It is not that Wang Guifu has never read novels. He also had the experience of chasing books for a while when he was young.

He remembered that a certain type of novel he had read was very similar to his current situation.

Take Grandpa with you...

This is true - grandpa.

On the other hand, Wang Defa, how excited he was at the beginning, is now so confused.

Who am I, where am I, and why is it so dark around here? Didn't the alien who gave me the secret technique promise me that he would succeed, and he has never failed for so many years.

So what's going on with me now.

If I get the chance to go out, I will definitely write a bad review.

Wang Guifu opened his eyes, and there was a huge head staring at him close to his face.

The tip of the nose is cold. My heart tightened, first I was nervous, my whole body was tense, but then I relaxed.

Since he didn't attack me, does this mean that he recognizes me as its owner?

Wang Guifu thought of this almost absurd guess.

The cousin got my body, his beast master must know, now that I wake up, his beast master thinks I am my uncle.

In fact, Wang Guifu only got half of the guesses right, and there is another very important reason for the remaining half.

Wang Defa's soul resides in his sea of ​​consciousness.

So the imperial beast in front of him sensed the aura of his master's soul.

Although very faint, only a little bit.

Familiar with strange.

But it is indeed the breath of the master.

Think of the explanation the master gave himself before.

Because this was the first time Wang Defa seized the house, he didn't know if there would be any sequelae, or if it would affect the beast he originally contracted, so he had told his beast a lot of precautions before.

I was afraid that I finally succeeded in seizing the house, but in the end, my own beast would not recognize me, and slapped myself to death, what a grievance.

Although Wang Guifu didn't feel a heavy master's breath, but thinking that the master has changed his body, it may be the reason for the change of body.

Gently rubbed his head against his master.

Wang Guifu was apprehensive, surprised, and a bold idea emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Although he didn't sign a soul contract with this imperial beast, if he could pretend to be its owner.

Maybe I can borrow its power, and with the power in my body, I can count myself as having the power to protect myself.

The only trouble is that I haven't signed a soul contract with it, so I can't bring it into the Beast Familiar Space.

However, according to Wang Defa’s memory of viewing, this daimyo-moving-mountain stone armor and nicknamed Maruko’s imperial beast is a solid second-tier diamond. After the imperial beast breaks through platinum and enters diamond, the titles between each level are no longer the same. stars, but ranks.

Each level is as clear as a class, and the strength gap is as clear as day.

Because this meatball didn't like to enter the beast-monitoring space, Wang Defa didn't have the habit of keeping it in the beast-monitoring space on weekdays.

"Help me open the chain." Wang Guifu said.

Wanzi unlocked the chain for Wang Guifu.

The reason why it is nicknamed Wanzi is because its head is bald and round like a meatball.

This name was given to it by Wang Defa when he was seven years old, and seventy-six years have passed so far.

The young man who first met the Beast Master had turned into an old dog.

Whenever Wang Guifu thought of Wang Defa's attempt to take his body, the sympathy that arose in his heart was completely extinguished.

He rubbed his face, sat up from the bed, held his left wrist with his right hand and gently kneaded it.

Because I felt the experience of Wang Defa in my consciousness.

Unknowingly, he actually had a little bit of recognition for him.

The soul is indeed the most mysterious thing. Even if it is just a viewing experience, it is not a real empathy, so he has a special feeling for Wang Defa.

Sensing the soul in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Wang Guifu temporarily ignored it, he knew that something was wrong with his current state.

If you contact him now, you may act irrationally because of your sensibility.

This is not impossible, even if it is watching movies, novels, or anime, if the content in it impresses the audience, the audience will also have a tendency towards the characters in it.

Opening the door, Huang Yihu was already waiting outside.

At this moment, Wang Guifu has already known the cause and effect through reading memory.

Huang Yihu did have an agreement with Wang Defa.

Help Wang Defa live another life.

The reason is simple, they are brothers.

For the brother's ribs.

His friend, my enemy.

It's just a different position, nothing to say.

It was Zheng Wugu who made Wang Guifu a little unpredictable.

At the beginning, Wang Defa told the two brothers about his purpose, among them, Huang Yihu supported the elder brother's choice, while Zheng Wugu did not refuse on the surface. But judging from the expression and behavior, it can be seen that I still don't agree with the big brother's approach in my heart.

Wang Defa did not contact Zheng Wugu for his follow-up plan, but Zheng Wugu should have guessed something.

So Zheng Wugu wanted to force me away to save me?

Wang Guifu couldn't believe this absurd idea.

"Brother?" Huang Yihu asked, staring at Wang Guifu's face intently.

"Yihu." Wang Guifu imitated Wang Defa's usual tone, sincerely, and patted him on the shoulder.

Huang Yihu carefully studied Wang Guifu's face.

creak -

The wall behind him was torn down, and the Mountain-moving Stone Armor strode out with his head down, standing behind his master.

Seeing the master's imperial beast following behind Wang Guifu, Huang Yihu restrained his searching eyes.

It is the beast of the elder brother.

After getting out of the bronze statue, Wang Guifu returned to his room for retreat under the pretext of recuperating his body.

After two days of meditation, the uncomfortable feeling of rejection in the body was completely cleared.

It also clears all the negative effects of watching Wang Defa's memory before.

Sitting in the meditation room, Wang Guifu opened his eyes with complicated expressions.

Knowing Wang Defa in the sea is also a hidden danger, no matter what the reason is.

After all, we have to face it.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, two illusory figures condensed.

Wang Guifu faced his uncle again, and his mentality changed.

"I'm not reconciled, that foreign race lied to me." Wang De seemed to go crazy, and his years of planning turned into nothing. "I'm your cousin, let me out, you rebellious junior."

Wang Guifu looked at Wang Defa with a blank expression.

After a long while, I finally said, "Cousin, it's a done deal, why bother."

The crazy Wang Defa stopped suddenly.

He raised his head, looked at Wang Guifu in a daze, and suddenly laughed and cursed.

"I know what you're thinking, brat. You want to pretend to be me in front of Huang Yihu and the few people, so you just stop thinking about it. Huang Yihu has a deep and insightful mind. You can still fool him in a short time. After a long time, he will definitely be able to fool you." See the problem, you are not me, even if you read part of my memory, you can't imitate me, you can imitate one day, two days, one month, two months, and you can imitate a lifetime."

"I just want to cheat this time, and besides, only Huang Yihu and Zheng Wugu know about this matter. If I kill them, I will be able to say that I am a junior who has inherited your will." Wang Guifu said. "So I hope Uncle Tang will teach me how to kill them."

Hearing this, Wang Defa seemed to know Wang Guifu for the first time.

He has never discovered that Wang Guifu actually has a ruthless spirit under his seemingly gentle appearance.

Wang Defa laughed loudly: "You want to kill Huang Yihu, but you have learned my cruelty, yes, yes. If you want to stand firm in this world, you must learn to be cruel.

Since you want to impersonate me, then you have to promise me one thing, you must carry forward the Escort Bureau, no matter how bad it is, you can't bury it. But it's not easy for you to kill Huang Yihu. I remember that his beast master broke through the diamond a few days ago, so it's not so easy for Wanzi to deal with him. "

"Old Bai, my dad asked me to go back. He said the matter has been resolved." Wang Qilin said to Bai Ye.

During this period of time, he lived with Bai Ye in Cheng Yu's laboratory.

Because school hasn't started yet, he can live in temporarily.

Crowded in the same small room as Bai Ye.

"Yes, I see." Bai Ye said.

"You have nothing to say to me, brother?" Wang Qilin said.

"Go, go all the way." Bai Ye waved his hand, this annoying guy can finally leave.

Snoring in sleep, so noisy that I couldn't fall asleep at all.

"" Wang Qilin was speechless, glanced at Bai Ye, and said, "I always feel that you want to drive me away."

"You have seen all of this." Bai Ye was surprised.

Wang Qilin was in a hurry.

Bai Ye smiled and said, "Okay, it's time to go, and since the matter is settled, I will go back, and I will call you if there is anything. I am such an adult, and I am not ashamed to cry."

Wang Qilin blushed.

When he first arrived, he was worried about his father's safety, so he cried under the blanket for a while, but Bai Ye still heard him.

"Your ears belong to dogs!"

After Wang Qilin left, Bai Ye rested for a while, went to have breakfast, and then went to the advanced meditation room to continue meditating.

Now the gold six stars, strive to break through to the gold nine stars at the end of the winter vacation.

With an advanced meditation room, the efficiency of meditation has increased by more than three times.

Previously, Bai Ye's plan was only to break through to the Golden Seven Stars during the winter vacation.

When Bai Ye was meditating.

Xiaowei sneaked out while Bai Ye was meditating. Bai Ye couldn't play with it during meditation. The main body was cultivating, and it was running around as a weapon spirit.

If it wasn't for Bai Ye's order, it might have gone outside the research institute.

If so, it has basically visited every place in the research institute.

The experiment was going on in the laboratory, and Xiao Wei, who was squatting outside the glass window of the laboratory, stared at the radiant light cluster in the room.

Tilting his head, he didn't know what to think of.

The big eyes are full of curiosity.

In the depths of the clear pupils, it was as if a stone was thrown, causing ripples.

Almost instinctively, he raised his paw to the glass.

The cat's paw penetrated the room like a layer of ripples, and the twisted light beam of the light system skill that was being experimented in the laboratory had some changes.

The distorted light beam that was slowly spreading outward was restricted by some kind of force, and instead of spreading out as usual, it was maintained in a certain space for twisting.



In the observation room of the laboratory, Fang Luolin and Cheng Yu made sounds of surprise and doubt almost in tandem.

"Teacher, our experiment was successful." Fang Luolin said happily.

Different research institutes have different rules, and the rules established by Cheng Yu's research institute are the projects researched by the tutor and the students. The tutor has the right of authorship and ownership, and at the same time obtains 80% of the benefits of the results, while the school accounts for 20% of the benefits obtained by successful research. .

In private, Cheng Yu promised the students that she would give 10% of the profits to all students who participated in the research.

Although it's only 10%, you must know that many tutors in research institutes will not give their students even a profit share, at most they will give a little reward directly.

Students are just a group of tool people, how can tool people share bonuses.

That's why Fang Luolin was so happy.

She will get 10% of the results of this research.

"No, this time is just an attempt to find out the problem, but it succeeded?" Cheng Yu was puzzled.

"Mentor, maybe it happens to be the right result." Fang Luolin said.

"Maybe." Cheng Yu smiled.

If so, that's a good thing.

It can also save a lot of effort.

It's just that it's different from what she expected, which makes her have a slight sense of gap.

"Do it again." Cheng Yu adjusted his mentality and said. "Is the data recorded just now?" Cheng Yu asked.

"It's been recorded." Fang Luolin nodded.

"If it succeeds this time, there should be no problem." Cheng Yu murmured.

And Xiao Wei, who crawled in front of the glass and stared straight at it for a long time until the light group went out naturally, lost interest in the things in the glass room, turned and fled.

And in the laboratory.

The distorted light group changed for a long time before dying out.

"Another breakthrough in mental power?"

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