My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 138 Go and invite Tianyu Xinghai

Deng Wanquan thought for a moment and couldn't bear this loss. He said to the hopeless District Chief Huang: "That District Chief Huang, I lost the money on that excavator."

When Huang Qiyuan heard this, he didn't care so much and said: "Mr. Deng, we will definitely compensate for the loss of the excavator. The problem now is to find a way to clean up the road. You have to help me this time." !”

"District Chief Huang, it's not that I won't help you, but you have also seen that the mudslide has not solidified yet. In my opinion, I said two months is conservative. At least we have to wait for the mudslide to solidify before we can dig. Otherwise, which excavator master would dare to go up there!"

Deng Wanquan told the truth that in this situation, he was a little helpless.

"Is there no other way? Can we use chemical reagents to solidify the mountain?" Huang Qiyuan asked without giving up.

"... District Chief Huang, you don't understand how difficult this is, so you'd better find another job." Deng Wanquan sighed and said helplessly.

Deng Wanquan resigned and gave up, but Huang Qiyuan couldn't give up. He started looking for other large machinery companies in Hunan Province. If Shanyi Heavy Industry couldn't do it, there was always one that could.

Huang Qiyuan found Sunward Heavy Industries again. Zhao Chengxiu, the general manager of Sunward Heavy Industries, patted his chest and said confidently before hearing Huang Qiyuan's words:

"District Chief Huang, isn't it just to deal with a mudslide? We have experience in this, and our SWE5355 excavator is guaranteed to be able to do it!"

Huang Qiyuan was very happy and thought he had found the right company this time.

But the next day, Zhao Chengxiu called and said, "District Chief Huang, you didn't tell me this is on a mountain road and my excavator can't get up."

"I said yesterday that the location is on Shibaguai Mountain Road!" Huang Qiyuan was also confused. Zhao Chengxiu couldn't do this, and he had a bad feeling.

"District Chief Huang, I took a closer look at the terrain. I can't get up at all. It's too narrow." Zhao Chengxiu also frowned. He didn't pay attention to this terrain at all yesterday, but he had already blown away.

"Mr. Zhao, please think of a way. Deng Wanquan at Shanyi Heavy Industry has nothing to do. I can only rely on you! Only you, Mr. Zhao, can help me." Huang Qiyuan said bitterly on the phone, stepping on Peng De secretly said that Zhao Chengxiu was better than Deng Wanquan.

As expected, Zhao Chengxiu fell for this trick. He and Deng Wanquan were old enemies. Deng Wanquan, a loser, was lucky enough to get into Tianyu Xinghai's lap. Recently, he often got embarrassed in front of him.

Today is a good opportunity to prove that Shanhe Heavy Industries is better than Shanyi Heavy Industries, and that Deng Wanquan is nothing.

"District Chief Huang, I'll fight!" After hanging up the phone, Zhao Chengxiu was also a ruthless person. He compared the width of the road down the mountain with the width of his own excavator, and gritted his teeth to shorten the track.

As everyone knows, the reason why Shibaguai Mountain Road is called Shibaguai is that it naturally has eighteen large curves. He overestimated his excavator.

The first bend was okay, and the excavator barely managed to pass it. However, at the second bend, the excavator knocked off the low fence and left half of the track suspended in the air.

Zhao Chengxiu, who had been following behind, was startled. He quickly sent someone to shout to the excavator master to come back and stop going!

Huang Qiyuan was also speechless. For his grandmother, Sunward Heavy Industries was not as good as Shanyi Heavy Industries. They went to the accident site anyway.

Shanhe Heavy Industries couldn't do it, so Huang Qiyuan was looking for companies everywhere again. This time, he first talked about the difficulty here and the experiences of Shanyi Heavy Industries and Sunward Heavy Industries.

However, precisely because he said it in more detail this time, people from various companies shook their heads and said they couldn't do it:

"District Chief Huang, please find someone else, we can't do it."

"District Chief Huang, this is too difficult. It will take at least three months for our company to clean up!"

After asking around all the large heavy industry companies in Hunan Province, Huang Qiyuan looked desperate. In the end, he could only come to Deng Wanquan to complain: "Brother, you have to help me. Other companies are not as good as your Shanyi Heavy Industry." A finger."

Deng Wanquan felt relieved when he heard it, and he couldn't help but think of arc at the corner of his mouth, but he quickly suppressed it when he thought that he couldn't help.

"District Chief Huang, we really can't help. The time is too short. Why don't you discuss it with the boss and give him more time?"

"I've talked to the boss, two weeks at most!" Now, Huang Qiyuan is telling the truth and doesn't dare to compress the time any more.

The technical director Zhong Yongtao on the side hesitated to speak, but finally intervened: "Mr. Deng, you can actually consider asking Tianyu Xinghai."

"Huh?" Deng Wanquan's eyes widened when he heard this, "Yes, you can ask Ma Tian, ​​no, Mr. Ma! He is very skilled, maybe he has a quick solution!"

"Really?" Huang Qiyuan also cheered up again, hoping that he would not let go.

However, at this time, Ma Tian was working on a mechanized car manufacturing factory with Zheng Shijian, Su Xihua and others. Deng Wanquan and others wanted to visit but were blocked by Ji Leiming.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Deng, Mr. Ma is leading people to conduct research, and no guests are welcome!" Ji Leiming politely refused. Ma Tian studies things in seclusion every time and doesn't like to be disturbed by others.

Therefore, ordinary reservations will be blocked by Ji Leiming.

"Mr. Ji, please be accommodating. We really have a big deal this time!" Deng Wanquan said with a big belly. Huang Qiyuan on the side was also anxious and restless. This related to his hat. How could Ma Tian be in seclusion and study without seeing anyone? Arrive?

Is the score a bit too big?

Just as he was about to speak, Ji Leiming spoke up first: "Please tell me something big first."

"It's the recent mudslide on the Shibaguai Panshan Highway..." Deng Wanquan told the story, including the difficulty of cleaning up the mudslide. The key point was that they lost a 6 million Tiangong I-type excavator. After he finished talking, He also glanced at Huang Qiyuan who was standing aside.

"Is there a village that is trapped in and out? We can use helicopters to transport supplies first!" Ji Leiming said, thinking whether this matter was worth disturbing Ma Tian.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to Ma Tian.

Although this incident did not affect the safety of the people, the traffic in these two cities was blocked, which had a somewhat greater impact.

"Just wait for my reply, I'll go find Mr. Xiama!"

Seeing Ji Leiming's leaving figure, Huang Qiyuan and Deng Wanquan looked at each other and could only sit and wait for a reply.

In the manufacturing workshop, Ji Leiming met Ma Tian, ​​who was leading the development of the robotic arm. He saw Ma Tian covered in engine oil and using a wrench to tighten screws everywhere.

Ji Leiming didn't dare to disturb him and stood aside.

After Ma Tian finished his work, he dared to step forward and said: "Brother Ma, there is something I might want you to know..."

Ji Leiming briefly recounted what happened to Deng Wanquan and others, and Ma Tian fell into deep thought after listening.

This thing still sounds a bit tricky, mainly because the winding mountain road is too narrow and large equipment cannot go up.

And now Tianyu Xinghai has not developed airborne capabilities, which is a bit difficult.

Ma Tian thought for a while and then said: "You go back and answer the two of them first, I will take people there later!"

Ma Tian decided that it would be better to go to the scene to see the situation. He had a bold idea, but he didn't know if it would work.

Ji Leiming also returned to the living room to reply to Deng Wanquan and Huang Qiyuan.

Upon hearing that Ma Tianhui had taken action, Huang Qiyuan quickly expressed his gratitude.

"Thank you so much!" Huang Qiyuan shook hands with Ji Leiming excitedly.

A smile appeared on Ji Leiming's face, and he said humbly: "District Chief Huang is very polite. With a little effort, we at Tianyu Xinghai can only say that we will do our best! If I can't help, please forgive me..."

Ji Leiming entertained the two of them, and Ma Tian quickly interrupted his work and called a group of top engineers such as Su Xihua and Zheng Shijian to hold an impromptu meeting.

At the meeting, Ma Tian elaborated on the situation: "... You can also understand the difficulty of this matter. Do you have any good ideas? Remember, the debris flow should be solved as quickly as possible. "

A group of top engineers below were lost in thought, thinking about how to solve the problem.

"Can we use a high-power water pump to pump it away?" an engineer took the lead and said.

"This is a landslide with rocks and trees mixed in. It shouldn't be smoked!"

"You can add a large cutting knife to the outlet of the tube!"

"It sounds a bit difficult. At least the power is very high, and the pipes also need to be made of special materials."

"Can explosives be used to blast out a channel to remove the debris flow? Based on mathematical physics methods, we can calculate a specific road to blow up and guide the debris flow to a lower place!" Some people also put forward this idea.

"Has the current mudslide solidified? If not, this is a good method. If combined with a water pump, you can consider giving it a try."

"Isn't there a village at the foot of the mountain? Will it affect the village?"

A group of top engineers put forward their ideas and discussed them. Only Ma Tian, ​​who was sitting at the forefront, did not express his opinion.

The discussion among the people gradually became quieter, and they looked at Ma Tian.

"Keep your ideas in reserve for now, and go to the site to investigate the situation in detail before deciding which one can be used!" Ma Tian made the final decision, "Ye Yuyan, Su Xihua, Chu Maoshan... you guys will take the equipment and set off with me."

"Okay! Mr. Ma!"

This time it was Huang Qiyuan who asked for help from Tianyu Xinghai. Pidianpidian and Deng Wanquan led the way. Ma Tian and a group of engineers followed behind with equipment. When they were 200 meters away from the debris flow blockage, Huang Qiyuan stopped and said:

"Mr. Ma, look, there is a blocked mudslide road ahead!"

Ma Tian nodded. He naturally saw it, but was it too far away? "District Chief Huang, how about we go a little further!"

"Mr. Ma, it will be dangerous if you go any further!"

Ma Tian:......

Ma Tian was speechless. Are you so steady? However, he did not insist on moving forward. He waved his hand and motioned to Su Xihua and other engineers behind him to take out some equipment and set it up.

Deng Wanquan, Huang Qiyuan and others looked at it curiously and expressed that they were a little confused. What were those girls taking out the drawing boards? If it weren't for the computer next to him, Deng Wanquan would have suspected that he was here to collect news.

But soon they were stunned, because Ma Tian suddenly asked: "Is it okay to use a drone to explore here?"

Deng Wanquan looked at Huang Qiyuan. Huang Qiyuan was a little confused and confused about the situation, but he still nodded and said: "Mr. Ma, everything is up to you!"

Ma Tian nodded, and then they saw that among the cars carrying Ma Tian and others, one of the cars flew out three drones from the back and began to take off.

The sound of the rotor spinning rapidly resounded above their heads, and soon they began to fly towards the mudslide mountain.

Then the screen of the equipment point temporarily built by Su Xihua and others began to display the footage taken by the drone. Ye Yuyan and others also began to perform their respective duties, modeling, analyzing, and measuring. A group of people Started to get busy.

Ma Tian also stood in front of the computer screen transmitted from the drone and fell into thinking.

Deng Wanquan and Huang Qiyuan suddenly felt that they were redundant in the room and did not dare to speak.

"Mr. Ma, judging from the scanning results of the drone, the debris flow is still in an unstable state and may cause another landslide at any time." An engineer reported to Ma Tianhui while looking at the three-dimensional laser scan on the drone.

Ma Tian nodded and didn't say much. At present, the entire winding mountain road is like unsolidified cement attached to the mountain. Without baffles to block it, further landslides may occur at any time.

This is why Deng Wanquan sent an excavator up there and dug a shovelful of it before it was buried.

The entire mountain is not stable due to too much water storage, and it is unknown how much water has escaped from the reservoir.

Huang Qiyuan on the side heard that another landslide would occur, and he was anxious to interrupt: "Mr. Ma, is there any way?"

"Yes, but I can only give it a try for the time being, but the cost is relatively high, so be prepared later." Ma Tian glanced at Huang Qiyuan and said, it was impossible to work for free, and it would make him uncomfortable.

"The cost is easy to say, as long as this road can be solved as soon as possible!" Huang Qiyuan gritted his teeth and said, he still didn't know how much the cost would be.

Ma Tian nodded, and after returning to the company after the detection, he quickly held another meeting.

The screen showed pictures of the debris flow on the Shibaguai Highway, including the internal structure, which was basically drawn based on the detection waves.

Looking at the large rocks, trees, cars, etc. on the screen, the group of people below fell into deep thought. There are too many ingredients in it, and it seems that it is difficult to handle except for the excavator.

And when using an excavator to deal with it, you have to consider further landslides. The best way is to use a large excavator, but the road is too narrow and the excavator cannot go up...

Looking at the silent crowd, Ma Tian also put forward his own bold idea: "If the large machine can't go up, then we will assemble a large machine on it!"

"Mr. Ma, do you mean to assemble a large piece of equipment on the mountain?" Su Xihua asked.

"Have you ever seen the cartoon "Super Beast Arms"? In it, various machines are deformed and combined!" Ma Tian did not deny it, but looked at the screen and said firmly, "We assembled a car with more than a dozen cars on the mountain. A large excavator that can dig out mudslides!”

"What?" A group of engineers stared at Ma Tian in surprise. They didn't expect Ma Tian to be so crazy. Can this really be built?

However, Ye Yuyan's eyes are shining underneath, which is exciting to hear. Before she was a modeler, her favorite thing to draw was Gundam.

"The specifics have to be designed first. My general idea is to drive several special vehicles to the mountain, and then continuously assemble them into the parts you want. For example, two vehicles can be combined to form a giant crawler track for an excavator, and one vehicle can be transformed into Giant robotic arm." Ma Tian continued.

This idea seemed crazy, but Ma Tian had an intuition that it was not impossible. Moreover, this is the fastest way to solve the debris flow blockage. Compared with waiting for the debris flow to solidify and then relying on a small excavator to dig slowly, this assembled large machine can be used without fear of the debris flow loosening.

After all, another landslide would only reach the ankles of the assembled giant excavator.

Next, the entire Tianyu Xinghai engineering team was fully mobilized, several car manufacturing workshops were temporarily suspended, and hundreds of engineers were waiting in place.

Ma Tian also led the modeling team, mechanical team and design team to work overtime overnight to design this large-scale machinery. Ma Tian named it - the Titan of Heavenly Works.

Tiangong Titan involves too much mechanical knowledge, and Ma Tian alone cannot design it in a short time. It must be divided into parts, and then Ma Tian integrates them.

For example, the power track is given to a team, the robotic arm is given to a team, and there is an operation room, etc.

This time Ma Tian is also preparing to use the latest unmanned driving technology to go up, preparing to remotely operate Tiangong Titan to reduce personnel risks.

The design drawings were drawn up after 18 hours of cooperation between more than 60 top engineers and were handed over to the engineers who had been waiting for it for a long time.

Like ants, they began to perform their duties, manufacturing and welding various components and parts...

If anyone comes to the Tianyu Xinghai car manufacturing workshop, they will be shocked by the Tianyu Xinghai car manufacturing workshop. There are large machines running everywhere, with engineers lying on them welding things, shining brightly...

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