Materials are generally produced in areas rich in elements.

The more elements there are, the more likely the material will be born.

But there are also very few rare materials that can be deprived from monsters, but monsters of this level are often of extremely high level and quality.

The most widely spread one is the dragon ball of the dragon creature.

For adventure-level envoys, the biggest gain from going on an adventure in the wild is the material.

However, with the continuous exploration over the years, the materials that can be produced in the area close to the base city have already been scoured.

Or they were drawn into a prison by certain forces, kept in captivity, and continued to harvest.

Finding material these days basically requires going deeper into the wilderness.


into the night.

On the top floor, Xu Tianming lit several plates of special incense for himself in the room.

He secretly bought this incense in the market with his own pocket money. It is said that it can keep people awake and prevent them from falling asleep.

Outside the window, the Nightmare Lord glanced at Xu Tianming, smelled the incense, and sneered.

Then flew away directly.

Stupid human beings.

Its target today was not him at all.

Huang Ming on the top floor opened a photo studio and came home from get off work today.

After returning home and having dinner, my wife took a bath and lay on the bed, wrapped in a bath towel, her chest was bulging, and her smooth thighs were crossed and folded, "Husband, can you tell me a ghost story tonight? You want to hear your ghost story." story."

Huang Ming lay on the bed, telling ghost stories. The more his wife listened to it, the more frightened he became, and finally she huddled into his arms.

The voice of the storytelling in the ear became smaller and smaller, and the wife raised her big watery eyes, but was shocked to find that Huang Ming closed his eyes at some point and started snoring.

"Bastard!" With a yell, a fist landed on Huang Ming's chest. Huang Ming muttered and scratched his chest, but he still didn't wake up.

I wanted to wake him up, but hearing the snoring in my ears, my wife felt a little bit reluctant.

In the end, she sighed sadly, covered her husband with a quilt gently, got up and went to the bathroom wearing slippers.

In the dream, Huang Ming returned to the photo studio. In the dream, his thinking seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle, and everything was hazy.

There is a new apprentice in the photo studio. This apprentice is a bit smart, and he will be able to teach it once.

It seems that several months have passed in a trance, and the apprentice has been able to become a teacher.

He also showed a gratified smile.



Time flies in the blink of an eye, and a month is fleeting.

It's been a month since school started, and Bai Ye is used to daily life alone.

The monthly high school exam is approaching.

In this month, the two million star coins were also completely spent by Bai Ye.

All used on Shadiao.

Silly Eagle's level has also been raised to seven stars of bronze, leaving only four small goals away from Bai Ye's goal of one star of silver.

In fact, if the two million resources are purchased reasonably and consumed slowly in the most cost-effective way, it will definitely bring more improvements.

But for the current Bai Ye, time is the most precious thing.

And it's only two million, more money will be available soon.

Bai Ye figured out a golden way to make money.

If he can expand successfully, it may bring him unexpected benefits.

The Nightmare Lord's level has now been raised to five silver stars, and now its nightmare space can easily cover the entire No. 36 base city and even all nearby suburbs.

After this month's collection, the faces of all the people in Base City No. 36 were recorded in the Nightmare Space.

And according to the statistics of this month, the travel trajectories of all people are drawn into picture scrolls.

There are traces of most people's life trajectories.

I am busy on those lines every day.

These people are the basic resources.

And the traces of a small number of people are nowhere to be found.

Perhaps it is also because the current statistical time is still short.

There are still a small number of traces that cannot be classified into several lines for the time being.

Such people are temporarily defined as scarce resources.

Selling traces and providing traces, this is the way Bai Ye thought of to make money for the time being.

He doesn't doubt whether selling information can make money, Bai Ye is just worried about how to expand this information channel.

How long will it take to spread out.

And if the channel expands, will it attract the attention of federal officials?

This is what Bai Ye is worried about for the time being.

This requires an opportunity and an appropriate timing.

Bai Ye is not planning to get involved in other businesses for the time being. Traffic is king. He will expand his own business first, and then consider other businesses after the traffic expands.



"Bai Ye, come to the office." Fang Hai said to Bai Ye who was sitting in the first row after class.

Bai Ye followed Fang Hai to the office.

Fang Hai opened the drawer under the desk, took out a wooden box and put it on the desk.

"This is the bursary that the school gave you this month. You reported that your beast master was a wind element, so it was exchanged for you to become a resource of the wind element. You will do your best to take the monthly test this time. If you get a good score, the school's bursary Only more."

Fang Hai said.

"You can also open the things in the box and take a look first. If you don't want to take them back to the classroom, you can put them here first and come back after school."

Fang Hai thought that it might not be good for other students to see Bai Ye brought back to the classroom.

Do not suffer from scarcity but from inequality.

The school provided Bai Ye with a bursary, and the real benefit fell into his hands. If other students saw it, it would be inevitable that some people would feel aggrieved.

After all, the value of the student aid rewards given by the school is not low.

Bai Ye opened the box.

A cool breeze blows from the pavement inside the box.

In the wooden box are neatly placed 8*2 pieces of sixteen middle-grade wind crystals.

Mid-grade crystals have an effect on improving beasts below the platinum level.

For monsters of platinum level and above, they can only be used as blue bottles to supplement the consumed elemental energy.

The market price of a mid-grade wind-type crystal is around 2,000 star coins, and this box of crystals is worth 32,000.

Even for the average small rich family, the amount of funds that can buy resources for their children every month is about this amount.

"Then I'll take it after school, and I'll trouble the teacher." Bai Ye said.

Fang Hai laughed, "What's the trouble?"

Coming out of the office, a black shadow flew towards him, and Bai Ye turned sideways to avoid it.

A red flying squirrel flew out of the corridor against the wall, flew around outside the corridor, and flew back to its master.

In front of the side, several girls full of youthful atmosphere stood together talking and laughing, and the girl in the middle was holding a live grass in her hand.

The grass is absorbing the sunlight, stretching its leaves as much as possible, and then condensing light yellow dewdrops on the leaves.

The three-meter-wide corridor was a bit lively.

It's recess time.

In the corridors and classrooms, some students summoned their small beasts to tease and play.

The school stipulates that it is not allowed to summon beasts that are too heavy and larger than humans within the scope of the teaching building.

All beasts that are small in size and not harmful to the public can be summoned.

Public hazards are such as beasts that are highly poisonous, cannot be controlled by the body, and will automatically emit harmful substances to the surroundings.

The noise and laughter in the ears are the most beautiful pictures.

Although it was very plain, Bai Ye felt that this might be the life he should live.

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