The feeling of being watched disappeared, and the Nightmare Lord dared to come out of the nightmare world and return to reality. And in the nightmare world, new life is being bred... Seeds are like dandelions falling, floating to all parts of the nightmare world. ...Bai Ye opened his eyes, reminiscing about the scene he had just experienced. I seem to have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles. Appeared beside the bald man. Although he couldn't speak, he could clearly see his every move. Is this related to the new imperial skill that I awakened after stepping into platinum? Bai Ye guessed from the bottom of his heart. Could it be that it has something to do with the communication with the imperial beast? If it can be far away from Yuliu in the future, it would be great. "Woooooo~" Seeing Bai Ye wake up, Xiao Wei quickly rubbed Bai Ye's trousers. Bai Ye smiled slightly, grabbed the back of Xiaowei's neck and lifted him into his arms. Although there was a little accident in the middle, the harvest of this meditation is still very good. According to this rate, it shouldn't take long to break through the Golden Seven Stars in just two days. If one, two, three is the early stage, four, five, six is ​​the middle stage, then seven or eight is the late stage. "Xiaowei, my tutor and I are a little busy tonight, you can eat dinner by yourself, you can go to the commercial street in the school, or you can go to the cafeteria." Fang Luolin left a text message on Bai Ye's phone. Bai Ye went to the laboratory to take a look, and the two women were conducting experiments like crazy. No, to be precise, Cheng Yu was the only one who looked crazy, and Fang Luolin accompanied his mentor pitifully. Why. Bai Ye looked out of the window for a while but couldn't see anything. Go to the back streets. Bai Ye thought about it, and felt that he couldn't stay in the research institute every day like a fat mansion, and should walk around more appropriately. Rotary Star University is very big, like a small city. The fact is indeed the case, there are all the things that should be in this small town, and everything is readily available. Basic necessities of life cover almost every aspect. At the same time, even some industries that are not in the lower-ranked base cities are covered in this university. I found a restaurant that sells stir-fried vegetables. Perhaps because school has not started yet, the business of this store is a little deserted. "What to eat? We have most of Obsidian's home-cooked dishes here." The boss said. "A portion of stir-fried cucumber with minced meat, and a portion of stir-fried mutton." Bai Ye said. "Okay, but we don't have Xiaoduo mutton here, can I replace it with alpine mutton?" the boss asked. "Anything is fine." Bai Ye didn't mind much. Next door to this shop is a Royal Beast beauty shop. Currently working. On the ground, a large carp with golden scales seven or eight meters long was lying on its side. Two employees held steel wool to scrub the dirt in the crevices of the scales on the surface. After wiping the steel wool ball, which looks quite decompressed, apply ointment to polish and wax. The scales are shining brightly. Like pieces of gold, glittering in the sun. "Where did you go to rub it? The scales are full of mud." The owner of Yushou beauty shop and a bearded young man stood outside the door and chatted casually. "Gaoluo Secret Realm, where else can it be besides there." "It turned out to be there, no wonder, the Gaoluo Secret Realm is full of swamps." The boss said, "But you won't go back, it's hard to take a long vacation and not go home Chinese New Year." "Hey, I went back, and then my old man beat me back, saying that I won't be platinum for a day, and I won't be allowed to go home for a day." The bearded young man said helplessly.

My monster is a bit strong

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