My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 138: Spell elixir, collect the wool before leaving

Chapter 138: Spells and Pills, finish gathering the wool before leaving

 I did not take any pills or resort to any other means.

Chun Ning simply relied on the art of breathing to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

 At this moment, if someone can feel it carefully.

You will find that what Chu Ning absorbs through tuna is pure fire-attribute spiritual energy.

After these spiritual energy entered Chu Ning's body, they entered the Dantian, and then settled in Chu Ning's mana ring.

It is very similar to when Chu Ning first practiced Qingmu Changchun Kung Fu, but the speed is completely different.

 Half a day later, Chu Ning opened his eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

“Although I didn’t use any of these elixirs or spiritual fruits, there is plenty of spiritual energy in this cave, so I can practice the Fire Divine Wood Technique very quickly.

 It's a pity that you can't stay here for too long, otherwise.

 According to this speed, in about a month, I will not only be able to complete the conversion of all this mana.

 This cultivation of the ninth level of Qi refining should be able to be completely consolidated. "

Even though Chu Ning was thinking this, she had no intention of changing her mind.

There is plenty of time after practicing, but if you stay in this sect and have no chance to leave, the unknown risks waiting for you will be too great.

Chuning looked at the proficiency in his mind again at this moment, and sure enough, there was a change.

 【Yanhuo Shenmu Kung (high grade Xuan level), first level (0/5000)】

 【Nine-Yan Body Refining Techniques, Volume 1, Continuous Tendons 702/1500】

 【Alchemy, second level 83/2000】

  The proficiency of the first level of Yanhuo Divine Wood Skill jumped directly to 5000, which surprised Chu Ning.

However, on second thought, this Yanhuo Divine Wood Technique is a high-grade Xuan-level technique after all.

And if you cultivate to the first level, it is estimated that you will be close to the foundation-building stage, which is not particularly exaggerated.

 As for the half-day practice, Chu Ning was not too discouraged because his score did not increase by 1 point.

After all, he has just started now, and he is simply meditating and practicing without using any external objects.

In the next few days, Chu Ning continued to stay in the cave, focusing on practicing the Fire God Wood Technique.

 After practicing like this for five days, Chu Ning walked out of the cave again.

“The proficiency of Yanhuo Divine Wood Technique has increased by 5 points, which is about 1 point per day. This means that I am still suitable for practicing this technique.

 Now that this has been determined, there is nothing to wait. "

Holding three jade slips of martial arts, Chu Ning headed towards the library pavilion again.

Deacon Zhao in the Library Pavilion was quite surprised to see Chu Ning actually choose the Flame Fire Divine Wood Technique.

However, the sect did allow Chu Ning to change to a more advanced technique.

And he didn't get any instructions that Chu Ning couldn't practice this skill, so he didn't embarrass Chu Ning too much and took back the two jade slips.

Then the ban on the Yanhuo Shen Mu Gong Jade Slip in Chu Ning's hand was lifted.

Taking this opportunity, Chu Ning said:

“Uncle Zhao, I have decided to practice the Fire Divine Wood Technique instead, but before that I only practiced wood attribute spells.

I don’t know if I can choose some fire-attribute spells. "

This is another purpose of Chu Ning's visit to the Library this time. One of the talents of Wuhuo Spirit is that the use of fire attribute spells can double the power of attacks.

 With such a good magical power, Chu Ning naturally wanted to use it.

 But before, he had no other fire-attribute spells except a fireball spell.

Later on, you can try the red fire talisman to condense the talismans, but to be honest, the power of the red fire talisman is not very top-notch.

It would undoubtedly be great if you could get one or two powerful fire attack spells from the sect.

Deacon Zhao didn’t seem too surprised when he heard Chu Ning’s words.

“Go to the fire spell room on the second floor to choose. If you bite off more than you can chew, just choose a spell.”

He cast a few spells on Chu Ning’s jade talisman. After a pause, Deacon Zhao continued:

“According to your ability, when you reach the level of intermediate spells and advanced spells, the difficulty of each level may double.

 You are only at the seventh level of Qi Refining, so you may not be able to use spells that are too advanced. "

“Yes, thank you Uncle Zhao.”

Chun Ning took the jade talisman from Deacon Zhao and quickly went up to the second floor.

 Different from the various shelves in a large room on the third floor, the second floor is made up of rooms.

Chuning found the room with the fire attribute spell written on it and used the jade talisman to open the room ban.

Walking in, he found that there were no low-level spells stored in it. Most of them were mid-level spells. In addition, there were only a few high-level spells.

“Is this top-notch spell not available in the sect, or does it not allow us to learn it at will?”

Chun Ning had this thought in his mind, and then walked straight towards the advanced spell.

Since you are studying, you should naturally study at a higher level.

As for the difficulty of learning higher-level spells, this is not a problem for him with the Noon Fire Spirit Body.

Chun Ning had a deep understanding of this when he had the Yinmu Spirit Body spell before.

At that time, he was in the middle stage of Qi refining and could learn the basic and advanced Cangmu Sword Technique instantly.

 Walking around, I found that this high-level mid-level spell was in this room, so there were not many choices, only the Blood Flame Knife and so on.

 As for the high-level advanced spell, there is only one kind, called Fiery Flame Technique.

The introduction of the Fierce Flame Technique attracted Chu Ning's attention.

 This spell can be used to transform into monsters of different levels to launch attacks. The attack power is much stronger than ordinary fire attribute spells.

Even if you can practice to the highest level, and understand the attack methods of high-level monsters, and transform high-level monsters, it can even be comparable to top-level spells.

 At the same time, the introduction to this technique mentioned that this technique was not created by the Qingxi Sect.

 It was obtained by chance from a senior of the Qingxi Sect.

 Just because cultivation is too difficult, even foundation building or even golden elixir cultivation requires a lot of time.

  If you are not a person who is extremely talented in practicing fire spells, you will not be able to get started in practicing this spell.

 It is even speculated that people with fire attribute spiritual roots may be able to practice better.

 After being in the sect for a while, no one cared about it, so the sect put it among the advanced advanced spells.

Chuning’s eyes flashed slightly after seeing it.

 Is it difficult to practice? High talent requirements? Isn't this spell tailor-made for him?

And looking at the introduction, it seems that the upper limit of this spell is far beyond that.


Without any hesitation, Chu Ning directly used the jade talisman to unlock the restriction and took down the jade slip.

The jade talisman that Deacon Zhao gave him just now only contains the magic formula to unlock one restriction. Naturally, Chu Ning can't get anything else at this time.

However, he did not think about anything else, so he turned around and went downstairs.

 “Fire Flame Technique?”

Seeing the jade slip that Chu Ning got, Deacon surnamed Zhao had a strange look on his face.

 Then he shook his head, took out a jade slip, and registered it.

Chuning looked at the other party's expression and knew what the other party meant, so naturally he didn't take it to heart. However, he still asked another question of concern.

"There are no restrictions in this magic jade slip. You can see all the contents. My nephew, practice well."

Hearing the obviously playful voice of Deacon surnamed Zhao, Chu Ning pretended not to hear it at all, and took the jade slip out of the library with a smile.

Looking at Chu Ning leaving, Deacon surnamed Zhao chuckled and muttered:

 “At most a month, no, half a month, he will definitely take it back and exchange it.”

Chu Ning, who had walked far away, naturally did not hear this. After receiving the jade slips into his storage bag, he turned around and headed straight for Qianji Pavilion.

Since I have decided to leave, I can use my current status to gather as much wool as I can.

 It has been nearly two months since I last received Mu Yuan Dan. It would not be too much to receive some more elixirs.

When he arrived at Qianji Pavilion, the person on duty was Ji Mengliang, whom Chu Ning had known before. He quickly walked forward and saluted.

 “Uncle Master Ji.”

“Hey, Master Nephew Chu is here?” Ji Mengliang still had that kind look on his face.

“But the Muyuan Pill I received last time is almost gone? How much do you want this time?”

“Uncle Master, I’m not here to receive Mu Yuan Dan this time.” Chu Ning shook his head and said.

“I have now switched to the wood-fire dual attribute technique, and this time I specifically wanted to ask if there are any elixirs suitable for this type of technique.

 If not, get some Lingyuan Pill. "

“Transfer to the wood and fire dual attribute skills.” Ji Mengliang glanced at Chu Ning in surprise.

However, he didn’t ask any more questions, but just smiled and said:

“This is a coincidence. If it was not available before, there is indeed a batch of high-quality elixirs in the pavilion now.”

“Elder Gui, who is in charge of alchemy in the sect, had a beloved disciple who practiced the dual-attribute technique of wood and fire, and something seemed to have happened in the spiritual realm.

 When Zongli was tidying up his residence recently, he found some Qingmu Yuanyang Pills and brought them all to the pavilion. "

Ji Mengliang said, turned around and patted his hands behind him, and then took out five bottles of elixirs directly from a cabinet.

 “This thing has not been put into the cabinet yet, but it happens to be here.”

With that said, Ji Mengliang handed the five bottles of elixir directly to Chu Ning.

 At this time, when Chu Ning heard this, his heart moved.

The other person was talking about, could it be Shang Rui?

The Shang Rui who was killed by him was an inner disciple of Huomudi Linggen.

Chun Ning was worried that the other party had contact with some high-level sect member. After returning to the sect, he did not inquire about information about him at all.

At this moment, when I heard Ji Mengliang's words, I suddenly had some suspicions in my heart.

Of course, he would not take the initiative to ask at this time.

“Aoki Yuanyang Pill?” Chu Ning just recited the name of the pill, and then asked the other party:

 “How many elixirs are there?”

“One hundred and fifty!” Ji Mengliang said, and then said seriously:

“This Qingmu Yuanyang Pill is a second-level low-grade pill. If a disciple in the Qi refining stage takes it, it will not be easy to refine it.

 With my nephew's current cultivation level, these elixirs can be used for a year without any problems. "

Hearing what the other party said, Chu Ning, who originally wanted to order some more elixirs, naturally couldn't say anything else at this moment.

He thanked him and collected all the elixirs.

 Go back to your own cave.

“Xiao Bai, let’s take action tonight. Is your magical power okay?”

Chun Ning called Ling Xiaobai out, and asked him through his spiritual consciousness.


 Ling Xiaobai called out to Chu Ning.

 There are quite a few spiritual realms that I can enter and leave, not to mention the pride of this sect’s formation.

Chuning nodded. He was relieved by Youling Xiaobai's words.

After all, Chu Ning had personally experienced the last time Ling Xiaobai took him in and out of the spiritual realm, and Chu Ning had also seen the magic of the small world like the spiritual realm.

This Qingxi Sect's sect-protecting formation is indeed nothing compared to the restrictions in the spiritual realm.

During this period, Chu Ning also learned more about the spiritual realm by checking various materials in the library.

 According to data records, there is no pattern in the emergence of spiritual realms, some are large and some are small, but they are all related to one thing, that is, spiritual seeds.

Such a small world, once the spiritual seed is acquired or flies away, this small world will collapse and disappear.

 At the same time, the spiritual realm often has many restrictions.

For example, the spiritual realm that Chu Ning and others entered before can only be entered during the Qi Refining stage, and monks in higher realms cannot pass through the restrictions at all.

And the monsters born in the small world, even if they have the strength of the second-order monsters, cannot truly become the second-order monsters.

For example, some spiritual realms only allow monks in the foundation building stage and golden elixir stage to enter. Some spiritual realms cannot fly, and some spiritual realms cannot even use magic power.

It is all kinds of strange and has no rules at all.

 Chun Ning also learned more about spiritual species.

 Knowing that this spiritual seed cannot be refined, if it is obtained by a monk, after absorbing the spiritual energy inside and understanding the mystery inside.

 This spiritual seed will escape and hibernate, and then gather its spiritual energy again.

Spiritual species like these are reborn, some for hundreds of years, and some for thousands of years.

 In the past, spiritual seeds occasionally appeared, and those who could understand the mysteries often became prominent figures in the world of immortality.

It is said that some of the top powers in the Eastern Holy Continent have understood the secret of spiritual seeds.

At the same time, in other continental areas of this world, there are also some great immortal cultivators who have understood spiritual seeds.

 Seeing these contents, it is not difficult for Chu Ning to understand why Xin Wuya is so concerned about this spiritual seed.

At the same time, he also expected that the other party would definitely not give up.

Because the spiritual seed escapes, as long as it is not acquired by other monks and absorbs the spiritual energy and aura, it will not fall into dormancy.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Chu Ning.

Turning his eyes slightly to the medicine garden, Chu Ning began to dig up the orchids one by one.

The seeds of this thing, Chu Ning, are no longer available, and all the orchids planted before have grown golden orchid fruits.

He didn’t even have Tillandsia fruit in his hand, so he had to dig up the Tillandsia fruits if he wanted to plant them.

 Fortunately, this thing is not tall, so it is easy to carry it away.

At the same time, Chu Ning also dug up the spiritual plants that he had brought out from the spiritual realm and put them into the storage bag one by one.

As for some other spiritual plants that were planted recently, Chu Ning did not touch them. These were just used to deceive others.

 He wanted to try his best to create the illusion that he was not running away, but missing for other reasons.

 So instead of moving these spiritual plants, he arranged and moved them slightly.

So that the entire medicine garden would not look out of place because he had dug up some spiritual plants.

He lit a fire and cooked the spiritual rice. Chu Ning also deliberately left some extra spiritual rice in the rice vat.

Then he waited quietly for the night to come.

 (End of this chapter)

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