My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 137 Mechanized car building and sudden mudslides

Ma Tian ignored the objections on the Internet. The gears of technology were already turning, and these outdated concepts could not stop them.

And there is only one result of blocking, and that is to be ruthlessly crushed.

Judging from the results of the current Huda road experiment, there is no misjudgment in driverless driving. When driving on campus, whether it encounters pedestrians or vehicles, sightseeing buses equipped with driverless systems must drive in compliance with traffic laws.

It can be seen that the driverless algorithm he wrote is accurate for the time being, Ma Tian thought.

This unmanned driving experiment will take at least three months. After three months, Ma Tian can go to talk to Director Su about the pilot project in Hunan City.

Temporarily withdrawing his mind from driverless driving, Ma Tian also sank his consciousness into the system. After a month, the countdown to the unknown technical drawing finally had less than 5 minutes left.

As the countdown to the last second ended, Ma Tian waited with bated breath.

"Five-axis machining machine? 1 million impact value?" Ma Tian's eyes lit up as he watched the drawings refreshed.

He spent 1 million to redeem the drawings and looked at them carefully. Half an hour later, Ma Tian was a little disappointed. This five-axis processing machine tool is a technology that already exists on the earth, and it is not far ahead.

He could figure it out if he took the time to research, it just took some time.

Seeing that the unknown drawing had entered another 30-day countdown, Ma Tian could only comfort himself temporarily:

"If you keep refreshing the drawings, you might be able to get some good stuff later!"

The system impact value is still 200,000, plus the 1 million just deducted.

An average of 1.2 million is added per month, which means that it would take more than 90 months, or 8 years, to reach the next level of 100 million. This speed is too slow.

It seems that I still don’t work hard enough.

Ma Tian looked at the product data of the entire company.

At present, the company has a total of three products, namely shared bicycles, Tianrun No. 1, and Tianming Automobile.

Shared bicycles are basically in a state of maintenance. Several new bicycles are occasionally launched, and their contribution to the system's impact value seems to have reached a threshold and is not growing much.

But what Ma Tian didn't expect was that the account sheet actually showed that shared bicycles did not lose much money. After a closer look, I realized that Li Runqi actually let advertisers advertise in the little blue car and used it by collecting advertising fees.

Just like putting signs on bus stops, if you want to advertise, you can have some bicycles returned to the factory and put a film on them. For example, for the recently popular game LOL from Goose Factory, if you have nothing to do, you can put a LOL hero on it to advertise.

Don't tell me, everyone really followed this trick, the promotion effect was very good, and the goose factory also gave a lot of money.

Although I still lost some money, I didn’t lose much. Last year, maintenance and labor expenses were 150 million, advertising revenue was 115 million, and the bank interest on the deposit was 5 points and more than 5 million, which means I lost about 30 million. .

Ma Tian also smiled. Unexpectedly, Li Runqi had some ideas, but only Li Runqi, a "miser", would think about losing less.

After all, for Ma Tian, ​​there are too many ways to make money, and he doesn't care about losing money at all. The company also has more than 100 billion in cash lying around, but Ma Tian is too lazy to use it.

With more than 100 billion in cash alone, Ma Tian lost more than 10 billion a year in bank interest, so he really didn't care about the little blue car's loss.

Tianrun No. 1 is also the banknote printing machine of Tianyu Xinghai, with annual sales reaching 180 billion and net profit of more than 130 billion.

In order to control the market, Ji Leiming also reported to Ma Tian that the output was just right, so Ma Tian did not expand further, thinking of relying on this golden rooster to continue laying eggs and maintain his own R\u0026D expenditures.

The impact value contributed by Tianrun No. 1 is increasing every month. Ma Tian cannot count the specific data, because the system does not list separately which impact value is contributed by Tianrun No. 1.

Finally, there is Tianming Automobile. Tianming Automobile has long been profitable. Of course, it mainly relies on Tianming No. 2 to make profits. Tianming No. 1 only sold for around RMB 200,000. Excluding R\u0026D costs, it didn’t make much money.

Now the factory can produce more than 48,000 cars every month.

Selling a car to a person will at least contribute 1 impact value. The specific amount depends on the family members of that person. The more family members there are, the more impact value will be shared.

If that person is a taxi driver, the first passenger is a shared value.

Seeing this, Ma Tian also fell into thinking. Was it because a batch of new energy vehicles were provided as taxis in Hunan last month that the number of taxis increased by 1.2 million? After all, it only increased by about 600,000 per month before.

In this case, the calculation based on a monthly growth of 1.2 million is a bit inaccurate. It will take more than 8 years for him to reach an impact value of 100 million.

It seems that we still need to sell more cars and build more cars. Cars are definitely a major contributor to impact value.

Thinking of this, Ma Tian asked his secretary to call Ji Leiming and Su Xihua together to discuss increasing production lines.

It was decided to continue to expand on the current basis and expand as much as possible.

Ji Leiming looked at Ma Tian, ​​but couldn't help but remind him: "Brother Ma, the current situation is not a problem of factory expansion, but a problem of employees!"

"Oh, is it because we can't recruit people?" Ma Tian asked.

"No!" Ji Leiming shook his head and told Ma Tian some other situations.

It turns out that the number of employees in the car manufacturing factory has reached an astonishing number of more than 12,000, working in three shifts to build cars with all their strength.

Because of the good treatment provided by Tianyu Xinghai, many people from factories came to Tianyu Xinghai to look for opportunities. The impact was that many other factories in Hunan City had production problems.

Director Su has already talked to Ji Leiming about this matter and asked him to consider the overall impact and appropriately control the expansion speed.

"Brother Ma, I think Director Su is right, and now I have also discovered some other problems, that is, we expanded too fast, which caused some of our employees to increase dramatically in a short period of time. Once there are more people, there will be a mix of good and bad, and some people use the back door. , some people are just gangsters..."

Hearing this, Ma Tian's expression became serious, thinking about this matter.

To be honest, he hadn't really thought about it. It turns out that rapid expansion would have such an impact on this society! He had always thought that only when companies closed down and resulted in too many unemployed people would there be a big impact on society.

Director Su didn't come to him, probably because he was concerned about his temper and knew that he might not care about the lives of other companies.

"Mr. Ma, why don't you consider mechanization?" Su Xihua said for the first time from the side.

This reminded Ma Tian, ​​yes, he was so busy that he almost forgot about mechanization. The current level of mechanization in Tianming's manufacturing workshop is not high. Most of it is automated machinery and equipment from abroad. He can definitely upgrade the mechanization during this time.

It’s not impossible to even build some robots in the end!

Ma Tian's mind was spinning, and a mechanized framework suddenly appeared in his mind.

Car manufacturing is mainly divided into four parts: stamping, welding, painting and final assembly. Except for final assembly, which requires a lot of labor, the other three parts can be fully mechanized. Even the final assembly can also consider using robots or robot arms. Get started.

As soon as he said it, Ma Tian also convened a meeting of engineers to find a way to mechanize the car factory.

At this time in Hunan Province, as soon as the spring thunder sounded, the spring rain began to fall.

At first, no one cared about the spring rain. Who knew that on the winding mountain road called Shibaguai from Hunan City to Yiyang, the water in Bagali Reservoir was rising like crazy.

"What's going on? Why is there something wrong with the perfectly good reservoir?" Du Jinyang, the person in charge of the reservoir, roared in the rain.

At this time, a group of staff gathered around the reservoir, watching with trepidation as the water pressure line of the reservoir reached the warning position.

"I don't know, Mr. Du, it's probably because the machine is out of order!" a staff member replied.

"Can it be repaired? You should know how critical this reservoir is! Below is the only winding mountain road to Yiyang. Once the water breaks its banks, this road will be destroyed."

Du Jin said in a loud voice, "This is really going to cost him his life. If something goes wrong at this time, once the reservoir bursts, he, the person in charge, will be doomed."

Under the command of Du Jinyang, the staff explored the problem of the machine, but this time there was a problem with the machine linkage of the valve. A screw of the brake device became loose because it had not been checked for too long, causing it to malfunction.

This problem was underwater, so they couldn't detect it at all, and the water level in Bagali Reservoir was still rising.

The sky was not beautiful either, and the heavy rain became heavier and heavier. Finally, in Du Jinyang's despair, the dam collapsed, and the water from the reservoir began to flow toward the winding mountain road below.

Carrying the debris along the way, a mighty debris flow was formed.

Du Jinyang sat down on the muddy road, not knowing whether it was rain or tears on his face...

"Emergency notice: Recently, due to mudslides caused by severe rainfall, the Shibaguai Panshan Highway to Yiyang has been severely blocked. Relevant departments issued an emergency notice calling on the general public not to go to the area to ensure safety!

Relevant departments have taken measures, including cleanup work and road repairs, but due to the seriousness of the disaster, recovery work will take some time! "


Director Su was furious in the office and slammed the table. Although the news reported that it was due to heavy rain, this was obviously an accident caused by human negligence.

Now the only Shibaguai Panshan Highway leading to Yiyang is blocked, and this road is very narrow. Not only has the road been blocked by cars, but the number of mudslides is still increasing, damaging the highway and endangering people's safety.

How should recovery work be done in such a complicated situation?

"Let the drivers and people who are trapped on the mountain give up their cars and evacuate first. Prioritize the safety of their lives!" Director Su ordered.

The sirens of fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances were blaring long and short, and he rushed to the scene himself to investigate the situation.

"Have all the people evacuated?" Director Su asked Huang Qiyuan, the district chief, without getting angry.

Huang Qiyuan wiped the cold sweat on his head, touched the non-existent hat on his head, and quickly replied: "Director Su, the people trapped in the mountain have basically evacuated, but there is a village in the mountain where some people cannot Evacuate, the only way out is blocked by flash floods, rescue helicopters have been sent over!"

"Then why haven't some people evacuated?"

"Director Su, the situation is a bit complicated. There are many left-behind elderly people in that village and they are unwilling to leave their village!" In such a cold day, Huang Qiyuan was sweating on his head. Damn it, he was going to be killed.

Who could have imagined that something like this would happen?

"Don't they know that staying there means death?" Director Su said angrily.

"I said, I said: Now that the road has been destroyed, even if you are not buried in the mudslide, you will starve to death due to food shortage. But they replied: If they don't leave, their children will die if they leave. Their home can’t be found!”

Director Su was silent. These stubborn old people had not appeared in his past experience. There was indeed a group of old people who were too stubborn.

"Where are the experts? Have they analyzed whether the mudslide will have an impact on this village?"

"Experts have analyzed it and said that if this continues, the mudslide will definitely pass by and inundate the village. We must find a way to divert the mudslide in time and stop it at the source."

"According to what the experts say, control the mudslide first!" Director Su made the final decision.

So a huge amount of high-explosives were placed at the reservoir door by professionals, and the art of performing was an explosion. There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and the water level in the reservoir began to drop.

There are no longer any mudslides at the source, but at least more than 1 kilometer of the entire winding mountain road has been buried by the mudslides, with dozens of vehicles buried inside.

"Tell me, can this road be cleared in a week?" Director Su looked at the long road full of mudslides and asked Huang Qiyuan on the side in a low voice.

"Director Su, you'd better leave here first. It's too dangerous here!" Huang Qiyuan was still frightened. He was very worried when he saw that Director Su was less than 30 meters away from the nearest mudslide.

Director Su did not pay attention to Huang Qiyuan's words. Instead, he looked sadly at the road covered with mudslides, feeling very anxious. This road was the only road from Xiang City to Yiyang, and there was an old man from a village trapped in it. ah.

The sooner you clean it up, the less damage you will suffer.

"Try every possible means to clean up this road quickly within a week!"

"Yes, Director Su!" Huang Qiyuan said yes quickly. He breathed a sigh of relief after watching Director Su leave. The problem before him now was to clear this road within a week.

If you want to clean up such a winding mountain road, you will naturally need to use excavator technology, so Huang Qiyuan personally visited Shanyi Heavy Industries.

As the general manager, Deng Wanquan followed Huang Qiyuan to the Shibaguai Winding Mountain Highway and frowned when he looked at the blocked mudslide.

"Mr. Deng, please don't frown. Are you confident that this matter will be resolved within five days?" Huang Qiyuan immediately felt bad when he saw Deng Wanquan frowning. The superiors only gave him one week, but he couldn't handle it after one week. I guess the hat on his head is unstable.

"Oh, Chief Huang, this road is so wide that large excavators can't get up and trucks can't turn around. How can this be done in five days? Even if we use our Tiangong I model, we can't do it. Ah!" Deng Wanquan said truthfully.

"Mr. Deng, how long will it take at the earliest?"

"At least two months!"

"Two months? The day lilies are already cold!" Huang Qiyuan was dumbfounded when he heard Deng Wanquan's words. If it had been two months, he would have lost his hat.

"Mr. Deng, this road is very important. It is the only road from Hunan City to Yiyang. You have to think of a way!" Huang Qiyuan took Deng Wanquan's hand affectionately, as if holding the last life-saving straw.

"Moreover, there is a village here where the road in and out is blocked, making it difficult to deliver supplies."

Deng Wanquan sighed and said, "I'll give it a try!"

He sent the Tiangong I and a truck to try out the powerful excavator efficiency of the Tiangong I. As soon as the shovel went down, the mudslide loosened and flowed directly towards the excavator.

If the excavator master hadn't run fast, he would have died inside.

Deng Wanquan looked livid in the distance and said, Damn, I have a 6 million excavator, while Huang Qiyuan also looked desperate.

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