My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 7 Junior Monster Nurse (7/10)

Wang Qilin, who was lying on the side, slept through the whole class.

Bai Ye's papers were placed on the desk in an upright manner, and the skinny man didn't bother to copy them.

"Anyway, there are smart terminals, why do we need to learn these things? It's really annoying. When we see strange monsters in the wild, we can know what their race is by scanning them. Why do we need to learn these useless knowledge. "Wang Qilin lay his head on the desk, staring at the sky outside the window in a daze.

Bai Ye lowered his head to read the book, continued to review the knowledge he had memorized by heart, and said calmly without raising his head: "According to what you said, there are calculators anyway, so why do you need to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division?"

"Can it be the same? Forget it, I mean, it's just that these things are really hard to memorize." Wang Qilin sighed.

"It's a little bit." Bai Ye was deeply touched.

"Don't pretend to be a top student in front of me." Wang Qilin rolled his eyes.

Because the courses have already been learned, the current courses are mainly targeted review.

Do two test papers every morning, and meditate in a special meditation room in the afternoon.

Although cultural achievement is more important, but more important is meditation.

In previous years, there were many students who were directly admitted to high schools because of their excellent performance in meditation.

Bai Ye was in the No. 1 Middle School. The No. 1 Middle School he was in had a junior high school and a high school.

It's just that the high school and the junior high school are divided into two campuses, located in different places.

After a short break, the second paper will be distributed.

"Elementary Royal Envoy Comprehensive Disciplinary Test Paper (23)"

1. Discussion questions (10 questions in total, 8 points for each question)

1. Please briefly discuss the weakness of the snowy land running rhino, and choose a thunder-type beast that does not exceed the silver level and simulate the battle process with the snowy land running rhino.

This is a common simulated battle question, and it is also a comprehensive question.

The problem-solving steps are divided into two parts, one is to discuss the weakness of the rhino in the snowy field, and the other is to choose a thunder-type beast that does not exceed the silver level to simulate the battle process with the rhino.

The first half belongs to the knowledge of monsterology, and only needs to be answered.

There is a small trap in the second half. Although there are no restrictions, first of all, generally speaking, the quality of thunder-type beasts will not be low. There are very few thunder-type monsters that do not exceed the silver level, especially many students have only studied obsidian monsters and don't know much about monsters from other planets.

And the snowfield rushing rhinoceros itself is a bronze-level peak monster with rough skin, thick flesh and infinite strength.

Individual rare individuals can grow to silver level.

Therefore, if the selected Thunder-type Beast Master is too poor, it may not be the opponent of the Snowy Land Running Rhinoceros.

Although the title does not say that the simulated battle must be won, it is obvious that the result of winning can have higher scores.

After pondering for a while, Bai Ye chose to write.

The tip of the pen rustled against the paper.

The sunlight outside the window shines on the table through the glass.

Tranquil and cozy.


The last exam in the morning was over, and the get out of class bell rang.

Wang Qilin dragged Bai Ye to the cafeteria.

"Hurry up, I won't be able to grab my Shaobai if it's slow." Wang Qilin loves to eat Shaobai most. In his words, the school's Shaobai is three points thin, seven points fat, moderate in thickness, and melts in the mouth. It is the best in the world. The best roasted white.

I won't be able to eat it after I leave school, so eat more now.

Bai Ye quietly withdrew his right hand, looked at Wang Qilin and turned his head in doubt, and quickly waved his hand, "Hurry up and run, if you are late, you will be snatched away by others, I will take your time behind, by the way, help me Get some tamales."

Wang Qilin gave an ok gesture.

The canteen has three floors.

From the appearance and shape, it looks like a giant python coiled on the ground, and the rotating corridor is the outermost ring.

Go up to the third floor,

Wang Qilin sat by the window and waved to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye walked over and sat down.

The number of people in the cafeteria gradually increased, and two girls approached with plates: "Hello, is there anyone next to you?"

"No, no one." Wang Qilin was happy to see the young and beautiful young lady.

On the left, the tall girl in light yellow short-sleeves sat down with a plate and discussed with the baby-faced girl with bangs on the opposite side.

"The high school entrance examination is coming soon, Zhiyue, do you have the confidence to take the No. 1 High School?"

"It's a bit difficult. In previous years, only the top 400 students in our school's mock exams were more likely to enter the high school. I heard that this year the competition pressure from other schools is a bit heavy."

"Aren't your cultural achievements this time around three hundred and twenty? Why can't you do it?"

"But my meditation grades are not very good. I'm afraid that my meditation scores will drag me down. And there are extra points for social practice. I haven't passed any certificates. I heard that many students in the class have taken the junior monster care certificate."

"Elementary Monster Nursing is an easy exam, so I took the exam." The girl sitting opposite her said.

"But it's only five points, it's too little."

"How much more do you want to add? The difficulty is not high, and you can't even find a job. It's just taking care of monster babies and delivering babies. Many farms or royal beast sales stores require a monster care certificate." The goose-yellow short-sleeved girl said.

After Bai Ye finished eating, he and Wang Qilin left the cafeteria with their plates.

"Old Fang, have you taken the exam?" Wang Qilin asked.


"It's the junior monster care certificate."

"I haven't learned it before." Bai Ye shook his head.

"It's very easy. I passed the intermediate level." Wang Qilin said proudly.

Bai Ye looked at Lao Wang with admiration, and he was able to pass the intermediate certificate.

"Is it easy to take the exam?"

"It's easy to test. I have helped the family since I was a child, delivered old sows, and treated some sick pigs. I have obtained the intermediate monster nurse certificate, mainly for advanced monsters. The nurse certificate needs to nurse monsters with the lowest platinum level, otherwise I will definitely pass the exam based on my theoretical level." Wang Qilin boasted unceremoniously.

"The junior nurse certificate is very simple. Even those who don't know anything can pass it as long as they can study for half a month before the exam." Wang Qilin said.

Wouldn't that be easier than getting a driver's license?

Bai Ye thought in his heart.

"Only 5 points are added for the junior nurse certificate, but 20 points are added for the intermediate nurse certificate." Wang Qilin said.

"The minimum standard for recruiting people in my farm is an intermediate-level nurse certificate, because the primary level is useless, and the primary level is the level of nursing for black iron and bronze-level monsters. The intermediate level can provide silver and gold-level nursing. This nursing is not a cure. It is delivery, deworming, skin peeling, manicure, and simple trauma treatment." Wang Qilin said.

Bai Ye understood. It is a combination of the Veterinary Physician Certificate and the Beautician Certificate, but the applicability is more civilian and professional, and it is not as professional as the other two certificates.

"It's only one month before the high school entrance examination, forget it...thank you for your kindness." Bai Ye shook his head.

Bai Ye felt that it was unnecessary to spend half a month before the exam to strive for 5 points. With this effort, it is better to meditate hard to break through one more level. Isn't it good to add 20 points?

And meditation is a real feedback to yourself.

"You don't understand this. Do you know that because there are too many people taking the junior nurse exam every year, the exam venues are basically outsourced, and my home is one of the permanent exam locations." Wang Qilin said mysteriously. Said.

Bai Ye still didn't understand.

"Come to my house this weekend, and I'll take you for a surprise day, and I guarantee you can pass the next day." Wang Qilin hammered his chest, his face full of confidence. "Believe it or not, brother."

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