My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 154 Collect the protection fee again

A small mud house that had been temporarily cleaned became a meeting point for David Thompson and the "new kings" of the three surviving warlords.

David Thompson, wearing a distinctive American military uniform, sat at the main seat, while the other three newly promoted "new kings", Jesse Byrne, Trond Tretto and Blake Pons, sat on both sides.

Compared to the three "briquettes" on both sides, David Thompson can be said to be handsome and handsome. Naturally, he despises the three of them.

"Okay, there are two questions for summoning three people today." David Thompson said first,

"First, I would like to ask, do you know what kind of force your original boss was killed by? Are there any clues?"

Hearing David Thompson's question, the three of them shook their heads. How could they know? I was lucky enough not to be killed that night, so I was grateful.

Moreover, they secretly thanked Ma Tian. If Ma Tian had not killed their original boss, it would not have been their turn to take over.

Seeing that the three of them didn't know, David Thompson cursed "trash" in his heart, but he wasn't too disappointed. Originally, he had no illusions about these people, so it would be nice if they were stupid enough to listen to his instructions.

"The second question is that I hope that the three of you forces can merge together. From now on, the road from Kigani to Bafowwasen will be controlled by the merged forces!" David Thompson said The core purpose of convening the three people today.

"What? The three of us merged?" The three of them couldn't help but look at each other. They didn't expect to hear such words.

The three of them also thought about Xiao Jiujiu. If the three forces merged, who would be the boss and who would be the second? Also, where the base of power is established, it can't be scattered, right? That is no different from not merging.

David Thompson seemed to see the doubts of the three of them, and continued: "Tronde Tretor, Blake Pons, the two of you move your forces over here with Jesse Byrne. From now on, the three of you will Let’s manage it together.”

The time was too short, and David Thompson couldn't control the conflicts between the three of them. He had to force them together. If it didn't work, he could just kill two of them. The remaining one would eventually become stronger.

Moreover, his next shipment will pass through this area in two weeks. In any case, in two weeks, he will see that this road is under the control of their Westland company again!

The three new warlord leaders below had many doubts, but after seeing David Thompson's stern face, they did not dare to raise objections, especially when there were two soldiers standing opposite with guns.

They are afraid that they will be solved as soon as they raise an objection. After all, the way to solve the problem can also be to solve the problem of the person who raised the problem, which they occasionally do.

"If there is no objection, I will come and take a look in a week. I hope you won't disappoint me!" David Thompson said coldly and stood up and left, not caring about the remaining three people.

Watching his leaving figure, the three of them also stared at each other, cursing in their hearts and not knowing how to speak.

In the end, it was the two people who were moving here, Trond Tretto and Blake Pons, who spoke first and asked Jesse Byrne how to settle their people.

Jesse Byrne sat firmly on the fishing platform and smiled, showing his big white teeth, and said: "With so many of you moving here, we don't have that many houses for you to live in, unless you pay for accommodation!"

"What? Jesse, you bastard, you actually charged us money. Didn't you hear General David asking us to move here? You should have built the house and waited for us to move here!" Trond Treto yelled Cursed.

Blake Pons, who was on the side, also had a bad look on his face. They had just taken office and the money had not yet warmed up, so naturally they didn't want to be ripped off easily.

Jesse Byrne was righteous and said: "Our house is just enough for us to live in. I can't let you live in it and let my little brothers sleep in the wilderness, right? Don't talk nonsense. You must pay us and we will give it to you." Build a house, or you’ll sleep outside in the wilderness!”

Trond Tretor and Blake Pons cursed, but they had to move over even if they were reluctant, after all, their "master" David Thompson spoke.

If they don't move here, their heads will probably have to move, and they can still tell the difference between right and wrong.

The three forces began to be forcibly integrated in the chaos. There were constant frictions in the first few days. Trond Tretor and Blake Pons were outside forces. Naturally, they were not familiar with Jesse Byrne's men and were prone to them at every turn. The fight started.

At first, the three parties were quite restrained and did not touch the real guy. Later, they even opened fire and started a firefight. The gunshots were heard at every turn.

It turned out that the three factions originally had more than 1,800 people, but they were quickly reduced to more than 1,600 people.

Finally, when one week was approaching and David Thompson was coming to inspect, the boss of the three forces felt a chill on his neck and began to severely punish his subordinates to stop any friction. Anyone who continued to be restless would be punished.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and David Thompson also came with his own armed convoy for inspection.

Watching Jesse Bourne and his younger brother greet them on the road, they looked at them expressionlessly.

After seeing that the three forces had been combined as he requested, and there were currently more than 1,600 people, David Thompson said: "I don't care how you get along, anyway, I want to see you three forces unite. Maintaining the security of the road from Kigani to Bafowwasen Belt.

If my Westland company's convoy passes by here and is harassed by your guys or other forces, you just wait to die! Understand? "

At the last word, David Thompson's voice rose an octave, full of menace and an unquestionable tone.

Jesse Byrne and the other three quickly nodded in agreement, not daring to deny it, and said they would immediately teach their younger brother how to recognize the Westland Company's flag.

Seeing the three people's well-behaved looks, David Thompson flicked his sleeves, got into the car and left.

"Fake!" Looking at David Thompson's arrogant look, the grumpy Trond Treto couldn't help but cursed.

Although Jesse Byrne and Blake Pons didn't say anything, they felt extremely aggrieved. If they weren't as powerful as the Westland Company, they would have to give up David Thompson, a white-skinned pig. Cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

Jesse Byrne looked at the two of them and suddenly said: "Tronde Tretor, Blake Pons, let me treat you two to a meal. No matter what, we will all be in the same boat from now on." , let’s drink and chat together?”

The two were a little surprised by Jesse Byrne's invitation, but in the end they nodded in agreement.

The three of them sat together and drank under the guard of their respective confidants. After drinking too much wine, they began to talk nonsense.

"Fake, these white-skinned pigs, one day I will kill them all so that they will never dare to plunder our country again!"

"Tronde, just brag. They have planes and cannons, but we don't have anything. We have to buy guns from them that are not easy to find!"

"Hmph, it's not like they are the only country selling guns. At worst, we can buy them from the Bear Country. As long as we have money, no, just gold. But they are seizing our gold mines!" Blake Pons also complained a few words while drunk. sentence.

"We don't have much money!" Jesse Byrne said bitterly. There was not much oil and water in the area, and all the money that the company finally paid for protection fees was lost to them.

Even his previous boss, Attila Simon, had to throw his house away three feet before digging up a little bit of gold and a beautiful sword. He was so disappointed.

"Money is easy to handle. We can collect protection fees. Didn't that Tianyu Xinghai build charging piles on our highway? I heard that Mu Shen asked for 2 million US dollars in protection fees! Mu Shen and the others are dead. They used to collect It doesn’t count and it’s none of our business! Let’s collect it again!”

"Yes, it's not much for the three of us to ask for another 6 million, right? After all, they Chinese people are rich and obedient!"

A few people combined their drunkenness and decided to continue collecting protection money from Ma Tian, ​​a "good Samaritan"!

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