My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 142 How many more things are hidden?

"Gulu~" Wang Chenbo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, this... this, what should he say, could it be any more outrageous? Where did this surface-to-air missile come from?

"Ma Tian, ​​your tank seems a little different!" Wang Chenbo said after thinking about it.

"Mr. Wang, this is a toy car. You see, the missiles I shoot are actually hollow missiles and will not explode!" Ma Tian corrected Wang Chenbo. He was not qualified yet, so he had better be more cautious.

"You're just kidding me, your toy car is equipped with 12 surface-to-air missiles!"

"Those are toy bombs, and they didn't even explode when you looked at them!"

Wang Chenbo\u0026amp;Luo Luming:......

"Ma Tian, ​​you should continue to show your performance. It should be more than this performance." Wang Chenbo changed the topic and did not want to dwell on the issue of the missile. As a scientist, it is quite reasonable to build a missile.

Ma Tian nodded, and the staff below continued to prepare in the distance, and then humanoid targets and tank targets were erected randomly.

The new T-X1 drove directly out and began to demonstrate its excellent off-road capabilities.

Ma Tian introduced at the side: "I named this vehicle T-X1 multi-purpose tank vehicle. It abandons the heavy armor and at the same time enhances mobility.

Its maximum speed can reach 90 miles on the plains and 70 miles in the wild. It uses wireless remote control to automatically identify enemies and attack..."

"How much?" Luo Luming was shocked and interrupted, "Are you sure it's miles and not kilometers?"

Ma Tian was so impatient that he replied: "Can I still get this wrong?"

Luo Luming's eyes widened. Ordinary people may not understand the concept of 70 miles of speed. Let's put it this way, 34 meters per second, which means that the opponent's tank has to attack the T-X1, which moves at a speed of 34 meters per second.

Undoubtedly, for the opponent's tank gunner, this was like sparks coming out of the gun barrel.

Luo Luming was concerned about speed, while Wang Chenbo was concerned about "wireless remote control". He couldn't help but interject:

"Ma Tian, ​​did you not consider battlefield interference before research and development? You must know that electronic interference emerges in endlessly in today's wars!"

Ma Tian replied: "Of course I have considered it, but I think ordinary electronic interference methods cannot interfere with my remote control."


"First of all, we have used a new coding anti-interference ability on the signal. Secondly, our vehicle system itself has its own AI algorithm. Even if it is interfered, it can distinguish between ourselves and the enemy and fight back." Ma Tian answered in a few words, but This made Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming look at each other.

Of these two technologies, the first technology can still be understood, but can the second technology really be realized? It sounds a bit sci-fi, but these tank guys really haven’t had much exposure to AI research.

Ma Tian could tell by looking at their expressions that they didn't believe it, but he could prove it.

"You two, follow me to the control panel."

Ma Tian led the two of them to the remote control engineer Qi Dazhi. Qi Dazhi was holding something like a laptop in front of him, but the buttons on it were more complicated than ordinary computers, and there were several antennas on the top.

"I call this type of unit the T-X1 operator. They can control the T-X1 tank within a range of 5 kilometers, and the console can be hung on the operator." Ma Tian said.

After saying that, Qi Dazhi cooperated with the buckles and other mechanical equipment on his body and directly stuck the operating table in front of him.

Then he took a few steps forward easily before returning.

Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming completely became students studying for their studies. They did not speak and just watched Ma Tian and the others' performance quietly.

"Qi Dazhi, turn on the T-X1 automatic cruise attack mode." Ma Tian said to Qi Dazhi.

Qi Dazhi nodded, entered instructions on the console, and then pressed a button.

The long-range T-X1 began to cruise and attack on its own. Facing the dummy target and the tank target, it began to move in circles and attack.

The drone also accurately transmitted the footage back. It was seen that the T-X1 activated its close-in defense machine gun when it encountered a person, and launched a rocket launcher when it encountered a tank, using a kite-flying method.

After a while, a large area of ​​the dummy targets and tank targets on the test site were knocked down by the T-X1 while it was moving. Even the helicopter balloon that suddenly rose in the sky was destroyed by two surface-to-air missiles. Got 2.

Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming took a breath when they saw the scene on the screen. As R\u0026D personnel, they knew what this meant.

If the paintballs in machine guns were replaced by real bullets, and the explosive fuel of rockets and surface-to-air missiles would no longer be sand, then they knew what this meant.

This is not a multi-purpose vehicle. It is obviously an efficient war machine and can also perform anti-tank operations. This kind of kite-flying style also makes their eyes shine.

The T-X1's display has not stopped yet. It uses its excellent maneuverability to always maintain an effective attack distance of 1 kilometer away from the enemy, and constantly flies kites to attack.

Often it just takes a shot or a cannon and then changes places. No matter whether it is a ravine or a hill, it can't stop it from moving.

Luo Luming was completely convinced, his face was too red, he didn't know whether he was excited or ashamed.

30 minutes later, the demonstration was completed, and the T-X1 drove back on its own under Qi Dazhi's remote control. The accuracy rate of this experimental attack on the opponent's tanks and helicopters reached 100%.

The barrel of the T-X1 that was driven back was still filled with white smoke from burning fuel and a pungent smell of sulfur.

Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming came to the side of T-X1 in three steps and looked at its body structure carefully, as if they were seeing a peerless beauty.

"These square tracks are so powerful." Wang Chenbo looked at the small and exquisite square tracks of the T-X1, and his eyes really gleamed.

The square tracks on the Tiangong I-type excavator are only civilian versions. Ma Tian didn’t put in much effort and they only look so strong. Only on the T-X1, after Ma Tian improved them, was the complete version, which really showed its power. With its excellent off-road capabilities, climbing uphill and over pits is a piece of cake.

It has the same speed as a four-wheel off-road vehicle and the same ability to negotiate pits as the tracks of a tank. It is simply the "dream belt" in the eyes of Wang Chenbo and others.

"Ma Tian, ​​judging from the armor thickness of your T-X1 multi-purpose vehicle, it is indeed not thick. Can you tell me your full load counterweight?" Wang Chenbo asked.

"14 tons!" Ma Tian replied.

Wang Chenbo nodded. This could explain why he could run so fast. He was simply an "assassin" with high attack power and low health.

However, this speed is still ridiculous. In the face of its excellent flexibility, Wang Chenbo thinks it is wise to give up a little armor.

Luo Luming on the side was also thinking in his mind, if they build such a multi-functional vehicle themselves, can they achieve such results?

Not to mention the 100% accuracy rate of the experiment just now, Luo Luming shook his head and felt that it was impossible to achieve this mobility.

First of all, they cannot do this unmanned driving technology. If it were replaced by a real person, the overall design would have to be greatly changed. Just like the kiting style of T-X1 just now, the general design can break the bones of the tank soldiers inside. .

I don’t know what technology Ma Tian’s T-X1 uses.

"How much does it cost?" Wang Chenbo directly asked the question he was most concerned about,

Ma Tian thought for a while and said, "I can give you this drawing and even teach you how to produce it, but you have to meet one of my conditions."

"Say!" Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming shouted loudly, their faces red with excitement.

"You can get me a qualification that allows me to produce and sell arms by myself. At least it will allow me to legally sell some for foreign trade." Ma Tian finally said what he wanted most, war technology, here I am.

Luo Luming looked at Wang Chenbo and motioned for him to agree quickly. Such a small request was nothing compared to the T-X1 drawings.

However, Wang Chenbo frowned because he knew a lot about Ma Tian, ​​his character, and his title of "Brother Flathead".

If Ma Tian was really given such qualifications, would Ma Tian go to heaven? This God is not the other God, but whether Ma Tianneng will be lawless abroad, sell everything, and even start a war when he gets angry.

If he hadn't thought about it before coming here, now that he saw it, he didn't hesitate to think that Ma Tian's Tianyu Xinghai could definitely become an arms dealer on his own. Being able to take out the T-X1 today would prove a lot.

Look at the machine guns, rocket launchers and missiles hanging on the T-X1. All it takes is an airplane to become a warlord or start a war in a foreign area.

This is not impossible. Based on the description of Ma Tian's psychological planning by the Battle Bureau, if someone really angered Ma Tian, ​​Ma Tian would be able to send him to see King Yama.

This is where Wang Chenbo hesitates, but he also has to consider appeasing Ma Tian. After all, he just helped you develop such an excellent weapon, and you don't even give him any qualifications. It's really shocking.

After thinking about it, he felt that he still had to restrain Ma Tian, ​​and said quickly: "Ma Tian, ​​I can only give you the qualification to convert the military into a civilian. This is not to be stingy, but to consider the international impact."

"Huh?" Ma Tian was a little dissatisfied. Even though there was only one word difference between military-to-civilian and military-industrial enterprises, there was a huge difference between them.

First of all, if the military is converted to civilians, it can only develop military-civilian products, which has many restrictions. Of course, Ma Tian is not satisfied.

Seeing Ma Tian's dissatisfied expression, Wang Chenbo was both happy and worried. He was glad that he was on the right track. Fortunately, he didn't give Ma Tian a real military qualification. If he had been given a military qualification, Ma Tian wouldn't have shown any dissatisfaction directly from the government. Then If you become a military industrial enterprise and can develop and sell arms, you will really become lawless abroad.

The anxiety was because he was afraid that Ma Tian would be unhappy and not give them the technology. He quickly said: "Ma Tian, ​​please listen to my explanation. Now you also know that the international situation is not good. We still need to recharge our batteries and not give them to Ying." Sauce handle.

Therefore, we can sell arms, but we have to do it tactfully. For example, if you want to sell a tank, you have to change it into an excavator and sell it. Do you understand? And you have to castrate it into the foreign trade version. "

Now Ma Tian understood. It meant that he could sell it, but he had to change his name in a low-key manner so that others could not pursue him. This was easy to handle.

"Furthermore, Yingjiang only has military-to-civilian qualifications and can't do anything to you. Because you just say that you sell tractors, what can he do to you? He scolds you until we kill him." Wang Chenbo continued.

At this time, Ma Tian completely eliminated his dissatisfaction and said easily: "Okay, let's convert the army into civilians."

"Haha~" Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming also laughed out loud, and both parties were happy.

Their research institute received multi-purpose vehicle technology for free, and Ma Tian’s Tianyu Xinghai obtained the qualification to convert from military to civilian.

It seems that Ma Tian suffers a little, but does Ma Tian suffer a loss? Of course not, because Wang Chenbo and others will soon realize that they can't build it even if they are given the blueprints.

Wang Chenbo was still smiling and was very satisfied with Ma Tian's performance. Luo Luming no longer had any prejudice against Ma Tian. Instead, he took the initiative to ask Ma Tian questions when nothing happened. Ma Tian had a poker face, but he didn't take it seriously and just kept an open mind. Asking for advice.

"Ma Tian, ​​I almost forgot one thing. Please clarify the question on the paper you wrote last time." Wang Chenbo took out the printing paper for Ma Tian's question last time from his briefcase and took the initiative to ask Ma Tian. What is this? The above problems are all waiting for Ma Tian to solve.

They spent three weeks, and to be ashamed to say, they verified all the problems on Ma Tian's paper one by one, but they themselves were unable to solve even one of them.

Ma Tian felt much better, and he did not refuse this time. He took the paper and said, "I can help you solve these problems, but you can drive a car here secretly. I can solve them faster."

It will definitely be faster to process it combined with the actual MBT-0300, and the tracks will also need to be modified, so it is better to do it in one go.

By the way, I will give Su Xihua and the others on-site micro-operation explanations to increase their experience in building tanks.

No matter how good Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming are, they are both tank experts with decades of experience. The MBT-0300 they developed is naturally outstanding. Its defense and mobility are among the top levels in foreign trade in the world. There is definitely something to learn from it. The place.

As for saying that MBT-0300 will be eliminated by T-X1, that is impossible. As an assassin with high attack power and low health, the T-X1 has a fatal flaw, that is, it cannot fight in urban street fighting. If it really wants to fight in urban street fighting, it must rely on a "thick tank" like the MBT-0300 to resist damage output.

"Okay, just leave this to us!" Anyway, Ma Tian Company turned around and became a civilian company, so there was nothing wrong with transporting MBT-0300 over and improving it.

Today is really worth it, Wang Chenbo thought to himself.

After all negotiations were completed, the research institute officially cooperated with Tianyu Xinghai. Tianyu Xinghai sent people to guide the research institute to build the T-X1 multifunctional tank vehicle.

However, just a few days later, Wang Chenbo and others were dumbfounded. Tianyu Xinghai engineer Wu Guangfei said in disgust: "Can't you even process this gear with a precision of 0.001mm?"

Luo Luming's face turned red with shame, but Wu Guangfei didn't seem to see the ugly faces of Luo Luming and others, and continued to shake his head and said: "That will be difficult, you can't process it with this precision, let alone 0.0005 later. mm sliding axis.”

"Then how did you make it?" Luo Luming asked.

"We have machine tools for such processing. We can process it with such precision at will!" Wu Guangfei replied, seeming to think it was strange that Luo Luming and the others did not have this technology.

"Do you have a machine tool with such precision?" Wang Chenbo was shocked. You must know that the top domestic technology is their current precision of 0.01mm, while foreign ones can reach 0.0001mm, but it is a pity that they will not be sold to them.

"There must be, otherwise how could we build the T-X1, and we might as well tell you, forget it, I won't tell you, it might be a bit of a leak. If you want to ask, just ask Mr. Ma!" Wu Guangfei seemed to realize halfway through. When you realize that you have said too much, you quickly change your words.

Wang Chenbo and Luo Luming looked at each other. Wang Chenbo secretly ran outside and called Ma Tian:

"Hey, Ma Tian, ​​how many things have you secretly hidden in Tianyu Xinghai?"

Wang Chenbo has been putting up with it for a long time. Solid-state batteries, driverless driving, auxiliary aiming algorithms... How many good things does Ma Tian's company hide?

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