My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 148 Bait under the night

"Leader, have we thought too much?" a younger brother asked Mu Shen.

Mu Shen's eyes were solemn, and he had doubts in his heart. He didn't know how to answer his younger brother's question.

Bucky Hull, the dog-headed strategist on the side, rolled his eyes and said: "Chief, why don't you let the boys drive a few cars out to test it out?"

Mu Shen's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he immediately echoed: "That's it, Sirdan, you take a few of your younger brothers and drive three cars out for a walk, and just drive the cars I usually ride in!"

"Ah?" Sirdan Hoch was confused. He was not a fool. He immediately understood Mu Shen's intention. Mu Shen wanted him to serve as a bait and go out to test.

Now I don’t know if there is an ambush outside. If there is an ambush, then he may be dead. Why should he go? Could it be that he is not loyal enough?

"Ah what? Don't you obey my order?" Mu Shen's eyes were fierce, and after speaking, he put a Desert Eagle pistol on Sultan Hodge's head.

"Head...Head...Chief, no, I obey your order, I will go down and prepare immediately!" Sultan Hodge felt the cold touch of the Desert Eagle on his forehead, and quickly stammered that he would go, and he must listen to Mu Shen if.

After saying that, he took the lead to go downstairs without looking back, and randomly called the names of a few younger brothers along the way: "Serdarus, Garp... you guys, come with me!"

"Boss Sirdan, can you change someone?"

"Why, don't you obey my order?" Sultan Hodge learned what he was doing and took out his pistol and put it against the head of the man who just asked the question.

"Go, go, boss, I'm going!"

"Humph, I've already gone, why don't you go?"

Syldan Hodge took seven or eight people in three cars, and he was smart enough not to sit in the second car in the middle of the car. Instead, he sat in the third car at the back and waited. It is also the most convenient vehicle for escaping when escaping back to the base.

The group of people drove out cautiously.

The figures of the three vehicles coming out could not be concealed from the stealth drones in the sky. The engineers in front of the screen quickly reported the situation and asked Su Xihua to decide whether to intercept or destroy the three vehicles.

Su Xihua and others in the command center also began to think deeply, and a group of pre-war staff engineers also began to analyze and discuss:

"This is the car that Mu Shen usually drives. Could it be that Mu Shen escaped?"

"Is it possible? But it cannot be ruled out that someone else left."

"Do you want to intercept?"

"But if intercepted, will it alert the enemy? What if this is Mu Shen's bait?"

As the saying goes, opinions will be inconsistent when there are many people. Each engineer considered the situation from different angles. They were not only afraid that Mu Shen was in the car and running away, but also worried that these cars were Mu Shen's bait to scare the snake and lure them to show up.

During the discussion between several people, several vehicles quickly came within the range of the security personnel. The engineer monitoring and commanding in front of the screen had to say: "Mr. Su, the vehicles have entered the attack range."

Su Xihua was a little confused when he heard this. Such a decision involved life matters, and he couldn't help but think more.

Unable to make a decision, he came directly to the screen and asked Ma Tian: "Mr. Ma, what do you think?"

Ma Tian was also watching the battle through the video conference shared by Yuanyang. Hearing the different opinions of his engineers, he also said: "It is right to look forward and backward, but this time we must not let Mu Shen go, not even with the slightest hope of escape. Give it to him. Stop these three cars, and grab a tongue and ask about Mu Shen's situation!"

"Yes, Mr. Ma!" Su Xihua immediately accepted the order and began to command the security team. Almost 2 kilometers away from Mu Shen's base, he directly sent the security team led by Leng Feng!

In the darkness, four modified bulletproof vehicles began to chase the three vehicles of the Mushen convoy. Syldan Hodge, who was sitting in the Mushen car, also noticed someone through the car lights when Leng Feng and his car were about to approach. The car chased me.

When it was confirmed that it was not my own car, I couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

"Turn off the lights!" He shouted as turning on the lights was the most dangerous thing to do in a field battle.

After shouting, he immediately picked up the pager and started to report to Mu Shen, but unfortunately, the communication had long been interfered by the signal tower launched by Tianyu Xinghai's engineers, and there was a rustling sound coming from the pager.

"Fake!" Syldan Hodge smashed the pager in his hand and began to direct his three vehicles to turn around and run towards the base area. He would not be stupid enough to fight the well-prepared Leng Feng in the wild.

In the wilderness, a war is about to break out.

The four cars on Tianyu Xinghai's side formed a network and began to move closer to the Mushen fleet. Because they were specially modified by Ma Tian, ​​their performance was naturally much better than that of the Mushen fleet.

Soon several vehicles came to a distance of less than 50 meters apart, which was directly within the effective aiming range of the rifle.

Members of Tianyu Xinghai's security team began to lean half out of the car window, using their strong waist strength to shoot at the tires and driver's positions of the three vehicles.

Especially Leng Feng, the captain, was worthy of being retired from the elite special forces. He was the first to kill the driver of the last car in Mushen's motorcade with a few "dudu" shots.

Because of the death of the driver, the car started drifting and accidentally hit a big rock on the side of the road, causing it to roll over in the wilderness.

Syldan Hodge saw it blurryly through the rear window of the car and was stunned with fear.

Because Tianyu Xinghai's security personnel were all equipped with MT-1 automatic rifles with a silencer function, he did not hear Leng Feng's firing at all amid the noisy car driving sounds.

I only felt that the enemy was attacking when I felt bullets hitting my car!

As a warlord who licks blood at the tip of a knife, he naturally realized that these were a batch of amazing weapons, which were obviously not available to ordinary forces.

And it was so dark at night, and their car didn't turn on the lights, how could they shoot so accurately? This is obviously no ordinary soldier.

"Dang Dang~" There was the sound of two more shots hitting the car bumper, which frightened Syldan Hodge and immediately shrank his head under the car window.

"Fight back, fight back quickly!" Sultan Hodge shouted to his younger brother sitting in the back seat of the car.

Listening to the shouts of the leader, Syldan Hodge, the little brother rolled down the window and stretched out the gun in his hand to shoot at the back, regardless of whether he could see clearly or not, and emptied the magazine first.

In the darkness, naturally not even a bird feather was swept away.

The brightness of their fire provided a mark to the Tianyu Xinghai security personnel under night vision helmets, and they immediately fired a salvo.

Immediately, the two boys in the back row were shot and turned off, and the car window was also shot to pieces.


Of the two boys sitting in the back, one was unlucky enough to be shot to death by a bullet even though his head didn't stick out. The other boy was also badly injured by flying window fragments.

Sirdan Hodge was stunned when he saw his little brother's miserable condition, and Tianyu Xinghai's car was about to approach his car less than 10 meters away!

Under the night vision helmet, Leng Feng in the car could clearly see the position of the tires and started shooting directly.

"Puff, puff..." was the sound of two tires being shot out.

Eventually the remaining two vehicles were paralyzed by gunfire and stopped.

The security personnel of Tianyu Xinghai just drifted out of the car and began to approach cautiously, preparing to catch their tongues.

Among Mu Shen's three cars, the people inside the first one that was forced to stop were more unlucky, because the driver died and the car rolled over, leaving the people inside both dead and disabled. Ma Tian was not in the habit of treating injuries to "prisoners" , after learning through wireless communication that they were younger brothers and did not know where Mu Shen was.

He immediately ordered the scumbags like them to be killed.

The distance between where the second car and the third car were forced to stop was not far apart, less than 10 meters apart. Because there was no rollover or anything, there must be someone alive inside, so Leng Feng and the others were very cautious when approaching.

Sultan Hodge and his younger brother were indeed not dead, but he knew that a gun must have been pointed at their vehicle, and he did not dare to raise his head.

Under the dark night, he could even hear his own subtle breathing, and his mind was busy thinking about what to do.

"Put down your weapons, come out and surrender, I will spare your lives!"

The engineers began to use the loudspeaker on the security personnel to persuade them to surrender in Gangguo language.

As soon as these words came out, as expected, some of the younger brothers threw out their guns and surrendered: "Brother, don't kill me, I have seniors and juniors..."

", I have thrown away all the guns on my body, and I will never resist."

Compared with the Chinese soldiers, these warlords' fighting will is like scum. Seeing the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, they immediately surrendered without hesitation.

They can only bully the weak civilians, and they don't even dare to bully their slightly stronger peers!

Seeing a row of wooden gentry put down their weapons and squatting in front with their hands on their heads, the security personnel of Tianyu Xinghai couldn't help but relax. The task was much simpler than imagined. They didn't lose a hair on their side. It was a bit unreal. .

"Is it true that some of the Gangguo people are old and young when they surrender?" Security guard Zou Changxi couldn't help but smile as he listened to the engineer's translation in the wireless communication.

"Does such a beast deserve a seed?" Security guard Tian Xinfu said disdainfully. After saying that, he hit a man who was tired from squatting and wanted to move with the butt of his gun. "Be honest!"

"Brother, I will change my body!" the warlord complained bitterly.

It's a pity that Tian Xinfu didn't understand. He only knew that these warlords did all kinds of evil in the local area and dared to rob the Chinese people. They were like old people eating arsenic - they overlived their lives!

On the other side, Leng Feng also single-handedly took out the young leader Syldan Hodge who was revealed by his younger brother. He pointed a gun at him and said rudely:

"Now, tell us where Mu Shen is immediately!"

The security guard on the side took out a map of Mu Shen's base, illuminated it with a flashlight, and asked him to point it out.

Syldan Hodge was so frightened that he almost peed. Looking at the map, he began to tremble and recognize which building should be the shelter of Mu Shen.

But Seldan Hodge is uneducated and can't really understand a map.

"Hurry up!" Leng Feng complained impatiently. After saying this, he deliberately pulled the bolt of the gun, which almost scared Sultan Hodge to the point of peeing.

"Here, here!" Syldan Hodge pointed with his hand at a location in his memory, but out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the resolute faces of Leng Feng and others, hoping to fool him and save his life. .

During the wireless communication, the engineers also began to analyze based on the position of Sultan Hodge's fingers and determined the position of Mushen, but obviously Sultan Hodge was pointing wrongly.

The engineers also shook their heads and reported to Su Xihua: "Mr. Su, this Seldan Hodge is a bit tough. The location he marked seems to be a small earthen house, which cannot be where Mu Shen is.

However, we can also think in the opposite direction. Since he pointed to this location, it means that Mu Shen is most likely indeed in this base area. "

Su Xihua nodded and gave the order without hesitation: "Since they don't know Mu Shen's location, let's destroy them all!"

Su Xihua knew that Ma Tian did not have the habit of treating prisoners preferentially, and even he came from a safe country to take this risk, and he didn't care about the life and death of these beasts.

Instead of killing them, why don’t you keep them and treat them to a feast? There is no big meal, but there is "peanuts".

When Leng Feng and the others received the order, they did not hesitate at all. They loaded the gun directly. A "chuchu" sound sounded, and the wilderness suddenly became quiet.

Only vultures and crows circled in the sky and made a "quacking" sound.

What happened in the wilderness was too far away, and Mu Shen's night vision goggles were not very advanced, so they couldn't see it, but they could hear the gunshots of their AKs firing back.

In the open wilderness, the range of gunshots is at least 3 kilometers.

Syldan Hodge and the others lost contact again, and Mu Shen knew with his butt that they were definitely doomed.

"Everyone is on alert, there is an enemy attack!" Mu Shen ordered in a low voice, his mind thinking rapidly about what to do.

He, the Mushen, traversed the Kigani area, licking blood all the way to his current status. He naturally has his own advantages. Now faced with such a situation, he is not too panicked.

And his confidence is the armed force in his hands!

He has about 700 men, one automatic rifle per person, more than 30 RGB rocket launchers, 2 armored vehicles and a tank.

With such firepower, and in his familiar home base, he really wasn't particularly afraid.

Bucky Hull, the dog-headed military counselor on the side, was also trying to stabilize the morale of his men. He said: "The other three warlords were assassinated rather than killed in a frontal attack. This means that there are not many people on the other side. We just need to be prepared. There will definitely be no way for them to come back!”

Mu Shen nodded, he had also thought of this.

Since there are not many people on the other side, he really has nothing to be afraid of. After all, he still has the concept that more people are stronger in his mind.

If he didn't know where Leng Feng and his security team were, he, Mu Shen, would have taken the initiative to take the initiative.

But it doesn't matter, there are less than 3 hours until dawn, Mu Shen can't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth. When dawn comes, he will know the enemy's position, and he needs to look good! he thought.

Time passed by quickly. Mu Shen and the others were occupying the commanding heights and waiting for the enemy to appear. Even the only tank was aimed at the main road and could fire at any time!

And in the night, the teams involved in beheading the other three warlords finally arrived one after another. The engineers were parking their cars and working hard to replenish the terrifying hell robot dog with firepower, bullets, etc...

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