My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 16 Concentration Grass


Is it so realistic, my brother.

Wang Qilin was shocked.

"Listen to the class." Bai Ye shook his head, signaling him to listen to the class.

Wang Qilin was lying on the table bored.

"Maybe I will go to the main city of Hei Yao in a year." Bai Ye thought of his sister.

"Go to the main city?"


"The main city feels so far away from me. Here we are only thirty-six satellite cities in the south. The top is the southern heavy city, and there are three other heavy cities in the east, west, and north. The top is the main city." Wang Qilin murmured.

In his life, he actually never thought that he could have anything to do with the main city of Hei Yao.

In fact, his family has almost paved the way for him.

In the future, he will inherit his family's farm and run this family business that is hard work but rewarding if he works hard.

But he was a little bit unwilling to just follow the path of his ancestors.

"Brother Bai, what if, what if I went to the main city of Hei Yao with you?" Wang Qilin said in a low voice.

"Then you will definitely be beaten to death by your father." Bai Ye gave him a sideways look.

"Isn't there you?" Wang Qilin turned pale.

"I'm your father, I will beat you harder." Bai Ye said with a smile.

"Fuck off, you're taking advantage of me again." Wang Qilin was speechless.

"If you really want to go, go home and talk to your dad, and tell me what's the use."

Wang Qilin was gone.


"That's the end of this lesson. If you talk too much, you don't like to listen to my nagging." Zhou Xia unscrewed the thermos cup, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile.

"The senior high school entrance examination is coming soon. I'm still here to wish all of you students a golden list and a bright future."

Some students in the class stood up, and everyone else also stood up one after another in unison.

Then everyone bowed deeply to Zhou Xia.

Bai Ye was also among them.

It's just because Mr. Zhou has taken care of him a lot in the past three years, even if he didn't sign the contract with the Beast Master, he kept trying to find ways for him and enlightened him.

Such a teacher deserves his respect.

"In the past two days, the school has opened the meditation room to all graduate students for free. At the same time, there is a batch of mindfulness grass in the meditation room. Everyone can meditate, but mindfulness grass can't be taken away." Teacher Zhou said with a smile.


"School atmosphere!"

A large number of students in the classroom were excited.

Originally, four pots of calming grass were planted in the meditation room.

Now there is a batch of Concentrating Grass.

The Meditation Grass naturally secretes much more elements that are beneficial to meditation than the Calming Grass. The price of a pot of Meditation Grass on the market is as high as millions of coins, and there is no market for it, because this kind of treasure that is good for meditation can be sold easily.

Come to the meditation room.

A light and pleasant floral fragrance hits the face.

The scent is just right, not overpowering and very fresh.

The brain is much clearer.

On the top of the podium in the meditation room, there are three small pots of green plants in iron cages.

It looks a bit like an orchid.

But there is a bunch of symmetrical goose yellow fruits on the top.

Some students came forward curiously and wanted to try to touch it.

The teacher had a grimace, "If you touch it, you will have to pay for it."

Meditate with your legs crossed.

This time, there were significantly more factors in the surrounding air that were beneficial to meditation.

The speed of meditation has increased by 20% compared to usual.

"It would be great if we had this thing when we first entered school." Yang Zhou, who was sitting on the right, lowered his head and said to himself.

Five fingers grabbed the trouser legs, and the knuckles were a little white.

Seemingly noticing Bai Ye's gaze, he turned his head and looked out the window.

I heard that Yang Zhou's family conditions are very poor.

Being able to get into this school depends entirely on your own hard work.

His academic performance and meditative talent are very good.

Yang Zhou used the third-generation adapted meditation method passed down from the school. According to what he told himself in the class on weekdays, he now has the spiritual power of the bronze seven stars.

Even compared with many classmates with good family conditions, it is not bad.

"At the very beginning of our school, the meditation room didn't even have Ningshen flowers, just ordinary sandalwood." Sitting in the back, Liu Legao was very optimistic, "It's not normal for the school to add things that we don't have when we graduate this year. Is it a joke?"

"En." Yang Zhou nodded.

He looked preoccupied.

At the end of the afternoon meditation, a teacher from the school secretly brought in a brand new instrument.

"Students, don't leave." The teacher walked up to the podium and clapped his hands.

shouted loudly.

"Students, I have something to discuss with you, because the high school entrance examination is going to be the day after tomorrow, so now I have an opportunity, teacher, I think it's very good, you can think about it, this is the newest student of the Obsidian Federation who just came back from our school this year. A machine that can be used to measure the spiritual cultivation of meditation."

"This is the newest machine."

"No wonder it looks brand new."

"Great, I can also try advanced measuring instruments."

The eyes of the students lit up.

They all gathered around.

"The instrument used for the test is the same as this instrument, so you can measure your meditation scores now, and you can also be mentally prepared to better estimate the score. If you are in a bottleneck, you can also find a way to do it in these two days. Break through the bottleneck." The teacher clapped his hands. "Students who want to measure come to the teacher to register."

"Bai Ye, do you know that in those very remote places, their methods of measuring meditation cultivation are very backward." The tall and thin Yang Zhou put his hands in his trouser pockets, "In some places, a kind of monkey costume with a transparent celestial cover is used. In the box, make two holes on the surface of the box, let your hands out, and then the person sits down with his back to the box. The monkey puts his hand on the person's head, and the higher the person's meditation practice, the monkey's celestial cap will be will shine brighter."

"You're telling a funny story, right? You made the monkey's celestial cover glow. What kind of beast looks like this? Do you think it's a light bulb?" Liu Legao interjected after hearing this.

"Why are you telling me this?" Bai Ye looked at Yang Zhou.

Yang Zhou didn't answer Bai Ye's question, but continued: "They will catch a monster named Yunling monkey. Although Yunling monkey is a monster, it doesn't attack humans, but is a kind of monster that is close to people." Monsters, they are born with strong spiritual power and are also friendly to spiritual power, but it is precisely because of this that they are pitiful."

"Those remote places will cut off its scalp, then remove the skull and install glass, and fix their limbs with iron chains. Prevent them from escaping or hurting people."

"Then they become a tool to measure their spiritual strength day and night, and they will be replaced when they die. Even because of mass hunting, the local monkeys become hostile to humans and flee from human gathering places..."

"Human beings will always pay the price for their cruelty." Yang Zhou finally said.

"Bai Ye, can we go over and talk?"

"No." Bai Ye looked serious.


He looked like he was about to cry.

"Forget it, what do you want to talk about." Bai Ye turned around and walked towards the direction where there were fewer people.

Yang Zhou followed.

"I know that you, like me, are at the bottom of society. Both of your parents died a few years ago, and now you are only dependent on your elder sister. You can go to school because of your own talent." Yang Zhou said in a low voice.

? ? ?

Both parents died?

This force has investigated me, and the investigation is not accurate.

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes.

He never told anyone about his family situation.

When my parents left five years ago, I left Obsidian in a low-key manner, and not many people should know about it.

Yang Zhou mistook him for an orphan?

"Don't you think the world is unfair to you?"

"No." Bai Ye's words came from the bottom of his heart.

There is a beast that has more talents than your hair.

Bai Ye looked at Yang Zhou's tired head with some pity.

The sparse hair volume above is not the pressure that this age should bear.

Although the parents left temporarily, the reason for leaving was also to allow themselves to return to their ancestral land.

There is also a sister who loves her.

"No, this world is unfair to you." Yang Zhou said stubbornly.

"Okay, okay, I think I'm doing well, so that's it." Bai Ye patted Yang Zhou on the shoulder, turned and left after speaking.

Yang Zhou stared at Bai Ye's back, stunned for a long time, lowered his head in disappointment and murmured: "I thought we were the same kind of people."

"Old Bai, do you want to test your mental strength? Just now Chen Guyi from the next class measured the mental strength of silver three stars. You didn't see the envious expressions of other people around you. I know your mental strength must be very high, otherwise Not so smart, do you want to test it?"

Bai Ye smiled and shook his head in refusal.

"Okay, it's not a test, and now the test can't be recorded as a result."

Although he is also looking forward to it, he is even more looking forward to being a blockbuster in the test field the day after tomorrow.

If it is tested now, the meaning of surprise may be lost.

Going back to the classroom to get my schoolbag, Zhou Xia, the class teacher outside the corridor, was standing outside the door.

Seeing Bai Ye coming over, he quickly waved.

"Bai Ye, come to the office with me."

Enter the class teacher's separate office.

close the door.

Zhou Xia poured Bai Ye a glass of water.

"Sit down, don't be nervous, it's not a bad thing, the teacher is looking for you to ask your own opinion for the school."

"Teacher Zhou, please tell me."

"The school wants to ask if you are going to be promoted to our school in high school?"

It was only then that Bai Ye realized what the head teacher meant for him.

If the junior high school in Obsidian City is dominated by one middle school, then the high school is the third.

They are No. 1 High School, Private Graphic Education High School, and Fifth High School.

The competition among them is fierce.

I tested my mental power half a year ago, and it was an opportunity to apply through the class teacher in private. Others don't know my mental power level, but the school must know.

"I haven't thought about it, I'm still hesitating." Bai Ye said ambiguously.

His idea was that whoever gave the most "money" would go to the high school.

Xiao Diao may not be able to eat much now that he is still young, but sooner or later he will grow up. At that time, the cost of cultivating Xiao Diao will be a lot of money.

Zhou Xia strikes while the iron is hot, "The school wants you to go straight to our school. If you can go straight to this school, you can go directly to the rocket class and get a scholarship of 100,000 star coins. What do you think?"

"Let's talk about it after I get my test results." Bai Ye said.

Zhou Xia was taken aback, but then she understood Bai Ye's thoughts, and said with a smile, "Of course it's fine if you're confident. The teacher also hopes that you can perform better."

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