My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 107 Leaking Secrets

At DaMi headquarters, Lei Jun sat in his office and looked at the sales data of his mobile phone in the past month.

Since the release of Xia Wei's mobile phone, Ping Guo, Shanxing and Xia Wei have been "beaten" in the market. Even Ping Guo has changed from his usual arrogance of not advertising much, and he and Xia Wei have invested in each other's advertising. Huge promotion expenses were incurred.

The downside is that rice sales plummeted.

Now rice is in an awkward position. The price is low but the sales volume is not high, and it has no outstanding functions.

Therefore, after Lei Jun learned that Xia Wei's face recognition and voice assistant were supported by Ma Tian's company, he came to Ma Tian without even thinking.

His rice phone should also have these two functions as soon as possible!

"Mr. Lei, a message just came from Tianyu Xinghai, saying that their boss Ma is free to see us!" Lei Jun's secretary knocked on the door and walked in and said.

"Okay, help me book the nearest plane ticket to Hunan City!" Lei Jun put down the document and said quickly.

Ma Tian finally had time to see him, which was not easy.

Hunan City, Tianyu Xinghai.

Lei Jun booked a private room at Yunge Hotel. Yunge Hotel is a restaurant only known to the wealthy circles in Hunan City. It has delicious taste and is full of characteristics.

Of course, ordinary people cannot afford it. Lei Jun also dragged several of his friends to inquire about this hotel and booked a private room.

Ma Tian came to this inconspicuous restaurant based on the address and walked in.

The beautiful waiter in the cheongsam used to invite Ma Tian in with her hands. When she recognized Ma Tian, ​​her eyes widened in surprise, her mouth opened, and she let out a surprised "wow" sound. Then she realized something and immediately covered it with her hands. Shut up.

As a native of Hunan, how could I not know the legend Ma Tian.

Ma Tian showed a smile: "Hello, a friend of mine has booked a private room in 666."

Hearing Ma Tian speak, the beautiful waiter recovered from the shock, restored her etiquette, gestured forward with her hand and said: "Mr. Ma, come with me!"

In box 666, Lei Jun is already waiting inside.

Seeing Ma Tian entering the door, Lei Jun suddenly felt an unreal feeling, and his memory suddenly returned to the scene of participating in the Daiso National Championship last year.

At that time, he, Zhang Sanshi and Wu Yongming from Ali were very optimistic about Ma Tian's little blue car and wanted to invest in it.

But Wu Yongming insisted on acquiring 60% of the shares of Ma Tian's Little Blue Car, and even offered a high price of 60 million. Ma Tian refused directly like a stupid young man, and did not even give Wu Yongming a good look.

Unexpectedly, in less than 2 years, the boy he thought was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers had already become a giant.

An existence that even his Lord Lei looks up to.

"Mr. Ma, come and take a seat!" Lei Jun put away his thoughts, stood up and invited Ma Tian to take a seat.

Ma Tian smiled back and sat next to Lei Jun.

"Mr. Ma, do you have any taboos?" Lei Jun poured Ma Tian a cup of tea and quickly asked with the menu.

Ma Tian shook his head. He didn't like Lei Jun's respectful attitude. To be honest, he really admired Lei Jun.

Lei Jun single-handedly set the price of smartphones at that time. Smartphones at the same time cost 3999 to 5999, but Lei Jun Rice not only had better performance and better configuration than them, but the price was only 1999.

It can be said that without Lei Jun, not many people could afford smartphones at that time, and those like Nokia and Shanxing would not have the low prices they have now.

"Mr. Lei, you should communicate with me normally. We are all born in the field of technology. Don't use those polite politenesses at the wine table!" Ma Tian said bluntly.

Lei Jun paused when he heard this, and when he saw that Ma Tian's face didn't look fake, he finally said: "Then I'd rather be respectful and obey your orders. Mr. Ma, look at the menu. Is there anything else that needs to be added?" Really? You are a true Hunan native, you must know which dish is worse than me!"

Ma Tian smiled and said, "That's not necessarily the case. I rarely go out to restaurants and spend most of my time researching!"

Seeing Lei Jun's dazed expression, Ma Tian stopped explaining and just called the beautiful waiter in: "Please recommend some special dishes of your store to me."

"Okay, Mr. Ma, I recommend our Maoxuewang..." the beautiful waiter introduced them one by one.

"Okay, just those few dishes."

"Wait a moment, Mr. Ma! The delicious food will be served to you soon!"

Lei Jun looked on and relaxed his body. Ma Tian was much easier to talk to than he thought.

However, he could also see that Ma Tian rarely participated in such business entertainment. I'm really envious. Ma Tian is so powerful that he doesn't have to act like a false self at all, he can do whatever he wants.

"Mr. Lei, you came to Xiangshi today just to treat me to dinner, right?" After ordering, Ma Tian also turned to look at Lei Jun and asked.

"Mr. Ma, of course not. You should be able to guess that I'm here for your company's face recognition and voice assistant!" Lei Jun said truthfully.

Ma Tian nodded, and Lei Jun's purpose was expected: "You can just meet Zheng Shi later! He will cooperate with your rice phone to improve these two functions."

"Then thank you, Mr. Ma! Let me toast you!" Lei Jun heard this and said happily, things went much smoother than expected!

After a glass of wine, Lei Jun began to talk more: "Mr. Ma, you are still awesome! You are a real scientist. I heard that you have been working on cars recently?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Ma Tian's pupils shrank. He had only been out of isolation for a day, how come even Lei Jun knew that he was building a car?

He has emphasized in the company that everything about him is strictly confidential, including the materials used.

"Mr. Lei, how did you know I was building a car?"

"I saw this on the news on my mobile phone while I was waiting for you. Look!" Seeing Ma Tian's face suddenly become serious, Lei Jun was also heartbroken and showed Ma Tian the news on his mobile phone.

"Shock! Ma Tian disappeared for 2 months, and he actually did this! 》

The news read: According to informed sources, Tianyu Xinghai has purchased a large number of components for manufacturing cars. Ma Tian is likely to enter the automobile industry!

Ma Tian was watching the news today. Good guy, he just asked Ji Leiming to purchase a batch of components to prepare for the production line yesterday, and the purchase was exposed?

Ma Tian also suddenly became thoughtful: "Is there an internal spy in the company's purchasing department? Or was it revealed by the supplier? Wasn't the contract signed to keep it confidential?"

However, no matter which one it was, Ma Tian's eyes turned cold. The sooner it is revealed that he is building cars, the sooner those car companies will be on guard, and his plans may be affected.

Is it because he has kept a low profile recently and many people think he is easy to talk to? Forgot his title of Flathead Brother?

After returning from dinner with Lei Jun, Ma Tian immediately returned to the company and asked his secretary to call Ji Leiming over.

But not long after, the secretary came over and told Ma Tian that Ji Leiming had been socializing outside and had not returned to the company.

Ma Tian frowned, took out his mobile phone and dialed Ji Leiming's number.

At this time, Ji Leiming was indeed socializing. At the Binjiang Maple House Hotel, there was a large round table for 18 people. In addition to Ji Leiming, there were also several cooperating suppliers.

"Ding ding ding -" the phone rang. Ji Leiming, whose face was red from drinking, refused a toast from a beautiful woman nearby and took out his cell phone.

A middle-aged man next to him was still laughing and cheering: "Mr. Ji, who is so disappointed to call you at this time? Answer the call later, drink the toast to the beautiful woman first!"

Ji Leiming shook his head and said nothing. He looked at the screen of his mobile phone. When he saw that it was Ma Tian's call, he suddenly woke up.

"Excuse me!" Ji Leiming said and quickly walked to a remote part of the hotel to answer the phone.

The remaining group of people also looked at each other in confusion, wondering whose call Ji Leiming answered so solemnly. Did something happen in the company?

"Hey, Brother Ma!" Ji Leiming came to a quiet private room and answered Ma Tian's phone.

"Ji Leiming, are you socializing outside? Come back!" Ma Tian said calmly but without doubt.

"Okay, Brother Ma!" Ji Leiming replied, looking at the phone that had been hung up, he also had a bad feeling in his heart.

Back in the dining room, a group of vendors were still enthusiastically changing glasses. Seeing Ji Leiming coming back, they quickly came up to compliment him and said, "Mr. Ji, is there anything important? If not, let's continue drinking!" "

Ji Leiming smiled and apologized: "Sorry, I may be in a hurry and have to go back first. Everyone drinks first. I have already purchased the order as an apology for not being with you today."

"Mr. Ji, don't leave in a hurry!" Everyone tried to persuade him to stay, but Ji Leiming ignored him and left with his coat.

In Ma Tian's office, Ji Leiming saw Ma Tian sitting on the boss's chair.

"Have you read the news about me today?" Ma Tian asked.

"News?" Ji Leiming looked confused, obviously not knowing what happened.

Ma Tian also sighed and continued: "News broke on the Internet that I purchased a lot of components for making cars and may enter the automotive industry! I now suspect that there is a leak in the supply chain!"

Hearing Ma Tian's words, Ji Leiming was stunned and didn't know what to say for a while.

Ma Tian looked at Ji Leiming, who was red-faced and potbellied, standing in front of him like a child who had made mistakes, and suddenly realized: Ji Leiming is only a 20-year-old child, with a gentle personality and will not offend others.

Is it right or wrong to let him take charge of the supply chain of Tianyu Xinghai Technology, which has a market value of one trillion yuan?

But besides letting Ji Leiming, a familiar confidant, take charge, who else could he let him take charge of? Li Runqi?

Li Runqi has a strong and smooth personality, but as a woman, she is destined to be unsuitable for this position.

Feeling helpless, Ma Tian also sighed and continued to ask: "Ji Leiming, tell me honestly, are you always polite to those suppliers?"

Ji Leiming remained silent, obviously acquiescing to this matter.

Seeing that Ma Tian had been waiting for his reply, he could only reply: "They are all older than me, and they are friendly and easy to talk to! So I am more polite to them."

When Ma Tian heard this expected answer, he glanced at him angrily and ordered: "You were eating with some of them just now. Call them over to see me!"

Ji Leiming did as he was told and made a phone call.

In the private room of Binjiang Maple Tower Hotel, a group of people were still drinking, bragging and making dirty jokes.

When Ji Leiming's call was connected, Ma Tian heard the person on the other end laughing wildly through the loudspeaker of the phone, which made him immediately angry.

"Hey, Mr. Ji. Are you finished? We're waiting for your next show!" came a playful voice on the phone, along with a girl's scream, obviously having a great time.

Ma Tian waved his hand and asked Ji Leiming to hand over the external phone.

"I'll give you 30 minutes. If I don't see you in Tianyu Xinghai in 30 minutes, you are no longer Tianyu Xinghai's supplier." After saying that, Ma Tian hung up the phone.

Zhu Yuquan, who answered the phone over there, was also a little confused. He was still drunk from alcohol and had not yet reacted.

"Mr. Zhu, this is Mr. Ji's phone number, right? What did he say?" asked Zha Xiaoqiang, another supplier sitting next to him.

"It was Mr. Ji's call, but it seemed to be from another stranger. He asked me to go to Tianyu Xinghai to meet him in half an hour. He also said that if he didn't see me in half an hour, I would not be a supplier. Yes!" Zhu Yuquan repeated in a daze.

"Who is it? Talking to our Mr. Zhu like this?..." The beauty next to Cha Xiaoqiang complimented her and wanted to flatter her, but was interrupted by Cha Xiaoqiang who stood up.

"Nima, stop drinking! Zhu Yuquan, what I said on the phone just now is that you are going to Tianyu Xinghai alone, or are a group of us going?" Zha Xiaoqiang asked the drunk Zhu Yuquan in a panic.

The whole audience was confused by Zha Xiaoqiang who suddenly stood up, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Zhu Yu was slumped in her seat, still a little confused: "I don't remember much, it seems to be me, or us!"

"Did something big happen?" Huang Yingbin, who was sitting opposite, asked with a confused look on his face.

Zha Xiaoqiang suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, "Don't even step on the horse and drink. Boss Ma asked us to go to his Tianyu Xinghai to meet him in half an hour, and we still drank a lot!"

"Mr. Ma? Which Mr. Ma?"

"What other Mr. Ma can there be in Xiang City?"

"Ma Tian?"

A group of people suddenly woke up and started collecting their things in a hurry.

"Damn it, why did Mr. Ma suddenly call us over?"

"How do I know? Come on, hurry up, we only have half an hour!"

Here, Ma Tian is also educating Ji Leiming in the office: "Ji Leiming, there is nothing wrong with your gentle personality, but why are you so polite to these suppliers who need to please us? We are the sponsors!

Some people are just mean and like to push their noses and faces. If you are so gentle and polite, they will think you are easy to bully and look down on you.

What happened this time is probably because they thought you were too easy to get along with and exposed our order. "

Ji Leiming listened silently.

Ma Tian continued to add: "Sometimes, don't care too much about other people's opinions. If you care too much about others and wrong yourself, you will live a tired life!"

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