"It is necessary to condense the magical power of the wind element in the body, then compress it in a high concentration near the mouth, and finally spray it out to form a wind blade." Bai Ye explained the content to the little guy.


What responded to him was a pair of blank eagle eyes.

"The oral cavity is the organ that makes your sound. Compression is the application of pressure to an object to cause it to deform by a certain amount."

"Sure enough, I can't understand such professional words, is it because I speak too profoundly?" Bai Ye frowned.

It's no wonder that other people say that teaching the beast master requires a certain level of intelligence to learn faster.

I don't even understand these words, so how can I teach them.

Now the two skills Qingtian Sunny Eagle has mastered, one is the mid-level skill Gale Battlecloth, and the other is the mid-level skill Wind Roar.

Neither of these two intermediate skills can be displayed by it, which is currently only one star black iron.

You know, according to the official data issued by the Obsidian Federation.

The standard ranges for primary skills are Black Iron and Bronze.

The standard scope for intermediate skills is silver and gold.

The marking range applicable to advanced skills is Platinum and Diamond.

The standard range here means that the skill of this level can be released as a more conventional combat skill, and it can only be done at the higher level of the two relative levels.

"Forget it, learn it later, let's eat first."

Xiao Diao quickly nodded, it understood this sentence.

Have a meal.

"You only know how to listen and eat!"

After eating a wind crystal that was one-third the size, Xiao Diao's hairs all over his body floated automatically without wind, and the fluff danced slightly.

This is because after the wind crystal in its body is digested, part of it naturally overflows from its pores and mouth.

"Your name is so domineering, I hope you can grow up as soon as possible, and then you can fly with me, and I can save money on air tickets." Bai Ye gently stroked Xiao Diao's feathers.


Continuing to meditate at night, Bai Ye had the same dream as last night again.

In the dream, it was still the same grave.

The eyes of the monster in the grave were full of complaints.

Why not meditate.

Don't let me out sooner.

Why not meditate.

Go meditate now.

Bai Ye suddenly sat up from the bed.

The second hand of the alarm clock on the table was ticking, ticking.

Xiao Wei suddenly appeared beside Bai Ye.

Gently rubbed against Bai Ye with her body to comfort the frightened master.

Bai Ye got up and poured himself a glass of water.

Forget it, since you're already awake, let's meditate. Originally, the best time to meditate every day is 6 hours. This afternoon's meditation class has exceeded the standard, so he didn't meditate when he came back.

It's three forty in the morning.

In theory, meditation can sleep, but it has something to do with the depth of meditation.

Bai Ye doesn't have such a high level of meditation yet.

After drinking the water, sit on the bed to relax your body and continue to meditate.

Continuing to meditate after exceeding the standard time of meditation will get twice the result with half the effort.

Three hours pass, and the benefits of meditation are only equal to the first six hours of normal time.

"Such a small profit, the further you go, the lower it will be." Bai Ye hammered his sore thigh.

Sighed, did not continue to meditate.

It is still king to combine work and rest.

After a good rest, the next meditation will be perfect.

I didn't have that dream again tonight.

Two days passed.

The day of the high school entrance examination arrived as promised.

Fang Luolin wore a special dress today.

"Why did you steal mom's skirt and wear it?"

Bai Ye rolled his eyes.

"Mom is not here, I wear this outfit to take you to the exam instead of Mom." Fang Luolin raised her snow-white neck, "Is there a problem?"

"up to you.


Fang Luolin was wearing a long black wavy dress today.

Shawl with long hair.

The long skirt almost dragged the floor and was tied with a bow at the waist.

The round shoulders are full and crystal clear.

The only regret is that the body of the washboard can't support the clothes, it looks a bit strange...

No. 1 middle school is one of the test centers.

However, it is not the teachers of No. 1 Middle School who are in charge of the exams, but instructors sent by the Education Department and teachers from other schools to invigilate the exams to ensure the fairness of the exams.

There are crowds of people outside the gate of No. 1 Middle School, and parents are standing on both sides of the road.

There are police officers from the Security Department to maintain law and order and clear the flow of people.

Exam time is only one day.

Take two exams in the morning and one in the afternoon, and then directly measure the cultivation level of spiritual power and meditation in the remaining time.

The exam is fully completed in one day.

Enter the examination room and start doing the questions.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the examination room.

The door was pushed open.

"Excuse me." Standing outside the door were two police officers from the Security Department in military uniform, and beside them were the army hound Familiar Beast.

"We'll just find someone."

"Everyone is not allowed to move."

The military dog ​​next to a police officer on the left barked suddenly.

There was a rattling sound from the seat behind.

Bai Ye looked back, and it turned out to be someone he was familiar with, and he also knew this person.

Yang Zhou was being pressed to the ground.

Beside him, there was a spider-like royal beast that had been cold and lost its breath of life.

A color-changing military dog ​​that almost blended in with the surrounding environment stepped on Yang Zhou with one foot, and crushed the spider with the other, just like crushing an ordinary toy.

"All candidates are not allowed to turn their heads, turn their heads back." The teacher sitting on the podium knocked on the blackboard.

Yang Zhou was eventually taken away.

Needless to say the ending.

Already predictable.

Similar things happened in other classes around.

The first exam is over.

After the papers were taken away.

There was an explosion in the classroom.

"Damn, I've been sitting behind the buddy in front just now, his whole body was shaking, he looked left and right from time to time, I was wondering if he was cheating, this year's exam is so strict, cheating even The beasts will be beaten to death, and the people will be taken away by the security department, so I dare not cheat anymore."

"It's over, it's over, this door is gone, I was already nervous, and I made several mistakes when what happened just now."

"Why was he taken away?"

"I guess it might not be because of ordinary cheating, but I guess it might be because of off-site joint cheating!"

"It's too fierce. The military dog ​​seems to be invisible. It's a set of military punches. The buddy in front is dumbfounded."

"I saw it at the time. His beast master was summoned to protect him. As a result, the military dog ​​disappeared with one paw. Such a big and lively beast master just disappeared."

Only Bai Ye knew in his heart that it wasn't because of cheating.

Because Yang Zhou's grades are very good.

His cultural achievements are not far behind him.

No need to cheat.

It must be something else.

He couldn't help but think of Yang Zhou's strange words two days ago.

After the two exams in the morning, when Bai Ye came out of the exam center, there were almost three guards in the school, and there were people patrolling everywhere.

There are also a lot fewer parents outside the school gate.

Bai Ye found her on the second floor of a teahouse half a kilometer away after calling her sister.

Seeing his younger brother's expression of eagerness to ask, Fang Luolin didn't hold back.

"When you took the exam in the morning, there were accidents in the school and outside the city. Someone put the female worms of the heart bee in the toilets of each test center, and they were promptly investigated. Now the inspection is still intensified. One of the safest places in Hei Yao City.

Then someone outside the city attacked the patrol team, and then induced monsters to attack the city wall. Some people suspect that this is the work of the same force, first attracting attention at the school, and then taking the opportunity to attack the city wall. "

She didn't worry too much about her brother's safety, because she knew that his brother had the space to be a beast.

The life-saving ability of space-type monsters is the strongest.

While speaking, suddenly there was an explosion in the distance.

The building under his feet trembled slightly.

The hanging lamp shakes left and right.

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