My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 134 Audi: Listen to me and thank you

Musk had a deep sense of powerlessness regarding the technological crushing by Ma Tian. He compared his Tesla car with Ma Tian’s Tianming 6 car.

Battery: Tesla loses, Tianming-6 wins

Acceleration: Tesla loses, Tianming 6 wins

Model: Tesla flat, Tianming No. 6 flat

Word of mouth: Tesla wins temporarily, Tianming 6 is tentatively decided

Price: Tesla wins, Tianming 6 loses

Time to market: Tesla wins, Tianming No. 6 loses

After this comparison, Musk calmed down a little. At present, Tesla's advantage is that the car has already been produced and has sold 20,000 vehicles worldwide. It has been tested by the market and has formed a certain reputation.

As for Tianming No. 6, at most a prototype car has been released, and it will take at least three months to go through 3C certification and testing before it can be launched on the market.

Now, he needs to make full use of these three months to expand his advantages, try to sell more Teslas during this period, and then form a market reputation to stabilize the market in China.

Musk already had a plan in mind. He hastily typed up a plan framework in Word and started implementing it.

First of all, Musk asked Tesla to issue an announcement, refusing to admit that the price reduction was due to the influence of Tianming Automobile, but that the price reduction was because he really wanted to bring benefits to consumers! Consumers please do not misunderstand.

Musk then summoned the senior executives of the branch in China to discuss how to boost sales.

Three months, only three months, Tesla must find a way to sell as many as possible and occupy the market!

At the meeting, Musk emphasized: within three months, we will focus on sales regardless of cost, and we will do everything we can to increase sales for Tesla.

The vast Tesla advertising plan begins to be formulated...

And Ma Tian here was also a little surprised, because he had just finished the video with Musk and saw the news that Tesla had reduced its price by 300,000 in the evening.

"Musk is so decisive!" Ma Tian pondered.

Could it be that Musk was suddenly frightened by him?

However, Ma Tian will not let Musk get his wish for this kind of price reduction and promotion of cutting leeks.

He also asked the Propaganda Department to directly publish the promotional video of the Tianming 6 car on the official website. Didn’t Musk say that the price reduction was not because of the Tianming 6?

Are you ashamed after seeing this video?

Less than half an hour after the Tianming 6 promotional video was released silently, the click-through rate exceeded 20,000.

Fans of Tianyu Xinghai were immediately shocked when they saw this video.

[Oh my god, what are the lights on this car? Does it really have the effect in the video? 】

[Oh my god, can the light turn on its own? How is this done? Can anyone tell me more about it? 】

[Brother understands that this is his first time seeing it! 】

[It’s so cool, just because of this headlight, I want to buy one. 】

When fans saw that their favorite Tianyu Xinghai products were so sci-fi and cool, they spontaneously downloaded and reposted them. In less than 2 hours, the title "Cornering Headlights" appeared on Weibo's hot search.

This time, Li Runqi did not buy the hot search, but relied entirely on the popularity of netizens' discussion and reposting.

It's entirely because the smart car lights developed by Ma Tian this time have subverted people's concept of traditional car headlights. Before Tianming 6, no one could have imagined that a car's headlights could do so many things.

[It’s so romantic. I really want to walk in front of the illuminated road at Tianming No. 6 at night. 】

[I didn’t expect that the car lights can watch movies. If there is a power outage in the community, and I move a bench to the underground garage and use the car to play outdoor movies, then he must be the most handsome guy in our community? 】

[Stop talking, open the reservations, I can’t wait! 】

Netizens are really fans of Tianming 6 this time, and they rarely even disparage Tesla, focusing entirely on Tianming 6.

Ma Tian also scrolled through the comments below and found that several comments were still questioning whether his video had special effects. Ma Tian also logged into his Weibo account and posted a Weibo.

"In response to those netizens who questioned my special effects, the first prototype of Tianming 6 will be displayed at a slow speed on the road on the campus of Hunan University tonight. If you don't believe it, you can come and take a look!"

Ma Tian's Weibo post was unexpected by the netizens who were paying attention to it, and the students of Hunan University collectively had an orgasm. There were thousands of comments below in a blink of an eye.

[Brother Ma Tian, ​​come quickly, I'm already squatting on the road to guard you. 】

【Attend class? What class? I've skipped classes and come to squat. 】

The students of Huda did not expect this unexpected surprise at all. Word of mouth spread, and the main road of Huda was filled with students.

Next door, Zhong Nan and the students from the Normal University learned about it through Space and Tieba. They couldn't sit still anymore and rode their little blue cars to Huda.

On the contrary, the school leaders of Hunan University were startled. They quickly organized security guards to maintain discipline, and then sent a message asking what was going on in the Institute of Electronics?

Qiu Keming, the dean of the Institute of Electronics, was also confused in the office. After understanding the cause and effect of the incident, he also said that he did not know that Ma Tian suddenly wanted to experiment on Tianming No. 6 in the school, and Ma Tian did not tell him in advance.

"You can call Ma Tian and ask Ma Tian how to arrange it. I'll send security over first to maintain order!" The school leader reluctantly hung up the phone, but he was still very happy inside. The school has such an awesome student. There is face.

Qiu Keming hung up the phone with the school leader and immediately called Ma Tian.

When Ma Tian received Qiu Keming's call, he was a little silent. He did not expect such a situation to occur.

"Ma Tian, ​​you've already said what you said, and it's hard to change it. Let the school make arrangements this time. Can you tell me your plans?" Chu Keming said on the phone.

"I originally planned to ask Tianming No. 6 to walk slowly on the road between Huda Apartment and South Campus at 7 o'clock in the evening." Ma Tian said, and he immediately realized that this matter may require maintaining discipline. Let the students watch in an orderly manner.

It cannot affect other people's travel, let alone cause trouble.

"Okay, Ma Tian. Then I'll report to the school leaders. Also, will you come to the school this time?" Chu Keming asked in turn.

"Well, I will go too, but I may not be driving the Tianming 6." Ma Tian replied. In fact, Ma Tian still wanted to drive the Tianming 6 for a lap, but for safety reasons, he was persuaded by the security personnel. Living.

"Okay, then when you arrive, give me a call first, and the school leaders and I will receive you!"

"You don't have to be so polite, right?" Ma Tian smiled bitterly. He didn't expect the school to be so grand, and he was still a student of Hu University and hadn't graduated yet.

"Yes, yes, you don't want to think about your current status. Just remember that you are from the Electronics Institute! Hahaha~" Qiu Keming hung up the phone so happily that it was his turn to pretend to be a wall this time.

Ma Tian looked at the hung up phone, thought for a while, and posted another Weibo on Weibo, hoping that students would watch in an orderly manner and maintain good discipline.

A group of comments below nodded in agreement, and Ma Tian also smiled and stopped paying attention.

Huda’s official website has issued an announcement marking Ma Tian’s route and time for Tianming No. 6. The announcement said it was 7 p.m.

However, most students began to grab seats before 6 o'clock to watch. Ma Tian's influence in Huda is evident.

At 6:30 in the afternoon, Ma Tian came to the Electronics Institute of Hunan University and called Qiu Keming. Qiu Keming immediately brought the school leaders down to greet Ma Tian.

"Ma Tian, ​​come, let me introduce to you. This is Director Mei, the leader of our school. Leader Mei, this is the outstanding student of our college - Ma Tian!" Chu Keming's face was also filled with brilliant expressions without concealing it. smile.

"Hello, Ma Tian."

"Hello, Director Mei!"

Ma Tian and Director Mei greeted each other, while the camera guy arranged by the school next to them was frantically snapping pictures.

The time finally reached 7 pm, and students on both sides of the road began to look forward eagerly, using their mobile phones to compare every passing car, hoping to see the figure of Tianming No. 6.

It did make some drivers confused today. Seeing the dark crowd of students on both sides of the road, they almost turned around and ran away.

Finally, the figure of Tianming No. 6 began to officially turn onto the road, and was spotted by the students as soon as it appeared.

"Here it comes, here it comes, it's Tianming No. 6." The students have watched the promotional video several times and naturally know what Tianming No. 6 looks like.

Moreover, several unmanned aerial photography aircraft also followed Tianming-6, which highlighted the difference of this vehicle.

Students on both sides of the road began to take out their mobile phones to record the incident.

When we were almost driving to an intersection, the students here also tapped their toes and took photos of the first function displayed by Tianming 6 - the light screen prompt.

In front of Tianming No. 6, a light curtain with the same width as the car and a length of 5 meters is projected, telling the cars at other intersections that a car is coming.

Immediately, other car drivers waiting for the traffic lights at the intersection were amazed.

When the car is still 5 meters away from the intersection at dawn, this light curtain has already been projected into the middle of the intersection, and cars regardless of which lane can notice it.

What surprised these drivers even more was what came next, because this was a turning lane. When they stopped and waited for the red traffic light on the 6th tomorrow, the light curtain turned into the shape of a turning arrow.

It just blinded their eyes.

"Here, what kind of car is this?" A taxi driver who was taking students to the apartment looked at this scene and couldn't help blurting out, does this car have turning lights?

"Wow~" The students on both sides of the road also said "Wow", expressing their shock.

Then the turning light turned green, Tianming 6 began to turn, and the light curtain also turned with it. When it drove to a straight line again, the light curtain became normal and disappeared.

Tianming No. 6 continued to drive forward, this time passing a section of road that students often passed.

Students at Hunan University all know that although there are no zebra crossings on this stretch of road, everyone passes by on their own when there are no cars.

Yan Suqin is a student at Hu University who loves to study and often goes to the library, so she didn't pay much attention to Ma Tian's arrival today.

Today, when she passed this section of the road as usual, she was confused by the crowd of people on both sides: "What's going on?"

She was alone and had no one else to ask, so she continued crossing the road regardless. When she reached the second half, she saw a car approaching in the distance and she couldn't help but stop.

Little did he know that all the eyes of the audience were focused on her.

Tianming No. 6 did not pass, but stopped 2 meters away from her.

Then something surprising happened to Yan Suqin. Zebra crossings began to appear on the road in front of her, which made her eyes widen.

"Huh? Isn't there a zebra crossing here?" She carefully stepped on it with her foot, which immediately made the students watching on both sides of the road burst into laughter.

"Just go straight through, it's just a projection of light and shadow!" A bold boy reminded him.

At this time, Yan Suqin realized that many people were looking at her. She quickly passed three steps and two steps to the opposite side, then looked back at the road she passed, and the zebra crossing gradually disappeared.

The kind-hearted student reminded: "That is the Tianming No. 6 car developed by Ma Tian. The car lights have a dynamic projection function. As soon as it recognizes that you are about to pass, it will automatically project a zebra crossing for you!"

Only then did Yan Suqin suddenly realize.

Tianming 6 continues to move forward, and the videos have already been uploaded to the Internet by the students. Many self-media reporters at the scene also directed their photographers to shoot, and then posted them online...

Ma Tianhu University’s on-site display of Tianming-6 smart headlights completely confirmed that Tianyu Xinghai did not lie, but really developed smart headlights.

Netizens once again refreshed their impressions of Tianyu Xinghai, Tianyu Xinghai Niubi, Ma Tianniubi! And Musk’s Tesla has once again been pushed to the forefront.

[You don’t need to read it. Musk must have known about the big price reduction in the promotional video of Tianming 6 in advance. He said that people who pre-ordered Tesla in the past were "Kings of Lee". 】

[Now I think Musk is really cowardly. Why don’t you stick to the price of 1.08 million for a few more days? 】

The media didn't think it was a big deal, and came to chase Musk one after another. They wanted to hear Musk's opinion and whether he lowered the price because he knew that a promotional video would be released on the 6th.

Musk also knows that escaping will only be regarded as guilty by netizens. He did the opposite and accepted the interview openly and said:

“I would like to reiterate again that Tesla is not cutting prices because of the Tianming-6 car, but is really doing it to benefit consumers!

Because in my opinion, the most important thing about a car is quality, after-sales service, cost-effectiveness, and making consumers comfortable to use it, rather than relying on a fancy headlight! "

Musk pretended to have a relaxed expression and said it, and it didn't look like he was lying. It has to be said that Musk is Musk and he didn't get confused at this time.

The reporters were also a little unconfident by Musk's answer. Is it true that Musk is afraid that the Tianming-6 car will affect his Tesla sales?

But a reporter saw that the topic was not hot enough and asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Musk, what do you think of Audi's headlights? You know Audi is proud of their headlights! Do you want to say that they are also flashy?" Of?"

Musk was stunned. The reporter's question was too tricky, and he was put on hold.

However, after thinking about it, he decided not to give face to Audi, and as a pure electric vehicle, he did not have to give face to any fuel-powered vehicle. He said honestly: "Of course! The same goes for Audi's headlights!"


The reporters were excited and continued to ask Musk what he thought of Audi...

Audi never thought that eating a melon would hurt him. Who would be offended by his headlights?

Musk, listen to me, thank you...

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