My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 136 The envy of Zhong Nan and the Normal University students

In the next few days, Ma Tian also communicated with the school about the implementation of the Xinghai Entrepreneurship Project.

Ma Tian plans to use 100 million from Tianyu Xinghai every year to provide entrepreneurship training to Hunan University students, adopting the form of high threshold, heavy punishment, and survival of the fittest.

As long as you are an outstanding student who is confident in your project and has the ability to execute it, come forward boldly. As long as you pass the review by the judges, the starting capital is 100,000, and you will be given money directly.

During this period, project review experts composed of Tianyu Xinghai will also decide on additional investment based on the project implementation, with the upper limit tentatively set at 1 million.

If it exceeds 1 million, it will be personally reviewed by senior executives of Tianyu Xinghai, such as Zheng Shijian and Su Xihua. Even if it involves an investment of more than 10 million, it will be reviewed by vice presidents such as Ji Leiming and Li Runqi.

Over 100 million is the boss level of Ma Tian.

Don't be afraid of failure in the project, but look at the execution of the project. If you want to defraud funds, the legal department of Tianyu Xinghai will not be a free man. Hunan University will at least give you a major demerit, or even expel you.

As soon as this plan came out, it caused a stir in the university circles.

After all, no entrepreneur has done this before.

It’s not that no entrepreneur has donated money to his alma mater, but there are really no donations like Ma Tian. Ma Tian is completely not following the rules. After all, doing this will make some people want to get some hard work. so awkward.

Because everyone knows that Ma Tian, ​​as the "Flat-headed Brother", will really send people who fool him into it.

Anyone who dares to cheat money to apply for a project must be prepared to go in at any time!

Of course, this is the idea of ​​those with evil intentions. Most college students are relatively simple and support Ma Tian's project.

They are ambitious young people with ideals and ambitions, and Ma Tian's project is like timely rain, bringing them greater hope.

Less than two days after the official release of the project by Hunan University, many students submitted project application forms to Mi Shaoxian according to the project application rules.

The people sent by Tianyu Xinghai were so proactive and efficient that they made Mi Shaoxian and other people in the school uncomfortable.

It turns out, can things be done so quickly?

A group of teachers and staff who are accustomed to the school's style of doing things feel a little "ashamed" during this time.

However, while they were "ashamed", the first batch of students who applied for the project had their bank cards credited with RMB 100,000 within less than three days after the project application was approved.

Someone sent this payment record to the space, and all the Hu University students became excited after reading it.

There has never been a project that is as efficient as the Xinghai Entrepreneurship Project. It makes money as soon as it is said to be made. This also completely convinced the Hunan University students of the authenticity of this project, and the Hunan University students started an entrepreneurial craze.

However, many people were later poured cold water on them and realized what Yan Jinkuan was about to do.

The judges sent by Tianyu Xinghai are all veteran employees with sharp eyesight and have been working in the society for more than ten years. The unreliable projects will be rejected, and only some truly outstanding projects will be passed.

And it is selfless and does not care whether you are a student of a certain boss or who your parents are.

No matter how great the relationship is, it is not worth mentioning in front of Tianyu Xinghai.

But even so, the students' enthusiasm still couldn't be resisted. There were people in the post bar and space showing off that they had passed the review, which was the biggest stimulus. This is the affirmation from Tianyu Xinghai, and it’s almost time to get a weighty competition certificate.

Ma Tian only promoted this plan in the early stage and stopped paying attention to it. For him, 100 million per year is considered a small amount of money. If he can really cultivate a few talents, he will get his money back.

Of course, the premise is that these talents do not go abroad, but Ma Tian is confident that college students in China will become more and more proud of their country's technology, because Tianyu Xinghai is here and Ma Tian is there.

During this period, Ma Tian has been leading Zheng Shijian and others to develop real driverless technology. Compared with smart headlights, driverless technology is slightly more difficult because it requires more sensors and processing chips. A cloud platform needs to be built to collect data.

Because there are too many cars on the road, driverless cars must record data in real time and save it to their Tianyu Xinghai server.

This can also prevent some people from blaming the car for accidents. This is not without lessons.

"Mr. Ma, the experimental vehicle currently in the factory has been running for 168 hours, and the experimental data is qualified!" Zheng Shijian found Ma Tian and reported on the test of the first driverless Tianming car on the factory road.

In the early stage, for the sake of safety, the experiment must be carried out in a sparsely populated area, and a driver must be at the steering wheel to take care of it and be able to take over the operation of the car at any time.

"Well, not bad!" For this result, Ma Tian only thought that it was expected. After all, he had checked the driverless algorithm, and the probability of problems was very small, unless there was a problem with the system knowledge or some aspects of the hardware. There was a problem that he didn't notice.

"Let's go down and prepare a batch of cars suitable for Huda. Then we will go to Huda." Regarding the experiment at Huda, Mi Shaoxian had already helped Ma Tian get through it and planned the route.

However, for the sake of safety, Ma Tian also steadfastly decided to build some sightseeing tour buses in the early stage for experimentation. After all, such buses are slow and can be jumped out of in case of emergencies.

Wait for the sightseeing car test to pass, and then get on the Tianming car to do the real test.

This time, Ma Tian talked with the school privately and did not notify Weibo. The students of Huda only realized belatedly that there was a group of sightseeing buses like this on the way from the apartment to the school.

This car can be ridden at designated locations, and there are dedicated teachers responsible for discipline.

At first, everyone just thought it was an ordinary free sightseeing bus because there was also a driver sitting in front of it.

But soon, the students discovered that the driver in front had never touched the steering wheel.

The students of Hunan University watched blankly as the car moved and turned on its own. When they arrived at the campus, they were prompted by the driver to get out of the car and woke up as if from a dream.

"Have you noticed that the car seems to be driving on its own?"

"I also discovered it! The driver in front was not controlling the car at all. I was so close that I even saw that the driver's feet were spread apart and not on the accelerator."

The discussion among the students became more and more intense, and many people later only paid attention to the driver's operations when riding in the car.

Finally, a bold student asked: "Master, don't you need to control the car?"

The driver was You Shuxin, an engineer from Tianyu Xinghai. He tilted his mouth and said with a smile: "I will only take action at critical times!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Only in emergencies will we take action. These sightseeing cars have been programmed to be driverless, so generally speaking, the machine can control the car on my behalf!" You Shuxin replied simply.

Hearing You Shuxin's answer, the students in the car were collectively shocked!

"Autonomous driving? Can cars be driverless now?"

"I've never heard of it. I've only seen it in movies. Our technology isn't that mature now, is it?"

"Then will we be in danger?"

"Master, if it's troublesome, you'd better control it, we're afraid!"

The students were all talking and began to worry about their own safety, feeling like they were dangerous guinea pigs.

You Shuxin's expression remained unchanged. They had considered this situation before they came. He said slowly: "Why don't you ask which company manufactured these sightseeing buses?"

"Master, which one is it?" a student asked cooperatively.

"Tianyu Xinghai!" You Shuxin said the name of his company with a smile and a sense of pride.

"Tianyu Xinghai? Is it the driverless one developed by Senior Ma Tian? That's fine!"

"Oh, Master, you told me earlier. If it was developed by Senior Ma Tian, ​​then I wouldn't worry!"

A group of worried students were immediately relieved when they heard that the autonomous driving technology was developed by Martin Company.

If students were asked who has the strongest R\u0026D level in the country, they would answer Ma Tian without hesitation.

Ma Tian is now recognized as the strongest scientist by them, not a certain expert. In their eyes, Ma Tian has profound attainments in certain fields. In mathematics and biology, Ma Tian himself admitted that he is a pioneer in the world.

Now that he is building a car, Ma Tian has been voluntarily labeled as a mechanic and engineer by netizens, and some knowledgeable people say that Ma Tian's physical attainments are not bad either.

Therefore, Ma Tian, ​​who is highly accomplished in so many fields, is unanimously considered by the students to be a scientist. Only scientists can invent so many things!

"Don't worry now! You should be proud, because you are basically the first batch of students to experience driverless technology!" You Shuxin said with a smile.

Looking at this group of young students, his eyes were filled with admiration and envy, because their university produced such an awesome figure as Mr. Ma. It would have been great if he had had such an awesome alumnus from the same school when he was in university.

"Don't worry anymore!" The students were completely relieved and took out their mobile phones to take pictures and record them, preparing to post them on Space and Weibo.

You Shuxin didn't stop it. There was no need to keep this matter a secret, and it would be okay if it was exposed. Foreign countries have been working on this technology for a long time. The most famous one is Google. As early as 2010, it caused a stir for secretly experimenting with driverless cars.

In comparison, China is lagging far behind.

Because the students posted Space and Weibo, in one morning, the college students at Hunan University basically learned that their school’s sightseeing bus was a driverless car.

Not only did they not be deterred, but they all rushed to experience the feeling of driverless driving.

Young people never lack courage, but the burden of life later makes their courage disappear.

As more and more people experience it, the sightseeing bus has completely become the scenery of Huda, and the Internet has begun to make a fuss.

First of all, it must be the envy and jealousy of the students from the two colleges next door.

Students from Zhongnan and National Normal University were so envious that their eyes turned red with envy when they saw that Huda was part of Xinghai Entrepreneurship Project and were among the first to experience driverless cars.

Some people even secretly asked their friends at Hunan University: "Brother Rui, can you secretly take me to experience your driverless sightseeing car? I want to see the world!"

"A cup of milk tea!"

"make a deal!"

The resulting situation was that the sightseeing bus was always full. However, as a college student, I still had basic literacy and there was no trouble.

Secondly, more and more people on the Internet are paying attention to Ma Tian’s development of self-driving cars in school.

The media have the most sensitive sense of smell and are quick to act. They have already started going to Hunan University for interviews and reports to take advantage of the first wave of traffic.

Tianyu Xinghai's experimental driverless car quickly became a hot search topic among netizens and started a large-scale discussion.

There are those who doubt, those who believe, and those who want to experience it for themselves.

Those who question it must think that this technology is very dangerous. They said: "A car is a car, and the conditions on the road are all kinds of strange. Can machines judge and make accurate operations for us? I don't think so!"

"Anyway, I don't dare to ride in such a driverless car. What if the machine takes me directly into the river? I can't even run. I won't trust my life to the car."

There are also many people who agree, but mainly young people:

"I agree with Ma Tian's pursuit of driverless driving. The future world should be a driverless world, including current airplanes and trains. Aren't they equivalent to driverless driving?"

"Yes, people abroad have been working on it for a long time, but there is no movement in our country. Are there no problems in autonomous driving that foreign countries have considered?"

Supporters and opponents even debated on the Internet. Not only Ma Tianwei's blog, but also Tianyu Xinghai's official message box became a "battlefield" for debate.

A big V simply launched an online poll with three options: support, opposition, and neutral.

The results of the poll showed that the number of people who opposed it was far greater than the number of people who supported it, and there were also a lot of neutral people, with only the smallest number of people supporting it.

There is a public opinion storm on the Internet, and I don't know if there is a black hand behind it. Tianyu Xinghai is once again at the forefront of the storm.

Musk is also paying attention to this matter, and he is increasingly frightened by Ma Tian. Why did Ma Tian suddenly start driverless driving?

To be honest, driverless technology was something he was planning to sell cars later, and his company had already had relevant department personnel studying it. Unexpectedly, Ma Tian came up with it first.

Another trump card behind him is useless!

What else can his Tesla do to impress now?

The falcon wing doors are offset by the up and down opening and closing doors of Tianming Auto. The car hardware performance such as battery life is not comparable. Future driverless technology is also being tested and implemented first.

Musk was a little desperate. He brushed his face with both hands in pain, pulled up his thinning hair, and used the scalp pain stimulation method to think of countermeasures.

Similarly, Bi Yadi's Wang Chuanfu also wears a mask of pain, which is outrageous.

It is also a domestic company, why is Tianyu Xinghai so good? Tianyu Xinghai is still a latecomer, how come his skills are so superior to those of others?

First came solid-state batteries, then smart headlights, and now autonomous driving. What’s the next step?

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