My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 141 You call this a toy car?

Under the pale yellow light, Wang Chenbo was shocked when he looked at the dozen questions on the paper that Ma Tian threw into the trash can.

Because there are two small problems that they are solving. For example, after the engine is started, there will be vibration in the tank for a short time. This problem is only known to their internal personnel and has not been disclosed to the outside world. How did Ma Tian know?

It was a bit beyond his common sense. After thinking about it, he called Ma Tian and asked for details.

The call was quickly answered.

"Ma Tian, ​​how do you know that our engine will vibrate for a short time?" Wang Chenbo got straight to the point.

At this time, Ma Tian, ​​who received a call from Wang Chenbo in the laboratory, also had a serious expression. After thinking about it, he still replied: "It is inferred from the parameters you mentioned."

"What do you mean?" Wang Chenbo was confused.

"Mr. Wang, sometimes it's useless to say this. You have to prove it with your strength. You should wait until my car comes out before discussing this issue." Ma Tian said calmly, not intending to answer the question directly.

Anyway, no matter how much he said, Luo Luming and Wang Chenbo didn't believe it, so it would be better to see the real skills under his hands.

Wang Chenbo was silent. He didn't expect Ma Tian to be so strong, but it was in line with Ma Tian's character.

He knew that the forceful melon was not sweet, so he laughed and said: "Ma Tian, ​​this old man Luo Luming is a bit stubborn. I hope you don't mind. I'm still looking forward to your car."

"Yeah!" Ma Tian simply said yes and didn't say much.

Wang Chenbo is a bit of a Muggle, and Ma Tian's "mind" is too small, but who told Luo Luming on their side to despise Ma Tian.

"Ma Tian, ​​I'll ask you for advice when I see you offline. I won't disturb you now!" Wang Chenbo had to hang up the phone, but he didn't dare to disturb Ma Tian anymore, for fear of causing Ma Tian's greater resentment.

And Ma Tian also continued to seriously design a car to prove himself.

Vehicle design is divided into three steps: power, armor (defense), and firepower.

For power, an electric engine can be used, paired with a fully integrated Tianming solid-state battery, which is completely comparable to a fuel engine. The tracks use square tracks, which definitely beat them in terms of flexibility.

Regarding the armor, Ma Tian thought about it and was not prepared to put a lot of effort into this aspect. Especially now that all kinds of armor-piercing projectiles are so powerful that ordinary-thick armor is just a decoration. This is why tanks now weigh more than 50 tons at every turn.

Most of the weight is in the thickness of the armor to prevent it from being wiped out in one shot.

Therefore, in terms of armor, Ma Tian decided to only design it to be able to defend against ordinary rocket launchers, which will greatly reduce the weight and increase its mobility.

As long as the mobility is good enough, it is difficult for ordinary tanks to quickly aim and attack.

In the end, only the firepower is left. Since the car is going to be driverless, the firepower will naturally be automatic firepower.

And another advantage of driverless driving is that it saves the space for tank crews to move and can add more firepower.

In terms of close combat firepower, Ma Tian plans to use close-in defense machine guns, and long-range anti-tank rockets and surface-to-air missiles, which can not only destroy enemy tanks on the ground, but also attack air targets.

The overall design looks a bit like the multi-purpose infantry vehicle in "Red Alert".

Two days later, Ma Tian took the rough drawings of the design and called Su Xihua, Zheng Shijian and other major engineers to hold a meeting.

Looking at the design drawings projected on the big screen, Su Xihua and others' eyes were as wide as bells.


Ma Tianqing coughed a few times, turned everyone's attention to himself, and said, "As you can see, this is a toy car we are about to develop."

As soon as Ma Tian's toy car came out, the corners of the people below couldn't help but twitch.

Your toy car has so many cannon barrels and machine guns? Okay, you are the boss, whatever you say will happen.

They were all loyal old employees of Tianyu Xinghai, and they didn't care whether it was legal or not. Ma Tian said they could do whatever they were told.

They believe in Ma Tian!

On the contrary, I am a little excited inside. It is quite challenging to develop such a "toy car".

In the next half hour, under the organization of Ma Tian, ​​the meeting not only determined the details and division of labor, but also decided how to present it.

In the end, it definitely cannot be done with real guns and real knives. For example, the bullets fired by close-range anti-machine guns must be ineffective paintballs. There are also rocket launchers and surface-to-air missiles that can be fired, but they can only fire dumb bombs. The explosive fuel must be replaced by Same weight of sand.

Tianyu Xinghai began to build a separate "toy car" workshop, and a group of specialized engineers were transferred in and signed a confidentiality agreement.

The grand first "toy car" manufacturing has begun...

Two weeks later, the first car was released. Ma Tian looked at the car and temporarily felt the excitement in his heart. He called Director Su to arrange a experimental area.

Now the factory is not far from the city, so it is easy for people to see it and cause misunderstandings. It is best to go to remote suburbs, and this must be reported to the province above to cause misunderstandings.

"What, a toy car experiment? Are you looking for me for a toy car experiment?" Director Su was a little confused. When he heard on the phone that Ma Tian was going to the suburbs to allocate land for the "toy car" experiment he produced, he was also confused.

It's just a toy car, why do you need to go to such great lengths and call him?

"Director Su, I sent you a picture of this toy car on WeChat. Take a look." Ma Tian took a photo directly on WeChat and sent it.

Director Su was frightened when he saw it. Good guy, is this a fucking toy car?

"Ma Tian, ​​wait, I'll go to your place now!" After saying that, Director Su hung up the phone in a hurry and asked the driver to drive him to Tianyu Xinghai Car Factory.

What is this boy Ma Tian doing? You should scare him to death.

Ma Tian didn't expect Director Su to be so decisive and wanted to call him again to explain. After thinking about it, he thought it would be better to wait for Director Su to come and explain on the spot.

Half an hour later, Director Su arrived at the car factory in a hurry, with an anxious expression on his face.

The first thing he said when he saw Ma Tian was: "Ma Tian, ​​what's going on? Why are you suddenly thinking about developing arms?"

"Um... Director Su, I have communicated with the boss, we can study it!" In front of Director Su, Ma Tian didn't have to hide anything and just told the truth.

Director Su stared blankly at the "toy car" behind Ma Tian, ​​looked at the formidable gun barrel, and glanced at Ma Tian angrily: "You guys are really going to cause trouble for me. I'll look for this experimental site later." Someone will contact you, and you can tell me your motivation for developing this!"

Of course, Ma Tian couldn't tell all his motives. He just said that he wanted to develop a tank in response to Luo Luming's doubts.

Director Su felt that this explanation was very reasonable. In his eyes, Ma Tian was such a stingy and competitive person.

He also turned his anger into a smile and said: "You kid, next time an aircraft engineer questions you, will you develop an aircraft to slap you in the face?"

Ma Tian:......

Seeing that Ma Tian seemed to be speechless after what he said, Director Su was completely relieved. Ma Tian didn't just do it blindly. He said: "You make your own decisions. I support you in this matter. Prove it to us." Hunan people’s R\u0026D capabilities.”

Ma Tian also smiled. Director Su is really a good person. Having such a backer really saved him a lot of trouble.

The test site was a plain in a remote suburb. Even in the second half of the test, Ma Tian had to send an excavator to open the road. However, Ma Tian didn't mind the trouble and just let a few R\u0026D engineers go there first to open the road and lay out the site.

And he was also making final fire preparations, preparing bullets, shells and so on.

Keep the power fuel, remove the explosive fuel and replace it with sand, and finally reinforce it to prevent it from falling into pieces from the sky and hurting people.

Ma Tian also discovered that his company has not yet started recruiting corresponding fuel chemical engineers, and this will definitely be put on the agenda later.

After everything was ready, the car was covered with a curtain, loaded into a large truck overnight, and secretly transported to a special testing site set up in the wilderness in the suburbs.

This is a testing site with a length and width of 5 highways. There are some moving targets like tanks arranged in the distance, and hot air balloons that look like helicopters are also hung in the sky.

Su Xihua and others stood ready and pulled the curtain off the car. The first multi-functional tank vehicle developed by Tianyu Xinghai was officially unveiled. Ma Tian named it the T-X1 multi-functional vehicle.

I saw that this car was 3.8 meters long, 1.8 meters wide, and 2 meters high. It weighed only about 14 tons with full firepower.

At a height of about 1 meter around the body, there are eight rotatable 7.65mm close-in defense machine guns, four in the front and two on the left and right. The tails of the eight machine guns are all rotating axes, which can control the rotation angle of the machine guns and form a 120-degree area in front of them. The crossfire network.

On the top of the car body are 12 rocket barrels facing the front, and the rear is equipped with 12 surface-to-air missile barrel racks with an elevation angle of 30 degrees facing the sky.

With his powerful cannon stand, he looks like a big guy who is not easy to mess with!

"Mr. Ma, we are ready and waiting for your order!" Su Xihua came to Ma Tian and almost wanted to salute.

"Start the experiment!" Ma Tian said.

Ma Tian gave the order and T-X1 began to drive into the experimental site. First, it tested the field speed. Now because it is not fully loaded, it is only about 10 tons. The maximum speed of T-X1 is higher than the calculated speed of 60 miles. About one-sixth faster.

It reached an astonishing speed of 70 miles per hour, which is nearly 125 kilometers per hour. This speed, let alone a tank, even ordinary off-road vehicles cannot catch up.

It doesn't look like a tank at all, more like an off-road combat vehicle equipped with super firepower.

Then there is the test of off-road ability, trench crossing and uphill ability. Engineers had dug several meters of trenches and wild hillsides early on.

With the help of square crawlers, the T-X1 was able to pass the 2-meter-deep and 3-meter-wide trench in an even and stable manner, as well as a 60-degree upward 3-meter-high slope in the wild, and passed the test.

Finally, it was time to test the ability to attack targets. The close-in defense machine gun began to spray paintballs at the passing human targets. The dense firepower network began to spread forward, directly knocking down the 50-meter human target at 120 degrees in front.

Then came the test of the rocket launcher, using machine learning recognition algorithms to assist in aiming while moving. After a while, the first rocket launcher was fired, successfully knocking down a moving tank target 1.5 kilometers away.

Then came the second shot, the third shot...

A total of 12 rocket launchers were fired, effectively knocking down 11 moving tanks. As for why one tank missed the target, Ma Tian estimated that it was due to the wind direction. There happened to be a gust of wind during the launch, which caused the algorithm to assist in calculating the deviation before hitting. Off.

However, this is already a very high accuracy rate.

Then came the experimental surface-to-air missile, "咻咻咻——"

The surface-to-air gun barrel at the tail began to rotate, and three surface-to-air missiles flew into the sky to simulate a helicopter-like balloon, and then successfully exploded the helicopter balloon.

Then nine more surface-to-air missiles were fired into the sky while on the move, blowing up the remaining nine balloons.

12 hits out of 12. Compared with rockets, missiles with guidance capabilities have an accuracy rate of 100% with the help of the aiming assistance system.

The experiment was successfully completed!

Su Xihua was smacking his lips at the side, still a little regretful, because the explosive fuel was removed and only dumb bombs were fired, otherwise the scene would have been more spectacular.

Ma Tian also smiled. He could not fault the experimental results. The T-X1 was enough to shock Wang Chenbo and others.

The day after the experiment, Ma Tian called Wang Chenbo and said that he had built a toy car and hoped that Wang Chenbo would bring Luo Luming to take a look.

"You've just finished it?" Wang Chenbo was also very surprised on the phone. This time, the car was finished in less than three weeks?

"Yes, it's done!" Ma Tian replied with certainty.

"Okay, I'll go there tomorrow. You should be ready, right?"


Wang Chenbo was silent for a while after hanging up the phone. The situation was a bit outrageous and beyond his control. He thought that Ma Tian would have to build it for at least half a year or even a year. After all, no product has gone through long-term research and development and experiments.

How come Ma Tian was created in less than three weeks? Will the products produced be rubbish?

Wang Chenbo doesn't know. He will only know for sure when he sees it tomorrow.

He went to find Luo Luming and told Ma Tian that he had built a car.

Sure enough, Luo Luming didn't believe it as much as he did, and sneered directly: "I just said Ma Tian is joking, how can he build a tank so quickly?"

"Let's go to the site tomorrow and take a look. I hope Ma Tian won't disappoint us." Wang Chenbo did not refute or make a conclusion, but just handed over the results to tomorrow.

On the same day, the plane landed in Xiang City. Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming got off the plane and went directly to Tianyu Xinghai and met Ma Tian.

"Ma Tian, ​​long time no see!" Wang Chenbo greeted, while Luo Luming remained expressionless and did not speak, obviously still prejudiced against Ma Tian.

Ma Tian was not used to it, so he just smiled back at Wang Chenbo and said, "Mr. Wang, I'd like to thank you for your hard work. Come with me."

After saying that, he took the lead and led Wang Chenbo away without even looking at Luo Luming.

Luo Luming was also so angry that he blew his beard and glared. Don't Ma Tian know how to respect the old man? If Ma Tian's tanks this time make him look down upon, don't blame him, Mr. Luo, for being ruthless.

Ma Tian took the two of them and drove directly to the suburbs.

Looking at the increasingly remote wilderness, Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming also had serious expressions. Looking at this posture, Ma Tian seemed to be serious. Do they already have a field experiment site?

When they arrived at the scene, Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw the T-X1 functional vehicle.

"Ma Tian, ​​is this what you built? Three weeks?" Luo Luming pointed at the car and asked first, what did he see?

Rocket launchers, and surface-to-air missiles?

Ma Tian glanced at him and didn't answer. He just let Su Xihua start to show off his firepower without saying a word.

His style is to attack with few BBs, so let's start with a volley of firepower.

Twelve simulated helicopter balloons began to rise randomly in the distant sky.


Twelve surface-to-air missiles were launched directly in one round, and then turned around and directly exploded twelve balloons 2 kilometers away.

"Ah?" Wang Chenbo could no longer calm down. With this 2-kilometer long-range attack method, he knew what level Ma Tian was. This was a rhythm that was going to the sky.

The two curls of beard on Luo Luming's mouth were also trembling, showing that he was extremely uneasy inside.

Good guy, good guy, the air is still filled with the exhaust fumes launched by surface-to-air missiles, which proves that it was not an illusion just now.

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