My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 114 Do you dare to come?

Gaius Norman, who had experienced several laps in the car on the car test track, got out of the Tianming-2 car with a pale face.

The dedicated testing assistant on the side wanted to hand him the test data, but he waved his hand and refused.

Because he had personal experience, he knew without looking at the data that the shock absorption and deceleration data of Ma Tian's Tianming 2 would not be any worse than their Mercedes-Benz, and might even exceed it.

Mercedes-Benz's biggest enemy has really appeared.

"Drive this car to the Automobile R\u0026D Department to dismantle it, study it, and analyze the structure inside!" Gaius Norman said this and walked to his office.

When he returned to the office, he collapsed in his seat, his face extremely ugly, and he didn't know how to communicate with the headquarters.

Director Francisco Hancock's phone at the headquarters also rang at the right time. He must have seen the worse order data this week and called to question.

Gaius Norman weakly answered the call.

"What's going on? Gaius, why did our order data get worse after it dropped to 880,000?" Francisco Hancock's first sentence was to question, which did not surprise Gaius Norman.

Gaius Norman wanted to say angrily: "If you have the ability, come to China and try it?"

But he still held back the words and explained the current situation on the phone in a calm tone: "The reputation of Tianming 2 is rising, and more and more people praise this car...

I just came back from the test site, and my riding experience on Tianming 2 is very good, no less than our products..."

Francisco Hancock was shocked after hearing this: "How is it possible? The car that Ma Tian built in 9 months is so good? Have you ever dismantled it to see the accessories inside?"

"We've asked the R\u0026D department to dismantle it, and the results will probably have to wait until tomorrow!" Gaius Norman replied weakly.

Seeing Gaius Norman's dejected look, Francisco Hancock fell silent. If the matter is true, we really cannot blame Gaius Norman for his wrong performance in China.

Mercedes-Benz is completely outclassed by other people's products. With Tianzi's bundled sales and excellent quality, the Tianming No. 2 car is like a dragon crossing the river.

"Gaius, don't worry, things are not irreversible yet, we still have many ways to deal with it!" Francisco Hancock cheered as he looked at the decadent Gaius Norman.

There is no room for failure in the Chinese market. No matter what, Gaius Norman cannot collapse now. If we want to fire him, we have to wait until the market stabilizes.

"Let's lower the price again, drag BMW down, and then we can deal with Ma Tian's Tianming No. 2 together!"

"Okay, Director Francisco!" Gaius Norman obeyed like a puppet.

On the BMW side, what worried Ruh Graham most has happened. Mercedes-Benz has reduced its price to 680,000, which is almost the same as the price of their 660,000 hybrid car.

Because rich people don’t care about the 20,000 difference at all.

"This is outrageous, Ma Tian!"

Ruh Graham was pacing in the office. This horse is really an industry disruptor. He forced Mercedes-Benz to drop into the same price range as their BMW in just one month. It was simply outrageous.

"Gaius, why did your Mercedes-Benz cut the price again?" Ruh Graham called Gaius Norman's phone and asked.

"Ruch, let's join forces, Ma Tian's Tianming No. 2 is already coming menacingly!" Gaius Norman did not answer the question, but said something about joining forces.

"How about a joint approach?"

"Talk offline!" Gaius Norman said.

This time, as soon as the price of Ma Tian’s Tianming No. 2 dropped to 700,000, a joint attack from Mercedes-Benz and BMW came.

"Shocked, after analysis by Mercedes-Benz researchers, Tianming 2 has huge hidden dangers"

"BMW R\u0026D personnel also pointed out that Tianming 2 is just an assembled product and some details need to be improved."

Mercedes-Benz and BMW jointly issued a statement confirming that the internal structure of the Tianming 2 car had serious hidden dangers. Because the engine is not assembled according to strict rules, it may cause serious problems six months or a year later.

The two companies used their old car brand images to mislead consumers into thinking that there was something wrong with the Tianming No. 2 car.

The media also followed the trend and hyped up:

"Dr. Artis, you are an automotive engineer at Mercedes-Benz. What do you think of the interior design of Tianming No. 2?"

Dr. Artis: "Um... I think the Tianming No. 2 car is just a gasoline truck with an electric motor attached to it to become a hybrid vehicle. However, Tianyu Xinghai lacks experience and there is a problem with the coordination between the electric motor and the fuel engine.

Although consumers can't see anything now, in half a year or a year, they may find some problems, such as the engine being abnormally loud, insufficient horsepower, etc. In severe cases, the control switching may become a problem..."

As two long-established car brands, they still have credibility. Naturally, consumers were shocked when they saw this news.

Questions and cancellations of orders came one after another. For the first time since its launch, Tianming No. 2 encountered sales difficulties.

As the general manager of Tianyu Xinghai Automobile Department, Su Xihua has repeatedly emphasized in media interviews that there is no problem with Tianming No. 2 car, but he still has not restored the decline.

After all, many people would rather believe that foreign garbage is good than the sudden rise of domestic brands.

Moreover, the Tianzihao has been purchased. If the car is returned, Tianyu Xinghai will not be able to recover the Tianzihao. Some people also want to return the car with this idea.

The effect of Mercedes-Benz and BMW's move is not bad, which can also be seen from the order data one week after the announcement.

Orders for the Mercedes-Benz S400 this week have risen to half of their peak levels. Although there is still a long way to go from the peak before Tianming 2 was released, there is always progress, right?

BMW's Ruh Graham cursed at the order data, and was forced to lower the price of his hybrid car from 660,000 to 560,000, avoiding the price range of Mercedes-Benz and Tianming II.

The current order situation in China's high-end new energy vehicle market is: Tianming 2 with 700,000 yuan (under doubt) \u003e Mercedes-Benz S400 with 680,000 yuan \u003e BMW hybrid car with 560,000 yuan.

Su Xihua looked at the data in the office without saying a word. Although the current data showed that Tianming 2 still had the upper hand, the rebound in Mercedes-Benz sales was not what Tianyu Xinghai wanted to see.

The main reason for this setback is Tianyu Xinghai's lack of credibility in the automotive field, and the Chinese people's lack of confidence in domestic brands.

Without the bundled sales of Tianzihao, it can be said that Tianming 2 would not be able to compete with established car brands such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

The change of confidence does not happen overnight, it can only rely on the proof of time and word-of-mouth fermentation.

Su Xihua sorted out the information and came to Ma Tian's office to report.

Ma Tian was neither sad nor happy after hearing this. The key to breaking the situation this time still lies with him. There is no other way.

"Go ahead, prepare a press conference and make appointments with relevant reporters to interview me!" Ma Tianxia ordered.

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua immediately understood Ma Tian's intention.

Soon after, a group of reporters gathered in a special room in Tianyu Xinghai, waiting for Ma Tian's arrival.

Li Runqi appropriately asked the Propaganda Department to write a post titled "The Strongest 90s Post-90s Ma Tian Live Responds to Rumors", which became a hot search topic.

Immediately, curious netizens also jumped to the live broadcast link to watch the press conference.

[Big Boss Ma Tian is going to hold a press conference to criticize people again? 】

[Looking forward to it, every press conference given by Mr. Ma Tian will be exciting! 】

Netizens didn't have to wait long before Ma Tian appeared.

Suddenly the whole place was in a commotion, and flashlights began to focus on Ma Tian.

But this time Ma Tian was not wearing sunglasses and his expression was very solemn. Whether it was the media at the scene or the netizens watching the live broadcast, they could feel Ma Tian's unhappiness.

Ma Tian, ​​who stood in the center of the stage, also looked at the camera with a serious face.

When it was almost time, he started with a heavy tone:

"Dear friends, good afternoon! Today I am holding a press conference. As everyone expected, it is to respond to the recent rumors spread by some companies about Tianming Automobile!

This incident made me very unhappy, and I was unhappy not because my car's sales figures were down, because I didn't care at all.

If you know a little bit about it, you can also know that my Tianrun No. 1 can earn me more than 100 billion yuan a year and 300 million yuan a day.

In comparison, selling cars is not profitable for me at all. I can also tell you responsibly that I even made a loss on the Tianming I sold to you. "

Ma Tian brought the atmosphere to a climax with just a few words. Especially when Ma Tian truly said that he made more than 100 billion a year, netizens became excited!

[Holy shit, boss Ma Tian finally admitted that he made more than 100 billion a year. I didn’t believe it when I read it online! 】

【More than 100 billion? Boss Ma Tian should be talking about pure profit, it’s so scary! 】

[300 million per day, 12.5 million per hour, 20833 per minute, 300 per second! 】

[When Mr. Ma Tian dropped 1,000 yuan, he didn’t even have to bend down to pick it up, because he probably made it back in the time it took to pick it up! 】

A group of business tycoons who had nothing to do to watch the live broadcast, such as Ma Huateng and Ma Yun, also fell silent. They are from the same family, why are you so good!

Ma Tian waited for the audience to quiet down before continuing: "In "Das Kapital", there is a saying called 'seeing the essence through the phenomenon'. What I am unhappy about today is because I saw through this rumor incident that Our Chinese people are not confident in domestic car brands.

Why do some of us Chinese people believe that there is something wrong with Tianming Motors just by a few random words from some companies? This question deserves everyone's deep thought. I will not expand on it here. The topic is too profound and does not fit my style.

My style is still:

That engineer whose name I don’t remember, how dare you question the car I built? If you have the ability, don’t go back to China and come to Tianyu Xinghai to “discuss” in person.

We dismantled one of my Tianming No. 2 cars on site to prove whether there was something wrong with my car or if you were deliberately spreading rumors.

If you win, I will give you 100 million US dollars. If you lose, I will go in and work on the sewing machine for 80 years, and I will ask you if you dare to come?

Do you dare to come? "

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