basically eliminate them. "

 After saying these words, Lin Changqing once again drove the spirit boat into the sky.

Chuning and others also opened their own shops.

Here Chu Ning had just stepped into the store, and the next moment, a figure followed closely.

“Shopkeeper, please open the door. I will be here waiting for you early in the morning.

 Are there any elementary high-grade talismans? How many should I buy? "

Hearing this, Chu Ning couldn't help but turned his head in surprise.

It is unusual for someone to come to your door and offer to buy low-grade, high-quality talismans, and immediately say they want to buy a few.

Turning his head, Chu Ning saw a middle-aged man with an unattractive appearance.

I have some impression that the other party should have bought the talisman from me before.

However, it seems that he has never bought an elementary high-grade talisman, but he doesn't know why he directly bought such a talisman when he came today.

 (End of this chapter)

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