My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 111 Fight over price reduction

Gaius Norman from the Mercedes-Benz cursed, obviously very angry at Ma Tian's bundling.

According to normal logic, if Ma Tian's Tianming No. 2 sells for 1.46 million, there must be no consumers to pay for it. After all, Tianming No. 2 has neither high quality nor much reputation. When choosing between the old luxury car Mercedes-Benz and Tianming No. 2, any fool would know to choose Mercedes-Benz.

But things are different now. Buying Tianming No. 2 will give you the opportunity to buy Tianzihao. As long as the rich have a woman, they will definitely choose Tianming No. 2.

Especially the rich people who buy cars to pick up girls. As soon as the money-worshiping girls see Tianming No. 2, they will definitely try their best to ask if Tianrun No. 1 is in your hands? Can you give it to me, baby?

BMW's Ruh Graham comforted the angry Gaius Norman: "Gaius, this has not been tested by the market, don't panic!"

Although he said this, Ruh Graham was gloating in his heart that your Mercedes-Benz was sold more expensively than our BMW. This time he must have received his retribution.

The press conference ended in a bustle, and soon the news "Sell Tianming No. 2 and get a chance to buy Tianrun No. 1 Tianzihao" became a hot search. After cosmetics, Ma Tian crossed the border and entered the automobile market, using Tianzihao to strongly open up the barriers to high-end automobiles.

Affected by this, the stocks of international luxury car companies have fallen, and 4S store owners have also rushed to Hunan City.

Only some luxury car brands and 4S store owners like them would take the initiative to order cars in person. Now they came to Hunan City for the little-known Tianming No. 2.

The makeshift car booking area in Tianyu Xinghai was also crowded with 4S shop owners.

This group of 4S shop owners said they were here to see Tianming No. 2, but their attention was focused on how to deliver the Tianzihao purchase qualifications.

After learning that car owners who purchase Tianming No. 2 will be registered in the Tianyu Xinghai database in the background, they can purchase it by coming to the official flagship store in Hunan City based on their identity.

They no longer hesitated and booked cars one after another! Even if Ma Tian continues to stipulate a full payment order, he will not hesitate!

Because Tianzihao is stable and bundled, I really don’t have to worry about not selling the car.

Those rich people may not care about the car, but only care about the additional Tianzihao purchase qualification.

Soon, the order data for the week will be released.

The market guide price of Tianming No. 2 is 1.46 million, and more than 3,000 units have been ordered at the ex-factory price of 1.314 million. The order volume alone has reached 3.942 billion. The single-week order data has directly climbed to the first place in the domestic luxury car order list!

Whether it's BBA or luxury car brands such as Porsche and Maserati, you can't help but feel a little stunned when you see this data.

Isn’t it too aggressive to tie up Tianzihao? You just place such a big order regardless of whether the car is good or not?

At Jinling Zhuque 4S store, store owner Xu Wenjian stood at the door of the store, rubbing his hands like flies, waiting for his customers to come to the door, because the Tianming No. 2 car in the store was already in place.

After a while, I saw a red Ferrari approaching from a distance, its huge engine roar announcing the dignity of its owner.

The Ferrari stopped slowly in front of the store, a shiny door opened, and out came a girl wearing a black cropped leather jacket, big red waves, a delicate face but wearing sunglasses.

"Sister Qiao, are you here?" Xu Wenjian hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

"Hmm!" The woman known as Sister Qiao simply hummed and asked, "How many Tianming No. 2 buses are here?"

"There are 5 cars for the time being!" Xu Wenjian answered cautiously, fearing that the number would be too small and make Sister Qiao unhappy.

"Give it all to me and take me to register as the owner of the Tianyu Xinghai car!" Sister Qiao said in a cold voice. Wearing a black jacket, it made the staff next to her feel the golden light that only rich people can have.

Soon, Xu Wenjian finished registering Sister Qiao.

Seeing the smile on Sister Qiao's lips, he asked thoughtfully: "Sister Qiao, do you want someone from my store to deliver these cars to your home?"

"No, I will send a servant to drive back!" Sister Qiao politely refused. Looking at her purchase qualifications for the 5 Tianzi models on Tianyu Xinghai's official website, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but curl up, and she directly booked a trip to Hunan tonight. Plane tickets.

Similarly, this happened in many 4S stores across the country. Many wealthy people who could not buy Tianzihao changed their routes to buy Tianming No.2 cars.

Mercedes-Benz Gaius Norman was furious when he saw the data handed over by his assistant in the office, and cursed Ma Tian.

Because it is also a hybrid car priced at around 1.45 million, their Mercedes-Benz S400 series has been hit the hardest!

After all, if you can buy Tianming No. 2 with an additional RMB 10,000, why should you buy their Mercedes-Benz?

Now Tianming No. 2 has almost become the standard car for rich women! Among rich women, they rarely compete to see who has the latest Chanel, Louis Vuitton bags, etc., but how many bottles of Tianzi brand do you have?

"This can't continue like this. If this continues, our Mercedes-Benz S400 will become a complete scrap!" Gaius Norman calmed down and thought.

"Reduce the price of the Mercedes-Benz S400 to 1.3 million!" Gaius Norman said.

The marketing director Fleet Blanco below timidly reminded: "President, if the price is reduced like this, will the previous car owners protest?"

Gaius Norman naturally thought of this, he put his right hand on his forehead helplessly and said: "If any car owners protest, let them make up the price difference, but this is only for the Chinese market. After all, there is no such thing as Tianming No. 2 abroad. Activity!"

"Yes, President!"

So the price of the Mercedes-Benz S400 began to drop, from the market price of 1.45 million to 1.3 million. It also said that owners who have purchased this model within three months can contact the nearest 4S store or apply on the official website to make up the price difference.

When car owners saw this news, they quickly thought of the cause and effect, and couldn't help but talk about it on the car forum:

[Niubi, Boss Ma Tian has reduced the price of the Mercedes-Benz S400! 】

[Well done, who told them to sell Mercedes Benz so expensively? The price was not very reasonable in the first place, but this time I can only say that I am asking for trouble! 】

[Although I can't afford it, I feel that it is unreasonable to sell it for 1.3 million yuan now. With that configuration, many domestic cars priced at 200,000 yuan are inferior to it. 】

[I agree, you can still make a lot of money selling a Mercedes Benz for 1.3 million, that is, those rich people who are not short of money will buy it. 】

Wang Chuanfu, who was originally not very fond of Ma Tian, ​​saw the news about the price reduction of Mercedes-Benz and couldn't help but admire Ma Tian because Ma Tian did what he wanted to do.

As the leader of domestically produced new energy vehicles, he has long been dissatisfied with those new energy vehicles that are so expensive abroad. They are just a bunch of garbage, but they are sold at such high prices.

Not to mention Ma Tian's Tianming No. 2, his Qin series, which is about to be launched, can also turn them into rubbish in seconds.

However, the market is there, and no matter how good the performance of his Qin series is, he dare not sell it for more than 1 million, because he does not have a Tianzi name, and he does not have the money like Ma Tian to allow many failures.

Biyadi must expand the market step by step and steadily, and then compete with foreign brands in the high-end new energy market!

Gaius Norman endured the humiliation and lowered the price of the Mercedes-Benz S400. He thought things might get better, but what Ma Tian did next made him so angry that he slammed the table and got up.

"The price of Tianming No. 2 will be reduced from today to 1.32 million!" 》

Ma Tian has also begun to officially announce price cuts on the Tianyu Xinghai official website, and like Mercedes-Benz, car owners who have purchased the car in the past three months can apply to make up the price difference at the 4S store where they recently purchased it or on the Tianyu Xinghai official website.

"You bully me too much, you bully me too much! Idiot, bastard! (German expletive)" Gaius Norman was so angry that he smashed things in the office and cursed crazily in German.

He had just managed to explain to the headquarters the reasons for the decline in sales in China and the price reduction, and this bastard Ma Tian came to him again, and he was going crazy.

Marketing Director Fleet Blanco dared not say anything down there, for fear of provoking the furious Gaius Norman.

After 15 minutes, Gaius Norman became quiet, seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to say to Fleet Blanco: "Ask Tianyu Xinghai why they did this?"

As a businessman, Gaius Norman couldn't understand Tianyu Xinghai's approach. Lowering the price to suppress their Mercedes-Benz would not increase their Tianming 2 sales much. Even if it increased sales a little, it would not be worth the loss caused by the price reduction. By the way, why would Ma Tian harm others and not benefit himself?

Ma Tian, ​​of course, ignored Mercedes-Benz's questioning. The goods he sold were not regulated by the Price Supervision Bureau. I could sell as much as I wanted.

But on the surface, you definitely can’t reply like this, and you have to take the impact into consideration.

Therefore, Tianyu Xinghai’s reply to Mercedes-Benz is: “Reasonably regulate prices according to market demand!”


Seeing this reply from Tianyu Xinghai, Gaius Norman had the urge to vomit blood. The reasonable control of Nima happened to be followed by the price reduction after our price reduction, and it was just a little higher?

Gaius Norman was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

Another week passed, and Gaius Norman couldn't sit still when he saw the cliff-like sales of Mercedes-Benz. When the Mercedes-Benz headquarters called again from overseas to inquire, he explained the situation to the headquarters.

A group of people at the headquarters were also confused. This was the first time in decades of selling cars that they had encountered such a vicious competitor.

"Gaius Norman, tell me your opinion. You must be familiar with the situation in China than we are." Director Francisco Hancock asked.

Gaius Norman took a deep breath and expressed his speculation: "I speculate that Ma Tian may be unhappy with the high price of our luxury cars and deliberately suppress our prices!"

"But we don't have just one luxury car on the market, so why doesn't he try to suppress Rolls-Royce and Porsche?" Francisco Hancock asked in confusion.

"Because only our Mercedes-Benz S400 is also a hybrid new energy vehicle and it is currently the most expensive, right?" Gaius Norman replied a little less confident this time. In his impression, he had never offended Ma Tiantian.

Could it be that he found out about scolding him in the office?

Francisco Hancock was silent, and after a while he continued: "Then do you have any way to deal with it now?"

Gaius Norman: "I haven't thought of any other way, because I still don't know Tianyu Xinghai's intentions. Now we either continue to reduce prices, or sales are cut in half, there is no other way!"

"Then continue to lower the price and see if Ma Tian will follow suit this time!"

As a result, the price of the Mercedes-Benz S400 hybrid car has been reduced again, from 1.3 million to 1.2 million. Less than a week has passed since the last price reduction.

Mercedes-Benz has made two consecutive abnormal price cuts, and even people who are not in the industry can clearly feel that something is wrong.

Netizens with powerful skills on the Internet also began to dig deeper, and the most mentioned one was Ma Tian’s Tianming No. 2.

[By the way, will Tianming-2 also drop to around 1.2 million this time? 】

[I think there is a high probability that it will happen. A big guy like Ma Tian, ​​the flat-headed brother, definitely doesn’t know how to write cowardice. 】

[The snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman gets the benefit, let’s see how low the price of the Mercedes-Benz is (dog head)]

Ruh Graham, who attended Martin's press conference with Gaius Norman at that time, also watched the show with relish. Fortunately, their BMW only sold for 660,000, so they did not compete with Martin.

If there were no Mercedes-Benz in front, it would probably be their BMW that takes the lead.

As for whether Mercedes-Benz will reduce the price to 660,000? Ruh Graham doesn’t think so, because as an opponent, he knows too well the arrogance of those at Mercedes-Benz.

It is said that it is BBA, but in fact it means that Mercedes-Benz looks down on BMW, and BMW looks down on Audi.

Therefore, if the price of Mercedes-Benz drops to the same low as that of BMW, it will be more uncomfortable than killing those Mercedes-Benz people.

Ma Tian also lived up to the expectations of those netizens and continued to reduce the price of Tianming No. 2 to 1.22 million.

Gaius Norman was extraordinarily silent this time. He looked at the official price reduction news released by Tianyu Xinghai and did not say anything for a long time.

But people who are familiar with him know that the more silent Gaius Norman is, the closer he is to the edge of rage.

Francisco Hancock, the director of the headquarters, continued to call from the ocean line. When he heard that Ma Tian’s Tianming 2 had another price cut, he was stunned on the screen.

"What the hell is Martin trying to do? Is he trying to provoke us to run?" Francisco Hancock said angrily.

Gaius Norman remained silent, apparently acquiescing to this view.

It was unlucky for him to meet Ma Tian. As the person in charge of Mercedes-Benz in China, he must take responsibility, even if it was not his fault. Because those shareholders only look at the results, not whether it was caused by Ma Tian.

"Give me an upgrade to 1.3 million, and let's see if Ma Tian will follow?" Gaius Norman was obviously furious, and wanted to test Ma Tian's intentions thoroughly at the risk of losing money.

He is still holding on to a sense of luck, thinking that Ma Tian's Tianming car may happen to be reduced in price.

But he was destined to be disappointed. Ma Tian's Tianming Automobile also rose back to 1.32 million.

Netizens are completely excited. This is a naked declaration of war between Tianyu Xinghai and Mercedes-Benz. The two companies are full of explosives.

[Hahaha, Boss Ma Tian deserves to be called the flat-headed brother, he just wants to fight Mercedes-Benz to the end! 】

[Benz expressed that it felt aggrieved, why were you staring at it so closely, hee hee hee]

666, other car companies also said that they have gained knowledge. It turns out that cars can still play like this. Ma Tian is worthy of being an industry disruptor, but fortunately, it is only in the field of new energy vehicles, and most of their companies have not invested in this field. .

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