My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 19 Mental Power Test

Suddenly there was another big explosion.

The mountain swayed.

Even the tea on the table spilled a little.

"I don't know if the exam in the afternoon can continue." Bai Ye gently smeared the water spilled on the table with his fingers and drew a circle.

"It will definitely continue. Unless it is a major event, if a large-scale examination in a base city is stopped due to a little external force, it will have an impact on the image and reputation of the base city, and the outside world will definitely question the defense of the base city." Fang Luolin took a sip of water and put down the glass.

"How was the exam today?"

"It's okay, it's playing normally, and it's within my expectations."

"Then... shall we continue our efforts in the afternoon?"

"Yeah." Bai Ye smiled.

The afternoon exam will proceed as scheduled.

Watching Bai Ye enter the school.

The screen of Fang Luolin's phone on the table suddenly lit up.

Turn on the phone, a text message comes,

Pick up the phone, and the text message on the phone reads: The Southern No. 36 Base City has paid for all envoys of gold rank and above in the city to go to the city government to cooperate in resisting the beast tide.

Beast tide!

Fang Luolin's fingers trembled.

Two years ago, a beast tide broke out in the western base city, destroying a city wall.

caused more than one million deaths.

It became the largest animal attack in the past ten years.

Thirty-five years ago, a beast tide even destroyed a satellite base city.

There are tens of millions of people in the base city, not one in ten.

There was no compulsory recruitment in the text message, it seems that the beast tide has not gotten out of control yet.


School, the last cultural course exam in the afternoon is over.

The next step is to check the meditation results.

Each student is individually taken to the small black room by the invigilator to test their meditation results, and a copy of the test results will be kept by the machine and uploaded to the encrypted data website.

Another copy will be jointly kept by the Obsidian Federal Department of Education.

At the same time, a copy of the meditation results will be printed out on the spot.

And everyone's test results will be announced in each school three days later.

In the afternoon, on the playground.

Several vehicles used to load measuring instruments were parked on the playground, and rows of students formed a long queue.

The students discussed in low voices.

Whispering, whispering.

Because the three cultural courses have been taken, the only thing left is the meditation test.

Meditation exams are based on daily accumulation.

If you don't work hard on weekdays, it won't help you to work hard now.

Although cruel, it is also realistic.

Therefore, everyone's meditation results are basically doomed. Although everyone's mentality is disturbed, they also understand it in their hearts.

Thousands of people gathered on the playground.

"Brother, which school are you from?"

"Heishui High School? Is it on Guanyang Road?"

"Brother, you are also from the third middle school of the city. We are from the same school. What class are you in? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Talk to me.

Bai Ye was not interested in talking about these things, and he nodded perfunctorily when someone asked him. Others around saw that he didn't speak, so they didn't communicate with him, just thinking that Bai Ye was a transparent person.

Putting his hands in his pockets, Bai Ye saw a group of people in suits walking forward in the distance.

The students in the first row at the front have entered the converted RV for testing.

Bai Ye was at the front, there were only a hundred people in front of him in the row, and it would be his turn soon.

The team slowly moved forward.

This is a tense time,

Even Bai Ye was affected by the tense atmosphere around him.

Some people are happy and some are worried.

Some people walked out excitedly holding their own meditation report cards, while others were sad and dissatisfied with their results.

"Hahahaha, with a bronze four-star spiritual cultivation,

I actually broke through last night. "

In the distance, a teenager was holding his report card and laughing heartily, not without showing off.

The sound spread far away, and many candidates heard it.

"It is strictly forbidden to make loud noises, and after you get the report card, you can't affect other students." The teacher on the side tapped lightly.

"Bronze five-star spiritual cultivation, it can add 240 points." A fat boy in a yellow shirt on the left said enviously.

"There are only two people in our class who have surpassed the bronze mental strength." A boy wearing glasses in front said back.

"Those who have the bronze spirit are geniuses. They will be the real imperial envoys in the future. Forget about us, we can only contribute to society." The fat boy in the yellow shirt said sourly.

"When the time comes, the results will be based on the overall score. Others can beat us by tens or hundreds of points in terms of mental strength alone. What can we compare with?" Some students are not reconciled.

Listening to their exchange, Bai Ye has a deeper understanding of reality.

More than half of the students in my class have broken through the bronze level in mental strength.

Even Wang Qilin, that seemingly out-of-the-ordinary guy, has a bronze seven-star mental strength.

No wonder they all said that the junior high school of No. 1 Middle School is the top in the base city.

Now it doesn't look like a lie.

A royal envoy must have strong spiritual power. Spiritual power is the embodiment of a powerful imperial envoy, and it is also the most basic requirement.

Otherwise, the speed of a high-level beast master exceeds the limit of ordinary people's sight, if there is no strong mental power to control the five senses.

The speaking speed of the imperial envoy, the insight of the eyes, and the hearing of the ears will all be far inferior to those of the imperial beast.

What else can I use to command the beast master, and what else can I use to participate in the battle between the beast master and the monster.

At that time, the imperial envoy will only become a burden and a burden to the imperial beast.

Although every breakthrough of the beast master level can bring a certain feedback increase to the guardian, this increase is weak and limited compared to the same level of the beast master.

Therefore, in today's flourishing animal-monitoring civilization, human beings have also developed a matching ability-spiritual power.

This is also the fundamental reason why mental power is very important in both the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination.

"If you don't have strong mental strength, what are you going to use as an envoy? Just live your life honestly." A boy with yellow hair in the uniform of No. 1 Middle School said next to him.

"Don't stare at me, I'm telling the truth. If you don't have strong mental strength, you don't even have the qualifications to become an adventure-level imperial envoy. Otherwise, what do you use to command the imperial beasts, and you think that exploring the wild is just playing tricks? If you don't have the strength to go to the wild Sending you to death, you won’t even have the reaction speed to summon a royal beast when the monster sneaks up on you.”

Although the blond-haired boy was telling the truth, it just made people uncomfortable.

Someone quarreled with him.

The yellow-haired boy was not angry either.

Just reasoning with other people, but the tone always sounds like a pretentious suspicion.

"Hey, are you Bai Ye from class three?" the yellow-haired boy suddenly said to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye glanced back.

He is not familiar with the yellow-haired boy. He also doesn't like talking to strangers.

So I took a look and looked away.

"I know you, I didn't expect that we were in the same examination room. Will we have a meal together when you have time?"

Seeing that Bai Ye ignored him, it didn't affect the yellow-haired boy to continue bragging about the people around him.

"This is the real boss. Our class teacher praised him for his high level of mental strength."

Bai Ye was a little embarrassed by what he said.

Finally, it was Bai Ye's turn in the team.

"Admission card."

Give the admission ticket to the teacher.

Bai Ye quickly entered the carriage as if fleeing.

The space inside is a bit dark.

Inside sat a man.

On the inside is an instrument, in the middle is a thin and long vertical line, and the left and right sides are marked units.

From the black iron star all the way up, the top is the platinum ten star.

In front of it is a one-meter-high platform with a sunken area on which a transparent jade stone is placed.

Bai Ye had just seen an instrument exactly like this one at school not long ago.

"You don't need to wear it on your head, just put your hands here." The man pointed to the transparent jade and said.

Bai Ye put his hand on the jade and closed his eyes.

In the depths of the soul, there was a tremor.

Like a string being pulled.

The star ring condensed by spiritual force in the mind was attracted by external force and rotated in place.

The silver mercury in the instrument rose up little by little.

Black Iron One Star, Black Iron Five Star, Bronze One Star, Bronze Five Star, Silver One Star...

It was promoted to the silver level without hindrance,

And it continues to improve.

The teacher of the test showed some surprise in his eyes, and he looked at Bai Ye a few more times.

This is the first student he has tested above the silver level.

Not to mention the Southern No. 36 base city, even in the top-ranked satellite base cities, it is very rare for students to have a mental strength level above silver in the high school entrance examination.

Silver two-star, silver three-star, silver four-star, silver five-star, silver six-star, silver seven-star, silver eight-star...

When he was about to reach the silver nine stars, he held back for a while, and finally jumped up.

Stopped at Silver Nine Stars.

"Very powerful." The teacher sighed.

The sigh was genuine.

Because he has lived for more than 30 years, and now he only has the mental strength of a gold star.

The kid wasn't even half his age, and was almost catching up to him.

"Your mental power, I suspect, may be the highest in our base city. I didn't expect to be the champion so early. I remember that the highest mental power in base city No. 36 of the senior high school entrance examination last year seemed to be only silver six stars." The teacher said. The tone is somewhat kind.

Then stamp it and hand over the report card to Bai Ye.

"Okay, you can go out now, the grades have been uploaded." The teacher in charge said with concern, "Just let the next student come in."

Bai Ye got up and bowed, then left from the carriage.

At this time, what Bai Ye was thinking about was not about the exam, but another matter.

The second grave in the dream is always ready to move.

Thinking about it now, he was waiting for his mental power to break through to the gold level.

As long as one's mental strength breaks through the gold level, he can sign a second beast master.

The second monster that was sealed in a long unknown tomb.

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