My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 137: Refresh the noonfire spirit body and hide magical talents

Chapter 137: Refreshing the Noon Fire Spirit Body and Hiding Magical Talents

 In the training room, Chu Ning sat cross-legged.

 Looked at his proficiency in various exercises.

 【Aoki Changchun Gong (lower yellow grade), third level (2095/2100)】

 【Nine-Yan Body Refining Techniques, Volume 1, Continuous Tendons 702/1500】

 【Alchemy, second level 83/2000】

 In fifty days, with all kinds of resources fully stacked, Chu Ning grew at a rate of nearly 7 points of proficiency every day.

 The proficiency of Aoki Changchun Gong has increased by 350 points.

But correspondingly, he extremely compressed the time for body refining and spirit refining.

He took a piece of golden orchid fruit to refine his body only two days ago, and he also practiced the divine refining technique once every two days, which was only used as an adjustment for refining his energy.

 Naturally, the proficiency of these two types of skills increases very slowly.

 As of now, his proficiency in the third level of Aoki Changchun Gong has reached 2095.

It will take two months to complete the entire ninth level of Qi refining. Chu Ning actually felt that it was a little too fast.

 The realm is not very stable.

However, he has no plans to stop at this moment. He plans to complete the third level of proficiency in Qingmu Changchun Gong first.

 After refreshing the spirit body, there is no rush to break through to the perfection of Qi refining, and then stabilize the state.

 At this moment, what he has to do is to complete the last 5 points of proficiency first.

Reaching out and taking out a middle-grade spiritual stone from the storage bag, Chu Ning closed his eyes and started practicing.

He has already tried it before. After entering the ninth level of Qi refining, a medium-grade spiritual stone can support a 6-point increase in proficiency.


Holding the middle-grade spiritual stone in his hand, Chu Ning performed the Aoki Eternal Spring Kung Fu.

 The middle-grade spirit stone in his hand was immediately attracted by Chu Ning and entered his body.

At the same time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth floating between heaven and earth was also quickly gathering towards Chu Ning.

This practice takes a full day!

 One day later.


The middle-grade spiritual stone in Chu Ning's hand suddenly shattered and turned into powder.

At the same time, Chu Ning's eyes opened directly.

  With almost no hesitation, he focused on the proficiency in his mind.

 【Aoki Changchun Gong (lower yellow grade), third level (2100/2100)】

“The third level of Qingmu Changchun Kung Fu has finally been cultivated to perfection. That talent…”

Chun Ning thought like this and immediately looked down.

  【Wood makes fire, detects that the host has fire root. 】

  【Talent refreshed, reward talent "Noonfire Spirit Body":

  1. Significantly improves the ability to sense fire attribute aura, and increases the speed of fire attribute exercises and spells; it can be superimposed with the Yinmu spirit body, and it is equally effective in practicing wood and fire dual attribute exercises and the speed of spell cultivation.

  2. Use fire attack spells to double the spell attack power.

 You can view hidden magical talents:

By practicing the dual attributes of wood and fire, there is a 50% chance of awakening mutated wind spirit roots. 】

 Looking at this long list of introductions, Chu Ning was surprised and happy.

What he expected was correct. After practicing the Qingmu Changchun Kung Fu to perfection, the spiritual body talents related to the cultivation were refreshed as he expected.

 “Noon Fire Spirit!”

Chun Ning secretly recited these four words in his heart, and he had a direction for his next practice.

Wood-attribute skills and fire-attribute skills are undoubtedly excellent, but when you have both the Yinmu Spirit Body and the Wuhuo Spirit Body.

 The most suitable one is undoubtedly the dual attribute technique of wood and fire.

 After all, there is no need to waste the cultivation methods he used such as Qingmu Chunhua Technique, and the second type of Wuhuo Spirit Body has its own magical powers.

“Use fire attack spells to double the spell attack power.”

 Such a heaven-defying effect must be fully utilized.

Moreover, Chu Ning can basically confirm that there should be such a technique in the sect.

 Because when he was in the spiritual realm, Shang Rui, whom he met, had practiced this type of technique.

At this moment, Chu Ning continued to think about the following sentence.

  【You can view the hidden magical talents: practicing wood and fire dual attributes, there is a 50% probability of awakening mutated wind spirit roots. 】

He probably understood the meaning of the last sentence. If he chooses the wood and fire dual attribute technique, there is a certain probability of awakening the mutated wind spirit root.

This kind of spiritual root itself is related to wood fire. If it can be awakened, it will undoubtedly greatly improve one's talent.

 But the previous sentence.

“You can view hidden functions, which means that this function is supposed to be hidden, but you can see it now.

 It seems that there is no need to add this sentence. "

Chuning thought for a while, and then quickly realized something.

“No, if you think about it this way, can you understand that the previous spiritual body refresh also had this hidden function, but I couldn’t see it?”

 Thinking of this, Chu Ning refocused his attention on the proficiency display panel in his mind.

 Looking down, I started to browse the introduction about Yinmu Spirit Body, Yuanfu Spirit Body, and Zhenfu Spirit Body.

 In fact, there have been introductions to these spirits before, including those of Tiangang Fist and Thunder Steps.

Chuning has not seen it before. Occasionally, when checking his proficiency, he will also check the content below.

 However, I have never seen any introduction of hidden talents.

At this moment, when Chu Ning went to check again.

“Is it true that every spiritual talent has a hidden magical talent?”

Chun Ning was startled, because at this moment, there were a few more introductions about the spirits.

  【Yinmu Spirit Body: 1. Significantly improve the ability to sense wood attribute aura, and increase the speed of wood attribute skills and spell cultivation;

  2. The cultivated wood attribute mana can block prying eyes and reveal the strength of the mana at will.

Hidden magical talent: The aura gathered by the wood attribute spell used on the spiritual plant can be transformed and absorbed by itself. 】

"No wonder I can practice with the help of Qingmu Chunhua Technique. It turns out that it is really because of the hidden magical talent of Yinmu Spirit Body."

At this moment, Chu Ning's face showed a hint of surprise.

 He had guessed before, otherwise why so many people use Qingmu Chunhua Technique? Only he can speed up the practice.

 At this moment, I finally found the answer.

“What about the Yuanfu Spirit Body and the True Talisman Spirit Body?”

Chun Ning suddenly thought of this and immediately looked around.

 While using these two spiritual bodies, he never noticed that there were other hidden magical talents.

  【Fuyuan Spirit Body: 1. Significantly improve the understanding of the talisman technique and cultivation talent;

  2. Improve the success rate and quality of making charms.

Hidden magical talent: Analyze and comprehend the origin of talisman and talisman patterns (you can only analyze and comprehend talisman patterns of a level higher than the talisman you can make). After analysis, you can master the art of making talismans. 】

 Seeing the introduction of this hidden magical talent, Chu Ning couldn't help but open his mouth slightly.

Of course he understood this introduction, and it was precisely because of this that he was a little surprised.

If he can make an elementary high-grade talisman according to the introduction of this magical talent, then he can analyze the runes of an intermediate low-grade talisman.

 Once he analyzes and understands it, he can directly master the technique of making talismans.

“If this is the case, I don’t have to worry about not having the corresponding talisman skills to learn later.

For example, you can buy an intermediate and low-grade talisman, then analyze its talisman patterns and master the art of making talismans.

Even the secret talisman techniques of other sects can be understood by oneself. "

Chun Ning didn’t know if his idea was wrong. If that was the case, then this hidden magical talent would be a bit scary.

It's no wonder that I couldn't find it. It turned out that I had never thought about it at all.

 When I bought the mid-level and low-grade talismans, I just used them without thinking about researching them.

 “No wonder it’s called Fuyuan Spirit Body, that’s why.”

Chun Ning was feeling emotional at this moment, and then quickly browsed downwards.

 He also has a true talisman spirit body.

  【True Talisman Spirit Body: 1. True Spell Talisman: Can convert its own instant spells into true spell talismans, which can be used to make talismans (a spirit body with corresponding attributes is required)

  2. True Talisman Spells: You can convert the talismans drawn by yourself into true talisman spells and store them in the talisman ring to complete the instant cast (there is a certain limit on the number of talismans).

Hidden magical talent: After using the true talisman spell a hundred times, the talisman types can be condensed. The spell can be activated without the help of a talisman ring. Only one true talisman spell can be selected to condense the talisman types with the same attribute. 】

 “Character species.” Chu Ning recited these two words silently in his mind and quickly understood their meaning.

 Before this, for example, after he turned the red flame talisman into a true talisman spell, it had to be activated through the talisman ring.

Each time it is used, it is actually equivalent to integrating a talisman into the talisman ring first, and the effect is just faster.

And if he condenses the talisman seeds, he can do without the help of talisman and talisman rings.

 It is equivalent to him directly mastering the spell of Red Fire Talisman.

"I see!"

After using it several times before, Chu Ning vaguely felt that the true talisman spell of this true talisman spirit body seemed to be like this.

 Although it is a little faster than activating the talisman, the effect is not very great.

 But now, combined with the hidden magical talent, it is different.

 After quickly digesting these contents in his mind, Chu Ning quickly looked at Tiangang Fist, Thunder Step and Forbidden God Technique.

However, he discovered that there was no hidden content in these three innate magical powers.

“It seems that this hidden magical talent should only be available to spiritual bodies refreshed by refining energy.”

Chun Ning quickly made a judgment in his mind, but even this was enough to make him overjoyed.

This time, the Qingmu Changchun Gong has been cultivated to perfection, and the harvest is not huge at all.

  Not only refreshed the Wuhuo spirit body.

Moreover, the emergence of these hidden magical talents allowed Chu Ning to acquire more skills.

But at this time, Chu Ning had temporarily forgotten all of this.

Now that the Qingmu Changchun Kung Fu has been cultivated to perfection, and the direction of his next practice has been made clear, the top priority is naturally to select the technique as soon as possible.

 Then follow your previous plan and find a suitable opportunity to leave this place.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning suddenly couldn't help it. He stood up and left the cave and went straight to the library.

Chu Ning has been to Zangshu Ge several times before and is quite familiar with it.

 Entering the pavilion, Chu Ning found a middle-aged man with a long beard holding a book in his hand.

 “Uncle Zhao!”

 The middle-aged man raised his head and glanced at Chu Ning, and said calmly:

"It turns out to be Master Nephew Chu. The collection of books on the first floor can be read by Master Nephew. Just go in." "Master Uncle Zhao, this disciple is here to see the cultivation techniques."

"Look at the exercises? What kind of exercises?" After hearing Chu Ning's words, Deacon Zhao put down the book.

Chun Ning replied directly: "My disciple used to practice Qingmu Changchun Gong, and the grade was still too low.

I want to find some more advanced exercises, and want to know about wood-attribute exercises, or those with wood-earth, wood-fire, or wood-water attributes. "

Hearing what Chu Ning said, Deacon Zhao frowned slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

 Then he nodded and said: "You have entered the inner gate. This Aoki Eternal Spring Skill is indeed too low-level.

However, when a disciple practices or changes his skills, it is generally better to follow the master's instructions. You can go and take a look.

 But since you are already a registered disciple of the sect master, you should still ask the sect master for instructions on what kind of exercises you should practice. "

Chun Ning's heart suddenly sank after hearing this. Just reading the introduction would not be enough for him.

What he wants is to take this skill out, and no matter what happens, he must memorize it completely.

Just when Chu Ning was about to speak, Deacon Zhao said again:

“Of course, the sect has explained before that if disciples like you have needs in cultivation, they should do their best to support them.

 Let's do this, you give me your jade talisman, and I will grant you permission.

 You can refer to the three exercises in the pavilion in detail. As for which exercise you choose to practice in the end, it depends on yourself and the sect leader. "

 Hearing this, Chu Ning, who had been preparing to say something, suddenly felt overjoyed.

He did not hide it, and quickly took out his jade talisman with a happy face and handed it to Deacon Zhao.

I saw the other party put a few spells on his jade talisman, and then handed it back again.

“The exercises are on the third floor of the library. You can just go up there. Remember, you must think carefully when taking the exercises. After taking three types, you cannot take them again.”

Hearing what Deacon Liao said, Chu Ning immediately thanked him and went straight to the third floor.

Going up to the third floor, the first thing Chu Ning saw was the neat rows of bookshelves.

Each row of bookshelves is independently separated and has a layer of forbidden protection.

The above categories list the exercises of different levels and attributes.

However, among them, the highest ones are only the high-grade Xuan-level skills, but there are no earth-level skills.

“Is there no earth-level exercises in the sect, or is it that the exercises at that level are not within the viewing rights of us disciples?”

Chun Ning had this thought in his mind, and then immediately put it away.

 For him, whether it is an earth-level skill or not is not that important.

 He has the Yinmu Spirit Body and the Wuhuo Spirit Body, so it is more important to find a suitable technique.

Although Chu Ning is most eager to use the wood and fire dual attribute skills, at this moment, he is not in a hurry to move forward.

Instead, he first came to the shelf of the high-grade wood-attribute skills on the Xuanjie.

 After all, he was not sure whether his current actions were under the supervision of Deacon Zhao.

According to common sense, it is the most normal behavior for him to go to see the wood attribute skills.

Moreover, Chu Ning did have a plan in mind. If he could not find the fire and wood dual-attribute skills, then the wood-attribute skills would naturally be one of the alternatives.

As for this grade, it is naturally more reasonable to look directly at the upper grade of Xuan grade.

However, when Chu Ning came to this rack, he found that there was only one type of high-grade wood-attribute technique in the Xuan level.

 Xuan Qing Gong.

 After a rough look, Chu Ning was not in a hurry to take it off.

He then went to the middle-grade Xuanjie wood-attribute skills to look at them, and then walked to the bookshelf of the fire-attribute skills.

 Let’s still look at where the Xuan-level high-grade exercises are located. There is still only one Xuan-level high-grade fire-attribute skill here.

Honglian True Fire Technique, as for the Xuan-level middle-grade fire-attribute techniques, there are several Yanyang Techniques, Nine-Yang Techniques, etc.

Until this moment, Chu Ning walked towards the area of ​​dual-attribute skills with some anticipation.

It was then that Chu Ning discovered that all of these dual-attribute skills were high-grade Xuan-level skills.

  He quickly looked at other dual-attribute skills for understanding, and then quickly came to the shelf of the wood-fire dual-attribute skills.

 “It’s true!”

When he saw a jade slip placed on top of the high-grade Xuanjie wood-fire dual attribute technique, Chu Ning's eyes suddenly flashed.

Yanhuo Divine Wood Technique, a top-grade Xuan-level technique, a dual-attribute technique of wood and fire, divided into four levels.

  Different from Qingmu Changchun Gong, the first to third levels correspond to the early, middle and late stages of Qi refining.

The Yanhuo Shenmu Kung Fu is one of those that can be practiced all the time, even if it is used to practice in the Golden Elixir period.

 And people with different skills have different levels of practice. Maybe some people have outstanding talents, and the mana in the foundation building stage is enough to complete the fourth level of practice.

 Some people may not be able to complete the fourth level of cultivation until the elixir formation period.

Chun Ning took a look at it specifically, and when he saw that the Yanhuo Shenmu Kung Fu can be practiced even by disciples in the Qi Refining Stage, he immediately made a decision.

Picking up the jade talisman in his hand, Chu Ning took out the jade slips of the Xuanqing Kung Fu, the Red Lotus True Fire Kung Fu, and the Yanhuo Divine Wood Kung Fu.

 Then, he walked downstairs and found the deacon named Zhao again.

“You have a very high vision, and you choose these high-grade Xuan-level techniques.”

Deacon surnamed Zhao glanced at Chu Ning.

“However, the cultivation of this skill also depends on the person’s qualifications. If the qualifications are not good, the speed of practicing high-level skills will be slower.

 Because the breakthrough of high-level skills requires deeper mana, you should know this, right? "

“Disciple knows.” Chu Ning replied.

Deacon surnamed Zhao nodded, and then took out a jade slip for registration.

 Immediately, he handed all three jade slips back to Chu Ning.

“Take them, these jade slips of the exercises are just copies. After you go back and carefully understand the cultivation methods, and decide which exercises to choose, send back the other two.”

Speaking of this, Deacon surnamed Zhao specifically said:

“The time is within ten days, and there are restrictions on this jade slip. At present, you can only see the first level of skills in front.

If you do not return it for more than ten days, the contents in the jade slip will automatically disappear and all the exercises will no longer be able to be practiced. "

Chun Ning was slightly startled after hearing this. After taking the jade slip and saying that he understood it, he left the library.

 Originally, he was planning to take the exercises and run away in the next two days, but now it seems that this plan will not work.

 Obviously the sect will not let its disciples memorize all the high-grade Xuan-level exercises.

 At present, I can only read a small part of the previous exercises.

From this point of view, it would be better to send back the other two types of jade slips in a few days and let the deacon named Liao unlock the restrictions in the jade slips.

 In fact, the best way for him now is to directly use the Fire Divine Wood Technique, but since he just took three of them, it would be too abrupt.

Chun Ning was about to leave, so naturally he didn’t want to do anything unusual that would attract other people’s attention.

Chuning then quickly headed towards Xin Wuya's cave.

 It is normal behavior to perform a full set of dramas, choose the exercises yourself, and ask the cheap sect master for instructions based on the situation.

Who knows whether the other party will get relevant information from the library.

 It would be too abnormal not to report such a big thing as changing the exercise method.

“The sect leader has been in retreat recently and is not in the cave.”

We have just arrived outside Xin Wuya’s cave.

Chu Ning was supported by Xin Wuya's formal disciple, a mid-stage foundation-building monk named He Litao.

Chun Ning has met the other party several times and knows that this person seems to be responsible for the daily affairs inside and outside Xin Wuya's cave.

“Uncle He, when will the sect leader be in the cave?”

He Litao glanced at Chu Ning and said coldly:

“How can I know the affairs of the sect master and his old man?”

 Sensing that He Litao clearly didn't like him very much, Chu Ning didn't take it seriously and just left.

 In fact, from He Litao's attitude, Chu Ning Youci also felt Xin Wuya's true intention to accept him as a disciple.

If this sect leader really likes him, in the current situation where there is no serious relationship, the foundation-building period disciples under his sect will not be able to give him much guidance.

 But at least the attitude is not like that.

But for Chu Ning, he was happy to do so.

It was a good thing that Xin Wuya was not here, otherwise if the other party had to let me practice the Xuan Qing Gong, I would have to spend some time explaining it.

It would be better now, just decide to modify this technique yourself.

 Leaving Xin Wuya's cave, Chu Ning returned all the way to the outside of his cave, and then casually looked at the northeast side behind his cave.

“According to Xiaobai, that place is close to the edge of the sect-protecting formation.

Moreover, when there was no one around, Xiaobai was specifically allowed to get out from there. The location was already close to the edge of the Qingxia Mountains.

 According to what I have learned about the Eastern Holy Continent where the Qingxia Mountains are located, further east there are some mortal cities with thin spiritual energy and very few monks.

It is naturally inappropriate if you are practicing, but it is very suitable if you want to hide your whereabouts. "

Chuning’s eyes flickered slightly.

 Then, he directly entered his own cave.

Going straight to the practice room, Chu Ning took out the three jade slips of the exercises.

Instead of looking at the Yanhuo Divine Wood Kung Fu immediately, Chu Ning first took a look at the Xuan Qing Kung Fu and the Red Lotus True Fire Kung Fu.

 After a long while, Chu Ning put down the two jade slips one after another.

“If you haven’t awakened the noon fire spirit body, this Xuanqing Gong is very suitable for you, and it is in the same line as the Qingmu Changchun Gong.

There is even a spell called Xuan Qing Hua Technique recorded in it, which is similar to the high-level version of Qing Mu Chun Hua Technique. It can be cast after practicing this Xuan Qing Gong.

If it were placed on others, it would be nothing, but I have the hidden innate magical power of the Yinmu Spirit Body.

If you use the high-level version of Qingmu Chunhua Technique, it will naturally be of great benefit to your practice. "

Chun Ning secretly felt a pity. In contrast, although the Red Lotus True Fire Technique also recorded several good spells, he didn't take it to heart.

“Hey, I have the Yinmu Spirit Body. Can I practice this Xuan Qing Hua Technique directly?”

At this moment, Chu Ning suddenly thought of this problem.

Taking out the jade slip and looking at it again, Chu Ning found that the mysterious youthful art was only recorded after the first layer, and he immediately wrote it down with great joy.

As for the spells in the Red Lotus True Fire Technique, they were on the lower floors, and Chu Ning couldn't even see them even if he wanted to.

At this moment, Chu Ning did not try this mysterious youthful art. He still had a lot of time later.

At this moment, he picked up the Yanhuo Shen Mu Gong and looked at it carefully. After reading the first layer, his eyes lit up slightly.

In addition to the cultivation methods for breaking through the ninth level of Qi refining to reach perfection, Yanhuo Shenmu Kung Fu also includes previous cultivation methods, and even mentions how to switch from fire attribute and wood attribute exercises.

“If I follow the instructions here, I need to convert the wood attribute mana of the Qingmu Changchun Gong in my body first into the fire and wood dual attribute mana of the Yanhuo Divine Wood Gong.

 And I just feel that my realm is not stable because I have practiced too fast recently. I use this method to stabilize my realm and kill two birds with one stone. "

Thinking of this, Chu Ning immediately began to practice according to the method of Yanhuo Divine Wood Technique.

 (End of this chapter)

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