My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 135 Driverless Driving

As a long-established luxury car brand, Audi is naturally not used to Musk's rhetoric. It directly published an article to criticize Musk, saying:

"Every component on the car is reasonable as it exists. If some people's products are not good, don't belittle others."

Netizens also didn’t expect that before the wave started, another wave came. Before Ma Tian responded, Musk started to quarrel with Audi again, and they were enjoying themselves.

Musk was completely shameless. He also started to take advantage of Audi's traffic, and argued with Audi on the Internet about how to get the traffic.

Anyway, Audi is not a new energy vehicle, so the debate is just a debate, and it cannot bring actual harm.

Ma Tian saw Musk turning Weibo into Twitter just like in his previous life, and he shook his head and put down his phone.

He is no longer interested in talking nonsense online. These methods of increasing the popularity of his own products based on traffic are not as good as relying on strength to prove it.

"Pass my instructions to let the booking of Tianming No. 6 bus go. The booking price is set at 1.1 million yuan." Ma Tian said to his secretary.

Reservations were officially opened on the 6th of Tianming, and the reservation data on the first day shocked the world.

Because the booking data on the first day reached an astonishing 6,188 units.

Not to mention putting this data in cars, in the current era, it is quite explosive data when placed on computers and mobile phones.

You know, this is only the first day. Musk’s Tesla has been open for reservations for a month and it took a lot of effort to reach 600 units.

This data even gives people a sense of unreality. Are there really so many rich people in China?

Ma Tian also didn't expect the booking data to be so good. He asked Li Runqi to put this data on Weibo's hot search overnight, suppressing the hot search of Musk and Audi.

Haha, look, what is serious promotion!

More than 6,000 vehicles and orders of more than 6 billion!

Tianyu Xinghai really had a good face in front of the world this time. When he mentioned Ma Tian, ​​he was filled with admiration, envy, and jealousy...

Ma Yun was overjoyed when she saw this data order. Fortunately, Wu Yongming stopped her from investing in a small shed car. Damn it, Ma Tian is too powerful.

Ma Huateng, on the other hand, looked solemn, because he had already asked Goose Factory to invest in Weilai Automobile. Why did he feel that this investment was a bit wasted?

When Musk saw this booking data, his eyes turned red with envy. In his opinion, if there was no Ma Tian, ​​this data should belong to his Tesla.

Wang Chuanfu, who was better than Yadi, remained silent.

In the original world trajectory, the two world-leading car kings in the field of new energy vehicles feel an unprecedented sense of oppression at this moment.

The two responded in different ways. Musk continued to brag about his Tesla cars and advertise them, holding on to the idea that Tianming 6 has not yet been officially launched, so he can sell as many cars as he can.

He still has confidence in his own products. If the number of pre-orders is large enough, he will have the confidence to gain a foothold in China.

Wang Chuanfu, on the other hand, is concentrating on research and is bound to catch up in the battery field. The only thing he is lucky about is that Ma Tian has not entered the low-end market yet, so his products will not be affected much.

But won’t Ma Tianzhen march? His prediction was wrong this time. Ma Tian wanted to gain influence this time. He wanted them all, regardless of the low-end or high-end of the automobile market.

He found Su Xihua and said directly: "The Tianming 4th and 5th plans have been launched simultaneously. I will solve the battery problem of these two cars, and you will solve the other problems. Can you do it?"

Of course Su Xihua is confident about this: "Don't worry, Mr. Ma, you have solved the most difficult part, and leave the rest to me and Zheng Shijian!"

Ma Tian nodded with satisfaction.

Tianming 4 and 5 cars represent the low-end and high-end of pure electric vehicles. Ma Tian plans that the internal battery of Tianming 4 can support 320 kilometers of driving range, while the internal battery of Tianming 5 can support 420 kilometers.

With Tianming No. 6 car manufacturing experience, Ma Tian led Su Xihua and Zheng Shijian to build cars that took off.

Within two weeks, Tianming No. 4 and No. 5 samples were produced again.

At this speed, Musk shed tears while Wang Chuanfu was silent.

"These two cars must have been certified and tested too!" Ma Tian also said, looking at No. 4 and No. 5 in front of him.

Su Xihua and the other two naturally nodded in agreement.

After the car-building task was completed, Ma Tian returned to his office with ease.

The secretary obediently went to make a cup of good tea, and Ma Tian also started surfing the Internet to learn about information.

As a result, I saw that Musk was still flirting with him online and promoting his Tesla:

"Cars must be constantly improved after market testing. Some man-made cars are built too fast, and they may have a lot of defects @I am a god"

"The Tesla model S has long been tested by the market and is well-known around the world. I will not let down the consumers who believe in me."

"You can also read our consumer reviews. Those who have used them say they are good."

Seeing Musk posting several Weibo posts every day, Ma Tian was a little amused. Didn't he seem to remember that Musk said that he didn't like sales and liked to conquer consumers with real materials?

Why is it that now, I am living in a way that I hate?

However, Ma Tian was merciless this time. He secretly found the previously saved videos in his computer files.

This video is serious. He was on a video call with Musk. He deliberately recorded the screen and was waiting to poke Musk's lung tube later.

Today, it happened to come in handy.

Ma Tian edited a Weibo and said: "Some people are so shameless! After a video call with me at that time, they were so frightened that they immediately lowered the price of their cars, and then shamelessly said it was for the benefit of consumers; and now they continue Do you really think consumers are fools and easy to deceive?"

After that, upload your video.

Ma Tian's Weibo fans have already exceeded 3 million, and they are all following real celebrities. This Weibo post is like a stone, causing thousands of waves, causing the entire Internet to be excited.

[Damn it, Musk turns out to be so shameless. 】

[Face Changing Master? He had a smile on his face at first, but fell silent immediately after watching the Tianming 6 promotional video? 】

[Haha, clown (Musk)! 】

Netizens were not used to Musk, and they went directly to Musk's comment area to make comments in a low tone. The old man who is good at making pictures also started making pictures like crazy and started to ridicule.

Some big names and Vs also retweeted Musk without mercy.

Audi, for example, was immediately happy. They had been arguing with Musk for a week about whether the headlights were flashy. Now that they see Musk being so shameless, they will naturally not let go of this opportunity to add insult to injury.

They spent their own money to make Ma Tian's Weibo a hot search, and cursed Musk for being shameless.

Musk was also stunned for a moment. Ma Tian actually recorded the screen. Faq, what a generous gift to Bengxuete!

He secretly sent a private message to Ma Tian, ​​suggesting that Ma Tian delete it immediately. He could not be so shameless, otherwise he would take legal measures to sue Ma Tian for infringement of his portrait rights.

But he was destined to be disappointed. Ma Tian never read private messages, because the private messages were always 99+, and there were so many people calling him "Dad", "Brother", and "V50" that it was a waste of time to read them.

And even if he saw it, Ma Tian ignored Musk and just sued him. The worst he could do was to pay some money. This time he was bound to let netizens see how shameless Musk was.

Musk watched Weibo scolding him, and he had no sleep all night. After thinking about it, he immediately broke the can and directly posted a message insisting, "I didn't choose to cut the price of Tesla after seeing that video. But. The decision was made after seeing the market report from the marketing department staff. Please don’t misunderstand Tesla.

I will use legal weapons to defend my image rights and reputation rights against some people's deliberate slander! "

Netizens sat on the melon seeds and peanut benches in the front row and watched the excitement again.

Ma Tian also saw Musk @him, and after thinking about it, he decided not to criticize him for being shameless and losing his identity.

He had something important to discuss with the school today, and he found his former "old friend" Mi Shaoxian, director of the Daiso Base.

It was true that Mi Shaoxian fully supported his little blue car back then, which can be said to have been a huge help.

Mi Shaoxian was also very happy to see Ma Tian come to visit him. After all, he witnessed Ma Tian becoming rich with his own eyes, so he was half a student of his.

"Ma Tian, ​​do you still have time to come to this small place like mine? How about it, do you feel comfortable being a big boss?" Mi Shaoxian joked.

Ma Tian smiled and responded: "Director Mi, no matter how comfortable I am, I am not as comfortable as I was when I was here. Free water, electricity, and free house!"

"Hahahaha~" Mi Shaoxian laughed out loud happily, and Ma Tian's answer made him very happy.

"What do you want to do today?" Mi Shao finished laughing first and then returned to the topic.

Ma Tian nodded and said: "Two things. One is to donate some money to the school's Daiso fund. To be honest, thinking about it now, I still think that Daiso's competition is quite meaningful, but it seems that the restrictions are also large, which leads to some The student went astray!"

Ma Tian was talking about some students joining Daiso just to get credits and cheat money. Mi Shaoxian also understood the meaning of Ma Tian's words.

He couldn't help but think deeply. This matter was not easy to solve. The main reason was that he was afraid of taking responsibility, so he didn't take care of it seriously.

Ma Tian was not in Misao's position and did not think too much. He continued: "For example, a Daiso will give 10,000 yuan in funding, and it is not a one-time grant. The students have to pay in advance themselves, which is a bit unreasonable. …”

Ma Tian talked about what he thought was unreasonable, mainly the slow reimbursement and low funding.

Mi Shaoxian sighed and confided: "Ma Tian, ​​we have actually thought about these disadvantages. For example, we used to give money directly. But if we gave it all at once in the early stage, many students really fell into trouble. In the end, mid-term defense None of them are coming."

"Then you can punish them. For example, you can punish these students, or record them in their job application files. In the future, people like this should stop harming society!

I have always believed that a college student who does not even have a basic sense of responsibility and credibility is not worthy of being a student in our school! "

Ma Tian also said with a "murderous intent" and a serious expression.

Mi Shaoxian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Knowing Ma Tian's temper, he said angrily: "You can go and talk to the school leaders, it's just the same. I'm a soft-spoken person, so it's useless even if I talk!"

Ma Tian shook his head and began to think deeply. To be honest, he really wanted to promote major reforms in the school, which would not only stimulate students' creativity but also bring benefits to the school.

"Let's do this. I will spend my own money to develop a Xinghai project business plan. Director Mi will be solely responsible for this plan, and it will be separated from the school's Daichuang.

The Xinghai Project simply supports outstanding college students with funds to start their own businesses. Then there is the punishment mechanism I just introduced, which allows them to fail, but does not allow them to cheat money. Once discovered, Tianyu Xinghai will directly announce his deeds, and the school will also punish him! "Ma Tian finally said.

"It's up to you, as long as you have money and a desire to do this!" Mi Shaoxian nodded with satisfaction. He still agreed with Ma Tian's proposal, "What's one more thing?"

"One more thing, I came here for my company's self-driving pilot project. Our company is preparing to develop self-driving cars and wants to open a pilot route in the school."

This is what Ma Tian came up with through the last demonstration of Tianming No. 6. Speaking of which, it is not bad to pilot it in road conditions like school.

It can not only bring some benefits to Hunan University students, but also stimulate their sense of pride, which may make them study more seriously.

"Unmanned driving?" Mi Shao didn't expect Ma Tian to talk about such a science fiction concept. Generally, driverless technology only appears in science fiction movies.

"Yes, autonomous driving, we have already researched it very deeply!" Last time, Tianming Automobile's smart headlights were semi-autonomous, and they only operated the car by sensing the surrounding situation. This time, Ma Tian prepared Really driverless driving has been achieved.

It will take at least two years for autonomous driving technology to be tested before the country agrees to put it on the road. Ma Tian also made preparations early, first testing it in his own factory, then in a school, and finally in Hunan City.

It will slowly be accepted by people, and eventually it can be truly popularized on certain roads.

For example, on the highway, sometimes it is safer to use driverless driving on the highway. At a speed of 120 kilometers per hour, ordinary people are really not as capable as machines in responding to emergencies.

Autonomous driving must be a technology that can be used in some situations in the future.

"This is not a big problem, as long as I open an agreement with the school, and you also plan to fund the Xinghai Entrepreneurship Program to train students, the school will have no problem!" Mi Shaoxian agreed without thinking, as long as it doesn't involve Regarding the system and interests, Mi Shaoxian could nod his head and agree directly.

The Internet was once again abuzz with Tianyu Xinghai’s announcement of Tianming 4 and Tianming 5. No one expected that Tianyu Xinghai’s research and development speed would be so fast.

Not long after Tianming No. 6 was taken out, Tianming No. 4 and Tianming No. 5 were taken out.

But this time, the people generally support it. After all, Tianming 6 costs more than 1 million, which is considered a luxury car, and most people cannot afford it.

But the cheapest Tianming No. 4 is only about 160,000 yuan, and they can support one by gritting their teeth.

Musk and Wang Chuanfu were completely silent. Faced with such an opponent, they really opened the door for Weibo. It was so outrageous.

Are there no bottlenecks in your car manufacturing business?

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