It was very late after the wall was repaired, and there was still class the next day, so Bai Ye went back to the bedroom to rest.

The time for the college entrance examination and the middle school entrance examination is different. The college entrance examination requires a separate school examination, but the middle school entrance examination does not.

The senior high school entrance examination only tests the level of culture and meditation.

Moreover, the time for the high school entrance examination in each base city is different. Unlike the college entrance examination, which is a unified examination for the entire federation, the high school entrance examination is held separately in each base city.

The time for the senior high school entrance examination in base 36 is set to be one month after the college entrance examination, and today there are only six days left before the senior high school entrance examination in base 36.

Although Fang Luolin is already planning to transfer Bai Ye to her university after one semester, she still hopes that Bai Ye can get a better grade in the high school entrance examination.

Bai Ye's cultural achievements are usually very good.

His cultural grades were in the top 30 of his grade, and his meditation grades were among the best.

The only thing missing is a royal beast.

After refusing his sister to send him to school, Bai Ye entered the school 20 minutes earlier after breakfast.

He opened the bag and took out three books, each of which was as thick as a dictionary.

Only three cultural subjects are tested in the senior high school entrance examination-"Obsidian Monster Science-Secondary School Edition", "Elementary Science", "Elementary Imperial Envoy Comprehensive Subjects"

In addition to cultural subjects, there is also a meditation performance assessment.

And the last one is not a formal exam but also has extra points for social practice scores.

Elementary Science is a subject that is biased towards calculation.

Obsidian Monsterology, as the name suggests, is ten books with the thickness of a dictionary, 95% of which record the common monster data of Obsidian, including habits, family, species, quality, fighting style, weakness, appearance identification, etc. Knowledge. The remaining 5% are various data of obsidian's distinctive or famous rare monsters.

Of course, some monsters are too rare, so the data information recorded above is incomplete.

The number of students in the classroom gradually increased, and the number continued to increase.

The deserted classroom became noisy.

Ten minutes later, the class bell rang.

There were footsteps outside the classroom.

Someone yelled that the head teacher was coming, and the classroom quickly became quiet.

After a while, class teacher Zhou Xia walked into the classroom through the front door with a stack of papers and a thermos cup.

A gray parrot stood on Zhou Xia's shoulders. The parrot was about two feet tall, with fluffy gray-brown feathers, a wide and thick goose-yellow beak, and orange-red eyes that swiveled. She was wearing a tailor-made small suit.

This parrot is one of Zhou Xia's royal beasts, and is jokingly called "little assistant class" by the students in the class.

"Although meditation is very important, cultural achievements cannot be ignored. I know that some students in the class are thinking wrongly recently, but you must know that geniuses are only a minority after all. Most students still have to compete for the single-plank bridge. The total score of the three cultural courses is 450. I don’t know how many students will think that 450 points are not important, not everyone is Dong Shentong, and not everyone is a genius. So I will continue to do the paper this morning, and don’t relax until the last moment.” Zhou Xia said Then put the paper on the podium.

The "little deputy class" standing on her shoulders jumped down, and the two bird claws stepped on the iron platform with a rattling sound.

Jumped lightly to the top of the podium.

"Take notes! Take notes!" the parrot shouted imitating Zhou Xia's voice, and stomped on the podium with its paws.

The grades of meditation are calculated according to the level of meditation. The black iron five-star is 60 points for the basic passing grade, and each star is increased by 20 points. There is no upper limit for extra points.

But human potential is limited. Generally speaking, even a genius is only fifteen or sixteen years old when he graduates from middle school. The highest score in the history of meditation in No. 36 Base City is 360 points, ten silver stars.

This achievement was set fifteen years ago. The student was called Dong Shentong, and now he was the big boss behind Dong's private kitchen.

Dong Shentong's culture score was only over 100 points, but because of his excellent meditation performance, he was admitted to the senior high school of No. 1 Middle School in Base No. 36.

The high school of No. 1 Middle School has dozens to hundreds of special admission places every year, some of which are for geniuses with excellent meditation talents like Dong Shentong, and the other part are for related households.

As for the extra points for the last social practice, it is very simple.

For example, 100 points will be added if you obtain the qualification certificate of an adventure-level envoy, and 60 points will be added if you obtain a junior medical certificate...

Schools are places where talents are cultivated, and the ultimate goal is to transform knowledge into practical abilities.

If you can achieve certain "results" during school, this is also what the school and the league like to see.

The papers were handed out one after another.

"Obsidian Monsterology Test Paper (23)"

Bai Ye quickly scanned the big questions and the multiple-choice questions to fill in the blanks, and quickly started to write after knowing what was in his mind.

1. Multiple choice questions (20 questions in total, 2 points for each question)

1. Xiao Ming was exploring in the wild and saw a five-meter-wide translucent spider web in a dry cave. Could it be the silk spit out by some kind of monster? ()

A. Gray plate striped spider B. Cave horned spider C. Jumping dead spider D. Long-haired brown spider

Bai Ye glanced at it, and the corners of his mouth turned up. Isn't this just a sub-question?

Among the four kinds of spiders, the gray plate striped spider can't spin silk, so choose A decisively.

2. The four advanced forms of the six-faced rock beast do not include...

The content on the paper is not complicated.

Bai Ye hardly paused, and finished all the questions in forty minutes.

Check again, put down the pen after making sure that you are not careless, close your eyes and sit on the seat to start meditating.

Meditation is a cumulative gain and there are no shortcuts.

Bai Ye closed his eyes and meditated, but he didn't use the official meditation method of Obsidian Federation, but another meditation method.

This meditation method was passed down to him by his father when he was a child.

In Bai Ye's sea of ​​consciousness is a starry sky.

At the center of the chaotic starry sky is a star ring formed by pieces of detritus stardust.

Huge rings make up complex celestial bodies.

The celestial body is automatically and slowly rotating, and with the rotation, the white light spots in the surrounding void are engulfed and melted into one of them.

And when Bai Ye actively meditated, the speed of the celestial body also accelerated, and the efficiency of absorbing and devouring also became faster.

In the process of Xinghuan growing, Bai Ye's spiritual power continued to grow.

Bai Ye is not quite sure what level his mental strength is now, he hasn't measured it for a long time.

However, in the final exam half a year ago, he had already measured the mental power of a silver two star.

In the past half a year, it should have improved a lot.

This meditation method is really extraordinary, the elder sister and I use the same meditation method, and she can undoubtedly take a lot of credit for this meditation method that surpasses her peers.

The get out of class bell rang for the third time, and the two classes were over, and Zhou Xia began to collect the papers.

"Hand in the paper, don't write! Chen Mingrui, you are still writing, points will be deducted!" The parrot danced and called out to a student who was still writing in the penultimate row of the classroom.

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