My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 123 Shanyi Heavy Industries’ request for help

"There are no new technologies announced to the public?" Musk fell silent after hearing this, staring at Ma Tian's face, hoping to see Ma Tian's guilty conscience, but he was obviously going to be disappointed.

Ma Tian's face was calm, and he obviously didn't seem to be lying without confidence.

Ma Tian didn't bother to explain anything to Musk's puzzled face, and left directly, pretending to be a wall and brushing off his clothes, hiding his achievements and fame.

The Internet has also begun to ferment. After all, it is the first time that a domestic sports car has crushed a world-class sports car. Let alone the past, if we look back ten years, such a big thing will not happen.

Netizens spontaneously forwarded the video of the competition crazily. Top video websites such as Bilibili also spread it for free, and some up owners also edited and explained it frantically.

This is the first time that a domestic sports car has become famous in the world. As a man, I have a dream of motorcycles. When I saw the title "The No. 1 Domestic Sports Car Beats the World's Famous Cars", they all stopped and clicked in.

Seeing that Tianming No. 3 won the first place without any suspense in the three competitions, a group of "fuck" and "fuck" people flooded the comment area.

The most popular one is a video edited by "Ozawa", a motorcycle enthusiast with hundreds of thousands of fans, because he, like Musk, Takehiko Ono and other engineers, analyzed the entire process of the Tianming 3 race frame by frame.

He added his analysis to the video, especially when the Tianming-3 air cannon was activated, he slowed it down to 0.25 times to watch and added special effects.

"As you can see, in the slow-speed playback, it is obvious that Tianming-3 does not know what technology it has used. The tail outlet pipe seems to have fired a cannonball, causing Tianming-3 to suddenly generate a huge thrust and accelerate forward, in one fell swoop. Surpass all sports cars and win the championship!

Everyone looked carefully. At this moment, an obvious air shock bubble appeared at the rear of the car, and then Tianming 3 began to speed up. This air cannon is formed by extremely compressed air. I am sorry that I am not very knowledgeable and cannot understand its principle. But a friend of mine who is good at mathematics calculated that the instantaneous Nm of Tianming-3 at this time reached an astonishing more than 20,000 Nm.

With this air cannon, if a normal person stood behind it, he would be blown 50 meters away. "

Netizens can’t understand mathematical analysis, but just call them “Niu Bi”. If you are good at writing, you should have more words. By the way, they praised Ma Tian:

"Boss Ma Tian is really strong. If he says to build a sports car, he will build a sports car. I remember he built it in three months, right?"

"Yes, I remember that before Musk organized the competition, Tianming Motors didn't even consider sports cars, and was forced by Musk to rush to the shelves. As a result, I laughed to death. It was built in three months to beat Musk, a pure clown! "

"Without further ado, let's just buy a Tianming car to celebrate. Who said domestically produced cars don't have brand names?"

Musk is a frequent surfer. When he saw these comments scolding him, he was so angry that he almost dropped his phone.

In particular, these videos were uploaded to YouTube and Little Bluebird by netizens, where they became extremely popular.

fuck! He has never been so embarrassed online!

"Has Martin Company announced any news about the listing of Tianming No. 3?" Musk put down his cell phone and asked his beautiful assistant angrily.

He was so unwilling to lose this time that he insisted on buying a Tianming No. 3 to dismantle and analyze it to find out what technology Ma Tian used to accelerate.

The beautiful assistant shook her head and said truthfully: "Tianyu Xinghai has not officially released Tianming-3 at the moment. It has only announced some parameters, some of which you may be interested in!"


"Tianming 3 is a pure electric high-tech sports car, driven by four motors, with a maximum range of 220 kilometers!"

"220 kilometers?" Musk's serious expression suddenly relaxed a lot, because even the basic version of his model S equipped with a 60-kilowatt-hour battery has a range of 390 kilometers, which is much better than Ma Tian's Tianming 3.

However, he also realized that Ma Tian's company may also have a full set of pure electric vehicle technology.


Ma Tian is indeed Tesla's biggest opponent. Musk's expression became serious.

At the same time, inside a company called Shanyi Heavy Industry in Hunan Province.

A group of engineers looked at the engine of one of their excavators with serious faces.

"Mitsubishi's engineers must be hiding something, otherwise the mechanical efficiency would not be so low!" Hou Chengzhi, a senior mechanical engineer, took off the wrench from the engine and said in a heavy tone.

"Obviously, they must be hiding something. Not only do their excavators consume less fuel than us, but they are also much more powerful than us!"

"Made, not only are you selling our obsolete engines, but you're also fucking hiding it. You're really not a thing!"

Other engineers were also filled with indignation and cursed Mitsubishi.

"That's enough, what's the use of scolding others! If we scold, can our engine technology progress?" R\u0026D Director Zhong Yongtao silenced the audience with one sentence.

If Mitsubishi dares to do this, isn't it bullying them because China has no alternative engine? Now, the engine of Yamaichi Heavy Industries' excavator must be either Mitsubishi or Isuzu. Both are companies from their island country. It is estimated that the two companies have been colluding offline for a long time, and they have realized that their technology is not good enough.

When everyone heard Director Zhong Yongtao's rhetorical question, they were so frustrated that they shut up. It's not that they had never tried to make engines, and they had even copied Mitsubishi engines, but their ideals were full and the reality was cruel.

The quality, smoothness, reliability, power, emissions, etc. of their imitation engines are hugely different from other people's engines. Moreover, they are sold to them in eliminated and castrated versions. It makes me feel ashamed just thinking about it.

"How about we try to find Tianyu Xinghai Technology?" Hou Chengzhi's words broke the silence at the scene.

Zhong Yongtao looked at Hou Chengzhi and said puzzledly: "Ma Tian makes new energy hybrid cars. I remember that the engine is also from abroad, right?"

"Well, that's right!" Hou Chengzhi nodded, "However, Director Zhong, the Tianming 3 recently built by Tianyu Xinghai is a pure electric car that uses its own motor drive technology. I'm thinking, our excavator is Can’t we also try using a motor?”

"Motor, can the motor drive it?"

"Yes, the motor is destined to have low mechanical efficiency in attack!"

Before Zhong Yongtao expressed his opinion, other engineers had already discussed this issue and all denied it.

"Tell me your basis, Chengzhi." Zhong Yongtao was not in a hurry to deny it. Hou Chengzhi was a relatively stable engineer under him, and his words should not be on target.

"Well, Director Zhong. Recently I have paid attention to Tianyu Xinghai's Tianming No. 3 car. Although it has a motor engine, it seems to have won the competition with many foreign sports car brands! Although Ma Tian did not announce the Tianming No. 3 car Related technologies, but judging from the results, the electric engine in the Tianming No. 3 car is not weak!"

Hou Chengzhi said slowly, and everyone present was thoughtful when they heard this.

"It makes sense. A car engine can be so powerful, so it doesn't necessarily mean it is weak in other aspects! Anyway, Tianyu Xinghai is not far from us, so it doesn't hurt to go and have a look!"

"Yes, it would be good to let the boss Ma Tian take a look. What if they can see the hidden problems in the Mitsubishi engine?"

Everyone collectively changed the direction and began to express their support for Hou Chengzhi. Anyway, they were at their wits' end. Although they didn't want to admit it, they really couldn't defeat these islanders.

Only Ma Tian, ​​recognized as a top scientist and industry disruptor, may have some hope.

Zhong Yongtao also nodded and agreed with this view.

The next day, Zhong Yongtao made an appointment to meet with Tianyu Xinghai. Su Xihua agreed after thinking about the appointment with Shanyi Heavy Industries.

In the Tianyu Xinghai Living Room, Zhong Yongtao and Hou Chengzhi met Su Xihua.

"Hello, Mr. Su!" Zhong Yongtao looked at Su Xihua who was coming over, and quickly stood up to say hello to Hou Chengzhi.

"You're welcome, please take a seat!" Su Xihua gestured with his hand to take a seat.

After Su Xihua took his seat, Zhong Yongtao went straight to the point without further ado: "Mr. Su, I won't talk nonsense. The main purpose of coming today is to ask you about Tianyu Xinghai's ability to manufacture engines and use them in our excavations." On board?"

"Excavator?" Su Xihua looked at Zhong Yongtao. After doing the preparations, he also understood in advance that the engines of Shanyi Heavy Industry were mainly provided by two island companies, Mitsubishi and Isorei.

He couldn't help but ask: "Is there something wrong with Mitsubishi or Isogei?"

Zhong Yongtao didn't hide it. There was no use hiding it anyway. He told the truth directly: "Both companies have problems. The engine sold to us is obviously a castrated version!"

"The castrated version? Can't it achieve the desired effect?"


Su Xihua fell into deep thought after listening, wondering whether the electric engine developed by Ma Tian could drive large equipment such as an excavator.

Zhong Yongtao and Hou Chengzhi waited quietly, not daring to disturb Su Xihua.

"We can give it a try, but the result is not guaranteed!" Su Xihua finally said and agreed to help.

Because he knew that Ma Tian would definitely not refuse this help here.

Ma Tian is especially interested in suppressing products from island countries.

"Next time, just drive an excavator to our factory and let's take a look!" Su Xihua continued. Only by seeing the principle of the excavator on site can we estimate whether it is feasible or not.

Hearing that Tianyu Xinghai immediately agreed without asking the price, Zhong Yongtao was a little flattered and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you!"

"It's okay, we are all compatriots!" After Su Xihua shook hands, he sent Zhong Yongtao away with a surprised look on his face. He turned around and went to find Ma Tian. Ma Tian was also very interested in this matter as Su Xihua expected.

In fact, Ma Tian has long wanted to build a big guy. Man, who doesn’t have a mecha dream?

It’s just that it’s faster to build new energy vehicles to gain system impact value, so Ma Tiancai considered building new energy vehicles first.

Currently, affected by Musk's last competition, sales of Tianming No. 1 have significantly increased. Ma Tian's system impact value has finally reached more than 9.9 million, approaching 10 million.

Originally, this time could be shorter, but in the middle of building the bike, I took some more subjects. Another one is that the impact value brought by shared bicycles has reached its peak and cannot increase!

However, Ma Tian estimates that the impact value will reach 10 million in just a few days!

The next day, on the road leading to Tianyu Xinghai Company, Shanyi Heavy Industries' 26-ton medium-sized excavator was driven by a large truck to Ma Tian's car factory, which also attracted car drivers along the way to watch.

Led by Zhong Yongtao, who was sitting in the co-pilot of a large truck, the team arrived at the car manufacturing factory of Tianyu Xinghai.

As the unloading tracks were placed, the 26-ton medium-sized machine slowly drove off the large truck, revealing its complete and ferocious appearance.

Su Xihua stood below with a group of engineers and felt his own insignificance.

"Mr. Su, our excavator is here!" Zhong Yongtao came over to say hello.

Su Xihua smiled back: "Welcome, Mr. Zhong! Let your excavator come with us!"

After saying that, Su Xihua led the way, and the excavator slowly followed behind and drove into the specially built car factory!

I saw various robot arms hanging on both sides of the factory, and various stamping and forging tools could be seen everywhere.

"Drive here!" Su Xihua directed.

When the vehicle drove to the designated location, Su Xihua also turned to Zhong Yongtao and said: "Tell us about the design structure of your excavator, Engineer Li, bring over the blackboard!"

Zhong Yongtao nodded and signaled Hou Chengzhi on the side to get ready to explain.

While waiting for the blackboard to be turned on, Zhong Yongtao couldn't help but ask: "Will Mr. Ma not come over?"

To be honest, Zhong Yongtao feels more at ease with Ma Tian's sea-fixing needle.

Moreover, Ma Tian has long been famous, and he also wants to see it.

"Mr. Ma will be here later!" Su Xihua replied. He didn't know that Ma Tian was hiding in the laboratory at this time, waiting for the system impact value to reach 10 million.

After a while, the blackboard was brought up.

Hou Chengzhi began to introduce his excavator mechanism on the blackboard with a colored pen:

“Our 260 excavator is mainly composed of engine, transmission system, driving system, braking system, working device, hydraulic system, electrical system, etc.

The chemical energy of diesel is converted into mechanical energy through the diesel engine, and the mechanical energy is converted into hydraulic energy through the hydraulic piston pump. The hydraulic energy is distributed to each actuator through the hydraulic system (hydraulic cylinder, rotary motor + reducer, traveling motor + reducer) .

Then each actuator converts the hydraulic energy into mechanical energy to realize the movement of the working device, the rotary movement of the rotary platform, the walking movement of the whole machine, etc.

Please take a look at the location of our engine! "

After Hou Chengzhi finished speaking, he picked up a special screw turner, a special crowbar and other tools, and he and several other engineers opened the engine cover of the excavator parked aside.


The engine cover fell to the ground with a loud noise.

Hou Chengzhi motioned to Tianyu Xinghai engineers to come over and take a close look at the complete internal structure of the medium-sized engine room.

Then, he taught him according to his aptitude and introduced the complete internal structure of the excavator's engine room to Su Xihua and other engineers one by one:

“Please see, the engine controls the hydraulic system through the piston, uses the hydraulic pump to convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy, and transmits it through the hydraulic components. Finally, through the hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic motor, the hydraulic energy is converted into mechanical energy to realize various actions of the excavator. !

The problem we encounter now is that the mechanical efficiency of this engine is too low, which is far inferior to foreign excavator brands. As a result, we are not competitive enough in the world!

Today we are here just to see if the electric engine can also drive this hydraulic device and the mechanical power is sufficient! Of course, the maximum cost should not be too much higher than the engine of Wuling. "

After saying that, Hou Chengzhi looked at Su Xihua.

Su Xihua was expressionless after hearing the entire structure of the excavator. The engine power of the excavator was only between 140 and 200 horsepower.

Compared with the engine horsepower of a car, it is not much different. The only difference is the speed.

For example, when an excavator rotates at a low speed, it pursues power and high torque, while when a car rotates at a high speed, it pursues speed and explosive power.

The horsepower of Tianming Motor’s electric engine is sufficient to meet the engine horsepower requirements of the excavator. The only difficulty is adaptation.

This requires constant experimentation and refinement.

"Do you have a complete design drawing of the hydraulic device?" Su Xihua asked.

"Yes, but some specific components are not available because they are imported from abroad." Speaking of this, Zhong Yongtao was a little embarrassed.

But this is the national situation. There are very few precision components for large-scale mechanical equipment made in China, and most of them are foreign.

Su Xihua sighed and did not force it: "Show me the hydraulic system first!"

He could also understand, including Tianming Automobile, that many components were imported from abroad, and even Ma Tian could only make new things based on this.

Su Xihua is still communicating and learning with the engineers from Shanyi Heavy Industry.

But Ma Tian was sitting upright in the laboratory and closed the door.

Because the system impact value has finally reached the 9999900 mark, and now there are only a few, and the numbers are being added upwards.




Ma Tian waited with bated breath.

Finally, the system reached 10 million, and the system prompt sounded at this moment:

Congratulations to the host Ma Tian for reaching 10 million influence value. The first 10 million influence value reward will be awarded!

Ma Tian's consciousness sank into his mind, and all he saw was the system list:

Technology affects the system:

Host: Ma Tian

A. Mathematics: Lv3 (0/100000)

B. Physics: Lv3 (0/100000)

C. Engineering: Lv3 (0/100000)

D. Material Science: Lv3 (0/100000)

E. Biochemistry: Lv3 (0/100000)

F. Informatics: Lv3 (0/100000)

G. Securities Science: Lv2 (0/10000)

Impact value: 10000012

System gift package: "Research on Improving Positioning Accuracy Based on Chaos Theory" (reward of 100,000 impact value), "Research on Cell Activity I" (reward of 1 million impact value), "Research on a New High-Precision Laser Processing".

Stay tuned…

Seeing that the paper awarded by the 10 million impact value system was about high-precision laser processing, Ma Tian was so excited that he stood up from his seat and clenched his right hand tightly to express his inner excitement.

The only thing that restricts his development now is some high-precision equipment. Unexpectedly, this time the system is so powerful that it actually provides what he needs right now.

Although he hasn't read the paper yet, Ma Tian also knows that what the system provides is definitely not bad, and 80% of it is a high-tech laser technology that does not exist on earth.

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