My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 124 Do you want to hear the truth or lies?

After temporarily calming down his excitement, Ma Tian read the paper rewarded by the system:

The principle of laser processing is based on the interaction of light and matter. Generally speaking, laser is a beam with high focus and high energy density. When the laser beam irradiates the surface of the material, it will cause the light effect of the material...

But we have discovered a new light frequency wave here, which can be used with special alloy materials to control its temperature and characteristics between 1nm and 9nm to avoid the light effect of the material and achieve high-precision processing...

After reading the abstract, Ma Tian came back to his senses from the system. In short, this paper mentioned a new light wave technology, which can be used with special materials to form a high-precision processing laser to engrave materials.

Ma Tian estimates that he will have to study it for a while as to how to achieve it specifically, because his current knowledge can tell something about the conditions for producing this light frequency wave, and it is definitely not simple.

Now there is another important decision before Ma Tian, ​​which is which discipline to add to Lv4 with 10 million influence values.

Knowing that Level 3 is already so powerful, Ma Tian has a hunch that the knowledge of Level 4 has exceeded the current earth civilization.

Ma Tian’s first idea was to add mathematics. After all, mathematics is the key to all sciences, but he also wanted to add physics, because physics paints a complete picture of the material world and is the most important tool for understanding the objective laws of the world.

After struggling for a long time, and fearing that adding the system to Level 4 would bring about some immutable factors, Ma Tian temporarily put the system aside and walked out of the laboratory to the car factory. He still remembered that Shanyi Heavy Industry would drive an excavator today. Came to visit.

When Ma Tian arrived, he found that Su Xiwen and his group were having a heated discussion.

"Mr. Ma!" Seeing Ma Tian, ​​Tianyu Xinghai's engineers quickly stopped to say hello.

The engineers of Shanyi Heavy Industry couldn't help but look at Ma Tian. It was also the first time for them to see the legendary Ma Tian in real life. It would be false to say that they had no emotions at all. A group of people also had different thoughts.

"Mr. Ma!" Zhong Yongtao, the leader of Shanyi Heavy Industry, also greeted him quickly and did not dare to neglect.

Ma Tian nodded, smiled in response, came to Su Xihua's side, looked at the excavator next to him, and said, "Tell me about the situation!"

"Okay, Mr. Ma. The current situation is that Shanyi Heavy Industry feels that the engine they bought from the island country is not good, and they want to try to replace it with the electric engine in our car..." Su Xihua briefly introduced the situation.

Ma Tian was expressionless after hearing this and said: "That doesn't look difficult. The best thing to do is to adapt the hydraulic system. We need to modify our electric engine to be suitable for the excavator."

"Exactly!" Su Xihua nodded. This was indeed simple. Ma Tian immediately saw the key and he was not surprised at all.

Zhong Yongtao, Hou Chengzhi and others next to him were silent. How could the problems they thought were difficult be made so simple in front of Ma Tian.

In order to earn some face back, Zhong Yongtao also said: "Mr. Ma, maybe we should also pay attention to efficiency. We don't know what's happening here. The mechanical efficiency of engine transmission is only 30%, which is far lower than the expected 45%. "

"Do you have a structure diagram? Give me the structure diagram!" After hearing this, Ma Tian said to Zhong Yongtao.

"Yes!" Zhong Yongtao hurriedly took out the structural diagram from his briefcase. Although he didn't know what Ma Tian meant by "calculate", he still did it.

I saw Ma Tian taking the structural diagram handed over and looking at it briefly.

Ma Tian started calculating with chalk on the blackboard at the scene. A lot of mathematical formulas that he couldn't understand were listed one by one by Ma Tian:

Pt=σbc Pn=ψPt

Pt=σ×b×c=σ q/L

Then Ma Tian paused from time to time, wrote the mental arithmetic answers on the blackboard, and continued to calculate. Occasionally, he would ask Zhong Yongtao some key parameters:

"What's the power of your engine? What's the torque?"

"The power is 160 horsepower and the torque can reach 1800Nm!"

After 15 minutes, Ma Tian looked at the answer he had calculated and couldn't help but asked: "You are from the 260 series, and the bucket capacity is 1.3 cubic meters. According to the power parameters of your engine, the actual fuel consumption per hour is 16-20 liters." , now you are 22 liters - 24 liters?"

"Yes!" Zhong Yongtao's eyes suddenly lit up. Did Ma Tian calculate their fuel consumption? There is something!

Hou Chengzhi and other engineers from Shanyi Heavy Industry behind them also opened their eyes in surprise. They looked at the incomprehensible calculation formulas on the blackboard, and then looked at Ma Tian who was deep in thought. They really couldn't understand how Ma Tian calculated it.

Ma Tian did not answer carefully, but asked Su Xihua: "Didn't Ye Yuyan come to the scene? Ask her to bring her computer and build a model!"

Ye Yuyan is a modeling talent discovered by Ma Tian, ​​and she is also a woman. She was originally a painting major, but then she started painting on a computer due to some misunderstanding. Finally, she studied engineering and came to model modeling.

Its modeling level is very high, and it ranks first in Tianyu Xinghai except Ma Tianxia.

For an item, she can quickly draw it by hand and model it. If there are more detailed parameters, she can restore the model one to one.

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua started to contact Ye Yuyan on the phone.

About 15 minutes later, a cute girl with big black-rimmed glasses, straight black hair, a big schoolbag on her back, and a large wooden board on her chest came to the workshop. It was Ye Yuyan!

"Mr. Ma!" Ye Yuyan greeted Ma Tian.

The engineers of Shanyi Heavy Industry had never seen Ye Yuyan in person, so they were a little confused. He didn't look like a modeler, did he?

"Yes. I came to you today to cooperate with me in modeling and analyzing this excavator!" Ma Tian responded simply.

Su Xihua was sensible enough to send someone to move tables and stools.

I saw Ye Yuyan taking out the computer from the big schoolbag behind her back and placing it on the table. Then she calmly started to set up a drawing board aside and watched the excavator start to draw the structure by hand.

Ma Tian also kept saying: "The first section of the robotic arm structure, the angle is 30° upward, you should be able to visually measure the length!"

"1.6 meters!" Ye Yuyan glanced at the first section of the robotic arm and immediately gave the answer.

Hou Chengzhi on the side was stunned, because it was indeed 1.6 meters in length. Good guy, a human eye measuring instrument?

"This is a boom oil pole. It's 1.2 meters on the design drawing, and it's about 78° upward, although I think 78° is unreasonable!"

“It’s a boom and rotating center joint.”

Ma Tian and Ye Yuyan cooperated. Ma Tian said something, and Ye Yuyan quickly drew a picture on the sketch pad. The drawing was fast and accurate, which was also an eye-opener for the engineers on the other side. This drawing is too standard!

Obviously Ye Yuyan is also very proficient in these mechanical structures, and he is simply awesome.

Zhong Yongtao and Hou Chengzhi looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

No wonder Tianyu Xinghai has such strong research and development capabilities. Not only is Ma Tian awesome, but other employees there are probably also crouching tigers, hidden dragons!

Not to mention Su Xihua, who won the national bicycle design competition, Ye Yuyan was also a master that they did not expect.

Ma Tian and Ye Yuyan were still cooperating. Soon after, the detailed structure of the 260 excavator driven by Shanyi Heavy Industry was drawn on Ye Yuyan's drawing board.

And there are also annotation lines and auxiliary lines marking each parameter.

Then Ye Yuyan started to turn on the computer and started modeling with UG tools, typing on the keyboard very fast.

Ma Tian also stood aside, looking at the modeling details and starting to deduce them with a draft.

The others stood aside and did not dare to disturb them. Although they could not understand clearly, they did not realize how serious it was.

Another half an hour later, Ma Tian looked at the draft in his hand, and also went directly to the boom of the excavator, pointed to the location of a telescopic spring and said: "If I didn't calculate it wrong, the biggest problem you have at present is At this spring!”

Ma Tian's face turned ugly because he found that there was something wrong with the entire excavator's structural design. When he was just doing calculations, the more he calculated, the more awkward he became, as if he was shoveling shit while suppressing the smell.

For example, he found that there was a problem with the design of the stick cylinder. It was too long and the top coupling was not good. As a result, he had to endure the awkwardness and continue to calculate.

"Is there something wrong with this telescopic spring?" Zhong Yongtao came forward and looked at where Ma Tian was pointing, with a serious look on his face.

"It's the biggest problem!" Ma Tian said in disgust.

"What's the meaning?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?" Ma Tian looked at Zhong Yongtao and said calmly.

"Mr. Ma, of course I want to hear the truth!" Zhong Yongtao looked at Ma Tian, ​​unsure of what was going on, and his heart was in doubt.

"Oh, the truth is, in my opinion, there are problems with your entire excavator design and structure!" Ma Tian said truthfully.


Zhong Yongtao and the engineers from Shanyi Heavy Industry were stunned when they heard this.

They wanted to retort angrily, but facing Ma Tian, ​​they didn't know where to start.

"Pfft~" Ye Yuyan couldn't hold back her laughter. When everyone looked at her, she quickly covered it with her hands and pretended not to laugh.

Both she and Su Xihua, who were familiar with Ma Tian, ​​knew that Ma Tian saw that Shanyi Heavy Industries was from other companies and gave them some face.

If this was their design, Ma Tian would definitely scold them for "what rubbish they designed".

"Mr. Ma, please give me some advice!" Zhong Yongtao blushed a little, but put down his shame and asked humbly.

"Let's change this spring first. Change it to 18 centimeters. There is something wrong with the original 20 centimeters elasticity!" Ma Tian did not point out other problems, but asked Shanyi Heavy Industries to change the spring first.

Because he could tell from the expressions of Shanyi Heavy Industries engineers that they didn't believe that their excavators had problems all over their bodies, so why not use this spring to prove it first!

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" Zhong Yongtao suppressed the doubts in his heart and did as he was told.

However, this spring is also imported and cannot be replaced now. It needs to be customized by a foreign company. He said: "Mr. Ma, this spring may take a while to be replaced. We cannot make such a good one in China at the moment!"

"Who said that? Our Tianyu Xinghai can do it!" Ma Tian said. These simple high-precision processes such as springs must have been broken by him long ago, but he just thought it was too simple and did not announce it to the public.

Unexpectedly, just a high-precision spring, except for him in China, would be so lagging behind other countries. This was something Ma Tian did not expect.

"Can Tianyu Xinghai make this spring?" Zhong Yongtao confirmed again.

Ma Tian nodded and signaled Su Xihua to arrange for someone to make it directly on site. He didn't think his Tianyu Xinghai was great, but he felt that there was still a long way to go in China.

Su Xihua took people down to make it. Zhong Yongtao looked at the calm Ma Tian and had mixed feelings in his heart.

At this moment, he felt like a country bumpkin who had just entered the city, looking at the various operations developed by Tianyu Xinghai.

It turns out that unknowingly, the manufacturing technology of other domestic companies has become so strong? Or is Shanyi Heavy Industry lagging too far behind?

This reminded him of when he went to the island country to visit the manufacturing workshop of Mitsubishi Corporation's headquarters five years ago. At that time, he also felt like a country bumpkin entering the city.

"Technology must be technology! If a company does not have its own technology and continues to research and develop, it will never be able to hold its head high!" Zhong Yongtao's heart was roaring like rough waves.

He decided that when he returned to Shanyi Heavy Industries, he must persuade the senior management to increase investment in research and development. Relying on foreign companies would only make it difficult for him to make progress!

More than an hour later, Su Xihua came over with the freshly cooled spring.

Engineers from Shanyi Heavy Industry cooperated with Tianyu Xinghai's machines to replace the springs at the excavator arm on site.

After the replacement was completed and the diesel tank was filled, Hou Chengzhi climbed into the cab of the excavator, started the engine and started testing.

The roar of the engine began to boom in the workshop. Zhong Yongtao stared at the consumption of the fuel tank without blinking, and his ears were listening to the sound of the overall working of the excavator.

Ten minutes later, Zhong Yongtao and his engineer were shocked when they looked at the oil capacity consumed in the tank. About 2.7 liters of oil had been consumed in the tank.

The problem really lies in the spring! According to the original spring design, the fuel consumption at this time should be about 3 liters.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with the spring. The stupid Datong company deliberately sold us an inappropriate size!"

"Mr. Ma is so awesome. How did you figure this out?"

The engineers of Shanyi Heavy Industries were blown away!

Hou Chengzhi also jumped out of the cockpit and asked: "How is it? Has the fuel consumption been reduced?"

"Yes, fuel consumption has been reduced by about 0.3L!"

Hou Chengzhi was silent. Ma Tian was indeed right. The problem that had troubled them for a long time was suddenly discovered by Ma Tian.

How did Ma Tian do it? Is this the strength of top mathematicians?

Zhong Yongtao also recovered from the shock of learning the test results, came to Ma Tian and said: "Mr. Ma, you are right, there is indeed something wrong with the spring!"

"Keep the excavator, and I will improve it for you on this basis. Your entire excavator has big problems!" Ma Tian looked at Zhong Yongtao and said in a tone that could not be criticized.

His strength has been proven, let's let Shanyi Heavy Industries see what a real excavator is!

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" Zhong Yongtao agreed without thinking. Shanyi Heavy Industry had no reason to refuse!

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