My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 121 Tail Air Cannon

After the warm-up performance of Xu Guangqing and the rich second generation, Musk looked at Ma Tian with an indifferent expression.

After thinking about it, he asked his assistant to bring a bottle of wine and a few empty glasses and went directly to Ma Tian.

"Hello, Ma Tian, ​​nice to meet you!" Musk said hello with a slight smile on his face.

Ma Tian withdrew his vision from the field and looked at Musk beside him, sizing him up and down, wondering what Musk's intentions were.

"Hello, Musk, nice to meet you too!" Ma Tian replied politely.

"Would you like a drink?" Musk gestured with his eyes to the wine held by the assistant, but Ma Tian shook his head and refused.

Being rejected, Musk didn't feel anything in his heart, and took the initiative to find a topic: "I have heard of your name Ma Tian as early as in the United States. Today I got my wish to meet you, and I have to thank you for giving me the face to participate in this event I organized. Contest."

Ma Tian smiled and said nothing to Musk's flattery. Ma Tian was the least interested in these commercial flattery tactics. Because every time he heard others praise him, Ma Tian felt a little uncomfortable.

Ma Tian would always feel a little against his will if he responded with a few compliments. If he doesn't respond, others will think he's rude.

Until now, Ma Tian couldn't think of a good way to respond. He just pretended to be silent and reluctantly accepted the flattery.

Musk saw that Ma Tian was indifferent and had an unnoticeable expression on his face. He paused for a moment. Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, he simply got to the point: "Ma Tian, ​​do you think electric vehicles will be the trend of the future?"

"It's hard to say, but it seems yes at the moment!" Ma Tian did not give a definite answer. Ma Tian was very wary of Musk, an American.

Musk nodded and did not continue to question Ma Tian's answer. Instead, he continued: "I think electric vehicles are the future trend. You must know that an electric vehicle can reduce at least 40% of the fuel consumption compared to a fuel vehicle. Carbon emissions, so many big countries in the world are making every effort to develop new energy sources, but..."

Musk's twist finally revealed his purpose: "However, Ma Tian, ​​when I first came to China, I heard that you used your Tianrun I to suppress the prices of new energy vehicles of Mercedes-Benz and BMW. Isn't this true? Is it not conducive to everyone’s competition and promoting the better development of new energy vehicles?”

In Musk's view, Ma Tian's move to bundle Tianrun I and sell Tianming II is simply a cancer in the industry.

Because the model s he plans to open for pre-order will also sell for 1 million. Isn’t this going against Ma Tian?

His Tesla has not established a reputation and has no price advantage. How can it be killed by Ma Tian’s Tianming No. 2 car?

But if the price is low, the profit will not only be low, but it will also not be in line with Tesla's strategy of becoming a high-end brand, so he feels it is necessary to talk to Ma Tian. Since he is a businessman, he must focus on profit and making money, so why make such a fuss? What about unpleasantness?

When Ma Tian heard that Musk actually said that he used Tianrun No. 1 to suppress the price of new energy vehicles, he finally understood Musk's intention.

Looking at Musk with a smile on his face, Ma Tian also saw the far-fetchedness behind his smile.

"How I sell my car is my own business. Besides, it's unreasonable for them to sell it so expensively." Ma Tian looked at Musk and said forcefully.

He got into trouble with this group of people when he looked unhappy. What could they do to him?

"Ma Tian, ​​shouldn't selling a product rely on product quality? Why bundle it with other things? I always believe that the final market price of a product is determined by its quality. Survival of the fittest is a healthy development! "Musk did not give up his purpose and continued to speak in a sincere tone.

After hearing this, Ma Tian no longer wanted to talk to Musk anymore. However, considering that Musk was the host of this competition, Ma Tian still explained:

"As you said, quality speaks for itself. If their quality is good, they can naturally set a higher price than my car and still sell it. The same goes for your car."

Musk was silent. The information before coming showed that Ma Tian was domineering and arrogant, and it turned out to be so when he saw him today.

Seeing that Ma Tian turned his head to look at the car track in front of him, Musk also knew enough to stop disturbing him and returned to his original position.

There was no longer a relaxed smile on his face that showed victory, but a serious look on his face.

If Tesla wants to develop in China, it must solve the obstacle of Tianming Automobile! He couldn't help but think, if his pure electric Tesla sells for 1 million, can it open up the Chinese market with its quality?

Musk couldn't help but look at his own model S at the racing site. After thinking about his home's far-leading three-electric technology and battery life, he finally regained his composure.

"Hmph, Ma Tian, ​​after all, you are only a hybrid. In the field of electric cars, you are far behind my Tesla."

Ruh Graham stared at Musk and Ma Tian from a distance for a long time. He was so curious that he asked Gaius Norman next to him: "Why is Musk looking for Ma Tian?"

"Why are you paying so much attention? Our goal is to win this race and prove the status of our veteran cars. Neither of them are good birds." Gaius Norman said nonchalantly.

Ruh Graham shook his head and focused his attention on the competition venue. The official competition was about to begin, and the sports cars assembled by the companies were about to make their final official appearance.

Toyota "Bull Demon King" Supra, Lamborghini "Poison", BMW's new M4, Mercedes-Benz SLS, etc., as well as Tianming III.

The Tianming No. 3 modified by Ma Tian finally unveiled its true form on the track.

The first thing that catches the eye is the wedge-shaped body, which is as flat as an eagle. The body lines are extremely smooth, showing a very dynamic curvy beauty.

The front of the car is low and sharp, equipped with large air intakes and slender LED headlights, making the entire front face look very sharp and fierce.

The body extends in a long line to the tail wing, mixed with several small air vents, and printed with the body of two five-clawed golden dragons, full of domineering and publicity.

The rear of the car is also very distinctive, with a large exhaust pipe composed of continuous exhaust ports.

However, Gaius Norman and Minoru Tsukada on the stage were stunned. Is this a fuel vehicle? Or a gasoline-electric hybrid? Why is there such a big exhaust pipe?

For example, the pure electric car Model S modified by Musk does not have this exhaust port. Because it is driven by a motor, there is no need to inhale air or anything.

Musk looked at Ma Tian's sports car, but he couldn't help but smile again.

Because whether Ma Tian is a fuel sports car or a hybrid sports car, the only pure electric sports car among the participating teams is his Tesla.

As the only pure electric sports car, the result will not be much different whether it wins or loses.

Losing can be said to be courageous. It represents pure electric vehicles challenging giants such as fuel vehicles. Winning is even better. It can directly indicate the replacement of the old with the new. The era of electric vehicles has arrived!

Besides, there is a high probability of winning! The new era will finally begin with him, Musk!

Ma Tian’s Tianming 3 is officially unveiled!

Xu Guangqing and others in the audience also cheered, mainly because they finally saw a domestic supercar, especially because the car looked so cool, so it naturally gave them face.

The media also used big cameras to take pictures of Tianming-3 in all aspects.

"Hello, dear viewers, what appears on the screen now is the supercar Tianming 3 developed by Tianyu Xinghai Company to participate in this competition. As you can also see, it looks very cool and domineering, let us look forward to Tianming 3 performance."

Netizens who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were also in awe, and hundreds of comments were refreshed at once.

[Wow, that’s so cool! This car body! 】

[The two dragons printed on this seal are too domineering. They incorporate elements of our country. Praise! 】

[If only I could go up and sit for a while! 】

[Tell us the price and let us give up! 】

Several participating sports cars slowly drove to the planned starting position, and a huge roar began to explode on the track.

Musk came to Ma Tian again, looked at the playing field with confidence and asked Ma Tian: "Ma Tian, ​​is your sports car this time a hybrid or a fuel car? What is the best record in previous tests?" "

Musk asked three critical questions, preparing to watch Ma Tian's show.

Ma Tian was unmoved and simply replied: "No, it's purely electric!"

Musk was stunned: "Purely electric?"

Seeing Ma Tian nod his head, he felt that things were a little out of his control. He hurriedly asked: "Then what is the big exhaust pipe at the back of your car?"

"Compressed air increases power!" Ma Tian didn't hide it. They could see this later anyway.

"What's the meaning?"

"See for yourself!" Ma Tian couldn't help but laugh. The outcome of this competition was already determined when he saw Musk's sports car. He was also guarding against Musk adding a rocket thruster to the back of the car. It seemed that he was too Overestimating them.

In order to break the 500 km/h limit, the current Tianming-3 has an air propeller added to the rear of the car, which can absorb the air flowing into the body of the car and then compress it internally for a super powerful injection.

Just like QQ Speedster, it accelerates once when the nitrogen gas is full.

When the internal air reaches a threshold, and the driver sees a visual prompt and presses the accelerator button on the steering wheel, the scroll engine at the rear of the car performs an air-compressed ejection.

It directly gives the car a huge thrust forward.

The reason why the shaped exhaust port is set up is because Ma Tian was afraid that the car would jump out suddenly and specially set up the jet structure to concentrate the thrust in front of the car instead of flying upwards.

Musk followed Ma Tian's eyes towards the playing field, and a scene he would never forget appeared.

I saw only a few cars driving towards the finish line following the starting signal. It was okay at the beginning. His Tesla and Ma Tian’s Tianming car started about the same. Fortunately, they were in the first leading position. The third place was Toyota’s. Bull Demon King Supra.

But halfway through the 400-meter track, the fuel-powered cars started to exert their power, and the Toyota Supra jumped into first place, followed by Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

As a result, Tianming's car looked like it had a cannon installed on its tail. It suddenly accelerated forward as soon as it ejected. It quickly passed all the cars forward and crossed the finish line in a single stroke!

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