My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 127 A different face

"Mr. Su, this... this doesn't seem to meet the needs of our Shanyi Heavy Industry. We just want to change the engine!" Zhong Yongtao thought for a long time and said to Su Xihua.

What a great excavator, but it’s a pity it’s not from their Shanyi Heavy Industries.

"We will give you the drawings, and you will build them according to them, and then pay us the patent fees and technical service fees?" Su Xihua showed his "fangs."

The task assigned to him by Ma Tian was best to dig over the excavator production line of Shanyi Heavy Industry. If not, at least reduce Shanyi Heavy Industry to the assembly workshop of Tianyu Xinghai.

Anyway, the technology has been developed, so let’s just leave it alone. It’s better to go to the excavator market and be a catfish to fry some fish. Some domestic companies in the province are not enterprising.

"This..." Zhong Yongtao was silent. His mind was racing. He was wondering how he would respond if he were the general manager Deng Wanquan.

He would probably run over from the office in person right away to serve tea and water to Tianyu Xinghai. With Tianyu Xinghai on the top of the mountain, it wouldn’t be possible to take off!

"I need to go back and communicate with the senior management about this matter, but can we just change the engine?" Zhong Yongtao asked.

"Of course! However, I still hope you will consider building an excavator according to our design. After all, your excavator... well, it is very reluctant." Su Xihua nodded and gave a hesitant evaluation of "reluctant".

Zhong Yongtao's face was a little confused, but he was telling the truth and he couldn't refute:

"Thank you very much. Can I ask our engineer Hou Chengzhi to do the operation now and then take a video to show to our executives?"

"Of course! Gong Yangzheng, please accompany the engineers from Shanyi Heavy Industry!" Su Xihua randomly sent one of his own engineers.

Hou Chengzhi was still a little confused about the operation of Tianyu Xinghai. After all, it was his own excavator. Could it be that he, who had been operating it for more than ten years, still didn't know how to operate it?

It wasn’t until we got into the cab together that our eyes were opened.

Good guy, the smart operation screen is now on...

Fifteen minutes later, Hou Chengzhi jumped out of the cab with a sad face. This time he was hit again.

What kind of garbage was my previous excavator? This gap is too big!

After his experience and operation, he could clearly feel that Tianyu Xinghai's improved excavator was far ahead of Tianyu Xinghai in terms of operating sensitivity and operating experience.

And those powerful intelligent auxiliary functions made him feel like he was in a science fiction movie. The auxiliary analysis of Xiaotian Assistant was too powerful.

After filming the video, Zhong Yongtao said goodbye to Su Xihua and got into the car back to the company with Hou Chengzhi.

As soon as he left the realization of Tianyu Xinghai, Zhong Yongtao couldn't wait to ask: "How was the experience?"

Hou Chengzhi took a deep breath, and he did not hide anything in front of Zhong Yongtao. He said truthfully: "It's too strong! It's much stronger than our excavator. It's hard to imagine that this is Tianyu Xinghai's one month on our basis." Modified.

Especially its square tracks, which can carry out highly complex operations, including going up mountains and into the ground, no problem! "

"Oh, indeed!" Zhong Yongtao sighed, "I originally thought it was a bit exaggerated to say that Ma Tian was a top scientist on the Internet. But when I saw him today, I realized that he is truly famous! Ma Tian is so awesome!"

"Well, I also think that Ma Tian is a real genius, and geniuses don't need to talk so much!" Hou Chengzhi agreed. As for whether Su Xihua and the others created it, Hou Chengzhi gave up the idea.

Because Su Xihua is better than him at most, but not much better. This can be seen from the fact that it was only when Ma Tian came that they found out there was something wrong with their spring.

Ma Tiancai is a real genius with a keen sense of machinery, but Su Xihua is not.

Looking at Hou Chengzhi who was driving seriously, Zhong Yongtao thought for a while and said: "Chengzhi, it's been 8 years since you came to Shanyi Heavy Industry!"

"Yes, Director Zhong, I was the one you interviewed at that time!"

"Do you feel that Shanyi Heavy Industries has a rotten smell?"

"Huh?" Hou Chengzhi was surprised. He glanced at Zhong Yongtao through the rearview mirror and found that his expression was calm. He didn't know whether Zhong Yongtao was joking with him or really discussing it.

"A bit, I feel like the upper management of our company seems to be a little unprogressive!" Hou Chengzhi thought for a while and replied.

"Well, indeed! So what do you think they will choose this time? Will they be reduced to following Tianyu Xinghai's instructions to build an excavator? Or refuse and just change the engine according to our previous ideas?" Zhong Yongtao affirmed and asked another question. question.

"Director, I think they will choose the first option!" Hou Chengzhi answered without thinking this time. This answer is easy to give.

Zhong Yongtao was silent. Hou Chengzhi agreed with him. Those who were not enterprising would definitely choose Tianyu Xinghai this time, and even wished Tianyu Xinghai would buy them.

In Deng Wanquan's office, Deng Wanquan's eyes widened after listening to Zhong Yongtao's retelling of Su Xihua's words:

"Did they really say that? They provided technology and then supported our manufacturing?"

Zhong Yongtao nodded: "Yes!"

"Great!" Deng Wanquan's face suddenly became excited, and he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth. This wave can't take off!

Once the news about the cooperation between Shanyi Heavy Industries and Tianyu Xinghai is released, the stock will not be able to rise.

Zhong Yongtao looked at the excited Deng Wanquan and couldn't help but said: "Mr. Deng, in fact, we can just change the engine and optimize it ourselves!"

"Hey, Yongtao, why are you so stubborn? Isn't it good to study with Tianyu Xinghai engineers? Why do you have to study by yourself? You will definitely learn faster with a teacher than by immersing yourself in it! And Tianyu Xinghai will not be like The stubborn islanders are disgusting!" Deng Wanquan retorted.

Zhong Yongtao shut up.

Deng Wanquan was so excited that he stood up, "I will contact the board of directors right now. You have to communicate with Tianyu Xinghai. If their conditions are not excessive, we will agree!"

After saying that, he ran to find the president!

Zhong Yongtao shook his head and left the office. Deng Wanquan's face was completely different from a month ago. A month ago, he was still cursing Ma Tian, ​​but now he has become Tianyu Xinghai's loyal younger brother.

If the video hadn't been taken, Zhong Yongtao would have really wanted to show him his ugly face from a month ago! Sure enough, interests are eternal friends.

Soon, Deng Wanquan brought a director to Zhong Yongtao's work station and wanted to go to Tianyu Xinghai with him to discuss this cooperation.

"Let's book a private room today and invite Mr. Ma for a drink?" Deng Wanquan suggested with a smile on his face.

"It's probably impossible to get an appointment with Ma Tian, ​​but it's possible for Su Xihua and Mr. Su." Xu Lianchun, the director next to him, shook his head and said. It was already recognized by their group that Ma Tian would not participate in business invitations.

This is also the reason why Ma Tian doesn't have many business friends. If they can make an appointment with Mr. Ma, they will really have face to brag about.

Deng Wanquan disapproved, looked at Zhong Yongtao and said, "Yongtao, give it a try? Ask the boss if you have time? If not, make an appointment with them, Mr. Su!"

Zhong Yongtao nodded and dialed Su Xihua's number.

"What do you say?" Deng Wanquan asked hurriedly after seeing Zhong Yongtao finish playing.

"Only Mr. Su agreed to have dinner with us, Mr. Ma didn't agree." Zhong Yongtao answered truthfully. In fact, Su Xihua refused on the phone.

Because Su Xihua didn't have to think about it, Ma Tian would definitely not agree, let alone them. Now if Wu Yongming and the Arhats came, they might not even be able to see Ma Tian.

"Okay, then I'll book a private room!" Deng Wanquan smacked his mouth, still a little regretful.

A week later, the official website of Shanyi Heavy Industry announced that it was officially cooperating with Tianyu Xinghai to develop excavators.

Affected by this news, the stock market hit its daily limit, and there was not even a single transaction on the board.

And many people know that there are not many connected boards.

Tianyu Xinghai has this charm. Unknowingly, the name of the technology company has been placed on Tianyu Xinghai.

Tianyu Xinghai is also recognized as having technology and strength!

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