My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 102 The fastest bicycle on land (congratulations to Nuanyang 1020)

【Breaking news!

Billionaire Ma Tian is going to hold a national bicycle design competition. The participating teams can consist of 1 to 3 people. If they assemble their own bicycle using the organizer's equipment within the specified time, and can ride it normally and display it, they may win the grand prize!

The first prize is awarded 3 million yuan, the second prize is awarded 2 million yuan, and the third prize is awarded 1 million yuan!

The top three prize winners can also directly choose to join the Little Blue Car R\u0026D and design team.

In addition, a creativity award is set up. As long as the bicycle you design is creative, you can also get a reward of 100,000 yuan.

As long as you come to participate, we will provide the equipment and expenses. Come and show off your design talents! 】

As soon as Ma Tian's news about holding a national bicycle design competition came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the entire Internet.

【what happened? Boss Ma Tian is going to hold a bicycle competition? 】

[This is an assembly competition, not to see who rides fast, but to see who has a novel design, a bit like a robot competition and so on! 】

[Wow, this reward is so cool, right? 3 million yuan? Can anyone enter? 】

[3 million, how many apartments are there, I want to sign up (dog head)]

[The people upstairs want nothing to do with it. This time it’s our turn for the Mechanical and Electrical (Jidian) Institute to rise! 】

This news was also trended by Li Runqi. The purpose was to let people across the country know about it, especially the hands-on experts among the people.

This time Ma Tian wants to see if the sentence "Masters have been famous since ancient times" is correct!

The competition is divided into qualifiers and finals. The qualifiers are held in major cities in each province. You can participate as long as you register.

All assembly materials will be provided by the organizer, and the bicycle will be assembled within the specified time for the judges to score. The one with the highest score will be able to come to Hunan City to participate in the finals.

Absolutely fair and just!

And in Matian, tens of millions of dollars were spent on publicity, and it was free to participate in the competition. All the "masters" also knew about it.

"Chen Xueshun, let's go and participate in this bicycle design competition organized by Boss Ma Tian. Did you assemble your bicycle by yourself?"

"Okay, the most important thing is to participate. During this time, we will think of ways to design it together."

"Li Dachui, you damn bastard, stop messing with your broken machines and wood, and join me in a competition?"

"Daughter-in-law, what kind of competition is this?"

"In the bicycle design competition, I heard that the first prize is worth three million. You damn thing, you are tinkering with your broken machines and wood every day. If you don't win the prize, don't come back!"

"Teacher, I want to ask you for a leave!"

"Participate in Ma Tian's competition?"

"Exactly, the students want to meet mechanical masters across the country."

"Go ahead and treat it as an exercise to practice your hands-on skills!"

"Masters" from all sides are taking action, and Ma Tian is not idle either.

As the organizer, he must bring out a bicycle to control the event, and the best way to show how powerful a bicycle is is its speed.

Ma Tian no longer hesitated and spent 1.11 million influence points to upgrade engineering to Level 3, rebuilt the mathematical and physical model, and used aerodynamics to design the optimal bicycle structure.

And the body is designed with high-tech materials, such as carbon fiber, polymer ceramics, etc. regardless of cost.

During this period, various regional trials were also held and completed, and the champions of each region also gave people amazing performances.

Previously, two young players from Jinling District, Huang Qiming and Chen Xueshun, assembled a variable-speed mountain bike in five minutes and won the first place.

Later, Li Dachui, a folk master, used wood and rubber tires to assemble an eye-catching Luban bicycle that amazed the judges.

In the end, Wei Xihua, a doctor from the university, used conventional materials to assemble a bicycle with the fastest speed of 56 kilometers per hour, which completely shocked the audience.

The final is scheduled for April 15th at the International Stadium in Hunan City.

After the warm-up of the trials, ordinary people also became interested in it. On the day of the competition, the stadium was also full.

The media also broadcast live.

[Hello everyone, welcome to watch the bicycle assembly competition organized by Dr. Ma Tian! 】

[Hello everyone, welcome to watch today’s bicycle assembly competition held by Tianyu Xinghai. Let’s look forward to the outstanding performance of the contestants! 】

At nine o'clock in the morning, host Shu Shendong stood on the podium with a microphone and shouted with a passionate voice: "Gentlemen and ladies, friends in the audience in front of the TV, good morning! Today is the first event hosted by Tianyu Xinghai It’s a national bicycle design competition, so how about we welcome our contestants with warm applause!”

"Oh——" The whole audience burst into warm cheers.

"We have invited our first team to participate. They are young players from Jinling University - Huang Qiming and Chen Xueshun. They are hands-on experts who can assemble a bicycle in 5 minutes!"

"We invite our folk master, Li Dachui, who is known as Xiao Luban, to welcome you!"

"We invite our Dr. Wei Xihua, Dr. Wei, to show us the wonderful use of knowledge on bicycles. Welcome!"

“Finally, we would like to give our warmest applause to our executive director and CEO of Tianyu Xinghai, Mr. Ma Tian, ​​who has a doctorate in mathematics and is one of the top ten young people in the province... known as the most powerful man born in the 1990s!”

The host used the loudest voice in his life to introduce Ma Tian with a long list of titles and almost died.

Ma Tian also followed the words and came to the podium.

Immediately, the entire audience burst into the warmest cheers, and the sound was as loud as if the stadium was about to be lifted up.

Especially the students from various colleges and universities in Hunan Province all stood up and shouted at the top of their lungs: "Senior Ma Tian (big brother)——"

The people who came to watch the game from other provinces were shocked.

"Is Mr. Ma Tian so popular in Hunan Province?"

"No, Ma Tian is the pride of Hunan Province!"

Ma Tian also didn't expect that his appearance would be so well-received, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Welcome friends, good morning everyone!" Ma Tian said hello first, and immediately the audience burst into warm applause.

"I know that everyone has been looking forward to this competition for a long time, and I am also looking forward to it. So I won't say any more nonsense. Before the competition, I will directly show the fastest bicycle developed by Tianyu Xinghai and invite the players to come out!"

As soon as Ma Tian finished speaking, a man wearing a red cycling jersey appeared pushing a bicycle, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

The host took over the microphone and introduced: "This is Jiao Guohui, our domestic athlete who participated in the Olympics last time. He will use the latest bicycle developed by Tianyu Xinghai to challenge the fastest speed on the track."

Hearing this, the whole crowd cheered again.

"Woooooooo, has Mr. Ma Tian developed a bicycle? Looking forward to it!"

"What's the fastest speed on the track? Does anyone know?"

"I checked on my mobile phone and it was Chris Huoyi's 80 kilometers per hour in the 2008 Olympics."

Jiao Guohui pushed the bicycle to the starting point, took a deep breath, and got on the bicycle.

Speed ​​cameras on both sides of the road are already in place.

As soon as the command sounded, Jiao Guohui rushed out like a red lightning, and in the blink of an eye he reached the next corner and turned around.

"So fast!" The audience exclaimed, and the high-speed cameras followed closely, and the values ​​on the speedometer panel were also soaring.






"Holy shit, it's already a record!"

"No, this is not the limit!"



By the time it reached 90, Jiao Guohui's number stabilized, but it had already broken the fastest record of the 2008 Olympics.

Immediately the whole audience stood up and cheered.

Participants in the competition circle who participated in the bicycle design were also a little confused.

Good guy, is Tianyu Xinghai so awesome?

Chen Xueshun was stunned as he watched the red lightning still circling rapidly. As a mountain bike enthusiast, he was very aware of the horror of this speed!

You must know that he usually dies after riding to 40. By the time he reaches 40, he is exhausted and pedals as fast as possible.

He couldn't even imagine a speed of more than 90 kilometers!

However, Wei Xihua, who is a doctor, noticed the assembly line-like bicycle body. Obviously, the bicycle developed by Tianyu Xinghai made full use of aerodynamics.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a bicycle to reach such a fast speed, and the wind resistance alone would make the bicycle sway to death.

The speed camera fixed the fastest speed at 93 kilometers per hour, and Ma Tian was not surprised. After all, Jiao Guohui had tested it several times before coming here, and today he just performed as usual, even with some minor mistakes.

I can usually measure 95, but it’s not a big problem. I still broke the fastest speed record for a flat bike in the venue.

Looking at the competition where the atmosphere has obviously been raised, Ma Tian also continued: "I believe everyone has seen the red lightning bicycle developed by Tianyu Xinghai, so now let's wait and see what kind of bicycle our contestants bring us!"

As Ma Tian's words ended, the game officially began!

Players in each group also began to show off their magical powers.

First of all, young players Chen Xueshun and Huang Qiming are the fastest. They obviously came with the purpose of winning with speed.

However, Dr. Wei Xihua slowly selected the materials first. When he saw that there was carbon fiber in the final materials, he was also shocked by the atmosphere of Tianyu Xinghai.

You should know that carbon fiber is very expensive, so letting the players assemble and play like this is really grand!

Li Dachui, also known as Little Luban, sawed the wood with a saw on the spot, and it seemed that he appeared in the form of assembling the wood.

The competition lasted for one and a half hours. Chen Xueshun and the others assembled a relatively complex speed-shifting bicycle in 4 minutes and 38 seconds, finishing first.

But the judges definitely don’t just look at speed when scoring.

The scoring rules established by Ma Tian include three parts: creativity, quality and practical ability.

Chen Xueshun and the others have higher quality points and hands-on ability points, and their creativity points are basically 0, so they are destined to miss the championship.

Li Dachui, on the other hand, has high scores in creativity and hands-on ability, but the quality has not been tested yet.

However, the results of his final test shocked the testers, because the wooden assembly also passed the anti-fall and shock-proof test very well, which also made Ma Tian squint his eyes.

As expected, the wisdom of the ancients cannot be underestimated. Apparently Li Dachui used a special mortise and tenon structure to prevent shocks and falls.

The one who currently scores the best is Su Xihua, because the bicycle he made using carbon fiber and aerodynamics actually allowed Jiao Guohui to run 70 kilometers in the test.

The judges are all professionals, so they can naturally see at a glance that Su Xihua’s bicycle design skills are amazing.

In the end, it was Su Xihua who won the championship, which made the audience once again realize the truth that there is a golden house in the book.

In addition to these three players, there were other players who also opened the eyes of Ma Tian and the audience.

For example, if you deliberately ride a tired bicycle, the purpose of the bicycle is not to save effort, but to exert effort.

The captain of the design competition team is a fat man. He said to the judges: "I usually exercise by riding a bicycle, so the more tiring I am by riding a bicycle, the better the exercise effect for me!"

It was also the audience and netizens who called out "fuck".

There are also bicycles with one wheel at the bottom and one wheel at the top. The upper wheel is smaller, and you can also use the hand crank to move forward together with the wheel under your feet.

"The original intention of our design was to use both hands and feet to ride faster, but obviously our design failed!"


The competition ended successfully in the hustle and bustle, the audience feasted their eyes, the contestants gained fun and bonuses, and Tianyu Xinghai gained creativity.

However, what Ma Tian did not expect was that he actually received a challenge letter a few days later.

The person who came to hand him the challenge was Koda, a famous bicycle manufacturing company from the island country.

"Today we are here to challenge the red lightning bicycle invented by your company. We think your company is suspected of deceiving the world by saying in the media that the fastest speed can reach 93 kilometers per hour!"

An island man wearing a black suit - Yamada Takuro came to Ma Tian and said calmly.

Although his tone was calm, anyone could see the provocation and contempt in his expression.

"This idiot came out of nowhere, get rid of it!" Ma Tian said, he was afraid that he couldn't help but hit this short winter melon, his expression was too aggressive.

"Is your company afraid?" Yamada Takuro said calmly when he saw Ma Tian letting people send him away.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what kind of company Gongtian is. Please come back. I won't kill unknown people!" Ma Tian said disdainfully. He really didn't know what kind of company Gongtian was.

Yamada Takuro still wanted to speak, but Li Runqi asked the security guards to take him out. Before leaving, he cursed and was given an electric baton by the security guards.

A few days later, what Ma Tian didn't expect was that another group of people came. This time there were quite a few people. Representatives from famous bicycle manufacturing companies around the world came.

"Mr. Ma Tian, ​​we also suspect that your company's red lightning bicycle may have false advertising." said the representative of Meihua Company from Italy.

"Yes, Mr. Ma Tian, ​​when he said that the bicycle he built broke the fastest record on a flat track, he did not just test it by himself, but wanted to see his true skills on the track!" Representative Jike from the United States Jianguo also said.

Ma Tian was speechless looking at these foreigners. He was not interested in the title of fastest bicycle at all and just built it for fun. Why do these foreigners attach so much importance to it?

"The bicycle I built is the fastest in the world, there is no doubt about it!" Ma Tian said calmly.

"Then why don't you dare to accept our challenge?"

"Why should I accept your challenge?" Ma Tian was speechless. It was useless to prove that he was the fastest in the world. He was not a bicycle seller. There must be something wrong with these people.

"Mr. Ma Tian, ​​I still can't understand. It's just a competition. Why are you afraid?"

Hearing this, Ma Tian frowned and said in an indifferent tone: "I reiterate, I'm not afraid. But I don't think it's necessary, because the competition is not good for me? Can you understand it with your IQ?"

A group of foreigners fell silent and chattered for a long time. Then one person stood up and said, "Let's do this, Mr. Ma Tian, ​​let's make a bet and decide the outcome with 10 million US dollars."

Ma Tian's expression became completely indifferent: "Ten million is so boring. Let's take 1 billion US dollars. Come on together, you trash who have nothing to provoke!"

Chapters 96 and 93 were blocked and released~

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