Fengtian material boutique.

Bai Ye looked up at the signboard.

This is a brand with the most chain stores in the city, and its advertisements can often be seen on TV.

After entering, there are rows of crystal cabinets, and there are chandeliers on the ceiling.

The shop is brightly lit, bright as day.

There are silver automatic rotating trays in the crystal cabinet, on which are placed various attributes and types of materials.

Black Cave Stone, Soft Melting Gold, Xuan Heavy Water, White Star Laser, Wind Drum Conch...

The first thing Bai Ye looked at was Fengguluo.

This is the only bronze-level wind material in the shop.

The following price is 500,000 star coins, and each person can only buy one copy of the same material.

This price is expensive, but as a treasure that can permanently improve the aptitude of wind-type beasts whose aptitude is below 30 points, this is something that can change fate, and 500,000 star coins are not too expensive.

Bai Ye went to several material stores in the city, and the price of Fenggu snails was the same.

"Here's a snail." Bai Ye returned to Fengtian Boutique Materials Store.

Although the price is the same, the material also has a quality.

The better the appearance, the better the effect.

"Okay, we still have three copies in stock in the warehouse, and you can choose them on the spot." The teller said politely.

After speaking, someone came over with three plates.

Three servings of wind drum snails are placed on a plate.

It looks like a snail, but this is not a biological shell, but a kind of ore.

In places where the wind howls all year round, a special ore will form the shape of a wind-blown snail after being dried by the wind.

This is the wind drum snail.

The method of use is rather special.

Although some materials are used orally, there are quite a few materials that are used in various ways.

The use method of the wind drum screw is quite special. There is a screw hole on the front of it.

It is necessary to pour the heated top-grade wind-type crystal into the screw, and then place the mouth on the screw hole to blow and inhale.

Until the wind drum snail weathers naturally, all the energy of the wind drum snail is absorbed.

This process will last two to three hours.

It is best to have someone to assist you.

Because if the time is too long, you may not be able to last so long alone.

The clerk kept introducing how to use Fenggu snails.

Bai Ye nodded, and picked the one that looked the biggest among the three.

The clerk gave another top-grade wind-type crystal for free, as well as a small iron baking oven for heating.

"Welcome to visit next time."

When Bai Ye returned home, he put the high-grade crystals into the baking oven on the gas stove, and then added a small amount of water. As time passed, the wind-type crystals gradually melted and turned into blue whirlpools. Some are hovering in the oven.

Bai Ye quickly poured it into the wind drum snail, otherwise it would really run out after a long time.

The essence of high-grade wind crystals was added to the wind drum snail, and it made a sound of thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

It's a bit like the sound of a drum, spewing white mist out like a steam engine.

Bai Ye summoned the silly eagle, let it open its mouth, and roughly stuffed the wind drum snail into its mouth.

The silly eagle looked helplessly and pitifully at the master beside him.

Xiaowei watched curiously.

The Nightmare Lord landed on the back of the sofa at one side at some point, holding a SLR camera in his hand.



Photos were taken one by one.

Bai Ye was startled, "Where did you get the camera?"

"I picked it up on the street." The Nightmare Lord said.

"?" Bai Ye was a little confused, he could still find this thing on the street.

"See if it's so useful, teach me how to use it," said the Nightmare Lord.

"Find it yourself." Bai Ye said casually.

"Aren't you going to?"


"Have you never used it?" The Nightmare Lord despised.


"I put the fruit knife on the table." Bai Ye lowered his head and said to himself.

"I'll use it for you first." The Nightmare Lord hurriedly placed the camera in front of Bai Ye.

Bai Ye didn't move, he wasn't interested in the camera, he just snorted coldly, "Come here and hold the wind drum snail, and leave after you're sucked by it."

The Nightmare Lord agreed, and bounced to the side to support Fengguluo.

Taking a sneak peek back, seeing that Bai Ye didn't touch his precious camera, he was secretly relieved.

After three hours, the wind drum snail finally completely melted.

The Nightmare Lord couldn't wait to get his camera back and flew away without knowing where he went.

But as long as Bai Ye calls it, it will come out.

After the wind blows and the snails are weathered, the silly eagle still keeps its mouth open and looks at Bai Ye pitifully.

It turned out that the mouth was sore for a long time.

Bai Ye rubbed the muscles at the corners of its mouth twice.

Just as the silly eagle was moved to tears, Bai Ye patted it on the head.

"Breakthrough quickly, don't waste my half a million."

The tears were held back immediately.

Silly Diao squatted slightly with his legs and raised his wings horizontally.

Hold back for a while.

The feathers on the body surface emitted wisps of blue-white shimmer.

The shimmering light floated, turning into a green cocoon to wrap it.

It went on for about an hour.

Bai Ye went to the toilet twice, drank three bottles of water, and memorized eight new monster illustrations.

The green cocoon melts inward.

It revealed that the silly eagle's body was obviously bigger.

The body is more than one meter long, and Bai Ye measured it with a soft ruler.

The body length is 185 cm.

Wingspan 360 cm.

Standing in the living room already takes up a bit of space.

The cyan feathers are silky and smooth, the eagle's beak and claws are as black as ink, extremely hard.

The claws are comparable to steel, Bai Ye found a plastic plate, and it turned out that Xiaodiao's claws were like a sickle mowing grass, easily cut open.

Bronze rank has surpassed black iron.

If it is said that black iron is only a monster with a certain initial supernatural power.

The bronze level is beyond the initial level.

Whether it is the body or the soul, they have reached another height.

The bodies of monsters and royal beasts at this level are evolving.

The current silly eagle can easily deal with five or six of them before evolution.

[Race] Blue Sky Chasing Sun Eagle

[Level] Bronze two stars



(Original) not awakened

Intermediate: Stormsuit, Wind Roar

Primary: Wind Blade, Penetrating Heavy Strike (General Skills)

The level has crossed the bronze one star and reached the bronze two star.

Although the material failed to improve its aptitude, the extra energy allowed it to break through a small level again.

"It would be great if there were silver-level materials." Bai Ye was a little dissatisfied.

"Silver-level materials can at least allow you to break through four or five small levels." Bai Ye guessed.

It's a pity that even if he spends all his money, he can't afford silver-level materials.

There is a wind-type silver-level material in the Fengtian material boutique.

An eight in front and six zeros in the back.

Eight million star coins.

This is because the silver-grade material can be manufactured artificially, which lowers the price a lot.

Gold grade materials are even more valuable.

A silver-ranked royal envoy can go out on adventures, and has saved a lot of money over the years.

Some silver-level imperial envoys lack the potential of beast masters, and there is no way around that. Because of family reasons, many people cannot afford high-quality beast masters at first, so the limited potential of beast masters is already the limit to grow to the silver level.

And gold-level materials that can break through the limit and reshape aptitude are sought after by countless silver-level envoys.

Prices are in the nine figures and there is no shortage of buyers.

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