My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 113 Mercedes-Benz panics

No one expected that the price of the Mercedes-Benz S400 was slashed from 1.2 million to 880,000 in less than 2 weeks. Netizens were completely shocked.

[Hey, dear, who would have thought that Mercedes-Benz would be so aggressive? From 1.45 million to 880,000? Nearly cut in half! 】

[Oh, you can see how profitable Mercedes-Benz was in the past, but now it is estimated that it still makes 880,000 yuan. 】

[If it can be lowered a little more, I will consider buying one for 200,000! 】

[Can 200,000 be your turn? 】

BMW's Ruh Graham has always been an outsider, sitting on a bench with peanuts, melon seeds, and popcorn to watch the show.

The relaxed demeanor of watching the show is gone this time, because if Mercedes-Benz drops the price again, it might fall into the price range of BMW's 660,000 yuan.

"Oh my God, is Mercedes-Benz so incompetent?" Ruh Graham looked solemn, because even if the price of Mercedes-Benz was reduced to 700,000, his BMW would be in danger.

Because at that time, the user's choice must be Tianming 2\u003eMercedes-Benz\u003eBMW.

Thinking of this, Ruh Graham made a call to "good buddy" Gaius Norman to inquire about the situation.

"Hey, Gaius, I'm Ruch!"

"What's the matter?" Gaius was upset and didn't want to talk too much.

"Gaius, what's going on? Why did your Mercedes-Benz cut the price so aggressively? Did you encounter any difficulties?" Ruh Graham asked pretending to be kind.

Hearing Ruh Graham's inquiry, Gaius Norman also smiled, because he realized that Ruh Graham couldn't sit still either. Now it's their BMW's turn to worry!

The pain in the world doesn't transfer, but it's nice to share it.

Gaius Norman said in a painful tone: "It's not because of Ma Tian's Tianming No. 2. It is estimated that in a while, our Mercedes-Benz price will drop to 680,000!"

As he expected, Ruh Graham was really anxious when he heard this answer: "Gaius, you have to hold back on your Mercedes-Benz. Don't let Ma Tian be too arrogant! He is nothing without Tianrun No. 1. He is nothing." I can compare with you!"

"No, the problem is that he has it!" Gaius Norman said helplessly.

"Uh... Gaius, what does Ma Tian want to do? He will make a lot less money by lowering the price like this, right?" Ruh Graham still asked the question he wanted to find out most.

Gaius Norman finally showed his fangs: "Ruch, Ma Tian said that the price of China's new energy vehicle high-end market should be controlled below his, and there should not be too much premium profit, you BMW May you also wish yourself good luck!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

"Hey, hello, Gaius!" Listening to the blind voice on the phone, Ruh Graham was in a bad mood.

If what Gaius said is true, then BMW is really dangerous. As the person in charge of BMW in China, he must know that the gross profit margin of his products is terrifyingly high.

However, it is the luxury car brand they have worked so hard to build that has such high profits, and the market pays for it! Are you, Ma Tian, ​​too domineering? If you don't like it, why don't you forcefully use Tianrun No. 1 to squeeze our market profits?

The more he thought about it, the worse Ruh Graham's mood became. Now, there was nothing else he could do but continue to wait and see how the market performed when the Mercedes-Benz S400 sold for 880,000 yuan.

As for the price reduction of Mercedes-Benz to 880,000 yuan, Ma Tian naturally followed suit again and reduced the price to 900,000 yuan.

Netizens were still a little shocked when they saw Tianyu Xinghai's unexpected move. Now everyone can see that Ma Tian is going to compete with the Mercedes-Benz S400.

Gaius Norman thought that this price reduction would improve some sales, but what he didn't expect was that the quality of Tianming No. 2 was not bad. As time went by, those luxury car owners finally realized that Tianming No. 2 was indeed of good quality. It's a pretty good car.

The earliest positive review was from a netizen with the ID name Qiaoqiao. It was the Qiao sister who bought 5 Tianming 2s from the beginning - Chen Qiao.

She originally bought the car because of the Tianrun No. 1 Tianzi license that came with the Tianming No. 2 car, so she didn't care about the Tianming No. 2 car.

I casually asked my family driver to drive it home and threw it in the underground garage without intending to drive it.

But one thing caught the attention of Chen Qiao's family, that is, their nanny who often drove to buy groceries stopped driving their previous Mercedes-Benz and instead drove Tianming No. 2.

Including the driver who was sent out to buy something, he also chose Tianming 2.

When Chen Qiao's father, Chen Guangfu, saw this phenomenon, he couldn't help but ask the driver Xiao Luo who had just brought back the wine for him: "Xiao Luo, why do you keep seeing you driving this car recently?"

Ronaldinho was asked by his boss, and he answered truthfully: "This is the Tianming No. 2 that the eldest lady bought. I feel that it is more comfortable to drive than the previous car, and it is faster. With the eldest lady's consent, I will drive it!"

Chen Guangfu was also a little surprised. You must know that Ronaldinho has been his driver for more than 20 years. He will know whether the car is good as soon as he gets it. If it makes him feel good, there must be something about it.

Chen Guangfu, who was a little curious, also asked Ronaldinho on a whim not to drive his Maybach as a gift next time, but to try driving the Tianming No. 2 instead.

As a result, Chen Guangfu, who was riding Tianming 2 for the first time, was surprised.

Not to mention the way the car door was opened, he was surprised by the smart screen in the driver's seat in front.

Xiaotian Assistant was built in the smart screen, and the machine learning technology used opened Chen Guangfu's eyes.

As the driver, Ronaldinho just pointed his face at the screen, and the car started, and Xiaotian Assistant began to work:

"Master Luo, good morning, welcome to Tianming No. 2. There are thousands of roads, and safety is the first priority. I have detected that you have fastened your seat belt. Do you need me to do anything for you?"

"Classmate Xiaotian, this time I am going to Guangbing Building, help me choose and analyze the route!" the driver Xiao Luo replied.

"Okay, the route has been selected for you. It is recommended to take Fuxiang Road and then turn to Yanjiang Avenue." Xiaotian chose one of the three routes and used half of the screen display.

Chen Guangfu, who was sitting in the back, became a little interested and asked: "Is this the navigation in the car?"

"Yes, boss. The navigation in his car is really easy to use. Not only can it tell us if there is a traffic jam ahead, but it can also help us choose the fastest and most comfortable route." The driver, Xiao Luo, has been using it for the past few days and has thoroughly used it. I rely on Xiaotian Assistant.

Chen Guangfu smiled and said nothing, and didn't ask any more questions. As the car started, he began to feel the comfort of Tianming No. 2.

The brakes and shock absorption made it possible for him, a big boss who is used to making luxury cars, to feel nothing wrong with it.

Chen Guangfu couldn't help but look at the interior of Tianming 2.

Real leather sofa, solid wood decoration, small screen embedded in the back seat of the car. oh? There’s even a small car refrigerator?

After opening it, Chen Guangfu felt the temperature with his hands and found that the cooling effect of the refrigerator was also good.

It was the first time that Chen Guangfu took the Tianming No. 2 flight and could not find any faults.

When Chen Guangfu came home for dinner in the evening, he also asked his daughter: "Xiaoqiao, Tianming No. 2 in the garage, how much did you buy it for?"

"It turned out to be 1.46 million! I don't quite remember how much it was in the end due to the subsequent listings and price cuts!" Chen Qiao simply answered, "What? Is there any problem?"

"That's quite reasonable!"

"What's reasonable?"

"The price of the car!" Chen Guangfu replied.

As everyone knows, this answer made Chen Qiao stop eating and said with interest: "Of course it's reasonable! He also gave away the qualification to purchase Tianrun No. 1 Tianzihao!"

"Tian Zi Hao? Ma Tian!" Chen Guangfu was surprised. This was the first time he knew that this car was actually developed by Ma Tian.

When he learned from Chen Qiao that Tianzihao was purchased at the original price, he couldn't help but blurt out: "Then Ma Tian is really generous this time!"

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Chen Qiao was also a little confused.

"Because I took this car to work today, and it feels no worse than my Maybach, but more intelligent!" Chen Guangfu said truthfully.

Chen Guangfu's words aroused Chen Qiao's interest, and later she tried to drive a Tianming No. 2 by herself. Unexpectedly, it became more comfortable for her to drive.

The starting and stopping of Tianming No. 2 has been optimized very well by Ma Tian, ​​and it is also an automatic transmission. She obviously feels much better to drive than her previous Porsche Cayenne.

When she was asked to drive the Porsche again, she was a little uncomfortable with it.

So Chen Qiao was the first luxury car owner to give Tianming No. 2 a positive review!

As the saying goes, the rich have their own circle. A group of friends watched Chen Qiao drive Tianming No. 2 and tried it. As a result, they became fans of Tianming No. 2. It was really great.

There are also Xiaotian Assistant’s map navigation, song switching and dialogue functions, which young people like them can’t put down.

Instead, Tianming No. 2’s reputation exploded among the rich! It can be seen with the naked eye that more and more wealthy people are driving Tianming No. 2!

There was even a young man who complained to Tianyu Xinghai that the price was too low and not worthy of his status, and suggested that it be adjusted back to the original price of 1.46 million.

A week has passed since Mercedes-Benz cut prices. Gaius Norman picked up the sales data compiled by Marketing Director Fleet Blanco in the office and looked at it, and he couldn't help but be shocked:

"What's going on? Fleet! Why is our order data this week not as good as when it was 1.2 million?"

Fleet Blanco glanced at Gaius and explained: "President, many people online reported this week that Tianming 2 is more comfortable to drive than our Mercedes-Benz S400!"

"What?" Gaius Norman was shocked. He really didn't pay attention to the comments in the online comment area. He hurriedly opened his computer and saw that all the comments in the comment section were positive about Tianming No. 2. He unconsciously collapsed in his chair.

It's over, the worst happened.

Tianming No. 2 actually has good quality, which is even scarier than being bundled with Tianzi for sale, because the quality and comfort that Mercedes-Benz is proud of may also be challenged by Tianming No. 2!

"Buy me a Tianming-2!" Gaius Norman ordered. He finally wanted to see and experience the Tianming-2 with his own eyes.

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