My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 112 Why does Tianyu Xinghai do this (Congratulations to Nuanyang 1420)

"Let's have a good talk with Martin and ask him why he does this? In other words, how will he be satisfied?" Francisco Hancock remotely controlled Gaius Norman at the Mercedes-Benz headquarters.

It is impossible for Mercedes-Benz to give up the Chinese market. China is one of the world's largest car consumer markets, and no car brand will give up.

Gaius Norman nodded. Now he could only obey the headquarters' instructions honestly and try not to make any mistakes. I hope he can still be the person in charge of Mercedes-Benz in China this year.

Gaius Norman first asked his secretary to make an appointment to meet with Tianyu Xinghai.

Ma Tian heard from his secretary that Gaius Norman wanted to visit him, and his face was neither sad nor happy.

After thinking about it, he did not agree to meet Gaius Norman directly, and planned to ask Su Xihua, who is now the general manager of the automobile department, to meet him.

It would be better for him to pretend not to know about this malicious bidding thing behind the scenes, and learn from Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword". He takes advantage of it, and if he is criticized later, he can just pass it on to his subordinates.

Gaius Norman was so angry that he took a deep breath when he heard that only one automobile general manager from Tianyu Xinghai came to see him.

The king has always faced the king, and the general will face the general. Logically speaking, it is only reasonable that Ma Tianlai should face him. If that doesn't work, Ji Leiming and Li Runqi, who are vice presidents, can do it. They only sent a department general manager, which is simply bullying. Too many people!

However, he still had to swallow his anger and go to Xiang City, because he had to figure out why Tianyu Xinghai did what he did.

In Hunan City, Gaius Norman got off the plane.

Qin Jinglin, the regional manager responsible for the sales of Mercedes-Benz cars in Hunan, came up to him in a flattering manner. While holding a small umbrella for Gaius Norman, he enthusiastically took a small piece of luggage from Gaius Norman and said:

"Welcome to the president!"

Gaius Norman nodded, handed his luggage to Qin Jinglin, walked to the airport exit first, and got on the special car bound for Tianyu Xinghai Building.

Tan Jinglin quickly put the suitcase in the trunk of the car and got into the car.

"Tell me what kind of person Ma Tian is! You have been in Xiang City for so long, so you should be more familiar with Ma Tian than me!"

On the way, Gaius Norman also asked Tan Jinglin.

Qin Jinglin paused when he heard this, his expression was a little unnatural, and after thinking for a while, he composed his words and replied: "Ma Tian is a scientist who is proud of his talent!"

As an out-and-out Xiangshi person, he also regarded Ma Tian as the pride of Hunan City, so naturally he didn't want to speak ill of Ma Tian.

But obviously, as the boss, Gaius Norman wanted to hear some bad words from Ma Tian at this time.

"Is there anything else?" Gaius Norman wanted to hear more. He had learned about "talented and arrogant" and "scientist" on the Internet before coming here.

Instead, he felt that it was more reasonable to call Ma Tian "horse madman" on the Internet, but it was indeed too crazy.

After selling cars for decades, I have never seen such a disgusting rival.

Qin Jinglin carefully continued to answer: "He is still a recognized genius. He is only about 20 years old and a recognized expert in the fields of mathematics and biology. By the way, some people think that Ma Tian is also very strong in the engineering field. From the red lightning bicycle and You can also see it from Tianming Auto this time!”

Tan Jinglin forced himself to introduce relevant knowledge on the Internet. It was impossible for him to open his eyes and tell lies and scold Ma Tian, ​​even if you were my boss.

Gaius Norman's face looked a little ugly, "Okay, okay, you don't need to speak anymore!"

Obviously Tan Jinglin's answer did not satisfy him.

About 30 minutes later, the car arrived in front of Tianyu Xinghai’s current office building.

Gaius Norman walked in with Qin Jinglin.

"Hi, we have made an appointment with Su Xihua, general manager of your automobile department!"

"Please wait a moment, let me confirm!"

15 minutes later, Gaius Norman saw Su Xihua in the living room.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Gaius Norman went straight to the topic: "Mr. Su Xihua, why does your company do this?"

Su Xihua looked calm and asked: "Mr. Gaius, I don't know what you are talking about? Please be specific!"

"That's why Tianming Motors has followed our Mercedes-Benz cars in price reductions and price increases!" Gaius Norman reminded.

He looked directly into Su Xihua's eyes, trying to detect some guilt and panic in Su Xihua's eyes.

But he was destined to be disappointed. Su Xihua's face remained unchanged and he stated calmly: "This is a price adjustment made by our Tianyu Xinghai Marketing Department based on the automobile sales market. Could it be that you are allowed to reduce and increase the price of Mercedes-Benz, but you are not allowed to do so?" Is our Tianming Automobile doing this?”

Gaius Norman was very angry when he heard this. He was so angry at Tianyu Xinghai and such a shameless Su Xihua.

Obviously they deliberately followed them to lower and increase the price of Mercedes-Benz cars, but now they are plausibly saying that it is based on market regulation. It is simply shameless.

Gaius Norman suppressed his anger and continued in a calm tone: "Mr. Su Xihua, why don't you admit it if your company dares to do it? It's obvious that you deliberately adjusted the price to the same level as us to compete with us. customer of!"

After hearing this, Su Xihua's face became a little unhappy. What does it mean to dare to do something but not to admit it? Even if you do it, what can you do if you admit it?

He said: "Our company's decision-making is not something that Mercedes-Benz has to worry about. How we price it is our business! Besides, we regulate the price according to the market, because we can still make a profit selling a car at that price. Likewise, we adjust the price according to the market." Does your company also have Mercedes-Benz S400?

If Mercedes-Benz is scared, it might as well continue to reduce prices and avoid our Tianming No. 2 car price zone! "

Su Xihua said in a bad tone, if he hadn't kept Ma Tian's purpose in mind, he would have left long ago.

This time, Tianming Automobile is going to eliminate all unreasonable prices in China's high-end new energy vehicle market and bring them back to a reasonable range.

So he had to say something overtly and covertly to remind the stupid Gaius Norman of Tianyu Xinghai's purpose.

But what he didn't expect was that Gaius Norman would immediately become angry. He said angrily:

"We, Mercedes-Benz, are afraid of your Tianming Motors? This is simply the funniest joke I have ever heard! Your company's Tianrun I Tianzihao is indeed good, but the car, haha?"

Su Xihua shook his head. Arrogance was the original sin. These foreigners probably didn't even research their Tianming cars, so they thought that Tianming 2 was not as good as them. It was simply ridiculous.

"If Gaius Norman is just here to talk about this today, why not please come back." Su Xihua issued an order to drive away the guests.

Gaius Norman also calmed down immediately. It was not okay to leave like this: "Mr. Su, please tell us your company's bottom line or what you want?"

"We don't have any purpose, we just think it's unreasonable for your company's cars to be so expensive. After all, in our opinion, your cars are real..."

Su Xihua glanced at Gaius Norman meaningfully, but did not say the rest. Gaius Norman would have understood it if he was not stupid.

Gaius Norman returned to his hotel and sat on the sofa in a daze. He really understood what Su Xihua was hiding.

It turns out that Tianyu Xinghai really doesn’t build cars just to make money! Simply bizarre!

But when he thought about Tianyu Xinghai not being listed on the market, and the ownership structure being dominated by Ma Tian's family, he suddenly understood.

He gave his analysis to Director Francisco Hancock over the ocean phone.

Francisco Hancock was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then he said:

"Is Ma Tian too self-righteous? Does he single-handedly want to change the pattern of China's high-end car market that has been formed over the years?"

Gaius Norman: "It's hard to say. At present, Ma Tian is also wise. He just did this on the new track of new energy vehicles!"

Francisco Hancock nodded. Indeed, Ma Tian was not stupid. He did not challenge fuel vehicles from the beginning, nor did he challenge the status of real luxury cars such as Rolls-Royce and Bugatti.

"Continue to lower the price, to 880,000, and see how the market reacts." Francisco Hancock made the final decision.

How can the Chinese people's concept of a luxury car brand that has been operating for many years change so easily?

Seeing the Mercedes-Benz S400 at such a huge price cut, Francisco Hancock didn't believe that some Chinese people wouldn't be tempted.

Just like gold suddenly drops from 400 to 250, many people can't help but buy it.

"Okay, Director Ranscisco!" Gaius Norman nodded in agreement and agreed.

Anyway, you can still make money by selling it for 880,000 yuan, but you just won’t make as much as before. Let's take a look at the market's reaction to their Mercedes-Benz price cuts. What if Ma Tian's Tianming Auto competition doesn't work this time?

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