My Tamed Beasts Are a Little Strong

Chapter 75 Research Institute

"...What's dad's dad's name? Dad's dad's name is Yeye."

There was joy in the air.

The carousel goes up and down.

Sitting front, back, left, and right are all children in their early teens.

Wang Qilin was speechless holding the pole.

Bai Ye looked at him jokingly, "Quickly answer me, what's Baba's Baba's name?"

"You are poisonous, why are you riding on the merry-go-round?"

"We bought a full ticket, wouldn't it be a waste not to experience every facility," Bai Ye said.

"..." Wang Qilin gave a thumbs up, feeling unable to refute.

At the end of three minutes, Wang Qilin and Bai Ye, who got off the carousel, came to line up in front of the giant roller coaster.

On the track, a forty-meter-long purple-brown giant centipede is resting.

There are seats fixed on its back.

The roller coaster track is extremely steep, one big circle rotates after another, with various steep heights, and the highest downhill is at least hundreds of meters.

"Fuck, this is a mountain-climbing centipede." Wang Qilin was terrified.

He was a little afraid of things like centipedes and spiders since he was a child.

"Let's change to another...don't..."

Fatty Wang's begging for mercy was useless.

Bai Ye fixed him on the seat in the last row.

Then he sat next to Fatty Wang.

When the people are seated, the centipede starts to move.

The hard claws scratched and rubbed sparks on the track.

The climbing centipede is a monster that is good at crawling.

Generally live in steep mountain terrain.

Likes to roost and live in caves on cliffs.

Gentle and tree-eating, it is a rare vegetarian centipede.

Adult mountain-climbing centipedes can generally grow to silver and gold ranks.

The adult body length is generally more than 20 meters.

In terms of appearance, it is quite bluffing.

Climbing centipedes can walk like flying on steep cliffs, so it is easy to climb this track.

It is easy to climb to the track of hundreds of meters.

Then head down, the body continues to accelerate.


The people who were fixed on their backs let out exclamations and screams.


Five hours passed.

Before I knew it, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

It's also time for the playground to get off work and end.

Wang Qilin and Bai Ye came out with unfinished thoughts.

"I think it's quite interesting to come here once in a while," Bai Ye said.

"I'd say it's not bad." Wang Qilin said stinky.

"You should stay at the escort agency tonight." Wang Qilin said.

"No, I'll stay at the hotel. I'll book it in the afternoon, and I won't refund the money if I don't stay." Bai Ye said.

The next day, Wang Qilin came to look for Bai Ye at noon, and took Bai Ye around the city for a day in the afternoon and evening.

On the third day, my sister arrived.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Bai Ye picked her up at the car parking lot.

Wearing a ponytail, red energetic sports long sleeves, black sports trousers, high spirits and picturesque eyebrows.

The sunny and youthful girl stood out among the crowd.

Bai Ye waved.

Fang Luolin saw Bai Ye.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, two dimples appeared.

Putting his arm skillfully on Bai Ye's shoulder, "Let's go!"

"I'll cleanse you up." Fang Luolin said.

"You just got off the speeding car, I should have cleaned you up." Bai Ye was speechless.

"Oh?" Fang Luolin smiled sweetly.

"You can't even name the places in the city, why don't you clean up the dust for me." Fang Luolin laughed.

"Actually, if you want to play, there are not many places to play in the main city of Obsidian." Fang Luolin said.

"Although this is the center of Obsidian." Fang Luolin was very familiar with it. "But the most are all kinds of shops and facilities related to imperial beasts."

Bai Ye could also see that the entertainment atmosphere here is really not very heavy.

"If you want to play, you should go to the No. 1 base city in the East and the No. 1 base city in the West." Fang Luolin looked familiar to me.

Looking at his younger brother's "worshiping" eyes, Fang Luolin's heart felt dark.

Fortunately, I asked my friends a lot in advance.

"Let me take you to our school." Fang Luolin said.

This is what she thought of on the way.

compared to other places.

I am still familiar with my university.

Rotating Star University is not in the main city of Hei Yao, but is next to the main city of Hei Yao. After walking three miles from the north of the city, a city next to the main city of Hei Yao is located on the plain.

A huge stone monument was erected at the gate.

There are no words on the stele, but birds, beasts, insects and fish are engraved on it.

There is no door frame at the main entrance, only two small stone mountains on the left and right.

Looking directly at these two rocky mountains, Bai Ye felt his soul tremble.

This is the instinctive vigilance of life when facing units that can threaten its own life.

These two small rocky mountains gave him a subconscious feeling that they were very dangerous.

It's like how ordinary people feel when they face tigers in the wild without obstacles.

Fang Luolin took out his student ID card from his pocket.

Shaking in front of Shishan.

Then he dragged Bai Ye into the school.

"That can't be the guard?" Bai Ye glanced behind him.

"That's right, that's the guard at the main gate." Fang Luolin said.

"It's a bit like General Shi, but General Shi is usually not this big."

Bai Ye remembered that General Shi was a medium-sized demon.

The general height is between three and five meters.

And these two are at least forty or fifty meters away from the school gate.

He has more than ten times his height.

"That's General Shi's advanced body, General Rock." Fang Luolin said. "Both of them are diamonds. You can only enter the school on foot from the main entrance. If you want to fly in, you will be photographed by General Rock."

The diamond-level royal beast acts as the guard of the gate, this skill...

Bai Ye once again turned his head and took a deep look behind him.

On the shoulder, a head suddenly protruded from the collar.

Xiao Wei's two twins rested on Bai Ye's shoulders, staring straight behind her.

After entering the school, Fang Luolin suddenly thought of something.

That means Bai Ye has no place to live!

The place where she lives is a dormitory for girls, and boys are not allowed to stay overnight.

Fang Luolin frowned and thought for a while, then thought of a place where Bai Ye might stay overnight.

But it must be approved by the instructor.

Call your instructor and ask.

After asking for opinions, Fang Luolin heaved a sigh of relief.

"The instructor agrees that you will temporarily spend the night in the institute tonight."

"I wouldn't sleep in a cage." Bai Ye joked.

"..." Fang Luolin hesitated to speak.

"Our institute doesn't study pigs," Fang Luolin said.

Bai Ye followed Fang Luolin, turned left and right inside this small town-like school, and finally came to a two-story building whose outer walls were full of ivy.

There is a copper plaque next to the main entrance of the Institute - Institute of New Skills Framework.

The research topic of the research institute can be seen at a glance by looking at the name.

The content of the research is also high-level.

It just so happened that Bai Ye heard from the Nightmare Lord that learning a skill requires building a skill framework in his mind.

When the skill framework is successfully constructed, the skill is truly mastered.

Research on the framework of new skills, is it possible that this research institute is researching and inventing new skills?

The first floor of the institute is full of reference rooms and lounges, and the second floor is full of reference rooms and storage rooms.

"Because research is often very late, there are several lounges here where you can stay overnight. You can live in this room." Fang Luolin found a room deep in the corridor for Bai Ye.

The room has a wardrobe, a bed, a table and chairs.

There are also two brand new bedding that have not been opened.

Except that there are no toiletries and daily necessities, everything else is available.

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