Su Xihua and the others stayed up too late, and they slept very sweetly after relaxing. They started sleeping at two o'clock in the afternoon. When Ma Tian came at five o'clock, he found that they were also snoring like thunder, each one louder than the other.

Ma Tian did not disturb them and left quietly.

When Su Xihua woke up the next morning, he saw that it was already the next day, and then he woke everyone up like a fried chicken.

"Get up quickly. Anyone who has been deceived will sleep until the 8th."

"What time is it? Four o'clock? Damn it, how long have we been asleep?"

"Slept for more than 14 hours!"

"Get up quickly, Mr. Ma's progress will be delayed by us!"

A group of people woke each other up in a panic. Finally, someone finally came to his senses and said, "Mr. Ma probably hasn't come to work yet, so it's useless for us to get up so early!"

"Yes, let's brush our teeth and wash our hands first. There's no need to rush." ​​Su Xihua, the leader, took the lead and said that he was also deceived by sleep because he stayed up late the most.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Ma Tiancai came to their research and development room and saw them resurrected with full health.

"Mr. Ma!" a group of people greeted.

Ma Tian looked at the faces of a group of them before nodding with satisfaction. I didn’t persuade them not to stay up late and work hard, because that’s what researchers are like. Once they are fascinated or inspired, it is normal to study for a few days. Ma Tian often sleeps in the laboratory and studies day and night when inspiration comes. .

"Everyone is awake, come and take a look at our smart headlights with me. Yesterday I took a good look at your design. Generally speaking, there is no problem with the chip interface. I also worked with Ye Yuyan on the regular 16-line control After running a computer simulation together, it is normal.

However, the design of the control gate circuit is too simple, causing the controlled lights to fail to achieve the desired effect! You know, we have to ensure flexible control, and even achieve the effect of turning, and the effect of turning must be achieved by allowing the DMD chip to independently and flexibly control any area..." Ma Tian said a few words briefly and pointed out some needs. optimization problem.

Su Xihua and others quickly took notes. When they were about to talk, Ma Tian also took the DMD chip board and started to directly connect the headlight samples soldered by Su Xihua and others.

Then use the laptop to connect the serial port, power on and start debugging, input the simulation command code of the regular scenario to test the physical function, while Su Xihua and others quietly watched from behind.

[echo r w 1b23 0x75f3 \u003e sys/class/dmd_led_x……]

[echo r w 3a68 0x1364 \u003e sys/class/dmd_led_y……]

Seeing that under the control of the DMD chip, the headlights can turn on and off and project normally as the code design logic, Ma Tian also nodded. Except for a few complex scenes that cannot be reproduced due to circuit design problems, other simple ones are no problem. Su Xihua They did a great job.

"Not bad!" After the test, Ma Tian affirmed first, and then continued: "Look at the few questions I just mentioned. You can also enter commands to debug based on this txt document, and then optimize the circuit. Look. If you don’t understand, you can look at the word document I jotted down.”

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua and others quickly said yes.

The smart headlight hardware was almost solved, and Ma Tian also transferred directly to Zheng Shijian's machine learning algorithm department.

Compared to Su Xihua and others, Zheng Shijian and his group of visual algorithm engineers were more experienced in completing the scene judgment tasks assigned by Ma Tian.

After all, they have been developing machine learning functions such as face recognition and Xiaotian Assistant, and they have long been improving in this industry.

For this task, except for the core algorithm, which they could not solve, other things such as frameworks and interfaces had already been set up, and they were waiting for Ma Tian to solve the most difficult algorithm problem.

After Ma Tian understood the situation, he did his best to sit in front of the main server, listened to Zheng Shijian's introduction to the framework, and read some codes.

Then he began to perform a hand-shredding algorithm code, which almost made Zheng Shijian and Tang Jiefei's eyes pop out.

Seeing Ma Tian typing out lines of mathematical formula codes that they couldn't understand, and then creating encapsulated interface functions one by one, they almost fell to their knees.

"Gulu~" This was the sound of Zheng Shijian swallowing his saliva. Originally, he was a little complacent that he could lead the team to roughly build the framework within 10 days.

Today I saw Ma Tian writing algorithm code, and I immediately felt like garbage again. Tang Jiefei and others behind him also thought the same way.

Seeing Ma Tian's fingers playing on the keyboard like a pianist, typing out lines of beautiful code, they couldn't help but glance at each other.

Although Ma Tian has not compiled and run it yet, judging from past experience, even if a bug occurs, it can only be a problem with the code they wrote, not the code written by Ma Tian.

Sure enough, after Ma Tian finished writing the algorithm, he started to compile a certain module separately, and then started to correct bugs like a robot. He used the vim command to cut the screen and fly up. The speed was so fast that Zheng Shijian and others behind him were dazzled. This is Typical consequences are that their thinking speed cannot keep up with Ma Tian.

Fortunately, they have already gotten used to it.

The reason why Ma Tian is so proficient is because the intelligent driving assistance algorithm has long been finalized in Ma Tian's mind as Ma Tian's mathematics rose to Level 4, and the intelligent headlight algorithm is similar.

All he had to do was copy what was in his mind, change it, and make it compatible with the framework built by Zheng Shijian and the others. That was why Zheng Shijian and others were astonished at the speed now.

On the software algorithm side, Ma Tian and Zheng Shi saw that they had been working on it for about three days. With the completion of the last model training, it was announced that the software was basically 99% complete. The rest was to be compatible with the operating system to control Su Xihua's side. Just debug the smart headlights...

In the underground garage of Tianyu Xinghai Company, the first Tianming No. 6 car equipped with smart headlights was officially launched and began experiments.

As the Tianming No. 6 bus started, a logo exclusive to the Tianming No. 6 bus was projected on the ground in front of the car.

Although the name of Tianming No. 6 is relatively simple, the designers recruited by the company with high salary really designed a beautiful and technological icon with great imagination.

The four characters "Tianming No. 6" appear in the projection like a disguised King Kong, and then the number "six" flashes, full of metallic feeling...

Ma Tian gave the order, and the car began to conduct experiments continuously.

The first is the static movie projection. Because the light in the underground garage is relatively dark, just project it directly on the wall. Use the voice of Xiaotian assistant to switch the movie and turn up or down the volume;

Then there was the experiment of light curtain prompts for turning. An engineer drove another car to pass the intersection, and Tianming 6 began to project the light curtain;

Finally, there is the projection of the pedestrian flower path that pedestrians need to pass through, which is also passed by engineers in front of the Tianming No. 6 car...

Of course, the projection function can also be customized according to one's own preferences. Except for some projections that are afraid of blocking traffic, such as projecting the sidewalk into a flower shape, car owners can still customize it according to their own preferences.

Ma Tian looked at this function and even thought of Goose Factory's QQ show. According to Goose Factory's routine, will there be a paid customization for membership in the future?

After some experiments, the effect was completely OK. A group of engineers who had been struggling for nearly half a month shouted in unison, and the underground garage suddenly burst into cheers.

Ma Tian couldn't help but smile. This is the joy of making physical hardware. When a product is really made from software to hardware, the sense of accomplishment is unimaginable.

He said to the excited Zheng Shijian: "Go find Chen Xiang and ask him to make a good promotional video. Remember, ask him to keep it confidential. Everyone here should also keep it confidential and not reveal anything." Go online!”

Ma Tian planned to secretly give Musk a "surprise" and wanted to see Musk's expression when he saw Tianming No. 6 for the first time online.

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" Zheng Shijian quickly said yes and went to contact Chen Xiang secretly.

Two days later, the promotional video was released. It was shot using drones and multiple lenses, and with some narration descriptions, Chen Xiang did a good job of fully demonstrating all the functions of the Tianming No. 6 car.

Especially the function of smart headlights is absolutely dazzling in high definition!

Professionals are professionals. Ma Tian was very satisfied with the video taken by Chen Xiang.

He called his secretary in, asked her to create a small account and add Musk's WeChat account, and then informed her that she would find Musk in person to video.

Musk was also surprised when he heard what the beautiful assistant said: "Ma Tian wants to make a video call with me? Is WeChat a chat tool?"

"Yes, President Musk!" The beautiful assistant nodded. WeChat belongs to Goose Factory, so it’s normal for Musk not to know.

Musk thought for a while and agreed to video chat with Ma Tian. He didn't know why Ma Tian suddenly came here. He wanted to see what kind of plane Ma Tian was flying?

Half an hour later, Ma Tian's secretary handed over the mobile phone added to Musk's WeChat, and Ma Tian dialed it directly.

After a while, Musk's iconic long face appeared on the screen, and Ma Tian also turned on his own camera. The protagonists of "Two Horse Wars" had a face-to-face meeting online.

"Hello, Ma Tian, ​​how have you been lately?" Musk said hello first, with a relaxed expression and a slight smile on his face. At least this time Ma Tian took the initiative to join him and he had the upper hand.

"Hello, Musk." Ma Tian replied politely and politely, and then said, "I'm here today mainly to show you a video. Wait a minute while I switch the camera."

Ma Tian pointed his mobile phone at the high-definition TV in front, allowing Musk to watch the promotional video of Tianming 6 through his mobile phone. Then Ma Tian turned on the screen recording function of his mobile phone, and he also used his eyes to look at Musk's expression in the video. .

"Oh? Video? What video?" Musk asked on the phone with a smile that did not fade away, and the Tianming 6 promotional video began to play on the TV.

When he saw that Tianming 6 really had a pure electric range of 520 kilometers, an acceleration (0-100km/h) of 4.2 seconds, and a top speed of 230km/h as Ma Tian said, Musk's smile became a little stiff.

"Is Ma Tian lying to him?" Musk thought to himself while holding the phone. But he quickly gave up on such an idea because he thought Ma Tian would not deliberately make a video to deceive him. That would only add to the laughter.

Ma Tian didn't say anything, so Musk could only continue to read.

At 1 minute and 30 seconds, the smart headlight officially appeared, and Musk's expression became more and more serious. After a while, the smile completely disappeared from his face.

The corners of Ma Tian's mouth were also curved crazily, trying not to laugh.

When he saw that the car lights would turn, and before overtaking, the Tianming No. 6 car lights turned and projected an overtaking prompt animation, Musk's eyes widened and he looked at the scene on the wall TV in disbelief.

He could still understand the sidewalk projected in front of him. How was he able to make this turn? He was immediately stunned!

"Ma Tian, ​​tell me did you use special effects?" Musk asked Ma Tiandao immediately after watching the video.

Ma Tian also turned his head back to the camera of his mobile phone. Instead of answering directly, he asked: "Do you think it was a special effect just now?"

Musk looked at Ma Tian's expression of suppressing a smile seriously, and hung up the video without thinking, and then said to the beautiful assistant: "Go, flush this phone down the toilet, Fake Oil, Ma Tian! "

It was the first time that the beautiful assistant saw her boss so angry, so she quickly threw her phone away.

She has been with the company for two and a half years. In her eyes, Musk always looks confident and sure of victory. It is the first time that he looks so angry today.

What she didn't know was that Musk was really panicking this time.

As a marketing expert, he naturally knows the significance of Ma Tian's smart headlights. It can be said that once such a function is released, the sales of Tianming No. 6 will be booming. The result is that his model S may face the biggest challenge.

Not only does the Tianming 6 have better performance than his model S, but it also comes with such cool smart headlights, and the price is only 20,000 higher. Consumers will choose his model S only if they choose with their butts!

He had high hopes to open up the Chinese market with model S. He also wanted to rely on new energy vehicles to make money and develop space rockets. Now, facing Ma Tian, ​​a stumbling block, he had no confidence at all!

Musk's mind suddenly changed, and he no longer hesitated. He directly asked General Manager Tang Mingjiang to announce that the price of model S would be reduced to benefit consumers. The original market price was reduced from 1.08 million to 780,000, a direct reduction of 300,000. Owners of previously delivered cars also You can go to the official flagship store website to apply for price difference compensation.

And if you book the model S now, you can enjoy a discount of 20,000 yuan, which is equivalent to 60,000 yuan. That is to say, if you book now, you can get a model S with the original price of 1.08 million yuan for only 740,000 yuan.

Musk’s price cuts are very decisive and sudden, and he has the courage to slit his wrists.

The first batch of Tesla model S owners are confused, and those who have paid deposits and are still making reservations are also confused. What is going on?

Netizens have already noticed the excitement and started to comment:

[Hahaha, I just said I would cut the price a lot, why are you still so stubborn? 】

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, Musk can’t stand it now? I thought I had to wait for the press conference on Tianming 6th? 】

[Musk, don’t be a coward, continue to sell for 1.08 million? 】

Wu Mengxiong, who was one of the first batch to get the car and even showed off it online and confronted netizens, was also confused. He went to Tesla's official customer service and asked angrily what was going on?

Doesn’t this price reduction completely slap him in the face? At that time, he also vowed to refute the netizen who criticized him - "Garden Coconut Tree", saying that Tesla would not cut prices quickly, but the other party came true so quickly? Is he really a fool with too much money?

Damn it, he was so furious that he called customer service to ask what was going on.

Tesla customer service is a young girl. Faced with this situation, she could only maintain a good attitude and replied: "Tesla is very sorry that this move has caused you trouble, sir, but sir, you can apply to make up the price difference!" "

"Am I short of the price difference?"

On this day, Tesla’s official customer service was overwhelmed, and Musk sat in the office with a livid face, thinking about how to break the situation...

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