My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 147 The killing of the terrifying hell robot dog

There were 96 personnel participating in the encirclement and suppression this time, divided into 8 action groups, each with 4 vehicles.

In order to reduce exposure, the engineers also calculated the time and first had the four action groups set off at intervals to ensure that they could arrive at the designated location at the same time and lurk.

The next four action groups will continue to set off in sequence to respond and prevent emergencies. Of course, the specific arrangements will continue to be adjusted according to the on-site situation. Anyway, each action group is also equipped with a special contact tool, which can conduct wireless communication at any time. communication.

Four hours later, the vehicles of each team arrived at the designated location and waited silently for the next step. Su Xihua was also looking at the red dot signal on the map in the command center, but his eyebrows furrowed.

Because the red signal belonging to Mu Shen did not appear, which meant that Mu Shen did not come to the monitoring room as expected.

Among the warlords, who Su Xihua wanted to kill the most was definitely Mushen who jumped out first. Mushen was also the most cruel and unprovoked warlord among the four. It was said that he would eat steamed buns with human blood.

Even Rao Shanhai hated Mu Shen so much that he was bound to use him as a sacrifice this time.

Rao Shanhai said: "Mr. Su, why don't we wait until the four of us appear at the same time next time?"

Su Xihua fell into silence. Although the little Mu Shen was nothing to worry about and it would be fine to kill the other three first, he was afraid that Mu Shen would be frightened and hide for the rest of his life.

At least it would alert the snake and let Mu Shen make some preparations.

After thinking about it, Su Xihua decided to ask for instructions.

After hearing this, Ma Tian also said domineeringly: "For today, let the teams from the other three locations return immediately after completing their tasks, and together we can encircle Mu Shen's territory.

Since Mu Shen didn't appear in that room, I'll wipe out his entire base! You can always find him! "

Ma Tian's words were full of murderous intent, and these warlords and troublemakers should be killed. I wonder how old Lord Ma is, right? How dare you come to rob his company?

And Ma Tianyi thought, if even his big company dared to rob, then other Chinese companies or people, wouldn't they be like cattle and sheep to be slaughtered in front of Mu Shen?

Thinking of this, Ma Tian became even more murderous.

Su Xihua and others quickly said yes, went down and followed the instructions, and began to issue instructions through wireless communication.

Under the night, except for Mu Shen's team, which remained silent and motionless, the members of the other three teams began to make preparations under the night.

First, engineers began to set up various equipment, and the terrifying hell robot dog signal control tower began to be erected, and then stealth drones began to take off for reconnaissance.

As the terrifying hell robot dog jumped out of the car and started taking action, the drone also began to rise to an altitude of 300 meters to follow and detect.

As for the security team, their weapons have already been loaded, ready to deal with emergencies at any time to prevent our own engineers from being attacked.

The terrifying hell robot dog began to run towards the designated red spot on the map like a ghost in the night. Su Xihua, who was hundreds of kilometers away, was also remotely commanding it.

"Dai Jianfeng, Attila Simon on your side is in the target room. According to signal analysis, there are four people in the room at this time. It is speculated that they are Attila Simon and his three younger brothers."

"Lu Deshun, Peta Urbis on your side is also in the target room. He is surrounded by two women at this time, and he is acting in an ambiguous manner..."

"Tong Zhongren, Villian Waller on your side is talking to his younger brother about something. According to the content of the conversation, he may have to leave. Please speed up over there..."

"Received, over~" X3

Under the cover of night, the engineers used the eyes of stealth reconnaissance drones in the sky and the eyes of terrifying hell robot dogs to constantly jump over obstacles and avoid crowds, rushing to the target location.

If the noise is too loud, the engineers will temporarily suspend the action of the terrifying hell robot dog and use the small speaker on it to simulate the "squeaking" sound of a rat to dispel the suspicion of the patrolling soldiers.

They are just a group of little warlords with little knowledge. How could they imagine that a high-tech robot dog would sneak in. When they heard the sound of mice, they just laughed and left without looking carefully.

Just like that, 15 minutes later, the four terrifying hell robot dogs of each team were in place!

Based on the situation scanned by the stealth drone, engineers allocate the attack position of the terrifying hell robot dog according to the location, either the front door or the back door to prevent the enemy from escaping.

After everything is ready, the killing officially begins!

The ponyboys guarding the door in front were still laughing and joking. When they saw the figures of two terrifying hell robot dogs under the dim light, one of them even licked his mouth and said: "There are actually two black dogs here, beat him to death." Make dog meat!”

After saying that, they were ready to pull out their knives and kill the approaching terrifying hell robot dog. However, before they drew their knives, the machine gun platform behind the terrifying hell robot dog had already been erected.

The 7.62mm bullet was loaded, and in one round the two guards were beaten into pieces.

The sound of gunshots immediately startled the people inside the house, but before they could see clearly what was going on, they were accurately scanned by the terrifying hell robot dog that broke in and shot a small head.

The machine gun on the terrifying hell robot dog cooperates with the aiming algorithm, constantly changing directions and firing.

Even if there were people hiding behind the table, they could not hide from the thermal sensors on the terrifying hell robot dogs. The 7.62mm anti-aircraft machine gun directly hit the people on the table, and the scene was bloody and violent...

Even if a warlord wants to resist, he will not pay attention to the terrifying 1-meter-tall hell robot dog when he takes out his gun. Instead, he will be beaten to pieces by the terrifying hell robot dog.

In the dark, the terrifying hell robot dog with night vision is simply a ruthless killing machine. As long as a human appears, it is guaranteed that the body will be shot again, and it will not let go until the sensors in the body can no longer sense its heartbeat.

Within a moment, news of the completion came from the two teams of Attila Simon and Peta Urbis. The two warlord leaders were torn to pieces by the terrifying hell robot dogs that broke into the room.

Especially Peta Urbis, who was naked before she died. She was still confused when she saw the terrifying hell robot dog coming in covered in blood, and she never looked back in peace when she was about to die.

The warlord Villian Waller died a little slower, mainly because his house was the tallest, with four floors and many rooms inside, and the terrifying hell robot dog was slower at cleaning up the trash.

What's even more outrageous is that the warlord Villian Waller is extremely afraid of death. The door to the room is actually an alloy door made of a special alloy. Generally, this door is used as a bank vault. The terrifying hell robot dog is simply Can't rush in.

However, this was not a problem for the remote control engineers. The shoulders of the terrifying hell robot dog began to open, revealing 12 rockets inside.

This is the 12 zodiac bullet specially developed by Ma Tian and his people: rat, ox,...monkey, kun, dog, and pig.

Although this door is made of alloy and cannot be blown open by ordinary explosives, the walls of this building are ordinary.

The terrifying hell robot dog was originally developed for urban street fighting, and the zodiac bullets it comes with are also considered for breaking walls and blasting.

I saw two terrifying hell robot dogs. Each of them shot two ground-burrowing projectiles into the wall, breaking a big hole in the wall with a "bang".

Then two more high-explosive missiles drilled into the hole, and then the terrifying hell robot dog turned back and jumped downstairs.

Real robot dogs never look back to see explosions!

In the room, Villian Waller watched in despair as the wall of his room was blown open, and then two rockets were fired in.

"Hahaha, it didn't explode!" Villian Waller was ecstatic when he saw the rocket that didn't explode, and he was about to dance.

But soon he was swallowed up by the fire. The huge explosion directly formed a secondary air explosion in the sealed room, and Villian Waller was blown to pieces.

The boss was killed, and the three warlord bases were completely in chaos. There were shouts of horses everywhere, and the terrifying hell robot dog also returned under the operation of the engineers.

Like the poet in Cambridge, he waved his sleeves and did not take away a single cloud.

The security personnel nearby saw that the engineers had completed their mission, and they felt a little regretful that they had not fired a single shot:

"Ah, is it over?"

"It went much smoother than expected. Not firing a single shot made me feel a little itchy!"

"Forget it, it's best if there's no danger."

"There is also the mission to eliminate the last warlord, so cheer me up!"

The terrifying hell robot dog returned under night, and the mission of exterminating the three warlord leaders was too easy.

Su Xihua also changed his strategy at the command podium. The three teams responsible for the response gave up the response and turned around to participate in the siege at Mu Shen's territory.

So Mu Shen's territory included the previously silent team, and five teams had already begun to wait silently to prevent Mu Shen from escaping, only waiting for the other three teams that had completed the beheading mission to come together and besiege him.

The three teams were rushing back at full speed, but Mu Shen was in the base area torturing a mother and son who were snatched away by his men today.

He insulted a four-year-old girl's mother in front of her, even knocked out her teeth, and forced her to behave with him...

The girl's mother had been tortured to the point of mental breakdown, and she was so numb that she accepted the insults of this beast, but he had a look of complete satisfaction on his face, and in his final excitement, he broke the mother's neck.

The four-year-old girl's pupils were dilated, she was obviously mentally disturbed, and her face was deeply stained with tears.

But Mu Shen, the devil, walked towards the girl with a ferocious smile, and actually did not intend to let the girl go.

His hand was about to touch the girl, but suddenly his dog-headed military advisor led his men and knocked on the door "bang" and "bang".

Mu Shen's movements faltered and he immediately frowned. Didn't he tell his men not to disturb him during this time?

He was unhappy and went to open the door, ready to kill this subordinate, but when he opened the door it was his dog-headed strategist Bucky Hull.

Bucky Hull looked anxious and said in a panic: "Chief, it's not good! Tonight, Attila Simon, Peta Urbis, and Villian Waller were all killed by unknown forces. Killed!"

When Mu Shen heard this, his pupils shrank, and his ferocious face suddenly became stupid. What kind of force took action to wipe out warlord leaders like him in one fell swoop? Or together?

Could it be that the Americans are calling?

"What's going on? What happened?" Mu Shen also looked serious. He was not a fool, so he naturally knew what this meant.

"I don't know. I just heard intelligence from our informant that there was an unknown force attack tonight, and then all three of them died in the house where they often stayed!" Bucky Hull also had a headache. , the shrewd man was also a little scared at the moment.

Why is it that among the four of them, Mu Shen's territory is okay? What force took action?

"Have you called Safit Bruckner?" Mu Shen asked. Now he could only ask Safit Bruckner, an official, if he knew any news.

"Hit him, he doesn't know which force it is!" Bucky Hull shook his head.

After hearing this, Mu Shen had a strong bad feeling in his heart, and he said directly to his men: "Tell brothers, there is an enemy attack, and get up and prepare to fight!"


Under Mushen's order, a group of horse boys began to pick up their weapons one after another, ran out of the house, and ran around. Some even ran to the roof to set up guns, aiming at the entrance...

Their actions were also captured by stealth drones in the night sky, and the engineer leading the team, Ma Zongyang, quickly reported the situation to Su Xihua Wireless Communications at the headquarters.

Su Xihua frowned. The thing he least expected to happen happened. Sure enough, the four warlord leaders shared information. If one was killed, the others would definitely be alerted.

"How long will it take for the other three teams to arrive?" Su Xihua asked.

"From near to far, they are 38 points, 82 points, and 104 points respectively!" someone replied.

Su Xihua was silent, thinking.

The farthest team, Villian Waller, would take nearly 2 hours to rush over at full speed. If Mushen and the others were allowed to prepare for 2 hours, it would definitely make the subsequent attack a little difficult and full of variables.

But if an attack is ordered immediately, there will only be one T-X1 present to cover, and only four terrifying hell robot dogs. Obviously the firepower is not enough, so five teams of security personnel can only be allowed to rush in and fight.

Ma Tian also heard the situation on the screen and said, "Don't rush in. Human life is the most important thing. Since you can crush it with technology, there is no point in taking risks."

"Okay, Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he was afraid that Mr. Ma would directly ask the security personnel to rush in. In this case, someone would definitely die.

"Each team of engineers is doing their best to explore the surrounding situation to prevent Mu Shen from escaping!" Su Xihua turned his head and ordered.

"Received!" X5

Mu Shen, with a serious face and a shotgun, sneaked into his base camp house. The base camp house is the tallest building in his base, with four floors.

He sneakily led his men to the top floor and asked one of his men to use the American night vision telescope he bought at a large price to look at the situation around the base area.

"How's it going? Did you find anything unusual?" Mu Shen asked.

"Boss, I haven't noticed anything. There's no one in the wilderness!" His subordinate Syldan Hodge replied.

Mushen signaled his military advisor Bucky Hull, who also took the night vision telescope from Syldan Hodge and started looking at it.

"There's really nothing wrong with it!" Bucky Hull said after looking at it for a while.

Mu Shen then took the night vision telescope and leaned down at the window to watch. Looking at the empty wilderness, he was also confused. Could it be that he was making a fuss out of a molehill?

They only wanted to destroy the other three warlords, and left him alone?

Could it be that he, Mu Shen, is blessed by Satan? Or do you have the qualifications of an emperor?

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