My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 122 The King of Straight Lines

"Baga!" Tsukada Minoru was so angry that he slapped the table and stood up. Their Supra was obviously in first place in the middle of the race, so why was it overtaken by Ma Tian's Tianming car all of a sudden? What exactly is Ma Tian's car?

Ruh Graham and Gaius Norman, two BBA brothers and sisters, looked at each other and saw the helplessness and despair in each other's eyes.

This time, they were fourth and fifth respectively. Not to mention overtaking Tianming Motors, they didn’t even overtake Tesla, which was ranked third, which became a joke.

They could already imagine the anger of the directors at their respective headquarters when they saw the results of this game.

But the rich second generation people in the audience exclaimed, because the speedometer panel showed that Ma Tian's Tianming car broke 400 meters in only 8.6 seconds. How is this possible?

This data has broken the world record of 9.3 seconds!

Pu Yining opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the data on the speedometer panel, obviously unable to accept this fact.

Xu Guangqing also came over to finish the attack: "Fortunately, Yining, you didn't go on the field to participate, otherwise you would be embarrassed!"

Isn't it embarrassing? The top three all broke 10 seconds, and the gap between Pu Yining's 10.24 seconds and others was not even a hair.

This is just like the men's 100-meter fast run. Even a 0.1-second gap is a huge gap. Bolt's 9.64-second time is crushing other players' 9.9-second time.

"No, how is this possible? How can it be so fast?" Pu Yining still couldn't accept it, but who are the three great cars?

His Rafa cost tens of millions!

"Don't be stupid. How can a big company come to the competition if they don't have many skills?"

"That's it, let's see if you dare to show off that car in front of us in the future?"

Everyone said something, which made Pu Yining's face turn red. Pu Yining didn't know how to refute.

And the netizens watching the live broadcast on the Internet were all as if they were drunk, shouting in front of their computers:

[It’s cool, it’s so exciting, I actually overtook and won the first place in the second half of the race. 】

[Niubi, so awesome! Boss Ma Tian Niu Bi! 】

[Looking at the first half, I thought we were going to lose, but I didn’t expect that we actually won in the end. 】

After all, the domestic car is Ma Tian’s Tianming 3. Seeing the Tianming 3 beating a group of foreign supercars, it would be strange for netizens not to be excited and excited.

"How could it be so fast?" Musk looked blankly at the data on the panel, and his eyes couldn't help but stare at the big exhaust pipe at the rear of the Tianming No. 3 car.

The problem must be with that exhaust pipe!

"Musk, do you want to compete again?" Ma Tian looked at the stupid Musk and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. A normal game is run three times, looking at ET and RT.

ET refers to the absolute time taken for 400 meters, while RT represents the reaction time after the green light turns on. This competition mainly depends on ET.

However, this time Tianming No. 3 crushed it, leading the second place Toyota Supre by 9.7 seconds by dozens of meters. There was no suspense about first place.

Seeing Musk being hit, Ma Tian felt very happy.

As the saying goes, it’s good to torture food for a while, and it’s always good to torture food all the time!

"Ma Tian, ​​is your sports car really pure electric?" Musk came back to his senses and asked, still not sure.

Ma Tian nodded: "Yes!"

"Then can I take it apart and take a look?"

"What do you think?" Ma Tian refused. Musk is so shameless. He still wants to take it apart and take a look?

"If we don't continue the competition, then I'll leave. It's boring!" Ma Tian shook his head and left.

Musk was so angry that he was itching his teeth, but he still stopped him and said: "Competing twice more, winning the first place three times will be the undisputed king of the straight line today!"

Ma Tian nodded and did not refuse.

The sports cars once again returned to their respective starting points to prepare for the next race.

The audience at the scene and the audience in front of the computer screen also waited with bated breath. This time the director wisely pointed the camera only at Ma Tian's Tianming No. 3.

As the green light turned on, several sports cars shot out like arrows again.

This time everyone can see more clearly that Tesla and Tianming 3, which are electric cars, do have an advantage when it comes to starting, and are faster than fuel cars.

Especially Tesla, which is lighter in weight, is better than Tianming 3 in terms of starting point.

But at the midway point, the fuel vehicles started to exert force, and their powerful V8 engines began to run wildly. Especially the Toyota Supra, known as the Bull Demon King, maximized the performance of its powerful engine and took the lead midway.

But it was also in the middle of the way that Ma Tian's Tianming No. 3 was full of gas, and a tail air cannon accelerated, which directly caused the speed of the Tianming No. 3 car to soar, surpassing the Toyota Supra in one fell swoop, and rushed to the finish line first. dust!

This time, Musk, Tsukada Minoru and others clearly saw how Tianming-3 surpassed them all at once.

But Tsukada Minoru was still confused. He pulled his engineer and asked, "What's going on? Do you see why that car accelerated so quickly to overtake us?"

"But... maybe his engine is working hard!" The engineer who was pulled by Tsukada Minoru stammered. He didn't know. As an engineer, he naturally knew that acceleration was a process. How could it happen suddenly? Accelerating so fast, do you think it's a cannon firing?

"The last game was to record a video of Tianming No. 3, and we have to analyze it frame by frame!" Takehiko Ono, the director of GTR Ares Motors, said in a serious tone. As a GTR technology expert, he obviously felt that this Tianming No. 3 car had Strange, how can a sports car suddenly accelerate so fast in the middle of the road? Can you handle the turnaround?

Musk also shouted to his engineers to start focusing the camera on the whole body of the Tianming 3 car and start recording the screen.

Obviously they all knew something about technology and realized that there was something fishy about Ma Tian's car.

Seeing Tianming No. 3 crossing the line first, Xu Guangqing and other rich second-generation people in the audience screamed again.

Pu Yining also joined the cheering team this time. While reveling, he screamed: "I want to buy a Tianming sports car like this!"

Netizens who watched the live broadcast once again reveled in front of their computer screens:

[I finally understand what speed and passion is, it’s so exciting. 】

[It turns out that this is how the rich and powerful feel when watching racing. I never watched such racing, and I thought it was just like that. Today I truly understand the excitement of watching racing. 】

[Woooooo~, I envy the people at the scene! 】

[Boss Ma Tian, ​​can you let me drive Tianming No. 3 once? 】

Both times, they were able to cross the finish line in first place. There is no doubt that Tianming No. 3 is the winner of this competition. From now on, the title of "King of the Straight Line" of the Toyota Bull Demon Supra will change hands.

However, both Musk and Toyota's Minoru Tsukada insist on competing in the third game, even if the result is already determined. They want to capture the mystery of Tianming 3 this time.

However, Mercedes-Benz and BMW refused to accompany them. Gaius Norman took the lead and left with a livid face, followed closely by Ruh Graham.

I originally wanted to take this opportunity to re-prove the strength of my old car, but now it has been used as a backdrop. It’s really annoying!

Even though Gaius Norman was sitting in the car with his eyes closed, the scene of the race just now was still in his mind. He couldn't help but have doubts: "Is our Mercedes-Benz really lagging behind and about to be eliminated?"

In the third game, there were only three cars, namely Tianming No. 3, model S, and Toyota Supra.

Naturally, there is no doubt that Tianming No. 3 was the first to cross the line and maintain its first place.

Musk and Tsukada Minoru didn't care about the result of failure this time, and hurriedly went to their respective car preparation rooms to watch the videos they shot over and over again.

"Slow me down twice as fast as 5 seconds!"

"Slow down 4x!"

Under the watchful eyes of two groups of people and dozens of engineers, they finally saw clearly the mystery of Tianming-3's acceleration.

During the midfield, Tianming-3 was captured by a high-speed camera at a slow speed, and it was obvious that a group of huge gases were sprayed out from the jet pipe behind it.

It was like firing an air cannon.

Tsukada Minoru was stunned, and Takehiko Ono next to him was also stunned. What is this? Injector?

But shouldn't the injector catch fire? Didn't they see the fire? What is the principle of this injector?

Musk was also looking at the scene in the video in shock. He felt it was so familiar. Isn't this the rocket launcher he had dreamed of adding to the back of the car?

Did Ma Tian add a rocket launcher to the back of the car? However, it didn't look like it, there was no fire, and Ma Tian also said it was purely electric.

Musk's eyes were serious as he left the preparation room of his car and returned to Ma Tian again.

"Congratulations, Ma Tian, ​​you are the champion!" Musk took a deep breath and said to Ma Tian with a smile in the blink of an eye. He did a good job on the surface.

He is such a person. If he is inferior to others in a certain field, he will not be discouraged or give up, but will find ways to catch up.

Ma Tian had already calmed down from the torture of three successful kills. When he heard Musk's congratulations, he politely replied: "It's a fluke, it's just a fluke!"

This competition was originally intended to crush Tesla’s intention to take over Tianming Motors, and so far it seems to be working pretty well.

Not only did it crush Musk's idea of ​​showing off his own car, but it also increased the popularity of Tianming Motors.

That’s the beauty of competition!

Ma Tian can imagine that through this competition, Tianming Automobile will sell well again! After all, he represents domestic sports cars and beats foreigners.

When Musk heard Ma Tian say "lucky", the corner of Musk's mouth twitched imperceptibly.

Americans are rarely as humble as Chinese people, so he immediately thought that Ma Tian was mocking him.

The key is that he can't show off his expression. He pretends not to hear and says: "Ma Tian, ​​can you tell me why your car accelerates so fast in the middle of the road? What principle is used?"

"Didn't I say? Use a method of compressing air to increase power?"

"But, doesn't it require igniting an explosion in a closed environment? Just like nitrogen acceleration?" Musk looked at Ma Tian with suspicion when he said this, because if nitrogen acceleration and other combustion acceleration methods are used, then Ma Tian God violated the rules of the game.

Competition regulations stipulate that only road cars can be used for competition, and acceleration modifications such as nitrogen are illegal in China.

"Sorry, this is a new technology that we have not announced to the outside world!"

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