Chapter 116 Sect Recruitment

Hearing the words of the female cultivator surnamed Zhang, Chu Ning felt a little disappointed.

Although he also knew that this treasure with powerful spiritual consciousness was not easy to find, he was undoubtedly a little disappointed that there was no big store like Yunhai Pavilion.

Although I sighed in my heart, when I thought about it carefully, I felt it was normal.

After entering the foundation building stage, monks all have a need for treasures that enhance their spiritual consciousness, even if anyone actually obtains such a treasure.

 Generally they will not be sold in the market.

 The most fundamental reason is that there are too few such things.

However, when hearing the last sentence of the female cultivator named Zhang, Chu Ning asked curiously:

 “What kind of item is it?”

 “Soul-fixing Pearl!”

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang replied, and then opened the jade box, revealing a dark bead inside.

“This bead can be used to resist attacks from general ghosts and spirits.

However, it requires the user to release their spiritual consciousness, and it can only resist the attacks of ghosts and spirits in the middle stage of foundation building. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning pondered for a moment.

 Then he raised his head and asked, "How many spiritual stones does this bead cost?"

“Ten thousand low-grade spiritual stones.” The female cultivator surnamed Zhang said a price that made Chu Ning stunned.

 After letting him finish listening, his face couldn't help but look a little strange.

 To deal with attacks from ghosts and spirits, first of all, this thing can only be used under specific circumstances.

Furthermore, there is no defense when encountering ghosts and ghosts with strength above the middle stage of foundation building.

This effect is indeed very general.

It can only be used by monks in the early stage of foundation building, because monks in the Qi training stage cannot release their spiritual consciousness at all under normal circumstances, and they are not willing to spend 10,000 lower-grade spiritual stones to buy this thing.

 It is no wonder that this pearl is still not sold here.

 But it is indeed of some use to myself.

It seems that there is still a certain distance before I can reach the level of mid-stage foundation building by being able to release my spiritual consciousness.

 As for resisting attacks from ghosts and spirits...

Chun Ning's heart moved, and she thought of the Yin Demon Sect inexplicably.

This demonic sect should have many such attack methods, and they can indeed be used as defenses.

 At this price, with only such functions, it is really too expensive.

Just when Chu Ning was thinking this, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang who saw Chu Ning’s expression smiled and explained:

“The price of this item is indeed higher, but because a Taoist friend entrusted us to sell it in Yunhai Pavilion, it is difficult for us to adjust the price.”

As she spoke, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang opened the jade box and then said in a casual conversation:

“According to the fellow Taoist, this bead was one of a set of magic weapons produced by an ancient monk.

And that senior is not only highly cultivated, but also extremely good at spiritual consciousness and secret techniques.

This fellow Taoist firmly believed that this bead was of great value. If this fellow Taoist had not needed a batch of spiritual stones in the near future, I am afraid he would not have sold the beads. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning couldn't help but feel a little curious and asked:

“Oh, does the ancient monk have a name?”

“I don’t know the specific name, I only know that he is called Master Shenmeng.”

 Hearing the words "Master Shenmeng", Chu Ning's heart moved.

However, he still said calmly:

“It’s quite interesting. Didn’t the fellow Taoist who holds the Soul-fixing Pearl do more research to see if there is any secret?”

“Of course there is.” The female cultivator surnamed Zhang smiled and said.

“Actually, our pavilion has also conducted research on this bead, and even asked seniors in the later stages of foundation building to specifically use their spiritual sense to explore it.

I didn’t discover any secrets, and the higher-level seniors didn’t look at it specifically. "

Chun Ning nodded, all the monks in the late stage of foundation building had seen it.

  No matter how high the level of the Golden Core Realm monk is, he may not be interested in things of this price.

Chun Ning made a quick decision in her heart, but she still pondered for a while before slowly speaking:

“Let’s put this bead aside for now. My elder is in the early stage of foundation building, so he can use this bead.

 Let me first see how many spiritual stones are left after buying other things, and then decide whether to buy them or not. "

 “Okay, what else do you want to buy, fellow Taoist?”

When the female cultivator surnamed Zhang heard Chu Ning's words, she didn't pay much attention and just thought that Chu Ning said it casually.

On the contrary, she was more concerned about what Chu Ning would buy. After all, after Chu Ning sold the talisman last time, he also bought a lot of things from her, so the smile of the female cultivator surnamed Zhang was even brighter at this moment.

  However, what Chu Ning wants next is not as much as he imagined.

Since he had already bought 3 bottles of Lingyuan Pill from Gu Xiaoqing before, this time Chu Ning only bought 10 bottles for 2,000 low-grade spirit stones.

As for Chu Ning, the body-tempering elixir, there are golden orchid fruits and Tillandsia fruits, so naturally they can’t be used.

Chun Ning would like to buy a top-quality defensive magic weapon. Unfortunately, this top-quality magic weapon is not easy to obtain, even from Yunhai Pavilion.

Chun Ning could only give up and chose to buy an intermediate talisman that could also protect himself and save his life.

Last time, Chu Ning spent thousands of spirit stones to buy an intermediate and low-grade talisman worth 200 spirit stones.

After thinking about it, Chu Ning felt that this level of defense was still not very safe.

For example, if you encounter Yin Demon Sect disciples who have Yin Demon Slash, or those of a higher level, this kind of defense is still not enough.

After all, this low-level intermediate talisman can compete with the powerful spells of the Qi Refining Dzogchen Realm, and even the ordinary monk spells at the early stage of construction can also be compared.

But as long as one’s cultivation has reached the ninth level of Qi Refining or the Great Perfection realm, no one can have a few good things in his hands.

Chuning chose to buy an intermediate mid-level talisman this time. This kind of talisman is already comparable to the ordinary spells of monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Of course, in comparison, the price is naturally much higher.

 Intermediate low-grade attack talismans cost 100 low-grade spiritual stones, while defensive talismans cost 200 low-grade spiritual stones.

 Some special talismans may be more expensive.

The price of an intermediate-level attack talisman is about 300 lower-grade spiritual stones, and the price of an intermediate-level defensive talisman is about 450 spiritual stones.

Since he had a lot of spiritual stones in his hand, Chu Ning directly bought ten mid-level attack talismans and fifteen intermediate-level defensive talismans.

With this calculation, the price of this talisman alone has reached 9,750 spirit stones, plus the 2,000 spirit stones of the Lingyuan Pill, it is already 11,750 spirit stones.

It was only then that Chu Ning said:

“Then give me the Soul-fixing Pearl as well. If my elder doesn’t want it, he might even entrust a fellow Taoist to help me out.”

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang was slightly stunned. When Chu Ning mentioned the soul-fixing pearl just now, she just thought it was a joke.

 Unexpectedly, Chu Ning actually wanted to buy it.

However, this astonished expression only flashed by, and then she quickly returned to normal and smiled at Chu Ning:

“Okay, fellow Taoist, this soul-fixing bead is entrusted by other fellow Taoists to be sold by this pavilion, so the price cannot be adjusted.

The remaining items are 11,750 low-grade spiritual stones. Fellow Daoist Li only needs to give 11,500 spiritual stones. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning nodded slightly, indicating that he had no objection, and then handed over his last spiritual stone and jade talisman.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang took the jade talisman and asked with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Li, do you think this extra spiritual stone should be used as a spiritual stone jade talisman?"

"No need." Chu Ning waved his hand, "Replace all the remaining spirit stones with mid-grade spirit stones for me."

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang was slightly surprised, but she didn’t ask any more questions. She just said:

 “Fellow Taoist, please wait a moment.”

With that said, the female cultivator surnamed Zhang put the jade talisman into the disc.

 After a while, some of the things Chu Ning wanted were sent back, including jade talismans and spiritual stones.

“Ten bottles of Lingyuan Pills, ten mid-level attack cards, fifteen defensive talismans each, and one soul-fixing bead.

There are 21,500 low-grade spiritual stones together. After deducting the spiritual stones from the talisman sold by fellow Taoist just now, there are still 4,200 low-grade spiritual stones left.

Adding to the thousand low-grade spiritual stones that Taoist friend had previously placed in the jade talisman, there are a total of fifty-two medium-grade spiritual stones here.

 Please ask fellow Taoists to take a look. "

While Chu Ning was listening to the female cultivator surnamed Zhang speak, she was already looking at the things handed over.

After confirming that everything was correct, Chu Ning put everything directly into a storage bag, then turned around and left.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhang looked at Chu Ning's back with a bit of curiosity in her eyes at this moment.

Chun Ning’s consciousness was extremely sensitive after practicing the Divine Refining. Even though he didn’t turn his head at the moment, he could still feel the woman’s gaze.

However, he did not show any expression, but left the room without knowing anything, and then left Yunhai Pavilion directly.

Without any stay in Fangshi, Chu Ning left Fangshi and walked against the wind. When there was no one around, he released the wind-chasing shuttle, and he took off towards Yanjifang.

At the same time that the man was rising into the sky, Chu Ning also took out the Yunhai Pavilion's jade talisman.

"It seems that Yunhai Pavilion in Fengxiafang will no longer be able to sell talismans."

Chun Ning sighed slightly and squeezed it hard. The jade talisman immediately shattered into pieces and fell from the air.

Although he also believed that Yunhai Pavilion had a good reputation, Chu Ning still didn't want to take any risks. Having sold so many high-quality talismans twice in a row, Chu Ning believed that it would definitely attract the attention of Yunhai Pavilion. What's more, he also bought the Soul-fixing Bead at such a high price today.

For his prudence, since there is a certain risk in going there next time, he simply won’t go.

 And this jade talisman, of course, has no use if it is kept.

Flying quickly, Chu Ning soon arrived near Yanjifang.

Just like when he arrived, Chu Ning landed early and put away the wind-chasing shuttle.

  After walking some distance and dispelling the transformation spell, he returned to his own shop in Yanjifang.

“This spiritual stone comes and goes so quickly!”

Taking out the storage bag, Chu Ning sighed a little.

Thinking that every time he made a move, it would be a transaction worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones, he secretly sighed with emotion.

 This was something he had never thought about before joining the Qingxi Sect three years ago.

 In fact, during the Qi refining period, there are probably very few people like him.

Whether it is other talisman masters or alchemy masters like Gu Xiaoqing.

No one can use his spiritual consciousness as intensely as he does to recover, nor can he have such a high success rate.

With emotion, Chu Ning quickly focused on the things he bought back at a high price today.

Chun Ning just looked at the mid-level and middle-grade talisman for a moment and put it away.

These talismans are very familiar to Chu Ning, but he just doesn't have the skills to make such talismans.

His eyes fell on the jade box containing the soul-fixing beads and the middle-grade spiritual stones beside it.

 The first one picked up the soul-fixing bead.

Just now in Yunhai Pavilion, Chu Ning was worried that there were high-level monks inside or there were other restrictions.

So he did not release his spiritual consciousness to sense the soul-fixing bead. At this moment, Chu Ning released his spiritual consciousness.

With his spiritual consciousness passing through the Soul-fixing Pearl, the next moment, Chu Ning felt an invisible barrier directly in front of his Niwan Palace.

“Is this the defensive function of the Soul-fixing Pearl?”

Chun Ning thought to himself, but didn't take it to heart too much.

Instead, he began to use his spiritual consciousness to carefully sense the inside of the Soul-fixing Pearl.

 This exploration lasted nearly half an hour.

 It wasn’t until Chu Ning felt that his spiritual consciousness had been consumed a lot and he still didn’t make any other discoveries, that he stopped.

Frowning slightly, Chu Ning took out a jade slip from the storage bag.

This jade slip was exactly what Chu Ning had obtained from Qi Chongmao. It recorded the incomplete divine refining skills.

Scanning the jade slip, Chu Ning saw four small characters behind the name "Refining the Gods".

 Shen Meng Master.

Yes, what really prompted Chu Ning to buy the soul-fixing bead, apart from the fact that he could use it for the time being, was that the female cultivator named Zhang mentioned the name Master Shenmeng in their chat.

Chuning remembered clearly that this name was also engraved on this jade slip.

However, what Chu Ning is not sure about is that the name "Shenmeng" written on this jade slip means that this divine refining technique was created by the master "Shenmeng" or was inscribed by him.

But no matter what, after learning that this soul-fixing bead was actually related to Master Shenmeng, Chu Ning made up his mind to buy it without hesitation.

Chun Ning originally thought that since the soul-fixing bead was related to Master Shenmeng, he might be able to find some clues from the soul-fixing bead by practicing the divine refining technique.

But after some investigation, Chu Ning had to let go of this idea.

“When I use this soul-fixing bead through my spiritual consciousness, I can completely explore the inside, but there is nothing abnormal about it.

 It seems that my guess about what useful information I can get from it is too natural. "

Sighing lightly, Chu Ning had no choice but to put the soul-fixing bead back into the small jade box, and then put it into the storage bag.

 Fortunately, this soul-fixing bead also has some other effects.

 It can withstand the attacks of some ghosts and spirits. Although the price of 10,000 spirit stones is indeed high, it is not completely free of charge.

At the same time, Chu Ning also had a little extravagant hope in her heart.

This soul-fixing bead does have other ways, but I haven't discovered it yet.

At this time, Chu Ning’s eyes fell on the middle-grade spiritual stone on the side.

Just holding it in his hand for a while and sensing it carefully, Chu Ning quickly felt the rich spiritual energy inside.

“This middle-grade spiritual stone is worth 100 pieces of low-grade spiritual stone, but the richness of its spiritual energy is a hundred times exaggerated.”

Chun Ning murmured to himself.

“I just don’t know what the effect will be if it is used for cultivation.”

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning first took out some low-grade spiritual stones and practiced the Green Wood Changchun Kung Fu.

 After entering the eighth level of Qi refining, Chu Ning's absorption of spiritual energy became even faster.

 A low-grade spiritual stone was quickly consumed. Chu Ning stopped and picked up another one.

 Chuning stopped after absorbing 10 low-grade spiritual stones in this way.

“Ten low-grade spiritual stones can increase the proficiency of Qingmu Changchun Kung by 1 point. After entering the eighth level of Qi Refining, it is indeed more difficult than the seventh level of Qi Refining.

To reach the seventh level of Qi Refining, six low-grade spiritual stones are enough. Now we need to look at the effects of the Lingyuan Pill and the middle-grade spiritual stones. "

Chun Ning first practiced some divine refining skills as a buffer, and then picked up a Lingyuan Pill and swallowed it.

 After some experiments, Chu Ning also came to a conclusion.

Sure enough, after entering the eighth level of Qi Refining, the effect of the Lingyuan Pill is not as good as that of the seventh level of Qi Refining.

 In the past, a Lingyuan Pill could increase his proficiency by 3 points, but now, it can only increase by 2 points.

 One day later, after the market closed, Chu Ning started practicing again.

This time, Chu Ning was holding a medium-grade spiritual stone.

This practice lasted for a day and a half. It was not until the middle-grade spiritual stones in Chu Ning's hands turned into powder that Chu Ning slowly opened his eyes.

 【Aoki Changchun Gong (lower yellow rank), third level (612/2100)】

 When he saw his proficiency in the Aoki Changchun Kung Fu, Chu Ning's eyes flashed with joy.

 The cultivation effect of this middle-grade spiritual stone exceeded his expectations.

It did take him a day and a half, but the effect was undoubtedly excellent. The proficiency of Aoki Changchun Gong increased by a full 9 points.

 Equivalent to the fact that he used 90 low-grade spiritual stones for one-time cultivation.

 However, the time was saved by half a day.

 Chu Ning had already felt when he used low-grade spiritual stones to practice the day before, his daily limit was about 50 low-grade spiritual stones.

And because the practice was interrupted midway, Chu Ning still had to waste some time.

  However, with the use of medium-grade spiritual stones, one can practice in one go.

“You can continue to use Lingyuan Pill and Qingmu Chunhua Technique to practice daily, and the Golden Spirit Fruit will mature later.

However, if you have a breakthrough, you can choose mid-grade spiritual stones for cultivation. "

Chuning had a smile on his face.

 It is not possible to practice using medium-grade spiritual stones every day. First of all, he only has about sixty pieces in his hand, which is not much.

Secondly, after all, there is still a market opening day to sell talismans, and we have to go to the spiritual field to cultivate golden orchids every day.

 You cannot put all your time and energy into refining Qi, body refining and spiritual refining must also keep up.

 In the following nearly three months, Chu Ning basically made talismans, practiced, and farmed.

In the past three months, Chu Ning's various skills have steadily improved, and his ability to make talismans has become more and more exquisite.

 In Lingtian, the cultivation of golden orchids is also very successful.

The spiritual plant itself grows well, so the flowering and fruiting time of this golden orchid fruit is greatly shortened.

Three batches of 200 orchids all grew golden orchid fruits.

 Because once the Golden Orchid Fruit grows, it absorbs spiritual energy very quickly, and the effect of using Qingmu Chunhua Technique to ripen it is very good.

The first batch of golden orchid fruits have matured and can be picked directly. They are the 20 orchid plants that had golden orchid fruits before.

Furthermore, the second batch of 80 orchids are also facing the ripening of golden orchid fruits.

 Only the third batch of orchids planted later may be one or two months late.

Just when Chu Ning was practicing farming in an orderly manner, Lin Changqing's appearance disrupted his plan.

Moreover, the news brought by the other party made Chu Ning even more shocked.

 Zong recruitment.

 (End of this chapter)

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