My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 101 Don’t forget your original intention

Pingguo was destined to be incapable of making a name for himself. Originally, the chip was composed of a large number of unit circuits. If the function could be easily seen without an instruction manual, China would have already done it on its own.

Ma Tian finally confirmed the normal compatibility of the voice assistant function with Xia Wei and returned to the company.

The rest of the mobile phone certification testing, power consumption testing, stress testing, etc. can be done by Xia Wei's engineers according to the process, and he does not need to be in charge.

Xia Wei's press conference was also announced to be postponed, but the problem was not big. In 2012, Xia Wei's mobile phone was still not well-known, and not many people cared whether it was postponed.

It's heartbreaking, but it's the truth.

However, Xia Weiren is all holding his breath, waiting for this year to achieve a mobile phone comeback.

Li Runqi heard from her secretary that Ma Tian had returned to the office, and she sorted out what had happened in the company over the past month and reported to Ma Tian.

"Brother Ma, two major things happened during the month you left that require your attention. The first thing is that someone from a securities company came to visit us and said that he could help us plan the listing."

Speaking of this, Li Runqi looked at Ma Tian. Although the company definitely didn't need financing now, she remembered that when Xiaolan Che was first established, Ma Tian kept talking about going public and becoming the strongest technology company in the A-share market. From the backbone of A shares.

When Ma Tian heard this, he was silent. Now that it has reached this point, does he still need to go public? Will he still stick to his silly and naive ideas at that time?

After experiencing so many things, he has a little understanding of some capital operations. He realized that even if he goes public, he may not be able to guarantee that retail investors who buy his company's stocks will not lose money. This is a problem of human nature and "harmony."

Unless his company's shares were fairly won by retail investors on the first day, and then directly suspended from trading, waiting for dividends to be distributed to retail investors. Otherwise, there will definitely be retail investors who buy high and sell low and get cut off.

Thinking of this, Ma Tian also asked Li Runqi: "Which securities company came to visit?"

"There are many securities companies!"

"Choose the strongest securities company and make an appointment to talk to me!" Ma Tian said. He might as well meet the people from the securities company and see what they say.

"Okay, Brother Ma, the second thing is the development of Little Blue Car. According to our investigation, Ali's Little Red Car and other shared bicycles are gradually abandoning the shared bicycle market and no longer operating. The reason is that they see We gave up on Tianrun No. 1’s terrifying ability to make money.

The marketing department suggested that we start charging for our little blue car? "Li Runqi said.

Ali’s Wu Yongming couldn’t tell the hard story. He originally wanted to continue competing with Ma Tian in shared bicycles, but when he heard that Tianrun No. 1 was making 15 billion a month, he cut off his arm to survive without even thinking about it, and concentrated on sharing. An electric car.

What Ma Tian earns in a month can accompany him to eternity for free.

Only fools continue to waste money with Ma Tian.

He just felt very unhappy. The young man he looked down on back then had become a well-known big shot in the country, really fast!

Hearing that Ali gave up sharing bicycles, Ma Tian also smiled meaningfully. Is this considered a monopoly in disguise?

"There is no charge anymore. The little blue bike has been free of charge. It is treated as a free welfare for the people. But let the Ministry of Justice keep a close eye on it. If anyone is unethical and rides the bicycle home or sells it for scrap, let him Learn a lesson. Also, let me recall the bike and upgrade it when I have time."

It is impossible to have a monopoly. As long as I don’t charge fees and make no profit, it doesn’t count as a monopoly. Not only that, Ma Tian also wants to continue to upgrade the bicycle to make it better to ride and have more functions.

For example, he has said before that the armrests should be equipped with heating functions so that they will not get cold while riding in winter.

This time I just have time to completely upgrade shared bicycles and expand the influence of shared bicycles.

"Okay, Brother Ma!" Li Runqi has no objection to Ma Tian's decision. Anyway, it only costs a few hundred million to operate for free for a year. Tianyu Xinghai can fully afford it, so it will be treated as charity.

"Anything else?"

"there is none left!"

Ma Tian was so satisfied that he lay down on his boss's chair and fell asleep, but his mind was sinking into the system.

The current data panel is as follows:

Technology affects the system:

Host: Ma Tian

A. Mathematics: Lv3(0/100000)

B. Physics: Lv3 (0/100000)

C. Engineering: Lv0 (8/100)

D. Material Science: Lv0(2/100)

E. Biochemistry: Lv3 (0/100000)


G.Electronics:Lv3 (0/100000)

H. Securities Science: Lv2(0/10000)

Impact value: 4283782

Gift package: Research on improving positioning accuracy based on chaos theory (reward of 100,000 impact value), research based on biological cell activity (reward of 1 million impact value)

Stay tuned…

There is still more than 5 million short of the 10 million reward in the next stage of the system. According to the current rate of increase in influence, it is estimated to take about 5 months.

Now Ma Tian has a little understanding of the system. The so-called impact value seems to be calculated based on the product he invented if it is used by a person and affects his life.

For example, shared bicycles affect his travel, and stomach-protecting pills affect his diet. The main thing is to influence people's daily lives and increase the impact value quickly.

If it is a so-called mobile phone holder or something with insufficient technological content, and is dispensable in most people's lives and has little impact, then the impact value will not be added.

Moreover, the ownership of the products he invented must belong to him, and he is involved in most of the core technologies.

Therefore, this time Xia Wei's mobile phone, it is very likely that he will not get any influence value.

5 months?

Ma Tian was thinking in his mind about how to continue to increase the influence value quickly. So far, there is no doubt that the paper rewards given by the system are the best.

The first paper was about chaos theory positioning, which was used in satellite positioning. In fact, Ma Tian, ​​who has joined Level 3 physics, has also come up with an application, which is global express delivery.

Regarding randomness, since the first six positions can deduce the position of the seventh random event, you can completely think in reverse and set the first six randomness in reverse according to the positioning of the seventh random event.

In layman's terms, if I launch 7 random couriers, one of them must arrive at the location I randomly determine.

Such 7 completely random express delivery items are impossible to defend at all.

However, he hasn't told Hua Shuwen about this matter yet. He will talk about it when necessary. He can add another killing weapon.

The second paper is a study on biological cell activity, which involves cell activity factors, which can help extend human lifespan.

But so far, Ma Tian has not dared to really study it, as this could easily endanger his life. He can only study some bioremediation agents and stomach-protecting pills to make everyone healthier, which can indirectly extend life span.

It can also be seen from the first two papers that the system provides completely real black technology and killer weapons, and the reward of 10 million impact value is bound to be a technology that brings about technological changes.

After thinking about it, Ma Tian decided to increase the influence value on shared bicycles, which is faster. It's not that I haven't thought about developing things to replenish the kidneys, such as developing some potions to sell as medicinal wine to kill Mao Zi and so on.

But it’s too low-key and doesn’t fit in with his status as a technology tycoon.

In the afternoon, Li Runqi brought people from the securities company, which showed how anxious the securities company was to help Tianyu Xinghai go public.

"Hello, Mr. Ma! I am Lu Zhaolin from Zhongxin Securities." Lu Zhaolin, wearing a standard suit and tie and looking like a business elite, met Ma Tian in the office.

"Sit down!" Ma Tian said calmly.

"Mr. Ma, I think you understand why I'm here. I'm here on behalf of Zhongxin. I just hope that high-quality companies like Tianyu Xinghai can be listed and bring blessings to shareholders." Seeing that Ma Tian was silent, Lu Zhaolin took the initiative He spoke.

The terrifying earning power of Tianyu Xinghai has long made them jealous of securities companies. After their investigation and analysis, Tianyu Xinghai’s net profit is at least more than 100 billion a year. Even if it is only calculated based on the leading valuation of 40 times PE, the market value of this listed company is not comparable. Is it easy to break 4 trillion?

Even if the daily turnover is 3%, it is still 12 billion, and the taxes and fees on transactions in one day are huge.

Ma Tian wanted to laugh when he heard the words "bringing blessings to stock investors". If it can really bring blessings, can it be 3,000 points in several decades?

Or are these securities companies talking nicely? They want to make money from you, and they also use the slogan of doing your best.

"I really want to bring blessings to investors," Ma Tian said.

Hearing this, Lu Zhaolin's face lit up with joy. Ma Tian was much easier to talk to than he thought. It's not that Ma Tian is a conscientious businessman, but it seems like that today! He said with disdain in his heart.

"But..." As soon as Ma Tian's words changed, Lu Zhao and Lin's heart became anxious.

"Can I ask a question? Why is Big A always around 3,000 points?"

"Well, it's caused by many factors...complicated circumstances. We, Zhongxin, can't say the specifics!" Lu Zhaolin hesitated.

"Then let me change the question. How many retail investors in Big A have made money? You should have internal statistics on this, right?" Ma Tian continued to ask.

Lu Zhaolin left with an angry look on his face. He finally understood that Ma Tian had no idea of ​​going public at all. Instead, he was there to ask retail investors about the unsolved mysteries of the stock market's 3,000 points and so on.

Ma Tian was also silent in the office. He didn't care whether the brokers were angry or not. What he cared about was that the retail investors' money that Little Blue Car "borrowed" in the stock market in the early stage could not be returned, because it was likely to be given to them by those big capital investors. If you make a profit, you will lose another wave of retail investors.

It is impossible to give money directly.

After thinking about it, he decided to donate 10 times the money he earned in Big A to poverty-stricken mountainous areas, and he would repay this cause by doing more charity.

The matter of going public was put aside, and Ma Tian started making preparations for the upgrade of the little blue car in a hurry.

The first is to build his own laboratory. Although he now has a biology laboratory, he does not yet have a physics laboratory, which is similar to the laboratory of Marvel's Iron Man.

After vacating a large space in the company, Ma Tian sent people to break through the wall and began to build his own physics laboratory.

Large cutting tools, jet lasers and other instruments will be covered first, and we will make up for what is needed later.

This time when we are developing a bicycle, we also need to build a wind tunnel to simulate wind resistance.

It took Ma Tian a month to build just one laboratory.

Then Ma Tian carried a small blue car into the laboratory and began to retreat. This was the first time that Ma Tian did not rely on the papers given by the system to develop something.

Little Blue Car optimization can be achieved through the following aspects:

1. Lightweight design: Use lightweight materials, such as aluminum alloy or carbon fiber, to reduce the weight of the entire vehicle, thereby reducing resistance and assistance requirements during riding.

2. Power transmission system: Using an efficient power transmission system, such as a built-in electric power assist device or smart sensor, it can provide corresponding power assistance according to the rider's pedaling strength and speed, reducing physical exertion during riding.

3. Efficient transmission system: Equipped with an efficient transmission system, the rider can adjust gears according to road conditions and personal needs to reduce pedaling effort and improve riding efficiency.

4. Shock absorption system: Using a good shock absorption system, such as front and rear suspension, soft tail rack, etc., can reduce the impact of bumps and vibrations on the rider's body and improve riding comfort and stability.

5. Aerodynamic design: Optimize the shape of the frame and wheels to reduce air resistance and increase riding speed and efficiency.

6. Comfortable riding posture: Designed with ergonomic frame geometry, the rider can maintain a comfortable riding posture and reduce muscle fatigue and discomfort.

7. Efficient braking system: Equipped with a reliable braking system, such as hydraulic disc brakes or V brakes, to ensure riding safety and reduce the rider's power consumption when braking.

8. Lightweight folding design (in some cases): For bicycles with high portability requirements, a folding design can be used for easy portability and storage.

The lightweight design and lightweight folding design were first eliminated by Ma Tianxian because they were too expensive and not suitable for the little blue car at all.

Even if he increases the material science from Lv0 to Lv3 to develop cheap new material substitutes, Ma Tian will not consider it.

Because then the impact value accumulated with great difficulty will be deducted by more than 1 million. Before reaching 10 million influence points to unlock the next system reward, Ma Tian didn't even consider adding more points to waste influence points during this period.

So he prefers to start with the power transmission system and aerodynamic design. After all, I have Level 3 mathematics, physics and electronics.

Construct mathematical physics equations based on the appearance of the bicycle, calculate the wind resistance and friction coefficient through mathematical physics, and calculate the optimal solution of the structure.

Then find a way to add an electric booster. This electric booster is an electromagnetic converter. It can convert the excess mechanical energy into electrical energy when the rider is going downhill, and then convert the electrical energy into mechanical energy when riding on flat ground to provide corresponding of assistance.

With the idea in mind, Ma Tian also started using rulers and other tools to measure the size of the small blue car, established a mathematical and physical model and began to analyze the optimal structure.

Then he started modeling and debugging on the computer. When the debugging was almost complete, Ma Tian began to disassemble and assemble the little blue car.

Unfortunately, the system did not give him any hands-on options, so the first little blue car was welded into a mess by Ma Tian.

Ma Tian was not discouraged and did not call the master from Qin Sansheng Automobile Factory to help. Instead, he continued to practice, just like a child building blocks.

This car is destroyed by welding, so we need to replace it with another one and continue welding it.

Later, Ma Tianlu asked people to bring more than a dozen bicycles up one after another, and they were constantly disassembled and welded by him.

Two weeks later, Ma Tiantian welded the first bicycle structure that he was satisfied with.

Compared with the original little blue bike, the overall structure of this bike is more inclined to the style of a mountain bike, but the details have been optimized by Ma Tian.

This allows the rider's gravity to be more dispersed on the vehicle, making riding more effortless.

Then an electromagnetic converter is added, which can automatically collect energy when the pedal speed is too fast or brake, and then release it when the speed is slow.

Finally, Ma Tian really added a heating function to the armrest.

However, Ma Tian uses another special conversion structure-the grip converter. That is, if a cyclist wraps his hand around the handlebar and holds it firmly, there is a force conversion device inside the handlebar that can convert the force into heat energy and generate heat in reverse.

In this way, cyclists in winter can not only hold the handlebars better and avoid falling, but also keep their hands from getting cold.

At this point in the research and development, Ma Tian was contented to ride his bicycle for a while, and then began to find people to experiment with.

"Yang Jinli, come on, come with me to try out my modified bicycle!" Ma Tian said as soon as he came out of the laboratory and saw Yang Jinli sitting at the workstation eating potato chips.

"Ah? Boss, are you out of quarantine?" Yang Jinli quickly hid the potato chips and said.

As a celebrity, she must pay attention to body shape management and cannot eat many high-calorie snacks.

"Well, stop hiding it, eat boldly, and just keep exercising!" Ma Tian said. On the contrary, he doesn't like those celebrities who regard thinness as their beauty, which can easily mislead people.

In Ma Tian's view, a real star should be positive and positive. It doesn't matter if she is a little fat. She is definitely not the kind of morbid beauty who can't stand the slightest bit of wind and rain, or the kind who will go to the hospital if she is scratched by a root thorn.

"Okay, boss, I'll accompany you to the experiment!" Yang Jinli said happily. With Ma Tian's words, he can eat snacks openly in the future.

Downstairs, Yang Jinli also rode around on a small blue car modified by Ma Tian.

"How do you feel?" Ma Tian asked after seeing Yang Jinli riding the bicycle before and after the modification.

"Boss, I feel that your modified bicycle is easier to ride, especially when you are just starting out. I feel it is much easier than the old little blue bicycle." Yang Jinli said honestly.

"Yes!" Ma Tian nodded. It seemed that the modification was successful. He continued: "Try wrapping the entire armrest with your hands and holding it firmly!"

Yang Koli did as she was told, and soon she felt the armrests being heated.

"Boss, the armrests are heating up!" It is still relatively cold in Hunan City now, and Yang Jinli clearly feels that the palms of his hands are warm and comfortable.

Ma Tian nodded. It seemed that the function was basically normal. Looking at Yang Jinli who was happily playing with the handrails, Ma Tian asked: "Yang Jinli, if it were you, what other functions would you like for the bicycle?"

"Um...Boss, let me think about it. Sometimes I want a bicycle that can be ridden by two or three people, just like a family riding a bicycle together in a cartoon!" Yang Jinli thought for a while and said.

Ma Tian was stunned when he heard this and fell into deep thought.

Yang Jinli inspired him. Sometimes inspiration can be given to cyclists, and what he thinks is good may not be what others think is good.

For example, even if it makes cycling more convenient and comfortable, what if some people just ride for exercise? Wouldn’t it be more convenient to ride a bike but less effective in exercising?

Thinking of this, Ma Tian also had an idea in his mind: He would hold a national bicycle assembly competition to see what bicycle enthusiasts across the country could come up with for him!

Chapters 93 and 96 that were blocked have been released. If you want to see it, you can check it out~ Finally, I would like to mention that Big A is very environmentally friendly today.

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