My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 115: Qingxi Sect Leader Xin Wuya’s decision

Chapter 115 Qingxi Sect Leader Xin Wuya’s Decision

 The Qingxi Sect, deeper into the outer sect, is where the true disciples of the inner sect live and practice.

 Most of the monks who are above the foundation level in the gate also live inside.

Unlike the courtyards on the outside, except for a few pavilions and buildings, the inner gate is basically a hilltop with different caves.

At this moment, six people were sitting in one of the caves with the strongest aura.

 They are all powerful men in the Golden Core Realm.

There is a middle-aged man in the middle with a white face and no beard. He looks extremely elegant, but at this moment, there is a look of joy on his face that is difficult to conceal.

“Elders, according to the latest news from a disciple, the spiritual species in the spiritual realm are wood spirit species.

I want to organize the disciples of the sect who practice wood-attribute skills to enter when the ban can be opened in three months, and with the help of the power of the Five Elements Universe Formation, they can obtain the spiritual seeds in one fell swoop.

I wonder what the elders think? "

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, a fat old man immediately answered:

“Sect Master, our entire sect has spent decades working on this spiritual seed. Now we finally have definite information. Of course we must do our best to obtain it.

However, with the cultivation level of Qi Refining disciples, it would take thousands of people to drive the Five Elements Universe Formation, even if only two people could rotate it.

Of course there is no problem if you add other attribute Kung Fu disciples, but all Wood Attribute Kung Fu disciples...

 After these years of attrition, it may be difficult to gather thousands of disciples above the sixth level of Qi Refining. "

"Yes, Sect Master, why don't you just wait a little longer." The only female monk among the group, a silver-haired old woman, answered at this moment.

“Since we already know that he is a wood spirit species, we should spend some time cultivating more disciples of wood attribute skills, and it will be effective in a year or two.

I have been waiting for decades, and I don’t care if I wait another year or two. "

 In this Qingxi Sect, the only one who can be called the sect leader is Xin Wuya.

 This middle-aged man is Xin Wuya.

 Hearing what the two of them said, the joy on his face dimmed a little, and he sighed slightly and said:

“Elder Xie, Elder Mu, why don’t I want to wait, but the ghost of the Yin Demon Sect in the outside world is still there.

The other six sects in the Qingxia Mountains seem to have gotten some news.

The last time they jointly wiped out the Yin Demon Sect, they kept testing, thinking that it wouldn't be long before they would put direct pressure.

 In case the time comes, the six factions will also participate..."

As soon as Xin Wuya said these words, several elders looked at each other, and their faces became a little more serious.

“If there aren’t enough people, what will the sect master do to prepare?” The silver-haired old woman known as Elder Mu spoke again.

Xin Wuya's eyes fell on an old man wearing a red robe.

“This requires Elder Gui to personally take action and refine a batch of realm-breaking elixirs.”

"Breaking Realm Pill." After hearing Xin Wuya's words, everyone's eyes flashed slightly, but no one spoke.

This realm-breaking pill is specially used by monks in the Qi refining stage. After taking it, it can be forcibly raised by one level, and even ignore the bottleneck.

For example, if you take it at the fifth level of Qi refining, you can break through and reach the sixth level of Qi refining in a very short time.

Monks who are at the sixth level of Qi refining can directly enter the later stage of Qi refining and reach the seventh level of Qi refining after taking it.

However, as long as you use this elixir to break through, your cultivation will no longer be able to improve and you will stay at this level for life.

This elixir is often taken by monks in the Qi refining period who have not improved after practicing for many years and feel that there is no hope of seeking the truth.

In addition, it is not easy to refine this elixir, and it is extremely difficult for disciples during the Qi training period to obtain it.

 Hence, the Breaking Realm Pill is not used much in the world of cultivating immortals.

 After all, as long as one is a cultivator of immortality, no one has a glimmer of longing for the Great Dao before he attains enlightenment.

At this moment, Xin Wuya said that he wanted to ask the elder Gui to refine a batch of realm-breaking elixirs. His intention was self-evident.

Xin Wuya saw the expressions of everyone, and slowly said as usual:

“If I don’t have to, I will definitely not let the disciples of my sect stop their path.

 But spiritual seeds are of great importance. As long as they can be obtained, our Qingxi Sect is expected to have Nascent Soul Stage monks.

For the sake of the overall situation of the sect, some disciples had to be sacrificed. "

At the end of his words, Xin Wuya's tone was extremely firm.

 “That’s a good thing, Master.” A dark-faced old man on the right said coldly.

"Someone has to sacrifice. Isn't it because we can't improve our cultivation? So many disciples have died before entering the spiritual realm."

Xin Wuya nodded towards the black-faced old man, glanced at the other elders, and said again:

“If that’s the case, then it’s settled.

Three months later, all inner sect, outer sect, and handyman disciples who practice wood-attribute skills will enter directly from the sixth floor.

All the people on the fifth level of Qi Refining took the Realm Breaking Pill and entered the spiritual realm together.

 At that time, I will have to trouble all the elders to open the ban again. "

 After saying that, Xin Wuya looked at the old man with the surname Gui.

“Elder Gui, this matter is of great importance, so please ask Elder Gui to refine the Broken Realm Pill himself to prevent the news from leaking out.”


In Yanjifang, Chu Ning broke through to the eighth level of Qi Refining, and naturally no one knew about it.

 He still looks like he is at the fifth level of Qi training.

On the second day of the market opening, Chu Ning opened the door as usual.

 In the afternoon, Chu Ning was preparing to go to Lingtian.

Gu Xiaoqing came to the door.

Du Han has stopped coming to bother her recently. It is obvious that the idea Chu Ning gave Gu Xiaoqing last time has worked.

 So this Gu Xiaoqing also returned to her normal gentle appearance.

“Junior brother Chu, some of the elixirs you gave me last time were really off-price, and they were all sold out until today.”

As Gu Xiaoqing spoke, he took out a bag of spirit stones from the storage bag and placed it on the table.

“A total of 620 spiritual stones were sold, junior brother, please count them.”

“Thank you, Senior Sister Gu.” Chu Ning casually put the bag of spirit stones into the storage bag.

 Then he took out a few more flowing ice shield talismans from the storage bag, handed them to Gu Xiaoqing and said:

“Senior sister, I’m sorry to bother you so much. When you returned to the sect last time, you brought some elementary and high-grade talismans from Lingfu Pavilion. The sales volume in this market is not large.

Senior sister, if you don’t mind, take a few and use them. "

Gu Xiaoqing shook her head and said: "I practice alchemy here every day and don't go out, so I don't need this talisman.

Junior brother, you should keep it and sell it. I see that the scale of Yanjifang is getting bigger and bigger, and I will definitely be able to sell more of these elementary high-grade talismans. "

Chun Ning saw that Gu Xiaoqing refused to accept it, so she had no choice but to give up.

It is true that some of these elementary high-grade talismans can be sold in the market now, but the quantity of a few pieces a day is still too little for Chu Ning.

 In order to practice divine arts, he has made no shortage of talismans during this period.

There are a lot of these elementary and high-grade talismans in the storage bag.

Of course, it’s not easy to say this to Gu Xiaoqing.

At this moment, Lu Miaoying next to her also put away her things, and the two started chatting again.

 When Gu Xiaoqing left, Chu Ning looked at the sky and decided not to go to the spiritual field.

After practicing in the evening, Chu Ning thought about it and did not rush to rest. Instead, he took out a pile of talismans from the storage bag.

“Even though I deliberately controlled the amount of elementary high-grade talismans during this period, I still accumulated more than a thousand talismans in a few months.

 It seems that it is still necessary to go to Yunhai Pavilion in Fengxiafang. "

Chun Ning muttered to himself.

 In addition to getting rid of the talisman in his hand, Chu Ning also has some other needs.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning looked at the Black Night Iron Soul Mumu Sword in his hand.

 In the past two years, Chu Ning's proficiency in divine refining has been continuously improving, in addition to normal practice and making talismans.

The wood spirit of the Black Night Iron Soul Wood can be said to be indispensable.

But with Chu Ning's practice, the color of the black wooden sword at this time was far less dark than before.

Chun Ning could not directly feel how much wood spirit energy was inside.

But judging from the changes in color, Chu Ning felt that it would not take too long to support his cultivation.

Although it is difficult to buy things that help to grow your spiritual consciousness, Chu Ning is also ready to try his luck at Yunhai Pavilion.

  It can also be considered as preparation in advance.

At the same time, Chu Ning also wanted to find out if there was any news about the follow-up techniques of the divine refining technique.

After all, according to Chu Ning’s current cultivation progress, it will take less than three months for him to complete the first level of spiritual refining and start practicing the second level.

Thinking about this, Chu Ning still made up his mind to go there.

Although the distance to Fengxiafang is not very close, I have indeed not heard any news about the presence of Yin Demon Sect disciples recently.

In addition, Chu Ning felt that it would be less eye-catching if he went alone, so he felt that there should be no risk.

 In fact, it would be safer if you could go with Lin Changqing.

But Chu Ning is going to Yunhai Pavilion now, because the spiritual stone transaction involved is too large and there are many secrets, so it is inconvenient to go with him.

So, early the next morning, Chu Ning left Fangshi and headed for Lingtian as usual.

 But he did not stay in the spiritual field. He just took a short look and saw that there was nothing unusual. Then he left the spiritual field and used the transfiguration spell to change his appearance and leave in the wind.

 In this way, we walked for a while and basically left the scope of Yanjifang. Chu Ning took out the wind chasing shuttle from the storage bag and flew towards Fengxiafang.

 After all, he wasn't sure whether anyone else would know his Wind Chaser, so it was better to be cautious.

The journey was uneventful, and Chu Ning's wind-chasing shuttle was fast. Within an hour, Chu Ning had arrived at Fengxiafang.

 Enter Fangshi, Chu Ning did not stay and went straight to Yunhai Pavilion.

The things he wants to trade now cannot be supported by other small stores except big stores like Yunhai Pavilion and Fengxia Pavilion.

Chuning entered Yunhai Pavilion, and a waiter stepped forward to greet him.

Chun Ning casually took out a jade talisman.

“Help me see how many spiritual stones there are in this jade talisman, and take them out.”

This jade talisman was obtained from Old Man Sun's storage bag. He had never known its use before.

 So the last time I came to this market, I didn’t bring it.

“Fellow Taoist, please follow me.” The waiter did not ask any further questions and directly led Chu Ning to a circular device.

Then he pointed at one of the grooves and said to Chu Ning:

"Fellow Taoist put the jade talisman on it, and you can check the number of spiritual stones inside just like looking at the jade slip."

After Chu Ning arrived, he roughly understood that this circular device should be a thing that temporarily lifted the ban on jade talismans.

 Immediately, he put the jade talisman in.

As expected, the restrictions in the jade talisman were no longer there, and Chu Ning could clearly feel the information inside.

 “One thousand one hundred and thirty spiritual stones.”

 Chuning was a little disappointed when he saw the number of spirit stones recorded inside.

“It seems that old man Sun did have more than 5,000 spiritual stones after selling the Seven-Star Spiritual Fruit and other things.

 But it must have been used a lot later, and now there is only a little over a thousand left. "

But after thinking about it, Chu Ning felt relieved.

 It’s all for free anyway.

 In fact, the really good thing I got from Old Man Sun was probably the jet black knife.

Although Chu Ning has always been a treasure at the bottom of the box, it has not been really used yet.

But the existence of this thing gave Chu Ning a certain amount of confidence.

Turning around, Chu Ning said to the waiter: "Exchange all the spiritual stones for me."

“Okay, fellow Taoist, do you want to exchange all the low-grade spiritual stones, or do you want medium-grade spiritual stones?”

 The waiter asked at this time.

 Medium grade spiritual stone? Chu Ning's heart moved after hearing this.

According to the conversion method in the world of immortality, one middle-grade spiritual stone is equivalent to 100 low-grade spiritual stones.

 When he came this time, he actually had an idea to see if he could exchange it for some medium-grade spiritual stones.

In addition to being smaller in quantity and easier to store, Chu Ning also wanted to see if it would be faster for him to absorb the spiritual energy of this middle-grade spiritual stone.

Unexpectedly, the waiter took the initiative.

 Since I have the status of Jade Talisman, the treatment I can enjoy in Yunhai Pavilion is indeed different.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning said to the waiter: "Replace them all with medium-grade spiritual stones. If there are more, use lower-grade spiritual stones."

“Fellow Taoist, please wait a moment.” After saying that, the waiter took Chu Ning’s jade talisman and left.

 After a while, the waiter came again with a round plate in his hand.

There are two kinds of spiritual stones of different sizes placed on it. The larger one has eleven pieces, while the other ordinary low-grade spiritual stone has thirty pieces.

“This is the middle-grade spiritual stone.”

Chun Ning glanced over and muttered secretly in his heart.

 Then, he quietly put the two spiritual stones in the disk and the jade talisman into the storage bag.

Without saying anything else, Chu Ning turned around and left the Hai Pavilion.

Finding a deserted place, Chu Ning pinched the jade talisman directly.

Although this jade talisman has restrictions, it is mainly to isolate people from viewing information and has no other effect.

 So under Chu Ning's pinch, it suddenly became shattered.

At this moment, Chu Ning used the transformation technique to change his figure and appearance again, turning into a middle-aged man.

This appearance is the same as the last time I came to Yunhai Pavilion to sell talismans.

At this time, Chu Ning turned back to Hai Pavilion.

When Chu Ning showed the jade talisman and mentioned that the female cultivator named Zhang was familiar with him last time, he was quickly taken to the room that the female cultivator named Zhang was in charge of.

 The reason why I found the other party again was because the prices for these talismans and the like had already been agreed upon, and it was more convenient.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang really recognized Chu Ning. When she saw Chu Ning, she immediately smiled and said:

 “Fellow Daoist Li, we meet again.”

Chun Ning nodded noncommittally, maintaining his previous lukewarm appearance.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang did not feel any embarrassment because of this and continued to smile:

“Do you, Daoyou Li, want to sell something or buy something when you come here this time?”

“I brought some talismans.” Chu Ning said, taking out stacks of talismans from the storage bag.

This time, Chu Ning did not bring the elementary and middle-grade talismans, but all the elementary and high-grade talismans.

  After all, the demand for junior and middle-grade talismans in Yanjifang during this period is not small, and Chu Ning basically makes them according to the sales volume.

 In comparison, the output ratio of this elementary high-grade talisman is undoubtedly higher.

 “That’s great.” A bright light flashed in the eyes of the female cultivator surnamed Zhang.

“Last time, my Taoist friend’s talisman was placed in the pavilion, and it was very popular.

The seniors in the pavilion have been criticizing me for not letting my fellow Taoist stay as a guest talisman master.

I have been looking forward to seeing this selling talisman from Taoist friends again. "

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang said something that she didn’t know whether it was true or not. Chu Ning had the right to listen to it anyway, but she didn’t take it seriously.

 For him, being able to obtain real spiritual stones is the real thing.

When Chu Ning placed several stacks of talismans in front of the female cultivator surnamed Zhang, the woman finally had a look of surprise on her face.

 "There are four hundred red flame fire talismans and soaring cloud talismans each, and five hundred and fifty flowing ice shield talismans."

 The female cultivator surnamed Zhang quickly counted the number and asked Chu Ning to confirm.

 After Chu Ning confirmed that it was correct, she continued:

“As for the price, just follow the price I gave to fellow Taoists last time. The Red Fire Talisman and Soaring Cloud Talisman cost 17 spiritual stones each, and the Flowing Ice Shield Talisman cost 22 spiritual stones.

 Total 25,700 spiritual stones. "

 The female cultivator surnamed Zhang said a somewhat shocking number.

Chun Ning couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart. Although he had a lot of treasures at the moment, it was the first time that he had so many spiritual stones.

Chu Ning has not forgotten that there are still a thousand spiritual stones in his spiritual stone jade talisman.

 Coupled with the eleven hundred spiritual stones that he just took out from Old Man Sun's jade talisman, as well as some spiritual stones on his body, the total can almost reach the threshold of thirty thousand spiritual stones.

“I’m afraid that within the sect, I have a lot of spiritual stones.”

 At the same time that Chu Ning turned away from these thoughts, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang also spoke again:

“Do you want to buy anything else?”

Chu Ning nodded. Of course he had to buy things. With so many spiritual stones, he couldn't even use them all.

“I wonder if your pavilion now has treasures or medicines that can enhance your spiritual consciousness? I have an elder who wants to buy this item.”

"A treasure that enhances spiritual consciousness?" The female cultivator surnamed Zhang seemed a little surprised when she heard Chu Ning's words.

However, when Chu Ning said that it was an elder who wanted to buy it, she didn't ask any more questions.

He just looked at Chu Ning and said with a hint of apology:

“Fellow Taoist, these consciousness-strengthening drugs are mainly used by seniors in the foundation-building stage. I really don’t have permission to check them.

How about you wait a moment, fellow Taoist, while I send a message to the other seniors in the cabinet? "

Chuning nodded, not surprised by this.

 In this Yunhai Pavilion, different levels should have different permissions.

 With the seventh level of Qi cultivation in this chapter, the girl should mainly receive monks who are in the late stage of Qi cultivation.

Monks of this level really do not need to strengthen spiritual treasures.

Then, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang took out a communication talisman, but she was not in a hurry to send a message, but said to Chu Ning:

“Fellow Taoist, do you want to tell me about other things? If there are other treasures that I don’t have authority over, you can also ask them together.”

Chun Ning thought for a while, then shook his head and said:

 “Let’s ask this first.”

Although he has a lot of spiritual stones in his hand now, after all, things related to spiritual consciousness are probably very expensive. He still wants to see if he has them first, and then consider other things.

Seeing what Chu Ning said, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang nodded and then sent out the messenger talisman.

Just a short while later, a communication talisman returned to the hands of the female cultivator surnamed Zhang, along with a small jade box inside the disk.

The woman held the messenger and listened for a while, then raised her head and said to Chu Ning:

“Fellow Daoist Li, I’m really sorry, these magical elixirs and treasures that can enhance spiritual consciousness are very scarce, and we don’t have them in the pavilion for the time being.

However, there is an item related to spiritual consciousness in our pavilion now. I don’t know if you are interested in it or not. "

 (End of this chapter)

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