My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 74 Beast Familiar Playground

Bai Ye didn't mention this topic again, but he kept it in his heart.

The news must have spread through some channels.

Coming out of the main entrance of the Nature Club, Wang Qilin shook his shoulders, "It's comfortable!"

On the one hand, it’s novelty. The Yu Beast massages people, not to mention other things, but the novelty is enough to attract people.

This excitement is difficult to describe in words.

In addition, the service of the beast master technician is really good. The veteran employees of more than 30 years must have real skills to work for such a long time.

Wang Qilin had soreness and discomfort in some parts of his body.

But after the massage, these uncomfortable places were relieved to a certain extent.

"Hey, I still want to come." Wang Qilin said.

"It's a old man doesn't allow me to come to this kind of place more." Wang Qilin said with some regret.

This time, it was also under Bai Ye's favor.

"Then you go back and train the beast master well." Bai Ye said with some amusement.

"When you become a gold-level envoy or a platinum-level envoy in the future, you will be eligible to apply for a card. At that time, your father may not stop you."

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Wang Qilin was a little moved.

I think what Bai Ye said is not unreasonable.

"I've done this poisonous chicken soup."

"Let me think about where we're going to play later. It's hard for you to come to the main city of Obsidian. I must do my best to be a landlord." Wang Qilin patted his chest and promised.

Although he has only been in the main city of Hei Yao for half a year, he looks like a landlord at the moment.

"Let's just stroll around casually," Bai Ye said.

He didn't want to let Wang Qilin spend money.

"The main city of Hei Yao is so big, there must be some landmark buildings, why don't we go to the landmark buildings to see." Bai Ye said.

"Shut up and lie down for me, I'm in charge today." Wang Qilin said.

A minute later, Wang Qilin still maintained a thinking posture.

Bai Ye was speechless.

"If you can't figure it out, don't force yourself."

Wang Qilin's voice became louder: "Impossible! Who said I can't figure it out."

"You don't usually go out for a stroll, do you?" Bai Ye questioned.

Wang Qilin was a little embarrassed, "Then I train every day...and spend most of the rest of the time out of the city to follow the escorts."

"You don't know." Wang Qilin said. "The elder also has requirements for us. If I want to inherit the shares, I must meet the minimum requirements, that is, to become a gold-ranked envoy before the age of eighteen. Otherwise, if I am not strong enough, I will smash the signboard of the Escort."

There were not so many power struggles in the Escort, and the elder was full of prestige at the beginning, otherwise he would not have won the support of so many people.

Now assisting his father to control the bodyguard are the two sworn brothers who followed that elder back then.

Wang Qilin would humbly call Second Grandpa and Third Grandpa twice when he saw him.

And the elder's request to Wang Qilin was to become a gold-rank envoy before the age of eighteen.

Eighteen is almost high school graduation.

Becoming a gold-rank envoy at the age of graduating from high school can be called a genius anywhere.

Now Wang Qilin is sixteen years old, and there are still two years left. In two years, he will break through from three stars of silver to one star of gold.

It's not too hard to say.

The elder didn't make it difficult for him too much.

There are a lot of resources, and the Beast Familiar will definitely be able to achieve it.

But the difficulty is that Wang Qilin's meditation practice must also reach the gold star.

This difficulty is not low.

It is much more difficult for the imperial envoy's spiritual cultivation to break through than the beast's power breakthrough.

If you don't have talent and don't work hard enough, it is impossible to reach the gold-level mental power before the age of eighteen.

"Gold-rank envoy." Bai Ye looked sideways at Wang Qilin. "is it hard?"


"Isn't it difficult?" Wang Qilin wanted to cry but had no tears. "I don't sleep very much at night now, and spend almost all my free time in meditation."

Bai Ye thought for a while, and decided not to tell him the fact that his spiritual cultivation had already reached six golden stars.

We are all friends, so don't hit him.

"Hey, let's forget about this, it's fun to come out and play. Let's go to the arena!" Wang Qilin clapped his hands and thought of a place.

"Generally, the top-ranked big cities have arenas, and the arena in the main city of Obsidian is the largest in the entire Federation. There is a gold-level royal envoy match every day, and there will be at least one platinum-level envoy match every week. "

"Can you see the diamond level?" Bai Ye asked.

Wang Qilin choked, "What is the diamond level? How can a boss of that level perform casually?"

"Then I heard you bragging so much just now, I thought diamond-level envoys were all frequent visitors."

"There are diamond-level envoys who have competed in the arena, but it is rare to see it once a year, and they are not in the arena in the city."

Wang Qilin said.

The existence of that level of existence in the arena is to resolve personal grievances.

Just make some extra money by the way.

The arena is not qualified to order characters of that level.

"I'll check online first to see if there are any tickets. Tickets for the arena are very hard to come by, and you usually have to buy them half a day in advance."

Wang Qilin opened the ticketing software.

Turns out there were no tickets.

"The earliest ticket will be tomorrow." Wang Qilin's expression turned ugly.

"It may be because of the plague that many base cities have been blocked, so the number of passengers in the entertainment facilities in the city has increased." Bai Ye guessed.

"It might be." Wang Qilin thought for a while, and felt that what Bai Ye said made sense.

"Then you can't go to the arena, let me think..."

"How about we go hunting in the wild?" Wang Qilin asked inquiringly.

"Just the two of us?" Bai Ye laughed dumbly.

"Forget it." Bai Ye waved his hand.

The same goes for the wild.

Very attractive for novices.

With the Nightmare Lord around, during the past six months, Bai Ye frequently went to the wilderness near his hometown, Base City, on weekends.

At the beginning, it was a little new and interesting, but after going a few more times, I found that it was the same.

Without the curiosity of a novice.

And with Wang Qilin, it's not as safe and comfortable as being alone. If you encounter danger and hide in the super-dimensional space alone, if you add Wang Qilin.

It is easy to expose the existence of hyperdimensional space.

Now is not the time to be exposed.

If exposed, it is easy to cause trouble.

Wang Qilin didn't know that he was being treated as a fool by Bai Ye.

"Oh, yes." Wang Qilin thought for a while.

He felt that he could "lead" Bai Ye with his own strength.

Every time there is at least a gold-level imperial envoy in the escorting team.

If it is some far darts, there are platinum-level imperial envoys in charge.

"We can't go to the auction house, we are both poor ghosts." Wang Qilin rambled.

"There are no tickets for the arena. Exploring the wild is too dangerous."

Wang Qilin thought for a while, "Then there is only one safe place."


"Beast Royal Playground!" Wang Qilin said word by word.


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