"He rejected me...he said he was different from me." Yang Zhou returned home with his schoolbag in a daze.

Yang Zhou's home is located in residential area No. 82 in the south.

This is already the last residential area.

It is said that it is a residential area, but it is more like a maze surrounded by rows of three or four-story low-rise houses.

Old and dilapidated, with graffiti all over the walls.

There are urine stains with a faint smell in the corner.

Around the corner was a scantily clad woman wearing bright lipstick.

Next to it is a small shop.

Little pink lights shone under the white curtains.

"Xiaozhou, come, come, my sister will give you sweets." The woman tilted her head, big black waves covered her snow-white arms.

The slightly plump figure is uneven under the light, showing the charm of a mature woman.

Legs in black fishnet stockings slipped through high heels.

Yang Zhou raised his head and glanced at the woman, expressionless.

Then he lowered his head and moved on.

Looking at Yang Zhou's back, the woman couldn't help giggling.

Everyone in this residential area knew that Yang Zhou would definitely be able to walk out from here in the future.

Because Yang Zhou was the only student in the residential area who was admitted to the No. 1 Middle School by his own ability, and he was different from those people in the quagmire.

In the future, I will definitely live a better life than them.

Suddenly, I felt a little emotional and wanted to smoke a cigarette.

Take a cigarette out of the pack.

The woman is looking for a lighter in her pocket.

Suddenly a voice came from the left, "You just said you wanted to give me candy?"

Yang Zhou didn't know when he came back, staring straight at the woman.

The woman with heavy makeup froze for a moment, then turned to see Yang Zhou.

Couldn't help laughing, and tapped Yang Zhou's forehead with his left hand, which was covered with cigarettes and painted on his nails, "Little kid, what are you thinking?"

"Here, here you are." The woman took out a mint candy from her pocket and threw it to Yang Zhou.

"...Thank you." Yang Zhou looked down at the mints in his hand.

Turn around and leave silently.

The woman turned her head away and shrugged her shoulders, "What a weirdo." She muttered in a low voice.


Go back to your room.

An empty room is quiet.

Yang Zhou sat alone on the sofa in the living room.

There was a rustling sound from under the sofa.

He lowered his head, lifted the sofa cover that had been dragged to the floor, and a spider came out from the bottom of the sofa against the floor.

This spider is like a disc with a ring of legs and eyes around the disc.

Walking is still spinning in place.

Generally speaking, there are still very few people who keep spiders as pets, and there are relatively more centipedes. Although centipedes are also multi-legged animals, their hard armor basically covers their whole bodies. And spiders are hairy, with barbs and down on their legs.

Yang Zhou picked up the spider the size of a washbasin, and gently rubbed the barbs on the spider's body with both hands.

His palm was bloodied by the barb, but he squinted his eyes. Lying on the sofa, his lips couldn't help trembling, and a painful and satisfying moan came from his throat.



The spider stopped suddenly.

The thirty-six eyes on his body turned around, all looking at the door in unison.

The key turns the lock.

the door opens,

A tall man in a raincoat with a mask on his face walked into the room.

Seeing Yang Zhou who was indulging in the hallucination of the little phantom spider, a trace of disdain flashed in the man's eyes.

"How are you doing with the task assigned to you?"

Seeing that Yang Zhou was still lying on the sofa feeling ecstatic, he didn't answer him.

The man frowned.

The raincoat he was wearing suddenly bulged, and a palm-sized beetle with colorful wings and a black head protruded from under the ear.

The beetle opens its mouthparts.


Yang Zhou, who was lying on the sofa, was suddenly startled.

The whole person fell off the sofa, and the sofa in the living room was also torn apart.

"Next time you ignore what I said, it won't be the result."

Seeing its master being attacked, the little phantom spider was furious.

A large amount of spider silk was shot out from the whole body, and a cloud of white mist was sprayed out at the same time.

White mist gradually rose from the house.

"Xiaohuan, take back the mist." Yang Zhou coughed from behind.

The fog gradually dissipated.

The little phantom spider guarded its master vigilantly.

Yang Zhou stood up staggeringly, touched his chest, and gritted his teeth in pain, "You are really cruel."

"Ask again, how are you doing with the task assigned to you?"

"I've found five people, and only one has a common language with me." Yang Zhou said.

"You can't take responsibility for not completing this matter, but it doesn't matter. The organization has prepared a specific time."

"What day?"

"Just the day after tomorrow." The man said coldly.

"The day after tomorrow!?" Yang Zhou was surprised.

"That's not the time for the high school entrance examination."

"That's right, the organization is planning to launch an attack on that day, and you are ready to cooperate." The man turned and left after dropping a package, "Here are the tools and instructions given to you by the organization, remember to burn them up after reading them. "

The man closed the door very intimately.

After the man walked away, Yang Zhou hammered the sofa a few times as if venting, "Grass, grass, grass!"

Why do you choose this time for the senior high school entrance examination?


"Elementary wind skill book...10,000,000, boss, this elementary wind skill book costs 50,000, and it's the most basic wind blade technique." Bai Ye squatted on the ground, looking at the glass cabinet. A copied wind skill book is placed.

"It's hard for me to do it, little handsome guy. This is already the lowest price on the market. Look, there is a written next to me to give away a standard-sized wind crystal." The boss said helplessly.

This price is the lowest price stipulated by the Obsidian Federation. If you go to any store and look at it, no one dares to lower the price of the primary skill book to less than 50,000. At most, they will give you some gifts. "

"The standard wind crystal is only 2,000 star coins, your price is not kind. And I don't necessarily need the wind crystal, it's not a necessity, right? If you give me the full price of a non-essential item, it's not a bundled sale, but it's a bundle In the end, it is equivalent to forty-eight thousand, which is not kind."

"The price cannot be cheap. 50,000 is the lowest price in the market. If it is found out that the sale is below this price, our store will be gone. So at most I will give you another crystal of other attributes." The boss said.

"Boss, don't talk so much, otherwise." Bai Ye glanced around, he and the boss were the only two in the shop.

He leaned forward and said in a low voice: "I'll give you 20,000 yuan, and I don't want this skill book. Boss, you are equivalent to letting me borrow this book for free for a while. I'll let me learn how to master beasts by myself."

The boss waved his hand, "No, this is taking advantage of loopholes. I can't take your money. How about it, you can buy more things in my store, and I will let you borrow this skill book for free. The skill book is not bought from me. Oh, I'm lending it to you."

"Of course it's okay, I just borrowed it." A smile appeared on Bai Ye's face.

"Little brother, you can do this with a rotten skill like Wind Blade Art, but not with a more advanced skill." The boss broke his tongue, bent down to open the glass cabinet, and asked Bai Ye to come and sit next to him. "You can take some notes on some key points, but you can't directly transcribe them, and you can't take pictures."

Seeing Bai Ye who was working hard to memorize the content of the wind blade skill book, the boss was a little envious, "If only my brat worked so hard."

About half an hour later, Bai Ye came out of the shop contentedly.

The wind blade skill book has seven pages in total, each page has a relatively large font, and the full text is five to six thousand words.

The whole vernacular.

It is not necessary to memorize everything verbatim, but the meaning inside must not be bad.

The whole content is to explain the main points of how to train the beast master to master the wind blade technique.

And how to assist different kinds of beast masters to master the wind blade technique. When training them, you need to be calm and encourage them.

Treating beasts with different personalities also requires different training methods.

There are also which beasts will be easier to master this skill under special circumstances.

Although it's just a wind blade technique, it involves more than that.

"Boss, do you have a skill book that can be learned in one shot?"

"You mean the secret skill book!" The boss knew what Bai Ye was asking.

"Where can we get such valuable things in this small shop?"

Carrying a small bag in his hand.

Basic attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, five elements, rare attributes such as light, dark, wind, thunder, ice, rock and melting.

In addition, time is king and space is respected. As well as extremely rare attributes such as fate, karma, and stars.

Although the wind attribute is a rare attribute, it is also a little rarer than the five elements attribute.

The basic wind skill book is not bad in the market, but it is not difficult to buy.

On the way home, Bai Ye thought that Xiao Diao hadn't mastered a commonly used wind attack skill, so he found a shop that sells royal beast products that wasn't doing very well.

Sure enough, I saw the wind blade skill book.

arrive home.

Bai Ye first took out the twenty wind crystals one by one and put them in the iron box.

Then take out a wind crystal.

Summon Xiaowei and let it summon Xiao Diao.

Compared with just born a few days ago.

The little eagle is now several times bigger than when it was born.

The hair is fluffy all over the body, and the blue-gray hair is like a lion.

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