My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 108 The frightened bird (congratulations to Nuanyang 1220)

In less than half an hour, the suppliers who had just had dinner with Ji Leiming were standing outside Ma Tian's office.

Looking at Ma Tian's office, they didn't dare to say a word.

After standing outside for another half an hour, Ma Tian's secretary came out and said in a cold voice:

"Mr. Ma wants you to come in!"

A group of people looked at each other before going in one after another and standing in a row in front of Ma Tian.

Ma Tian sat on the boss's chair and looked at the group of people one by one, while Ji Leiming stood aside, looking at the nose and heart.

Ma Tian didn't take the initiative to speak, and their group of suppliers were as mute as they dared not say anything.

This is the power of Ma Tian’s titles as “Horse Madman” and “Horse Flathead” on the Internet.

Anyone who knows Tianyu Xinghai Technology knows that Ma Tian is the most awesome person in Tianyu Xinghai, and Ma Tian is also absolutely domineering and arrogant.

"Tell me, who of you leaked Tianyu Xinghai's purchase of automobile components? Now, I can forget about it. If I were to find out, I would wait a few years to use the sewing machine!" Ma Tianyong said in an indifferent voice. said.

The group of suppliers below suddenly had different expressions, some were surprised, some were confused, some frowned, but no one admitted it.

Obviously, these suppliers are all human beings and will not be easily scared by Ma Tian.

Ma Tian was not disappointed and continued: "Since some of you have leaked my company's secrets, and you are all protecting each other now, I will directly reduce the total supply chain price by 20% in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, this group of people went crazy.

"Mr. Ma, you can't do this! It's not my fault, why should I be implicated?"

"Mr. Ma, don't you think... if you beat him to death like this, you might accidentally injure innocent people!"

"Mr. Ma, there's no way it wasn't us who leaked the secret!"

A group of people chirped in opposition, but Ma Tian's expression remained unchanged and his eyes just looked at them quietly.

Seeing Ma Tian's emotionless eyes, this group of people gradually shut up.

Ma Tian waited for them to be quiet before continuing: "Who agrees? Who opposes? You can continue talking now!"

An extremely domineering aura suddenly rushed towards their group of suppliers. The words they just retorted were like a thorn stuck in their throats, and they could not utter a word.

They realized that if any of them dared to object again, Ma Tian would not hesitate to kick them out of the supplier position.

This is the domineering horse madman!

Ji Leiming looked at Ma Tian's performance with lingering fear.

Seeing this group of suppliers who were brothers in front of him, but became grandchildren in front of Ma Tian, ​​he also reflected on his own problems.

Is it really because he is too "used" to these suppliers? Is his philosophy that harmony is the most important thing wrong?

"I hope something like this won't happen next time. If it happens next time, don't blame me, Mr. Ma, for being rude. What I hate most in my life are traitors!"

After saying that, Ma Tian waved his hand to signal this group of people to go down. If it weren't for the purpose of educating Ji Leiming, this group of people would not even be qualified to stand in front of him, Ma Tian.

When this group of suppliers saw Ma Tian waving, they didn't dare to leave even one of them. The last one even politely closed the door of Ma Tian's office.

Ma Tian watched them leave and also looked at Ji Leiming. What needs to be said was already said before this group of suppliers came. Ji Lei was not stupid and should be able to understand this for himself.

"Go down and think about it, Ji Leiming. Don't think that just because you are young, think about your identity!"

And this group of suppliers who left looked at each other in disbelief. Even if they left Ma Tian's company, they did not dare to say a bad word about Ma Tian behind his back.

They didn't even dare to complain, because they were afraid that there was a spy among them, and they would be finished if Ma Tian found out.

A group of people also kept silent and left in their own cars. It no longer mattered whether there was anyone inside who actually leaked the secret.

From now on, even if they are beaten to death, they will not dare to chew Tianyu Xinghai's tongue.

After all, Ma Tian's plan to build a car became popular on the Internet.

Now Ma Tian, ​​a top mathematician, biologist, and the most powerful post-90s generation, has long been given a new nickname - "Industry Destroyer"!

For example, after the invention of stomach-protecting pills, the quadruple drugs were half-dead.

After the invention of Tianrun No. 1, most face-related cosmetics were eliminated.

There was also shared bicycles, which were originally peaceful, but a group of international bicycle giants insisted on challenging them. As a result, they were thrown 70 kilometers away and returned in humiliation. From then on, the bicycle road race became a joke.

Now, Ma Tian is making cars again?

It's hard not to think of this.

Ordinary netizens highly praised Ma Tian's decision to build a car, because it is recognized that domestic car manufacturing technology is not as good as foreign cars.

If Ma Tian can lead domestic cars to surpass those of foreign countries, they will applaud him with both hands and feet.

[Support Mr. Ma Tian! Give me support for domestically produced cars! 】

[Can Mr. Ma Tian make the car cheaper this time? I also want to change my car recently, but I’m afraid it’s too expensive and I can’t afford it! 】

【support! There is no need to mention the products developed by Mr. Ma Tian, ​​just take a look at the stomach-protecting pills and Tianrun No. 1! 】

A number of domestic car manufacturers and joint venture car companies started the meeting like a frightened bird.

"Ma Tian is going to build a car. What's going on? Why doesn't he develop his drugs and cosmetics?" Li Minghe, the president of Jianglin Automobile, said.

"I don't know. Ma Tian has always been unconstrained. Is there any mathematician who crosses over into medicine and cosmetics like him?" Zhou Peng, the R\u0026D director below, replied.

How could he know what Ma Tian was thinking, but he thought there was no need to be so afraid of Ma Tian.

After all, he has been in the field of car manufacturing for so many years, and he deeply understands the difficulty of building cars. It can be said that a component is a pit.

As a big physical object, a car is not as easy to build as a shared bicycle. There is no comparison between the two!

Similarly, Wang Chuanfu of Biyadi also frowned at the news collected by the Strategy Department.

"Xiao Xu, what do you think?" he asked Xu Yongbin, the strategic director standing in front of him.

Xu Yongbin is tall and thin, wearing a pair of rimless glasses, with a white face and a rather bookish temperament.

Wang Chuanfu particularly valued him because his vision was particularly accurate. As early as 2003, Xu Yongbin firmly believed that new energy vehicles would be the future trend, which coincided with Wang Chuanfu's view, and the two have been working together to this day.

Hearing Wang Chuanfu's question, Xu Yongbin also paused and said with a solemn expression: "I think Ma Tian will be our biggest competitor in the future! He can always bring something incredible!"

Wang Chuanfu looked uncomfortable after hearing this and sighed.

At this time, another Ma family businessman on the other side of the ocean was thinking about how to open his Tesla car to the Chinese market.

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