My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 126 Is this still my excavator?

In the Tianyu Xinghai car factory, Ma Tian looked at the excavator he had modified with Su Xihua and others, and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

In the past month or so, he has used the third paper awarded by the system, "Research on a New High-Precision Laser Processing", to create the first precision 3D laser processing instrument, which can perform processing on the basis of the original object's components. Precision processing again.

It was on the basis of this 3D laser processing instrument that Ma Tiancai created components that met his requirements and modified his ideal excavator.

"Xihua, go outside and find a truck. Let's go outside and test the performance of this excavator!" Ma Tian said to Su Xihua on the side.

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua went down to make arrangements.

And Ma Tian also climbed directly into the internal control room of the excavator.

The original layout of the excavator's internal control room has been greatly changed.

Ma Tian sat in the main seat and clicked the smart screen switch hanging at an 80-degree angle with his right hand. The smart screen lit up and his identity was recognized by face recognition.

"Welcome, Mr. Ma Tian. The indoor temperature is now 28 degrees, the outdoor temperature is 32 degrees, and the battery power is still 96%."

"Classmate Xiaotian, I am going to drive out of the workshop now, please help me pay attention to the obstacles around me!"

"Okay, sir! The intelligent assisted driving mode has been turned on for you!"

After listening to Xiaotian's assistant's prompts, Ma Tian also stepped on the foot pedal to control the direction and drove towards the factory gate.

That's right, it's the foot pedal. It uses the original operating lever to control forward and backward. The difference is that Ma Tian also added a foot pedal below, which is divided into two left and right foot pedals.

There is a sensitive sensor on the foot pedal. If the toes of the right foot are stepped forward on the right foot pedal, the excavator will move forward. If the heel is stepped back, the excavator will move backward.

The speed is determined by the gear on the right hand side, which is similar to the gears of a manual transmission car. Gear 1 has the smallest horsepower and gear 5 has the highest power.

The left foot controls the left and right movements. If the left foot turns outward, it will turn left, and if it turns right, it will turn right. This will only work in conjunction with the forward and backward movements of the right foot.

If it is inconvenient to use your feet, you can continue to use the joystick.

Originally, Ma Tian wanted to change it to one that only uses his feet, but Su Xihua reminded that some people have difficulty with their legs and feet, so Ma Tian kept this option.

Under the control of Ma Tian, ​​the excavator quickly drove out of the workshop and welcomed its first ray of sunshine.

Not long after arriving at the designated experimental site, Su Xihua also came with a truck.

I saw the truck driver looking at Ma Tian's modified excavator, his eyes wide open and full of shock.

"Hey, is this an excavator?" Liu Jinyuan, the truck driver, has worked with hundreds of excavators of various sizes for decades, and he has never seen an excavator like this.

I saw that the excavator's tracks had been changed by Ma Tian into square tracks, just like a big spider with four legs, and the excavator's mechanical arm was no longer just a bucket, but also had a breaker hammer hanging on it, and Liu Jinyuan didn't understand a horizontal steel plate.

"Boss, what is this?" Liu Jinyuan asked an engineer from Tianyu Xinghai standing aside.

"It's the excavator. Didn't you see the bucket in front? Just park the car there later!" Tianyu Xinghai's engineer pointed to the not far behind the excavator and said.

"...Boss, that breaker of yours is too scary. If it starts moving while pouring soil, won't my car be ruined?" Liu Jinyuan was obviously worried. He knew the power of the breaker, and what kind of rocks and stones? The fun was over in one go. If it shook his car, it would probably break into pieces.

"Did you forget which company this is? If your car breaks down, I'll give you a new one at the original price!" Su Xihua, who was walking from a distance, happened to hear Liu Jinyuan's worries and added, "Okay, take the car. Drive over!"

Hearing that Su Xihua said he could compensate, Liu Jinyuan felt relieved. Thinking that Tianyu Xinghai would not lie to them, an ordinary person, he obediently got into the car and started it and came to the side of the excavator.

When Ma Tian saw the truck in place, he also turned on the excavator mode.

There was a big rock in front of him. Ma Tianxian asked Xiaotian Assistant to turn on the crusher function on the smart screen.

Then the top of the huge robotic arm began to rotate, the bucket retreated, and the breaker came to the top. The truck driver Liu Jinyuan's eyes widened as he watched the changes.

If he hadn't seen "Transformers", otherwise he would have to say "robot transformation"!

The breaker hammer came to the top of the robotic arm. When the smart screen prompted that the function had been switched, Ma Tian operated the right joystick and began to break the big rocks in front of him.

Overall, it only took three steps:

The first step was to use a breaker to break the stone into pieces. As soon as the breaker approached the big stone, the violent up and down vibration shook the big stone into a series of small stones in less than 3 seconds.

In the second step, the left hand operates the third component hanging on the front end of the robotic arm - the horizontal steel plate. Like the support hand, it is placed in front of the broken stone as a holder to fix the stone, and then the breaker is used in sequence to start further crushing.

In the third step, the excavator's mechanical arm switches to the bucket function again, the breaker moves back, and the bucket begins to switch up.

Something that shocked Liu Jinyuan happened again. He saw that the two sides of the bucket actually expanded outwards from the center. The original bucket of about 80 centimeters suddenly became 1.2 meters. With the help of the horizontal plate steel holder, a shovel directly He dug up most of the gravel, then began to quickly spin it onto the bed of his truck and pour it into it.

The whole process was completed in one go and very smoothly, much more efficient than the hundreds of excavators he had seen over the decades.

Ma Tian was not reluctant, and with the second shovel, he dug up all the remaining gravel and poured it onto the truck bed, and then began to try to dig the soil.

A total of about 15 scoops were dug, and each scoop was about 2 cubic meters. In just 5 minutes, a large pit of about 30 cubic meters was dug out, and more than half of the flat-packed 55-square-meter truck compartment was filled.

Ma Tian did not stop and continued to expand the scope of the excavation. He did not stop until the truck compartment was full.

Su Xihua looked at Liu Jinyuan, who was stunned on the spot, and shouted: "Please clear out the cargo compartment, and just dump it on the flat ground not far away!"

Liu Jinyuan recovered from the shock and quickly replied: "Okay, I'll go unload the goods now."

Su Xihua couldn't help but raise his lips when he looked at Liu Jinyuan who was numb from the shock. Indeed, the function of the excavator modified by himself was a bit too powerful, and the working efficiency was a billion points faster.

Liu Jinyuan's performance was quite normal.

After Liu Jinyuan finished emptying the goods, Ma Tian started digging again, and this time he drove the excavator directly.

At this time, the function of the square crawlers emerged. The excavator's square crawlers, like the four spider legs, changed with the height of the pit. After a while, the excavator descended smoothly to the bottom of the pit.

"Ah?" Liu Jinyuan was shocked again. What kind of car is this? Was this really the bulky excavator he was familiar with?

Ma Tian also felt good inside the cockpit. The square tracks were indeed designed in place. Not only was it easy to get into the pit, but he didn't feel much bumps in the cockpit.

Now he just keeps on digging and continues to dig holes. He is going to dig a 25-meter-long swimming pool, which will be used as a benefit for the employees in the factory.

If the digging efficiency of an ordinary excavator is 1, then the efficiency of the excavator modified by Ma Tian is at least 5, which is more than 5 times that of an excavator of the same tonnage.

In less than half an hour, Ma Tian dug out the 25-meter-long pit and then drove up with the excavator.

Liu Jinyuan, a truck driver, has become numb. He has a hunch that this excavator from Tianyu Xinghai is likely to change the entire excavator industry.

Ma Tian jumped down from the cockpit and said to Su Xihua who came forward: "There is no problem in the test, please ask Shanyi Heavy Industry to come over for acceptance!"

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua called Zhong Yongtao and told him that the excavator has been modified.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Su, I'll leave now, you wait until I get off!" Zhong Yongtao was so excited that he hung up the phone, called Hou Chengzhi and drove to Tianyu Xinghai's car factory.

When they came to the place where Su Xihua said on the phone, Zhong Yongtao got out of the car in shock, looked at the modified excavator next to him and asked Su Xihua: "Mr. Su, don't tell me, this is our excavator. ?”

"Yes!" Su Xihua nodded.

"Mr. Su, have you also modified this robotic arm?" Su Xihua came to the front of the excavator in a daze. He ignored the weird tracks for the time being. This robotic arm was really something he didn't expect.

"It's been transformed, let me give you a demonstration!" After Su Xihua finished speaking, he climbed onto the excavator.

He has long wanted to do it with his own hands, but Ma Tian is here, so the chance to install the wall must be given to Ma Tian first. Now that Ma Tian has gone back, it is his turn.

I saw him following Ma Tian's operation and demonstrating it again. Crushing rocks, shoveling soil, going down and up the pit, all in one go. One machine does the work of several machines at the same time...

After a set of procedures, Zhong Yongtao and Hou Chengzhi were stunned, just like the truck driver Liu Jinyuan's performance.

Seeing the two people looking like they had never seen the world, Su Xihua jumped out of the excavator cab with satisfaction.

"How's it going? Is the change pretty good?" Su Xihua suppressed the corner of his mouth and pretended to be calm.

Gulu~ Zhong Yongtao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "Mr. Su, this... this is beyond my expectation!"

Zhong Yongtao never thought that Tianyu Xinghai would be so perverted. Is this still his excavator? Put a Tianyu Xinghai license plate on it to ensure that no one says it belongs to Shanyi Heavy Industries.

"It's okay, just take it easy. Let me introduce it to you again: the efficiency of this excavator has been increased five times compared to when you first arrived, and the engine has also been changed to our electric engine. And let me tell you, it is relatively It’s much more economical than a fuel engine.”

"For a fuel engine, if you dig for 2 hours, the fuel consumption is about 34 liters to 40 liters. In terms of current electricity, it consumes 85 kilowatt-hours to 100 kilowatt-hours of electricity for 2 hours. You can calculate for yourself how much money you can save in one day!"

Gulu~ This time it was Hou Chengzhi who was swallowing. This is so scary.

He did some mental calculations and found that the excavation efficiency of this machine is now five times that of the original one. The cost per hour for a diesel engine is 8 yuan per liter, and the maximum is 20 liters per hour, which is about 160 yuan. For electric engines, the maximum cost per kilowatt hour is 1.5 yuan, and a maximum of 50 kilowatt hours per hour is only 75 yuan.

After conversion, not only the cost is reduced by half, but the efficiency is also increased by 5 times, which is equivalent to increasing the excavator efficiency by 10 times.

Is one unit worth their original ten units?

Zhong Yongtao was also calculating in his head, and he quickly calculated the answer in his mind. He asked Su Xihua anxiously: "How much did this modification cost?"

"I haven't calculated carefully, and it's not easy to calculate, but this car must be sold for at least 5 million!" Su Xihua thought for a while and replied.

This car was developed and modified by their group of engineers under the leadership of Ma Tian. The labor cost is definitely difficult to calculate. For someone like Ma Tian, ​​after a month of research and development, the salary of 100 million yuan was considered very reasonable by Su Xihua.

Other materials and other materials were adapted and polished on site this month, and the price is difficult to evaluate. There is also a 3D laser processing machine tool developed by Ma Tianxin, which is a high-tech product that has not been launched on the market.

"Five million?" Zhong Yongtao was silent. The original price of this 260 model excavator from Shanyi Heavy Industry was about 1.2 million, and 10 units would be 12 million, which might be even lower.

And the one currently developed by Tianyu Xinghai costs 8 million, not just 5 million, but it leaves the factory. If it is sold to an engineering team that pursues efficiency, it will definitely have an advantage over them selling ten units.

No wonder Deng Wanquan was so afraid of Tianyu Xinghai and Ma Tian.

Tianyu Xinghai was really hit by him by mistake. What he said came true. Tianyu Xinghai can really build excavators.

Now this excavator can be said to be made by Tianyu Xinghai. If it is built casually in this month, Shanyi Heavy Industry will be rubbed against the ground.

Is this crushing by technology? Zhong Yongtao looked at the excavator and fell into deep thought.

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