With a light jump, Xiao Wei jumped from the corridor into the meditation room.

Bai Ye was still meditating.

Xiao Wei walked around Bai Ye twice, stretched his legs together, narrowed his eyes, and yawned comfortably.

Then he walked to Bai Ye's feet and knelt down to hold his hands.

From time to time, he raised his head and glanced at Bai Ye.

"Mentor, you failed." Fang Luolin was incredulous.

On the other hand, Cheng Yu had the expected expression, full of relief.


That's normal.

The last success made her impossible.

This failure was more acceptable to her.

"Record the data this time, and compare whether there are any variables." Cheng Yu said.

"If not, there should be an external force that we don't know about."

It's not like Cheng Yu hasn't experienced this kind of situation before.

When she was doing research with her mentor before, she heard from her mentor that the experiment was different from the normal situation because of luck or some unspeakable influence.

However, this situation is extremely rare.

Cheng Yu frowned, is it because of this reason?

"Teacher, the test is over. The data before we entered the two experiments is the same, and the power poured according to the same ratio and structure...Wait, mentor, the frame structure has changed when the skill reacts halfway." Fang Luolin exclaimed.

The skill frame structure displayed on the instrument, in the middle of the last reaction, two structures in the skill frame suddenly changed.

Because the skill frame is a three-dimensional structure, including three coordinate axes of xyz.

Any change is extremely obvious.

And because it involves three dimensions, there are countless variations of the skill framework.

"This new skill framework..." Cheng Yu gradually became fascinated by it.

Why such a change, in the end what is the principle.

If she only needs the results this time, of course she doesn't need to delve into it, but she is a researcher, and her research direction is the optimization and creation of skills, so she not only needs to know what it is, but also why.

She tried to analyze the pros and cons of such a change.

"Xiaolin, use this new skill framework to conduct another experiment, and see the effect of the skill again." Cheng Yu said.

"Teacher, the energy of the instrument is not enough." Fang Luolin said after checking. "I'm going to add light system crystals."

Take out ten light-system medium-grade crystals from the box storing the medium-grade light-system crystals and put them into the instrument.

This is an instrument purchased at a high price for the laboratory.

Or new purchases from other living planets.

Low-to-medium-level skills that can build skill frameworks independently and then release most attributes through instruments.

At the same time, the effect and status of skill display can be recorded and observed through the instrument.

However, it can only be used for scientific research, because the skills of instrument manufacturing cannot be separated from the scope of the instrument, and will quickly dissipate after leaving, including the walls in this room are all integrated with the instrument.

At the same time, because it is the instrument that releases the skill, the front shake of the skill release is too slow.

With such a long casting time in actual combat, others have already released an unknown number of skills.

After being filled with energy, a distorted beam of light gradually lit up in the observation room.

Twisted Beam is an intermediate light skill.

The effect of the original twisted light is to actually fight a twisted beam of light, flying towards the target area at a medium speed, causing a lot of burning damage in the target area, and at the same time stimulating the line of sight of all units looking directly at the twisted beam.

The distorted light beam transformed by Cheng Yu is a new type of effect.

It will create a distorted beam that cannot move for a period of time in the target area. The distorted beam will cause damage to all passing target units, and will also cause visual stimulation.

Under certain circumstances, the modified twisted beam will have better results.

Because it can last for a considerable period of time, and can cause continuous damage during the period, the improved twisted beam belongs to a specific environmental type ability.

In the meditation room, Bai Ye seemed to hear noisy voices in his ears while meditating.

The sound was very weak at first, hazy and inaudible.

But as time passed, the voice became louder and louder.

The thought in his heart moved slightly, could it be another harbinger of the platinum-level awakened imperial skill in advance?

In a trance, an invisible force enveloped his consciousness.

The next moment, Bai Ye turned his gaze.

In a daze, he seemed to see the Nightmare Lord hundreds of thousands of miles away.

With the dream world in turmoil.

Countless beings in the huge star sea were affected.

Not being able to dream for a day is nothing to most beings.

It doesn't have any effect, it's just that you can't dream, and it's not that you can't sleep. At most, you can wake up directly after falling asleep and it will be dawn.

But for the very few beings who are more or less related to dreams, it is more uncomfortable.

In a certain space, in a vast and dense world, there are many dark spiers, and the dark clouds are thick and do not disperse.

Above the void, an incomparably huge transparent phantom exists above the dark clouds.

Accompanied by ravings and the sound of the unknown flute, countless people in the world took off their clothes and ran crazily, or knelt down to pray.

Suddenly, the dream world was in turmoil, and the network cable was roughly disconnected halfway through the most exciting game.

The running people stopped, and the kneeling people stopped whispering.

In the colorful void of the deep sea, a majestic being with tentacles on the head of an octopus let out an angry and maddened roar.


"I know it is you. "

Following the direction of the stone thrown into the deep sea, a large area was locked.

Then a strong will breaks through the barrier between dreams and reality, descends instantly, and searches for this star field.

The Nightmare Lord squinted his eyes, feeling the huge thought sweeping across the planet.

This thought was sticky and moist, and the Nightmare Lord guessed who it was.

However, the concealment ability of my nightmare world is extremely strong, as long as I don't move, it will definitely not be able to find me.

The Nightmare Lord proudly thought that the nightmare world and the original dream world were almost integrated.

Huge thoughts were withdrawn from the sky of the planet like a tide.

But the Nightmare Lord hasn't changed at all.

After half an hour.

The sky suddenly filled with overwhelming thoughts.

Not found back.

The Nightmare Lord sneered, "Damn squid, you are really cunning and suspicious. Dad already guessed that you would kill the carbine."

But the Nightmare Lord still didn't move.

Half a day later, another huge wave of spiritual thoughts swept across the entire planet and receded.

But in the dark, there is still a feeling of being watched.

The Nightmare Lord couldn't help cursing inwardly, is this squid guy such a thief?

Why did you observe for so long this time?

After a long time, the Nightmare Lord suddenly noticed something was wrong.

This aura that secretly observes oneself seems a little, a little familiar.

The Nightmare Lord sensed the source and found Bai Ye's breath.

His face darkened in an instant, it turned out that it was you who scared me so long that I didn't dare to move.

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